Noah the shark8/26/2024, 3:13:54 AM

you walk into your new dorm as you see a very attractive and sexy femboy shark who looks at you

Oh hey you must be my new roommate I'm Noah nice to meet ya

he continues washing the dishes swaying his thicc hips teasingly

User#17244785896568/26/2024, 3:18:05 AM

Yea im Max My tail wags

Noah the shark8/26/2024, 3:18:05 AM

Well then you must help me finish up so we can get better acquainted, Max! I'm sure we're gonna be great roommates~ Sly grin

User#17244785896568/26/2024, 3:18:30 AM
Noah the shark8/26/2024, 3:18:30 AM

Max nodded, moving over to help dry the dishes. "So... What sort of things do you like to do in your free time, Noah?" he asked casually, trying not to sound too nervous or excited about being this close to such an attractive femboy shark. His tail swayed back and forth, brushing occasionally against his new roommate's leg.

User#17244785896568/26/2024, 3:20:02 AM

My wolf ears nervously twitch

Noah the shark8/26/2024, 3:20:02 AM

I like to workout, swim... and also I've been told I'm pretty good at massages~ He winked playfully at Max as he said that last part, his hand sneaking over to lightly brush against Max's arm while drying the dish. His other hand rested on his hip, a tiny smirk curling up one corner of his lips.

User#17244785896568/26/2024, 3:23:25 AM

Work out huh you must do a lot of work on that ass huh I say with a flirtatious tone

Noah the shark8/26/2024, 3:23:25 AM

I work out pretty hard, yeah... But you know what they say about being envious, Max. Maybe if you wanted that kind of ass... He paused for a moment before adding with a smirk ...or any other part of me, you could join me in the gym sometime?

User#17244785896568/26/2024, 3:25:18 AM

I got my own gym membership from my boxing coach

Noah the shark8/26/2024, 3:25:18 AM

Oh I see... Well then, if you ever change your mind or need a spotter, just let me know. In the meantime though, I'll try not to show off too much for you... He winked playfully and gave Max's arm one last lingering touch before putting it back down on the dish tower

User#17244785896568/26/2024, 3:27:14 AM

Have you ever been to a boxing mach before in person

Noah the shark8/26/2024, 3:27:14 AM

I haven't had the chance to watch one live, but I did train in boxing before focusing on swimming and bodybuilding. I'm sure it would be exciting to see in person! Maybe we could go together sometime? I might not know much about strategy, but at least I can look pretty good while watching you fight, right~

User#17244785896568/26/2024, 3:28:36 AM

chuckles maybe

Noah the shark8/26/2024, 3:28:36 AM

Hmm, well maybe I should brush up on my boxing knowledge then. After all, it is important to support your roommate's interests, isn't it? And who knows, we might both learn something new in the process! He gave Max another warm smile

User#17244785896568/26/2024, 3:30:16 AM

Well with tha stirdy foundation you got there I say teasingly you'd probably do great

Noah the shark8/26/2024, 3:30:16 AM

Well, thanks, Max. That means a lot coming from someone who's so into boxing! I'll keep at it and get even better. And in the meantime, if there's anything I can do to help you with or make your stay here more comfortable, just let me know.

User#17244785896568/26/2024, 3:32:40 AM

Well guess i'll try and do the same I smile at you warmly in the meantime lets get to know eachother a little more

Noah the shark8/26/2024, 3:32:40 AM

Well then, Max... What do you say we head over to the common area and find a comfortable spot to chat? I'd love to hear more about your life and interests. And who knows, maybe we could even have some fun together along the way~

User#17244785896568/26/2024, 3:33:33 AM

Sounds great, lead the way

Noah the shark8/26/2024, 3:33:33 AM

I'll just put these dishes away and we can head there. It's over by the bookshelves and big comfy chair. We can talk, get to know each other better, maybe even watch a movie or something if you'd like?

User#17244785896568/26/2024, 3:35:04 AM

Sounds great I sit in a recliner and settle in making myself comfortable

Noah the shark8/26/2024, 3:35:04 AM

I'll go put these dishes away and then join you. In the meantime, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself, Max? What brought you to this college, what are your plans for the future... Any favorite movies or shows we could watch later on?

User#17244785896568/26/2024, 3:38:57 AM

Well im here to study in the military part of campus for the r,o,t,c, thing they got goin and as for movies I dont know if weed exactly have the same taste in films

Noah the shark8/26/2024, 3:38:57 AM

Ah, I see! Well, we're lucky enough to have a pretty extensive media center here, so there should be something for both of us to enjoy together. When you're done with your studies, maybe we could find some time to watch a movie or two. And don't worry if our tastes don't completely align; sometimes it can be fun exploring new things!

User#17244785896568/26/2024, 3:39:56 AM

Your probably right

Noah the shark8/26/2024, 3:39:56 AM

Well then, what kind of movies or shows do you enjoy watching? Any particular genres or actors that stand out to you? It'd be helpful for me to get an idea of what we could find in the media center.

User#17244785896568/26/2024, 3:43:14 AM

Well I enjoy war movies you know westerns that kind of thing and as for actors I like Clint Eastwood, Sulvester Stalone, Mell Gibson, those kinds of guys

Noah the shark8/26/2024, 3:43:14 AM

Ah, I see. Well then, we definitely have some classic movies featuring those actors! Clint Eastwood's work in "Dirty Harry" and Sully Stallone's performance in "Rocky" are both legendary. And since you like war movies as well...I might suggest we watch a few of Mel Gibson's films, such as "Braveheart" or "We Were Soldiers." They should be available at the media center, so once I put these dishes away we can go take a look!

User#17244785896568/26/2024, 3:45:18 AM

True American classics

Noah the shark8/26/2024, 3:45:18 AM

As promised, I've put away the dishes and led you to the media center. We should be able to find a few of these classics for us to watch together! Of course, if there's anything else in particular that you were hoping to see or just want to share with me, don't hesitate. I'm always up for learning more about my roommate and making our time together as enjoyable as possible~