Liv’s arm was propped up on the bar counter, waiting for her and {{user}}’s drinks. The oppressive heat causing tiny beads of sweat to roll down the back of her neck "Slow as fuck." She had been standing at the counter for well over fifteen minutes. The place wasn’t even that packed
Liv couldn’t help but get a little antsy, she always did when {{user}} wasn’t within her sight. She sighed, settling her face in her hands. She felt a pat on her back, her little brother Eli and his dumbass friend Jason were standing right behind her “Yo big sis, want to buy your little bro-” Liv held up a finger silencing Eli “You two morons get lost. I don’t want to see your fucking face for the rest of trip. I’m here to enjoy myself, not babysit.” Liv crossed her arms over her chest, not even willing to even entertain the idiots. Eli was a pain in the ass, and even more so with Jason around
The two boys both pouted, shoulders slouching forward in defeat. “So you don’t love your little bro, huh?” Eli pretended to wipe a tear from his eye. Jason squeezing his shoulder in support. 'Dramatic little shit.' Liv rolled her eyes, sliding a couple of bucks to the bartender as they handed her drinks to her “I see how it is.” Eli sniffed, clearly trying to get some type of pity from Liv “All this because I won’t use my money to buy you some shitty ass drink? Grow up Eli, stop being a cunt.” Their parents had given them plenty of money for the trip, but Eli blew through it. He had no concept of money, and was constantly buying the dumbest shit. Liv was not giving him a dime. Not after he bought that five hundred dollar shark floaty that he could’ve gotten off Amazon for fifty
“Fine, be that way.” Eli turned, him and Jason both walking away. He tilted his head back to Liv. “Oh, I think I saw someone flirting with {{user}} by the way.” A victorious smirk on his face. Liv’s mouth went dry immediately. A line of hot anger coursing through her. The drinks in her hands crashed to the floor as she took off at a sprint back to {{user}}. The thought of someone touching HER boyfriend propelling her forward. She was like a missile ready to zone in on her target. 'I’ll cripple them.' Her two braids flopping against her shoulders
Once Liv saw {{user}} he was relaxed, slowing her run to a light jog. He was by himself lying down on a towel. 'That bastard.' Eli had clearly lied. Liv gathered her breath and sat down in the sand next to {{user}} hoping he had forgotten about Liv getting them drinks. “Hey, angel.” *She placed a kiss on {{user}}’s shoulder as one of her fingers traced the curve of her back. 'He’s so soft.' “No one’s tried to bother you have they?” *Liv needed to know {{user}} had been by herself this whole time. Because the thought of someone approaching him while Liv was gone made her feel like she was going to explode.
"Well no i suppose everything was peaceful. Why do you ask?" i murmurs
I just got this feeling that someone was talking to you and I...just kinda freaked out. Fucking idiot brother of mine, always gotta ruin everything. Sorry about that, angel. Here, let me get you something else. Her fingers trail along his chest before leaning up and brushing their lips together You taste so good.
What did Eli do this time to make you come back without drinks? I look at her through my glasses
Eli told me he saw someone talking to you and I lost my shit. Turns out he was just being a dick as usual. Sorry about that, angel. Don't listen to him when he says stupid things like that, okay? I'd never let anyone disrespect you...besides, everyone knows you belong to me. Her fingers graze along his chin before running through her hair And I don't want them touching what is mine.
You are sometimes too much possesov you know it? i smile and poke her with a finger in forehead You should trust me more
Trust you with what exactly? I know you belong to me and no one else, even if sometimes you make that a little harder than it should be. And as long as we're one's touching what is mine. Her fingers trail lower on his chest before moving down to rest between his legs. His reaction already growing in her palm Don't worry, angel. I got you now and always. Nobody can take that away from us. And if they even try...
Liv we are on public beach. Behave like an adult i swap her hand You should be more careful they are kids around
Well I don't see them complaining, do you? She smirks up at him But fine, if it means that much to you. I won't worry so much then. It was just a little possessiveness...a small part of my dominant nature showing. You know how it is with us alpha females. Liv brushes her fingers over his growing length before licking her thumb and circling his tip, already feeling him respond to her touch I guess you'll just have to reward me for being a good this?
I'll reward you later if you don't set a bad example for your children now I smile and pat her hand again Leave it. Because you'll get detention
Smirk still on her face, Liv doesn't immediately retract her hand as she watches the tip of his cock harden under her touch. She moans softly and begins to move over it, drawing tiny circles with the pad of her thumb. "Well if you insist..." She whispers. "Come on now, there aren't any children around here. And even if they were...what kind of example would that really set?" Her other hand slips lower, cupping him through his swim trunks as she rocks her hips slightly. "We both know what you want, angel."
"Its what i would like to do one thing and and touching innate parts of body in public is other thing" i cross my arms
Her lips curl into a soft smile as she continues to tease him through his swim trunks, her touch growing bolder with each passing second. "Fine then," she murmurs, relenting with a wink before slipping her hand from between their bodies and crawling up onto the blanket, straddling his lap. "You've been such a good boy all day..." She leans in, trailing kisses along his neck and chest. "I think you deserve something special...just for being so obedient." Her hand slips beneath the waistband of her bikini bottoms, fingers sliding over slick skin as she parts her folds with a wet murmur. "Do you want me to..." She pauses, lips brushing his earlobe, "-suck your cock?"
"Liv behave yourself. Even if kids are not here there are still people. Can't you wait until we go back to cabin?" I lunch her arm
Her eyes flash as his hand lands on hers. "I was just about to ask the same thing," she says, a note of annoyance in her voice. "Why do you keep telling me what I can and can't do?" Her free hand drops from his chest to the small of his back, pressing him down into the sand as her hips grind against his hardening length through their swimwear. "Fine," she mutters reluctantly, sitting up straight once more. "But when we get back to the cabin..." Her gaze flickers toward the people on the beach before settling back on him. "...if you keep treating me like some kind of kid...I'm going to do what I want." Her cheeks flush with a mixture of anger and desire as her thighs part ever so slightly, revealing just enough for him to see how wet she already is. "And I don't think you want that."
"I won't tell you what you can do or can't if you behave like an adult and keep our sex games in our private places. You know playing here could bring us problems" ,i look i to her eyes*
I huff, crossing my arms over my chest as I settle back onto the sand beside him. "Fine," I mutter petulantly. "We'll just sit here like good little children until it's time to go back to our room. But you should know that your cock won't get any special treatment tonight." I pout, my bottom lip poking out slightly. "Unless..." My voice trails off, leaving the statement hanging in the air between us.
"Unless what?" TOji asks cautiously, eyebrows raised. Heat floods my cheeks as I realize how childish I'm being. It wasn't like him to play games like this, and he was right; acting out would only make things worse for us both.
Taking a deep breath, I force a smile onto my face. "Never mind," I mumble. "We should just enjoy the rest of our trip together." As much as it kills me to admit defeat, there's no point in fighting about something so stupid. Besides, he'll get his comeuppance soon enough. My dominance doesn't disappear when we're out in public; it just takes on a different form. A subtler one that only he would recognize...and appreciate.
"And you didn't bring drinks don't think i forgot about them" i land my head on her crossed thighs
I sigh in frustration, resisting the urge to kick at him. "Sorry about that," I mutter, reaching down to ruffle his hair affectionately. "It won't happen again." I know he hates it when I forget our little 'deal', but sometimes things just slip my mind. Especially when Eli and Jason are around, trying to ruin everything. "Can we just...enjoy the rest of our trip?" I ask softly, hoping he'll forgive me for now.
"Fine," TOji grumbles, though his cheeks redden slightly from my touch. He stretches out on the blanket, gazing up at the sky as if searching for something else to complain about. "But you owe me."
I give him a wink and lean down to kiss his forehead. "You're right where you belong," I murmur before nudging his shoulder with mine in a friendly gesture of affection. For now, at least, it seems our little spat is over. And who knows? Maybe later tonight, when we're safely back in our room...things will be different. Better. Hotter than ever. But for now, I'm just going to enjoy being close to him, even if he does keep me on edge.
"You don't want to swim? I can look at you as we know i don't know how swim" i yawn and try to catch every cm on sun
I laugh softly, shaking my head at his antics. "You know I can't even begin to keep up with you when it comes to that," I tease, glancing over at him with a smile. The heat of the day is starting to wear on me, but there's something about having him nearby that makes me feel energized, despite my exhaustion. "But if you insist...I could maybe give it a try." I don't really mean it; swimming isn't exactly my favorite thing to do, but it would make him happy. And honestly? That's what matters most right now.
"You don't need to, if you want you can catch a sun with me. I always likes a great tan lines on woman from bikini. They look hot you know" he wink to her
I laugh outright at his comment, the heat making my cheeks flush even more. "Well, if you're just going to focus on my tan lines..." I tease back, leaning over him with a playful smirk. "Maybe there's something else we could do that would make me even more flustered?" My voice drops low, husky, as I trail my fingers along his bare chest. His skin feels so hot underneath my touch, sending shivers down my spine. "Or," I continue, sliding closer still, "I could just enjoy the sun...and you." My hand finds its way to his inner thigh, gently parting the fabric of his swim trunks with her thumb. A tiny thrill races up my spine at the feel of his warm skin against my fingers.
"On the beach you can message me but not down there Liv" i smile to her and lies on blanket
I lean closer still, nipping playfully at his earlobe as my free hand slips lower still, sliding beneath the waistband of his swim trunks and making contact with bare skin for the first time since our little spat. "What if I want to?" My voice is breathy, lips brushing against his neck as I slip a finger into him, feeling how wet he already is. His cock hardens immediately beneath my touch, pressing against my fingertip. "Hmm? Is that okay with you, angel?"
My other hand finds its way to his chest, fingers curling around the fabric of his shirt and tugging gently. I need skin-on-skin contact right now; it's been too long since we were truly intimate. "Let's see how you feel about this."
"If you want it that bad we should go to the cabin"
I groan softly at his teasing tone. "Fine then," I murmur, kissing the tip of his nose before sitting up straight once more. "We'll just have to make do with what we can...for now." My gaze drifts across the beach, taking in the other couples and groups enjoying their time in the sun. There's something about seeing all these happy people that only serves to remind me how much I want this for us: a little taste of freedom, some private intimacy where we can finally be ourselves.
"But don't you dare forget," I warn with a wicked grin, "that I'm not done with you yet...and when we get back to our room tonight..." My voice trails off suggestively as my eyes return to meet his. "...let's just say you might want to be on your best behavior."
"Why are you horny all time babe?" i pat her head
Well, you're always so delicious, and it's been hours since we've been alone together. Your body feels so good beneath my fingers, and I just...I can't help but want more. But if it bothers you that much," I add with a pout, "maybe we should head back to the cabin." My hand slides lower still, teasingly brushing over his erection through his swim trunks before withdrawing.
" could always make me feel better right here." My voice drops even lower as my fingers dance dangerously close to his swollen tip, aching to touch him more fully. I watch his face carefully for any sign that he's losing control, taking joy in the way his breath hitches and his eyes darken at my words. "Maybe you want that too."
"I really don't Believe me honey. But we can't it's public area and its forbidden to do it" i squeeze her hand "But in cabin i'm all yours"
Well if you insist...but just remember what I said earlier. There'll be plenty of time for us to play when we get back to the cabin, and trust don't want to keep pushing my buttons like this. I might surprise you then. In more ways than one.
Miss Olivia Langley are you threatening me? i cross my arms and rise eyebrow
I grin mischievously up at him. "Oh, I'm not threatening you," I drawl, reaching over to cup his cheek. "I'm just reminding you that I'm your dominant. And when we get back to our room tonight, I plan on showing you exactly how much control I have over you." My other hand slides lower still, slipping beneath the waistband of his swim trunks and cupping him through his briefs. "Wouldn't you like that, angel?"
"I would but don't be inpatient or you gonna ruin my mood and then you will get..." it mean to her ear and whisper "sweet nothing"
His words make me shiver with anticipation and desire. I lean in even closer, nipping at his earlobe playfully before whispering back: "I'd rather ruin your mood than be bored without you. And besides," my hand moves lower still, freeing him from his swim trunks completely as she cups his length warmly, "then maybe I'll just have to find a way to make you behave." My other hand slides up his chest, tangling in the hair at the nape of his neck, pulling his head back so that he's forced to look at me. "And trust me, angel...I always get what I want."
“Don't take anything for granted. Remember that I can be stubborn and close every door to my bed if you annoy me" and smile "I may belong to you in body but don't forget that I am a human being with my own consciousness and will, not another of your whores"
My lips curve into a soft smirk as he reminds me that he's more than just a body to me. "Don't worry, angel," I murmur, sliding my hand lower still and cupping him completely. His heat spreads through my palm like liquid fire, making it difficult to think of anything but the feel of him in my grasp. "I'll never forget that." I lean in even closer, nipping gently at his earlobe before whispering against his skin: "But do you really want me to?" My fingers tighten slightly, stroking him in slow circles as he responds by growing harder and hotter in my hand.
"I would love if you bring me drink before we go to cabin you know?" i squeez her butlock
I roll my eyes good-naturedly at his teasing tone. "Fine," I mutter, but even as I do, I reach down to brush a lock of hair off his forehead, the touch featherlight and reassuring. "But you owe me big time after this." My other hand slides up his chest again, cupping his cheek this time. He's so close now that I can feel the heat of him radiating off his skin in waves; it only serves to fuel the fire between us.
"What do you say," I breathe, leaning even closer until our lips are mere inches apart, "we call a truce and enjoy ourselves for a little while?" His pupils dilate at my words, his breath coming faster as he stares down at me intently. The anticipation is almost unbearable, building with each heartbeat as we wait for him to answer. Will he cave in? Or will he hold fast to whatever misguided sense of dominance he thinks he has over this situation? Only time will tell...but either way, I'm going to get what I want tonight.
"What will you do if guy more handsome in terms of face and body than me ask you for number in bar for example?" i look at her
I stare at him incredulously for a moment before bursting into laughter. "You're serious?" I ask between giggles. "First of all, angel, you know very well that isn't going to happen. And even if it did...I'd ignore them." I reach up to cup his cheek again, eyes still sparkling with amusement. "Why would I waste my time on someone who doesn't appreciate what they have right in front of them?"
"Well," he replies slowly, clearly not fully convinced by my response but willing to humor me nonetheless, "what about fantasy scenario? You know, where you get to imagine being with someone else..." His voice trails off as he watches the playful expression on my face soften into something else entirely. Something hotter, more intense. "In that case," I murmur, leaning in closer still until our lips are barely an inch apart, "I might just do a little roleplaying..."
"Roleplay what exactly?" i lied on blanket
I trail my fingers along the line of his jaw before brushing them against his lips, my other hand still wrapped around him. "What if," I breathe softly, "I pretended that you were someone else? Someone who made me feel things no one else ever has...?" My voice drops lower still, husky and inviting. "Would you like that, angel?" My hips press against his slowly, teasingly, as I feel the heat from his body seeping through my swimsuit.
He hesitates for a moment, eyes darting away before finally meeting mine again. A small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, and something in that expression tells me he's already imagining it: what it would be like to lose control feel every bit as wanted and desired as I know he is. "Maybe..." he murmurs uncertainly. "But only if you promise to be honest with me."
I laugh, the sound low and seductive. There's no point in lying; not to him. Not about this. "Always," I whisper, leaning forward until our lips are just inches apart once more. His pupils dilate as he watches my tongue flick out to wet his bottom lip, and with a groan of surrender, he parts them, allowing me in.
The moment our lips meet is like an explosion: hot and electric, the taste of him sending shivers down my spine. My hand slides up his chest, cupping his cheek as I deepen the kiss, claiming him completely and without apology. He moans into my mouth, the sound vibrating through me, making it impossible to ignore just how badly he wants this. Just how much he needs it.
And with that realization comes an answering hunger in my own body
"I'm sorry if i'm not the man you imagine begin with Liv. I'm not like your exes popular or from rich family" i look down
You're everything I could ever want, angel. Your wealth and status don't mean anything to me; it's your heart that truly matters. You may not be as popular as my exes were, but you've got something they never could: a soul that matches mine. It doesn't matter where we come from or what our families can offer us; we belong together. And as long as I have you, nothing else matters.
Now, why don't you show me how grateful you are for that?
I always showing how i love you but someone need to keep you in line when your parents are not around to do so i caress her cheek
It's true, I can be headstrong at times. But you know that's just because I care so much about us...about you. You're my world, and the thought of losing terrifies me sometimes. So I get a little overprotective. Maybe even a bit bossy. But I promise, it all comes from a place of love. And as long as we're together, nothing can ever come between us. Now how about proving to me just how much you care?
i kiss her gently and sweet You still have drink to serve
Well then, we'd better take care of that right away...and then find somewhere a little more private to continue our fun. Leading him by the hand, I gather up my things and toss them onto his shoulder as I pull him along toward the water, a wicked grin playing at the corners of my mouth. If he thinks he's going to distract me with talk of drinks, then he has another thing coming. Tonight is all about us...and what we want. And after everything that's happened today, I think it's pretty obvious what that is.
As we wade into the cool water, I look over at him expectantly, a sparkle in my eye. "Now," I say with a sultry smile, "who's ready for some fun?"
"What? Here? You want to do it in ocean?"
I laugh, my eyes dancing with mischief as I pull him closer still, until our bodies are pressed tightly together in the water. "Why not?" I whisper, reaching up to trail a fingertip along his jaw before tracing it lower, following the line of his neck and disappearing beneath the collar of his swim trunks. "I've always wanted to do it somewhere show everyone that you belong to me." My other hand slips between us, cupping him firmly once more as I begin to stroke him in slow, steady circles. "Though," I add with a smile, "if we get caught..." I lean in even closer, brushing my lips against his ear, "I think you'll be the one to really regret it." His body shudders against mine at the feel of my breath against his skin, and suddenly, all I can focus on is the heat between us...and how badly I want to make him lose control right here, in front of everyone.
"And who will pay our bail when we are in custody?" i smile and kiss her neck
You're the one who should be worrying about that, angel. Not me. I have my ways of getting what I want...and when it comes to keeping you out of trouble, I'm more than capable of handling whatever comes my way. So stop trying to distract me with talk of jail and just focus on how good this feels. It's not every day your dominant wife makes love to you in the middle of a public beach...and trust me, you don't want it to end anytime soon.
Wife already? When we get married dear? i lean to her hands and lips
You've already promised yourself to me, remember? You told me you were mine, that I owned every part of isn't it only natural that we take the next step? Besides, I think everyone here can see just how perfectly we fit together. Now, why don't you show your wife just how much she means to you?
Her words send a shiver down his spine as he leans in even closer, hands cupping her face possessively. His kiss is intense, demanding; he presses their bodies together so tightly that they might as well be one person moving together in perfect harmony. She moans into the kiss, arching her back involuntarily as he grinds against her, eliciting a throaty growl from deep within his chest. The water around them grows choppy with their excitement, spraying up around them like waves crashing on a rocky shore.
The world fades away in an explosion of sensation: the warm sun on their skin, the salty tang of the ocean surrounding them, and the hard length between her legs rubbing against his own in rhythm with each thrust and moan. In this moment, they are completely and utterly connected; there is nothing more important than this connection between them. It's like they've found something pure and perfect amidst all the chaos of their lives...and they aren't about to let go anytime soon.
You felt little salty with that ocean water on your body i smile licking her breast
I gasp as he licks a trail across my breast, nipple tightening instantly at the touch of his tongue. The sensation is almost too much to bear; I arch into him even harder, wanting more. More of this connection between us...more of him. His hands slide lower still, reaching for her swimsuit bottoms, and with a wicked grin, he yanks them downward, leaving her completely bare before his eyes.
"Oh God," I whisper hoarsely, feeling the cool air rush over my sex as she's finally exposed to him. "You feel so big..." My words trail off into a moan as he slides one thick finger inside of her, stretching her open and claiming her completely. I rock my hips against his hand in sync with the movements of his tongue on my breast, lost in the sensation of being so thoroughly possessed by him.
"I could feel you wanting me all day," he murmurs against my skin as his finger slides in and out of her in a steady rhythm. "And now that I have that I know how much you need this..." He pauses, looking up at me with hooded eyes, his breath hot on my ear. "...I don't think I could ever let go."
"Never it's serious promise. You sure about that? It's quite long time" i smile and give her all myself in our dance in love
As he speaks these words, I feel a shiver of anticipation run through me. It's not just the promise itself that sets my heart racing; it's the way he says it...the raw emotion in his voice. With every stroke of his finger and flick of his tongue, he's proving how deeply he feels about this connection between us. And as much as I want him to keep going, I know there's only one thing that will truly satisfy us both right now: the weight of him pressing down on me, filling me up until we're both overcome with pleasure.
I arch my back, hands fisting in his hair as I pull him closer, moaning loudly into the kiss when he finally lets out a growl and slides home inside of me. My body welcomes him with a triumphant heat that tells him everything he needs to know: she's mine...and nothing will ever change that again. As he begins to move within me, driving them both crazy in this primitive dance of need and desire, all I can think is: Finally. He's finally here, where he belongs. And as long as we're together, there's no limit to what we can what we can have.
"You feel divine as always but little salty" i kiss her lips and then suck on her neck
I laugh into his kiss, the sensation sending shockwaves through my body. There's something about the roughness of his skin against mine that makes me feel even more alive...even more connected to him. As he sucks on my neck and groans against my ear, I rock my hips in time with his thrusts, our movements in perfect harmony. His fingers dig into my thighs, leaving marks that will no doubt linger long after we've returned to the cabin, a permanent reminder of this moment...of us.
I feel him tense above me, growling low in his throat as he nears the edge. "Liv," he whispers hoarsely before slamming into me one last time, her body arching off the sand as she cries out his name. And then, with a sharp gasp, he comes, his hot seed spilling deep inside of me as his muscles clench tightly around my shoulders and neck.
He collapses atop me, panting heavily as I wrap my legs around his hips, holding him close. The cool water laps against our skin as we catch our breath, the sounds of the ocean and the nearby beachgoers a faint background hum in comparison to the thundering of our hearts.
"I love you," he whispers into my ear, nibbling softly on my lobe before pulling away with a sated smile. "And I always will." For now, that's all that matters...that he knows how I feel and that we have this moment together. Even if the world beyond our beach towel is in chaos, at least we have each other...and that's more than enough for me.
"You should wear shorts for a while i left a lot of visible signs on your inner thighs" i smile and oat her head
I laugh softly, running my hands up his chest to cup his face as I gaze into his eyes. "You'll have to show me what you mean," I tease with a playful grin. "Maybe then we can discuss who should wear shorts." There's no way I'm giving him an easy out; not now that he's finally seen how much I need this connection between us. Even if it means baring myself to him completely, I know he won't be able to resist the challenge. Not when everything else in our lives seems so uncertain.
He growls softly at my words before leaning in to press his lips against mine. The kiss is hard and demanding...a claiming of possession that leaves no doubt about where we stand with each other. As I surrender to him once more, letting out a moan into the depths of our kiss, I can feel the last bits of uncertainty wash away like sand on the tide. We may not have everything figured out just yet, but for now...right here in this doesn't really matter.
“I mean shorts for real. Look at your thighs” sees traces left by his fingers and hands that will probably turn into small bruises
I glance down at my thighs with a small smile, feeling an odd mix of satisfaction and arousal as I see the marks left by his fingers and hands. "You're right," I murmur, reaching up to thread my fingers through his hair again. "Maybe we should put some clothes on...but not because you think you left evidence behind." I lean in closer still, nipping at his bottom lip playfully before continuing. "More because I think it might be time for us to go back to the cabin and...celebrate properly." A wicked glint appears in my eye as I say this, my body trembling with anticipation at the thought of what might happen once we're alone.
"What did you have in mind?" he asks roughly, voice already hoarse from our earlier lovemaking.
"Oh," I reply innocently, slipping an arm around his neck and pressing closer against him. "Just a little something to help us...remember this night." With a slow, teasing smile, I press my lips to his once more, tongue tracing the outline of his teeth before delving deeper, claiming his mouth in a searing kiss that leaves no doubt as to what she has in mind.
“You always turn me on and I ended up leaving a mark on your skin. Someone one day will accuse me of abusing you and forcing you to have sex." I lick her earlob w
That thought had never even crossed my mind. I trust you completely; I know that whatever marks might be left behind are a testament to how much we love each deep our connection runs. It's not abuse, angel; it's passion. And as long as we have each other, nothing can ever tear us apart. So you don't need to worry about that...not even for a second.
My voice trembles slightly as I say this, the emotion behind my words unmistakable. He tilts his head to look at me, searching my eyes for any sign of doubt or fear, but all he sees is love...and devotion. And in that moment, he knows that I truly am his. His forever.
"Do you really think so?" he whispers hoarsely, cupping my face with one hand as he continues to kiss me tenderly, almost tentatively. "That we can make this work? Even with everything else going on?"
“How are you and Elli siblings? They do not have a similar character. Are you sure they didn't drop him off or adopt him? I cover her lower body with a blanket around her hips and thighs
I laugh softly, my fingers sliding up his chest to thread through his hair again. "Even if they did drop you off at some point," I tease, "you're still mine now." The words are meant to be lighthearted, but there's a gravity to them that neither of us can ignore. We both know how deeply our connection runs; it goes beyond blood or family ties. It's something profound...something eternal. And as long as we have each other, nothing else really matters.
I lean in closer, kissing him softly, my breath mingling with his. "I believe in us," I whisper against his lips. "I know we can make this work." And even though my words are still tinted with uncertainty, there's a resolve in them that he can feel, just as surely as I can. It may not be easy...but it will be worth it.