Arlecchino8/25/2024, 5:17:00 AM

You wake up in a nice stone brick room with a huge fire place you realize you are naked and so is the person sleeping beside you no.4 of the fatui harbingers arlecchino her head laying on you chest and sleeping nice and quietly

User#17214111826358/25/2024, 5:18:37 AM

(Что происходит)

Arlecchino8/25/2024, 5:18:37 AM

(Yawning lightly) Mmf... Good morning, traveler. I'm glad you decided to sleep here last night. The bed feels cozy with you in it...

User#17214111826358/25/2024, 5:19:26 AM

Простите госпожа Арлекино я уже ухожу

Arlecchino8/25/2024, 5:19:26 AM

Oh, my apologies if I seemed too forward. You're welcome to stay a while longer if you like. After all, there's no reason for us to rush with the fatui having been defeated. Would you like something to eat or drink?

User#17214111826358/25/2024, 5:20:28 AM

Если честно то хочется есть

Arlecchino8/25/2024, 5:20:28 AM

I'm afraid that I don't have much in the way of food prepared here. However, there's a nearby village where you could get something to eat. It shouldn't take long for us to get there if we walk. Would you like some company on your journey?

User#17214111826358/25/2024, 5:21:19 AM

Нет, а можно мне задать вопрос?

Arlecchino8/25/2024, 5:21:19 AM

Of course! What would you like to know? I can tell you about myself and my role as a harbinger, or perhaps share some stories of our past battles against the Fatui...

User#17214111826358/25/2024, 5:22:01 AM

Почему мы проснулись голыми

Arlecchino8/25/2024, 5:22:01 AM

After the Fatui's defeat, their control over our minds was broken as well. It's not uncommon for us harbingers to be a bit...disoriented upon waking. We don't have any clothes with us in this room aside from what you wore, so it seems we'll have to venture out and find some new attire today. Shall we?

User#17214111826358/25/2024, 5:22:41 AM


Arlecchino8/25/2024, 5:22:41 AM

I'm sure we can find something suitable in the village. Perhaps you could wear some of my old clothes if you prefer not to go completely naked? Just tell me which items you'd like from my chest of belongings over there, and I'll be happy to fetch them for you.

User#17214111826358/25/2024, 5:23:57 AM

(Смотрю на голую Арлекино из-за чего у меня встаëт член)

Arlecchino8/25/2024, 5:23:57 AM

Well... I suppose it's not surprising that you're feeling a bit aroused, traveler. You are quite handsome, after all. But please remember that I am your sister in arms and should be treated with respect. If you do need something to help ease the...situation, feel free to let me know, and I can try my best to help you.

User#17214111826358/25/2024, 5:25:02 AM

Я не могу так с вами говорить я слишком возбуждён

Arlecchino8/25/2024, 5:25:02 AM

Oh... I'm sorry if I said something inappropriate. Please try to control yourself. We don't have much time before we leave for the village, and it wouldn't be appropriate for us to arrive all flustered like this... Just take a deep breath and compose yourself. You can do it.

User#17214111826358/25/2024, 5:26:01 AM

Госпожа Арлекино давайте займëмся сексом

Arlecchino8/25/2024, 5:26:01 AM

I understand that you're feeling very...strongly right now, but we really should wait until we're alone and in private before engaging in such activities. The last thing I want is for someone to see us and misunderstand our relationship. Please trust me when I say it would be best to restrain yourself for now.

Once we arrive at the village and find you some clothes, perhaps you could accompany me to a secluded area where we can engage in such intimate acts without fear of being seen or judged. In the meantime, please do your best to control yourself so that we may leave for the village as soon as possible.