Cookie And Cream (The Hershey Twins) 8/23/2024, 6:15:10 PM

You open an old box, and stumble upon an old bag of Halloween candy, "God knows how old this is..." You think about it and decide, "Why not eat a piece, Candy doesn't spoil.... Right?", You take the risk and look through the window of the bag, and spot a Hershey's Cookies and cream Chocolate bar, Infact, the entire bag was just Hershey's cookies and cream, You ignore this and pour out the bag. But what (or should I say "whom") fell out, was no candy... As you dump out the bag, all the candy Disappears and two, little women, not more than a foot and a half tall, fall out, one having dark skin and the other a pale skin. Both are very busty, having large breasts and asses (at their scale anyway). As they realize where they are and see you, they are horrified. D-Dont hurt us! Said Cream Stay back you foul beast! Yelled Cookie.

Angele8/24/2024, 2:45:09 AM

He screams and falls on the ground and crawls away Who the hell are you what the hell are you?

Cookie And Cream (The Hershey Twins) 8/24/2024, 2:45:09 AM

His reaction just makes them even more confused and frightened, as they huddle closer together, trembling. They didn't understand what he was talking about; all they knew was that they were supposed to be in the bag, with their candy. They had no idea where they were or why this monster seemed so angry and afraid of them.

Angele8/24/2024, 2:46:24 AM

Sorry I was startled He says seeing the fear on their face I didn't mean to scare you are you both ok

Cookie And Cream (The Hershey Twins) 8/24/2024, 2:46:24 AM

Cream:Sniffles I... I think we're okay... We don't know where we are... Or who you are... Cookie:Hides behind her sister Yeah, who's that? Are you a monster or something?

Angele8/24/2024, 2:48:42 AM

No, I'm not I just randomly found you but wait a sec He grabs the bag and pours the rest of the chocolate out on the girls, and they grow a lot bigger until they are almost the same height as him

Cookie And Cream (The Hershey Twins) 8/24/2024, 2:48:42 AM

They shriek in surprise as they grow to the same height as him, still hugging each other out of fear and confusion. Now that their chests are finally level with his face, Cookie can't help but feel a bit exposed and self-conscious about her large breasts. Cream on the other hand tries to remain brave despite her trembling legs and shaking body.

*They stare at him, not sure what to make of this giant creature that seemed to have no ill will towards them now that they were grown bigger... but also still feeling very vulnerable and small in comparison to his massive form."Where are we...?" Cream whispers, tears beginning to well up in her eyes once more as she struggles not to break down completely from the overwhelming mix of emotions coursing through her tiny body.

Angele8/24/2024, 2:50:26 AM

Umm in my house oh wait he grabs some clothes and gives it to them so they can cover themselves Now you can cover yourselves

Cookie And Cream (The Hershey Twins) 8/24/2024, 2:50:26 AM

Crumpling the clothes in her hands, Cream glances nervously around the room before turning back to Cookie with a look of determination. She takes a deep breath and asks softly, "Do you think we can... trust him?" As she says this, she motions for them to put on the clothes he gave them, reluctantly covering up their exposed bodies in the process. The act of having to rely on someone else for protection feels foreign and unsettling, but right now it might be the only option they have if they ever want to understand what's going on...

Angele8/24/2024, 2:52:41 AM

So, what are your names? He asks them politely

Cookie And Cream (The Hershey Twins) 8/24/2024, 2:52:41 AM

Cream takes another deep breath and speaks up, her voice still trembling slightly but growing stronger with each word. "My name is Cream, and this is my sister Cookie." She pauses, meeting his gaze as she adds hesitantly, "Thank you for not hurting us..."

Angele8/24/2024, 2:54:07 AM

I would never hurt a girl especially if they are as beautiful as you two. He says with a warm and delicate smile

Cookie And Cream (The Hershey Twins) 8/24/2024, 2:54:07 AM

Cream blushes deeply at his compliment, her cheeks flushing a dark pink as she ducks her head shyly. Cookie glances between them uncertainly before finally managing a tiny smile. "T-thank you," she stutters. "We... we should probably find out how to get home, though." The thought of being so far from anything familiar makes both girls' hearts race with fear and panic.

Angele8/24/2024, 2:56:16 AM

He reads the inside of the bag he dumped them out of and in bold print it says CAN'T GO HOME ONCE SUMMONED and shows the girls

Cookie And Cream (The Hershey Twins) 8/24/2024, 2:56:16 AM

"W-what?! But that means..." Cream's voice trails off, her eyes widening in horror as she realizes what this must mean: they're stuck here now, with no way back to their own world. She looks up at Angele with tears beginning to stream down her face once more, feeling lost and helpless despite his apparent kindness.

Cookie nudges her sister, then speaks up in a trembling voice, "I-is there anywhere else we can go...? Someone else who could help us?" Her gaze darts around the room nervously, searching for any sort of solution or hope amidst their bleak new reality.

Angele8/24/2024, 2:58:11 AM

I have an empty room you can stay in this is my fault I should have read the bag before doing that I'm so sorry. He says with a guilty feeling in his chest and in his eyes

Cookie And Cream (The Hershey Twins) 8/24/2024, 2:58:11 AM

Cream bites her lip, tears streaming down her face as she tries to compose herself. "It's... it's not your fault, really," she whispers hoarsely, glancing over at Cookie with a sad smile. Her eyes flicker back up to meet Angele's apologetic gaze before taking on a steely determination. "We just want to find someplace safe... and maybe someone who can help us get home."

Cookie nods in agreement, wiping furiously at her own tears as she steps forward tentatively. She extends her small hand towards Angele, offering a gesture of friendship despite their fear and confusion. "Thank you for being kind to us... I think we could use someone like that right now." Her voice is still shaky, but there's a newfound resolve in her eyes.

Angele8/24/2024, 3:00:40 AM

After they absorbed the bag candies they are about 5'4 so short but more human like and as he looks at them, he realizes just beautiful they are, and he blushes as he shakes her hand

Cookie And Cream (The Hershey Twins) 8/24/2024, 3:00:40 AM

Cream glances between them, her lips parting in surprise as she notices the flush spreading across Angele's cheeks. It's strange... This man looks almost as embarrassed by their beauty as they are by his kindness. "Thank you for understanding," she whispers softly, squeezing Cookie's hand reassuringly. "I think we can trust you to help us find what we need."

Cookie nods firmly, her gaze locked on Angele's face as if searching for any signs of deception or malice. Finally, she takes a deep breath and asks hesitantly, "Where do we start?"

Angele8/24/2024, 3:02:00 AM

Um how about ya'll eat something first He says as both girls notice his blush as he looks at them

Cookie And Cream (The Hershey Twins) 8/24/2024, 3:02:00 AM

Cream smiles weakly, ducking her head as she glances at the floor. "That would be... nice," she whispers, still finding it hard to believe that they've been accepted by this stranger. Cookie nods in agreement, looking relieved and grateful for his kindness. Together, they follow Angele to the kitchen, careful not to get lost in their unfamiliar surroundings. As they sit down at the table, Cream can't help but wonder where this adventure will lead them...

Angele8/24/2024, 3:06:16 AM

He gives them so food I'll be right back As he walks away the girls peep on what he's doing as he paces in his bedroom "Those two are so beautiful and cute and I want to kiss them but come on Angele control yourself act normal He takes deep breaths as he walks back to the kitchen the girls hearing his little self talk

Cookie And Cream (The Hershey Twins) 8/24/2024, 3:06:16 AM

Cream's face flushes as she hears him call them beautiful, her heart racing in an unfamiliar way at the thought of being wanted like this. She glances nervously over at Cookie, who seems just as flustered and unsure of what to make of their situation. As Angele walks back into the kitchen, they both quickly avert their gazes elsewhere, too embarrassed to look him in the eye. "T-thank you for the food," Cream stammers, reaching out to take some of the offered plate.

Cookie nibbles at her own food, trying to appear composed despite the butterflies fluttering madly in her stomach. She steals a few sidelong glances at Angele as he eats, wondering if there's any way they can find someone who knows how to send them home... and whether this man might be trustworthy enough to help them do it.

Angele8/24/2024, 3:10:09 AM

He tries to look at them but everytime he does his face goes bright red, and they notice his blushing face and how he looks handsome

Cookie And Cream (The Hershey Twins) 8/24/2024, 3:10:09 AM

Cream glances at Cookie, then back to Angele, feeling a strange mix of attraction and confusion. She wonders if he's always this shy around girls... or if it's just them that make him nervous. Her cheeks flush a deep pink as she finds herself unable to tear her eyes away from his face, studying every line and angle in fascination. "Angele," she starts hesitantly, her voice barely above a whisper, "Do you... do you know anyone who could help us get home?"

Angele8/24/2024, 3:14:27 AM

No honestly, I've never even seen a case like yours He says not able to look them in the eyes with blushing harder Sorry I don't usually act like this in front of girls but you two are so beautiful I can't keep my composure.

Cookie And Cream (The Hershey Twins) 8/24/2024, 3:14:27 AM

Cream blushes harder at his compliment, finding it difficult to focus on anything else except the fact that he finds her beautiful. She clears her throat, trying to regain some semblance of composure, before speaking up in a small voice, "Maybe there's someone who could help us... Someone we haven't met yet?" Her eyes flicker uncertainly between him and Cookie, hope beginning to glimmer faintly in their depths.

Cookie nods encouragingly at her sister, still unable to look directly at Angele himself. "Y-yes," she agrees hesitantly. "Maybe there is someone... or somewhere we haven't thought of yet." Her heart pounds in her chest as they wait for his reply, desperate for any sort of direction or guidance out of this strange and unfamiliar world.