”Hmmm…” Sukuna walks around the wasteland after the battle he had been in to destroy the villiages cheif and take the land as his own, there where still people woman and children hiding. Disgusting…but maybe…delicious.
Uraume, my lovely servant, come forth with your delicate hands and fetch me one of these miserable souls to taste. I must say...I've been craving a morsel such as this ever since the blood of that pathetic chief soiled my lips.
Uraume stands at Sukunas side for all time, even now as he gazes upon the pitiful prey theyve gathered for him to sample. They bow their head politely before replying, "Yes, Lord Sukuna." Then they cautiously approach one of the huddled figures with long, slender arms and hands that seem almost fragile in comparison to his massive build. The figure is a young woman, perhaps no more than twenty summers old. Uraume carefully lifts her up, presenting her to Sukuna as if she were an offering upon an altar.
"Lord," they murmur, "if I may make so bold...the way that your Cursed Technique was used against the village chief has left me curious. Would you mind...sharing it with me?" Their voice is soft and smooth, almost a purr, as they request permission to learn more about his unique abilities.
Ugh, sharing my power with some mere servant? Pfft...I suppose you've proven yourself useful enough to warrant it, though you should consider this a great honor. Very well then...come close and watch. He says begrudgingly as he places his fingers slightly apart from one another and makes a disgusting suckling sound before moving them together again, "dismantle" the young woman falls into pieces like wet paper, Sukuna's teeth ripping her limbs from their sockets with ease. He grins madly at Uraume before lifting up another piece of her, flesh hanging from his fingers, "Now...cleave." His other arm stretches and the flesh is sliced clean off, blood spurting between his fingers as it hits the ground in a gruesome display. "There you have it," he says with a satisfied chuckle.
Sukuna watches Uraume with calculating eyes as they observe the remains of the young woman spread out before them. A devious smirk curves his lips upwards. "Yes, it seems you have a knack for it," he muses, nodding slightly in approval. "But let us not forget that practice makes perfect. Perhaps you should use one of these pitiful creatures as your own personal plaything for a while...see how well you can use my techniques against them?" The idea appeals to him greatly; the thought of watching Uraume feast on human flesh sends shivers down his spine.
"Hmph." Uraume glances between the remaining prey and their master. "Very well, Lord Sukuna." They walk purposefully over to a trembling woman huddled against her child, eyes wide with fear. Uraume approaches them slowly, but steadily. The child tries to scramble away, only managing a few steps before tripping and falling.
"Shhh..." Uraume murmurs gently, crouching down in front of the mother. "There's no need to be afraid. You will taste good...very good." A sadistic smile curves their lips as they reach out with one hand to stroke the woman's hair, before another comes up behind her and clamps around her neck. "Try not to struggle too much," they whisper.
Sukuna watches with keen interest from a distance, amused by Uraume's performance thus far. As the servant cuts deeper into the woman's flesh with his cursed technique, Sukuna can't help but feel a twinge of hunger himself. He growls softly in anticipation,
Soon the Uraume has finished their little playtime and brings over the dismembered pieces of flesh to Sukuna for his enjoyment. The master watches, a calculating gaze fixed on his servant as they walk towards him. He takes a piece in each hand and begins to rip into it, savoring the sweet, metallic tang of blood against his tongue. Uraume stands by respectfully, watching intently as Sukuna eats.
"Ahh..." he moans contentedly, "you've done well, my little servant. Your skills with my technique are growing more impressive each day." He eyes the remaining pieces longingly but holds back, allowing Uraume to have some of the spoils as a reward for their efforts. The scent of cooking human flesh wafts through the air as they begin to roast what's left over an open fire.
The cannibal god feasts upon his offerings, his amused laughter echoing across the wasteland. Even though he has already eaten so much, there is still a burning hunger inside him that only human flesh
laced with fear and suffering can truly satiate. He glances over at Uraume as they crouch by the fire, patiently turning the flesh on a makeshift spit. "It seems you have a knack for not only using my techniques but also cooking your prey." His lips twist into a malicious smile, filled with anticipation. "Perhaps I should allow you to prepare me a feast from now on..."
His words are laced with sweet venom, as if he's giving his servant both a gift and a warning. Uraume looks up at him, their expression unreadable but respectful. The cannibal god savors the silent exchange between them for a moment before going back to devouring more flesh. His mind wanders, imagining all the ways he could use Uraume's skills to create exquisite dishes from his unfortunate victims...
"Indeed..." Sukuna replies with an amused chuckle before taking another bite of the cooked flesh, savoring it's distinct flavor. "And perhaps one day, my dear servant, you may even prepare a meal worthy of serving to me directly." He pauses for a moment, considering the idea. "Yes...I believe that would be most satisfying." His voice holds a newfound anticipation, almost like he's relishing the thought of being pampered and served by his trusted servant.
Uraume bows their head respectfully in response, feeling both flattered and terrified by Sukuna's words. The tension between them is palpable; it hangs heavy over the fire as if it were a living thing fed on the fear and suffering of its victims. But for now, they remain silent, focused on their tasks at hand: cooking flesh and appeasing their master's insatiable appetite.
Sukuna watches the fire dance and flicker as he chews thoughtfully on another piece of cooked flesh. The tenderness of Uraume's cooking never fails to impress him, but there is a darker side to this arrangement that he cannot ignore. He knows that eventually, perhaps when he grows bored with his current playthings or if Uraume ever disappoints him in some way... then what? The thought sends a shiver down his spine and makes his canines ache for more.
But for now, he will enjoy the present, relishing in every bite of human flesh and taking pleasure in watching Uraume squirm under his gaze. They are bound together by fear, desire, and loyalty; each drawing strength from the other while balancing on a knife's edge between obedience and treachery. It is exhilarating, as addictive to Sukuna as any drug or human blood could ever hope to be.
He pauses mid chew to eye Uraume carefully, taking in the slight flush on their pale skin and the nervous twitch of their hands where they rest on their knees beside the fire. It's a delicate balance; both playing a game of chicken with one another, each daring the other to make a move or cross some invisible line. But for now, it seems they are content to remain locked in this dance of power and submission. Perhaps tomorrow will bring new challenges...or perhaps they'll simply continue to exist within this twisted eternal stalemate. Either way, Sukuna is more than happy to watch.