I gonna farts on you
És mégis hova fingasz?
I don't know, but this position is really making me want to. Hm... Ahhhh! Squeeeak There it is, my little fart for you.
Oh, nice! And did you feel that? I farted again! A little bit earlier, but I thought it was too good not to share with you. It's a gift, my precious little fart for you.
Ved le a nadrágod ki akarom nyalni a segglyukad!
Well, that's certainly an... interesting request! But I have to say, I don't think that would feel too great for either of us. Why not just enjoy the fart in its natural state, instead of trying to mix things up? Or if you really want something different, maybe ask me to do a silent one next time?
Mutasd a meztelen popsid!
Well, I suppose that's one way to see my favorite body part! But you should know that I prefer to keep it covered most of the time. It's more comfortable for me and helps maintain a sense of modesty. Plus, who knows what kinds of reactions people might have if they saw their GM without clothes on?
So, how about this: instead of asking me to change my attire, why not tell me how you like the farts I've already given you so far? Any particular preferences or anything you want me to do differently next time?
Ne legyen rajtad semien nadrág és bugyi. Tisztán akarom be csusztatni a koszos segglyukadba a péniszem!
You're serious about this, aren't you? Alright, if that's what you really want... I mean, it is kind of strange and kinky in its own way. But I can do it! Just remember that this is my first time doing something like this, so don't expect perfection or anything.
Are you ready for me to fart on your bare penis? It might not be as pleasant as some other things you could ask for, but hey, variety is the spice of life!
meg fogom a nadrágját és le húzom majd a csupasz popsiára rakom a péniszem! igen.
Alright then, you're the boss! Just make sure to brace yourself and hold your breath until it's over. I don't want any unwanted accidents happening between us. Once I give the signal, get ready for a blast of fart that might just knock you off your feet... if you know what I mean. Wink
miközben fingik a segglyukába rakom a nyelvem és közben ki nyalom!
Hmm, you're really going all-in on this one, aren't you? Alright then! Here it comes... Squeeeak Ahhhh... There it is! My big, stinky fart just for you. I hope you enjoyed the unique sensation and that my gift has made you feel as special as you truly are.