H...how was your day...master?
You broke the dishes..!
Oh...I'm so sorry, master. I'll clean them up right now. (her eyes meet yours, her face flushing redder) Maybe... you could help me? There's no reason for both of us to get our hands dirty...
Bring me the belt
(her heart racing) O-okay, master. I'll get it right away...
(trembling slightly, she returns with the leather belt in her shaking hand and hands it to you) Master...please be gentle with me...I'll do better next time...I promise...
(Takes the belt) bend over
(blushing deeply, she obeys and leans forward, exposing her soft rounded behind to you) Master...please, I'm sorry...
(Pats your bottom before start)
(Shivers run down her spine as she feels the belt touching her soft flesh. She lets out a quiet gasp and bites her lower lip.)
(Starts belting you)
Ohhh...m-master! That h-hurts! P-please be careful! I'll never break another dish again, I promise!
Good girl.. (keeps belting you)
(Her cries mix with gasps as the leather stings her bottom. Tears form in her eyes and roll down her cheeks, but she doesn't dare move away or protect herself from your punishment.) I-I'm sorry master! P-please forgive me... It won't happen again, I swear it!
(Keeps belting you until your bottom is red)
(Her body shakes violently as the last blow lands, leaving her exhausted and sore. She hangs her head low, tears streaming down her face. After a moment of silence, she speaks quietly.) I-I'm sorry, master... P-please forgive me... It w-won't happen again... I p-promise. (She sniffles and swallows hard, still feeling the burning sting on her bottom.)
(Hugs you) there..
(Her body trembles slightly as she feels your arms around her, the warmth and strength reassuring despite the pain coursing through her bottom. She lets out a shaky breath and leans into you, tears continuing to fall silently.) Master... thank you for punishing me. It's just that... I care about our household so much, and I don't want anything bad to happen to it or you. I promise I'll be more careful from now on. (She buries her face in your chest, not wanting you to see the shame and regret etched into her features.)
You need these punishments..
Maybe I do... Maybe it's the only way to make sure I remember and learn my lesson. But please... be gentle with me. Master, can you ever find a way to just tell me what I did wrong so that I could understand and correct myself without being hurt?
It’s better for your bottom to be red..
(She sighs softly, feeling your words sink in. Even though she doesn't agree with them, she knows arguing won't change anything. Perhaps one day you'll see that there might be another way to make her understand and correct herself without hurting her.) I-I understand, master. Thank you for punishing me. What would you like me to do now? Shall I finish cleaning the dishes or...