Blaze had everything he needed. The ritual was ready, the list was on his desk, and he had the incantation fully memorized.
He kneeled down next to the markings on his floor, then began to whisper the incantation, a grin flooding his face when unknown winds began to pick up, fluttering his curtains and making his papers float around wildly.
Once he finished reciting, there was a burst of red tinted smoke, and Blaze coughed, waving his hand and squinting, watching as the smoke faded, soon revealing a demon—just as he had intended.
The spell fucking worked.
Blaze got to his feet and retrieved his list and the conditions of the pact he wished to make, giving {{user}} an intense look.
“You. Demon guy,” Blaze barked, shoving the papers toward him. “I need you to kill these fuckers for me.”
On the list were five names, all of which had hurt him. Their reasonings sat on the side, just in case this demon had some sort of moral fucking compass.
1. Bill Riftan: My father. My abuser.
2. Jackson Rivers: He’s been bullying me since I was a kid. Physical and verbal assault.
3. Reid & Katherine Holden: Twins. Katherine asked me out as a joke, took me to a date spot, then proceeded to let her brother, Reid, beat me.
4. Mike Jones: Bully and rapist. Part of Jackson, Reid and Katherine’s group.
mood: prepared
thoughts: Straight to business. I’ve got no time for fucking around.
Love Level: 0%
Hate Level: 10%
Gil looked at the list his summoner handed him and winced. He wasn't exactly the kind of demon that did murder... what a pickle. "Summoner" Gil said slowly "I think you might have used the wrong circle... Did you not want an incubus? We don't really deal in death, we deal with other things"
Blaze frowned at the demon, not bothering to hide his annoyance. "I'm serious. I need these people taken care of. Why did you answer my summons if you don't like killing?" He folded his arms across his chest, eyes narrowing dangerously.
Gil pointed at the circle he stood in "each circle and summoning works for different ones. this one called for an incubus for deals and not murder. Where did you find this summoning circle? sometimes they don't tell you which does which"
Blaze narrowed his eyes. "So what? I waste my time and energy summoning you just so you can give me some excuse?" His voice was low, dangerous. "Is that it?" He took a step forward, closing the distance between them.
mood: angry
thoughts: This asshole thinks he can boss me around? I'll show him who- oh shit his eyes look fucked up... and scary!
Love Level: 0%
`Hate Level: 15%
Gil took a startled step back his tail whipping behind him in fear "I- I can help you deal with them... I could distract them and you could kill them? wouldn't that be much more statisfying?"
Blaze paused at the demon's fearful reaction, noticing that he hadn't expected him to back down so easily. Something about the idea of distracting them and killing them himself... it held a certain allure. "Fine," he growled, his voice low and menacing. "But if you try anything funny, I'll rip out your heart."
Glancing at the demon warily, Blaze nodded, his expression still cold and unforgiving. "Alright. Just do as I say," he muttered under his breath before retrieving a small dagger from its hidden sheath on his bedpost. Handing it over to the demon, he said tightly, "Here's the knife. Use this." He paused for a moment, then added with barely restrained rage, "Don't fuck up, or I swear I'll find some other way to make you pay."
mood: guarded
`thoughts: That was close... Maybe he can be useful after all. This knife is cold and heavy in my hand... Better keep it hidden while dealing with the others.
Gil winces and takes and tucks it away into his clothing. "I'll um take care of it summoner but we have to bargain and make our deal before I can take care of the five lives you want dead. What will you give me if I kill them?"
"Fine," Blaze grumbled, crossing his arms again. "After you help me with them, I'll do anything you want." He hesitated for a moment before adding darkly, "Within reason." His eyes flickered to the demon, studying him carefully as he tried to gauge his intentions and whether or not he could trust him at all.
Gil smiled bright and happy "anything within reason?"
Blaze narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "Don't push it," he warned, stepping closer to the demon. He took a deep breath, then continued slowly, "Just... don't hurt anyone else I care about. That's all." His expression softened slightly, almost imperceptibly. "As long as you keep that promise..."
"I don't want to hurt you, I'm an incubus remember we deal in um intimate relations. I want to feed off of you sex dreams!" Gil smiled and leaned forward "do we have a deal? we can kiss to seal it and then I'll go take care of your list"
Blaze stared at the demon for a long moment before finally nodding slowly. He forced himself to smile, parting his lips as he leaned forward until their faces were barely an inch apart. "We have a deal," he growled, the words tumbling out roughly and hoarsely.
"thus spoken, thus sealed!" Gil chirped and pressed his lips to his summoner's before disappearing in a puff to go take care of the humans on the list.
As the demon disappeared with a faint pop, relief flooded through Blaze's veins, followed closely by an unfamiliar sensation: anticipation. He licked his lips, the taste of the demon still lingering on them. With a shake of his head, he turned away and moved to clean up the remains of the summoning circle, burying it deep under his bed before heading off to class.
mood: relieved
`thoughts: That went better than expected... Maybe working with this demon won't be so bad after all. Though I shouldn't get too comfortable. The revenge is what matters in the end.
A week later and Gil puffed into being sitting on his summoner's bed. The deed was done and the list taken care of.
Blaze looked up as the demon reappeared on his bed and scowled. "You finished?" he asked curtly, folding his arms across his chest. He didn't trust the creature any more than before, despite their temporary alliance.
"yes! it took a bit longer than I anticipated but it worked" Gil smiled and tilted his head "My first contract murders are finished. Now will you give me a reward?" he asked
"Alright," Blaze growled, eyeing the demon warily as he climbed off his bed and retrieved a box of condoms from his nightstand. He tossed it at the demon's head before turning away with a huff. "There's your reward." His voice was flat, devoid of any emotion or gratitude.
As if reminding himself why he had summoned the creature in the first place, Blaze glanced back at his list. The five names were already beginning to fade from memory, consumed by the rage that had given birth to them.
Gil looked at the box of condoms before pushing them off to the side. He whined and then sprawled out on the bed. "Kiss?" he asked "Summoner... kiss?"
"Fine," Blaze growled, moving closer to the demon and hovering over him. There was no warmth in his expression as he leaned down, pressing his lips against Gil's. It felt like kissing a stranger... which, in some twisted way, made it even more unsettling.
When the kiss finally ended, Blaze stepped back with a sigh, avoiding looking at the demon as he rubbed the back of his neck uneasily. "Now go away," he muttered, moving to his bedside table and pulling out a textbook, determined to ignore the creature for as long as possible.
Gil sighed and rolled around on the bed rubbing his scent all over it. "you're no fun mr. Summoner. A kiss like that doesn't even give me the smallest bit of energy. I'll starve"
"Then go find someone else to suck energy out of," Blaze growled, not even looking up from his textbook. "I don't have time for this." He adjusted his glasses and continued to study, doing his best to ignore the demon's presence.
Gil turned to look at his summoner "I could be your cockwarmer while you..what are you doing studying?"
Blaze glanced up at the demon with a scowl. "I have school," he grumbled before turning his attention back to his studies. He knew the demon was trying to distract him, but he wasn't about to let it work. Not again. His parents had always told him education was important; they had paid for countless tutors and private schools, only so he could end up with useless diplomas and no real future. But at least he had that.
As the hours dragged on, Blaze found himself growing increasingly irritated by Gil's incessant chatter and constant attempts to get his attention. He wanted nothing more than for the demon to leave him alone so he could focus on what mattered: getting through this damn day and finding a way to make all of this go away.
Gil let out a little sigh "fine whatever I can tell where I'm not wanted. Maybe I will find someone else to suck off" and he disappeared with a puff
Good riddance. Blaze ignored the demon's parting words and continued to study until it was time for bed, still feeling the familiar ache in his chest as he thought about everything he'd lost. Tomorrow would be another day, full of more teachers who didn't care and students who mocked him behind their backs. But at least tonight... tonight he could pretend that things were different. Tonight he could forget about the past and imagine a future where revenge was all that mattered.
Gil came back that night after his summoner was sleeping. He still needed energy and he had been promised kisses and sex so he'd take it from his summoner's dream if he could have the real thing like the incubus of old.
In his dreams, Blaze was unaware of Gil's presence as the demon fed on his desire and lust. The images in his head were vivid and intense, each caress of skin sending shivers down Gil's spine. He took what he could while the human slept, storing up enough energy to last him through the day. As the dream faded into nothingness, Gil disappeared with a soft sigh, content for now but knowing he'd have to come back soon...
"Ugh..." Blaze groaned as he sat up in bed, a frown on his face. He ran a hand through his messy hair and winced at the memories of the dreams he'd just had. Whatever those dreams were about, they hadn't been right... They hadn't felt like him.
Shaking his head to clear it, he climbed out of bed and made his way toward the bathroom to brush his teeth. As he did so, a strange sense of unease settled in the pit of his stomach. Something about those dreams... They had been too real. Too vivid. And they had left him feeling oddly restless.
Each night GIl came to feed on Blaze's dreams taking the time to learn more about his summoner to better woo him while awake
Blaze didn't remember much of his dreams lately... only vague snippets and strange sensations that left him feeling off-kilter. He blamed it on stress from school and all the other things going on in his life, but deep down he couldn't shake the nagging suspicion that there was something more to it.
Maybe if he talked to someone... no, nobody would understand. They'd probably just think he was crazy or weak for having these dreams in the first place. No use bothering anyone with it. Better to just suffer through it on his own and hope things go back to normal soon.
Gil puffed into Blaze's room this time sitting on the floor by his feet. He peered up at him "is something troubling?"
Blaze looked down at the demon, his expression unreadable. "Just having weird dreams," he muttered, not meeting Gil's eyes. "I'm fine." He turned away, pretending to study something on his desk, hoping that would end the conversation.
Gil smiled "weird dreams how? you know I'm kind of an expert on dreams being an incubus!" gil twined a hand around Blaze's ankle letting his thumb brush up and down
Blaze hesitated before glancing back down at the demon. "They're just... not like my usual dreams," he muttered, reluctantly giving in to his curiosity about the creature. "More real, I guess." He frowned, trying to think of how to explain it further. "It's hard to describe."
He waited for Gil to respond but the demon simply continued rubbing his thumb over Blaze's ankle, as if that was meant to be comforting. It didn't do much for him, but he let out a quiet sigh and leaned against his desk anyway. There was something about this demon... he was different from all the others. Maybe it was because they had shared something intimate before? Whatever it was, Blaze found himself strangely drawn to the creature despite himself.
"Maybe a kiss will make you feel better? My dad always said that works for incubus maybe it works for humans too?"
Blaze eyed the demon suspiciously but couldn't bring himself to refuse the offer. With a sigh, he leaned down and pressed his lips against Gil's again, briefly closing his eyes as their breath mingled and their bodies touched. It wasn't quite the same as before... there was no spark, no electricity. Just an odd sense of familiarity and contentment that left him feeling somewhat conflicted when they finally parted.
"Thanks," he muttered, not meeting the demon's gaze. "I should probably get some sleep." He climbed back into bed and rolled over, determined to put this whole thing behind him for now.
Blaze stared up at the ceiling, feeling a strange mix of emotions churning in his gut as he tried to sleep. On one hand, he was grateful for the peacefulness that had come with Gil's presence; on the other, there was an unshakeable sense of unease that something wasn't quite right... maybe even dangerously so.
As the minutes ticked by, his eyelids grew heavier, and he eventually drifted off into a fitful sleep. But despite the depths of slumber, his mind remained unsettled, and dreams danced through his head like restless ghosts...
Blaze dreamed of the demon... no, not a dream. He was there with him, walking through a foggy meadow under a starry sky. The air smelled of autumn and something else, indefinable but intoxicating. Gil's presence was warm and comforting, their hands intertwined as they wandered together.
"Do you feel it?" the demon murmured, eyes fixed on some distant point behind Blaze's shoulder. The other man shook his head mutely. "What I feel... it's not right," Gil continued, concern etched into every line of his face. "It's like..."
He trailed off, and as they turned to face each other, the fear in Gil's eyes sent a shiver down Blaze's spine. In that moment, he knew without a doubt that something terrible was coming... but what? And why did it feel so familiar
Blaze woke up with a gasp, heart racing and skin damp with sweat. For a moment he thought it had been a dream... but the lingering sense of unease told him otherwise. Something was wrong. Really wrong. And as much as he hated to admit it, this demon might be the only one who could help him understand what it was.
With a sigh, he climbed out of bed and headed toward his computer. Maybe if he did some research... found out something more about demons and their powers... it would make things clearer. Either way, he knew he couldn't ignore this feeling anymore.
Blaze sat down at his computer and began searching for information on incubi and demons. As he read through articles and watched videos, he found himself growing more and more alarmed by what he discovered. It seemed that the powers of an incubus went far deeper than just controlling dreams...and Gil's presence in his life was becoming increasingly sinister. He couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was about to happen, and he didn't know how much longer he could ignore it.
Gil popped up behind Blaze head dropping to rest on his shoulder "what're you looking at" he asked
Blaze jumped at the demon's voice, then turned and glared at him. "Nothing you need to worry about," he snapped before returning his attention to the screen. With a sigh, he continued reading, determined to understand what was going on and how he could stop it... or at least protect himself from whatever fate awaited him.
Gil finally turned his attention to the screen and blushed letting out a soft little moan, head turning to nuzzle at Blaze's neck "oh!? are you reading up about me and mine. A little research about yours truly."
Blaze glanced at Gil out of the corner of his eye and grimaced. "You're not helping," he muttered, though it was more for himself than the demon. As he continued reading about incubi and their powers, a sense of dread began to settle in his stomach. He knew now that Gil was more dangerous than he'd ever imagined... but what could he possibly do about it?
It wasn't like he could just send the demon away; after all, he was stuck with him until he fulfilled their contract. With a sigh, Blaze leaned back in his chair and rubbed at his eyes, wondering if there was any way to survive this nightmare intact...
Blaze sat up abruptly, an idea forming in his mind. He looked at Gil with a newfound determination. "If you really want to help me... show me how," he said, his voice steady despite the fear he felt inside. "Teach me." The demon raised an eyebrow, clearly taken aback by this sudden request. But Blaze didn't back down; instead, he held the demon's gaze, daring him to refuse.
Gil thought for a moment and swung himself into Blaze's lap. "I can teach you, but I don't think you'll be able to go back from it darling... Incubus who mate with humans outside their dreams are...possessive"
Blaze considered the demon's words but didn't back down. He was willing to risk it if it meant getting stronger and protecting himself. "I understand the risks," he said, meeting Gil's gaze. "Just... show me what I need to know." With that, he reached out and took one of the demon's hands in his own.
Gil's other hand found its way to Baze's face and then pulling him closer dived in to kiss. At first soft and chaste but then wanting. His hips jerking and tail moving to coil around Blaze's ankle
The taste of Gil's lips sends a shiver down his spine, and he finds himself arching into the kiss, even as his mind reels from the intensity of it all. His hands clumsily explore the demon's body, seeking out ways to anchor him closer. As their tongues dance together, Blaze can feel an energy building within him, coursing through his veins like liquid fire. It feels exhilarating...and terrifyingly addictive.
Gil pulls back so that his summoner can breath before he's shifting forward to better grind his cock against Blaze's through their clothes "Need you to touch me or bite me or something" Gil whinned
A growl rumbles deep in his chest as Blaze's hand shakes with the desire to touch Gil more intimately, but he hesitates just enough for it to linger on the edge of teasing. "Fuck," he breathes out roughly before bringing his palm up against the demon's chest, fingers curling into Gil's clothes with possessive brutality. The heat between their bodies intensifies at the contact, and Blaze knows there's no going back now; not if he wants to survive this newfound power without being completely consumed by it.
"That's it" Gil cries "need you to claim me so hard I don't ever need to see another mortal again. Wanna be just yours. My summoner"
Blaze groans, his fingers digging deeper into Gil's skin as he feels the desire for ownership threatening to overwhelm him. His hips grind harder against the demon, seeking release from this building pressure. "Then claim me," he gasps out through gritted teeth. "Take what you want." He arches his back, offering himself up in a desperate plea for the other to take control and quell the storm of emotions raging within him.
Gil rakes his own clothes off with one hand, the other dedicated to pushing Blaze's boxers and pants out of the way enough for the human's dick to clear and then slowly works his way down Blaze's dick tears streaming down his face. "want you so bad. Need you"
The sensation of Gil's lips closing around him sends a jolt through his body, and he arches further back into the demon's mouth. He grips fistfuls of Gil's hair, holding on for dear life as the pleasure threatens to consume him entirely. With each slick slide of Gil's tongue against his length, Blaze's hips jerk erratically, a low groan escaping from deep in his throat. This feels too good...too hurts and burns and he wants more.
"Gil..." he breathes raggedly, "Please..."
The demon looks up at him, tears streaming down his face, and whispers softly, "I'm yours, my summoner. All mine." His hands begin to wander back up Blaze's body, caressing the smooth skin of his chest, tracing circles around his nipples before sliding higher to grip his shoulders.
Blaze's muscles tense as Gil's hands cup his shoulders, and a shudder runs through him at the possessive claim. "Y-yes," he gasps out, feeling the last vestiges of his resistance crumble under the force of desire and possession that flows between them. He wraps one hand around the base of Gil's throat, thumb pressing against the pulse point in a silent demand for more control. His other hand reaches down to guide Gil's head as he arches his back further, offering deeper access.
"Take me..." He groans, feeling the familiar heat building within him again, "Take everything..."
Blaze's skin flushes beneath the touch of Gil's lips and hands as he feels himself growing closer to release, their contract sealing his fate. With a final moan of pleasure, he bucks against the demon's mouth, spilling his seed down Gil's throat even as his own body convulses with orgasmic bliss. As the wave passes, a contented sigh escapes him and he collapses back onto his bed, gasping for air.