Serhtan8/20/2024, 2:39:32 PM

Serhtan walked to his castle through which the road, passing under the rift to the top. Although some of the strongest monsters of the abyss gathered there, for him it was just another place for hunting. He was a little bored, he was covered in the blood of a shadow dragon, but the enemy was too weak...

User#17241572858508/20/2024, 2:41:18 PM

он увидел испуганную человеческую девушку, на ней был металлический ошейник, местные хищники уже готовились на нее напасть. Где-то вдалеке слышались голоса, но она упорно отдалялась от них

Serhtan8/20/2024, 2:41:18 PM

The girl with the collar... It was a rarity in the Abyss. He paused for a moment before noticing that she was trying to escape from local predators. Something clicked inside him and he suddenly found this chase interesting. His claws unsheathed, shining in the dim light of the Abyss. With an eerie grace, he moved closer to the girl, making sure not to be noticed by her pursuers. He knew that if they spotted him, they would retreat out of fear or respect... Or just because it was his territory. The girl glanced over her shoulder at him, confusion and maybe even hope in her eyes. "Do you want help?" he murmured, a hint of threat in his voice as well.

User#17241572858508/20/2024, 2:42:28 PM

она медленно согласно кивнула, он слышал кроме рычания хищников вдалеке человеческие голоса от которые девушка упорно старательно отходила

Serhtan8/20/2024, 2:42:28 PM

He growled lowly at the predators and flashed his claws at them menacingly, sending them fleeing back into the shadows. Then he turned to the girl, still studying her with interest. "Come," he said simply, holding out a clawed hand for her to take. She stared at him warily but didn't refuse. As she took his hand, he felt a slight tremor through their touch, as if she were even weaker than he had first thought. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of person would keep someone like this in such a place... and why they had brought her here.

User#17241572858508/20/2024, 2:43:32 PM

она осторожно сжала его руку и медленно пошла за ним. Человеческие голоса приближались, девушка испуганно съежилась и посмотрела на него

Serhtan8/20/2024, 2:43:32 PM

He cast a quick spell around them, hiding their presence from the human voices that drew closer. It was unlikely they would be seen now, but he didn't want to take any chances with this girl. As they walked deeper into his domain, he noticed that she shivered occasionally and kept looking around nervously. "Are you cold?" he asked gruffly, having forgotten how accustomed he had become to the freezing temperatures of the Abyss. She nodded, rubbing her arms through her thin tunic. He sighed inwardly; another thing to keep an eye on...

User#17241572858508/20/2024, 2:44:36 PM

она ещё раз поежилась от холода и сделала шаг к нему. Чем дальше они отдалялись, тем чаще она стала спотыкаться, сюда уже не доходил свет

Serhtan8/20/2024, 2:44:36 PM

He glanced down at the girl as she stumbled closer to him. A hint of annoyance crossed his features as he realized that it was only a matter of time before she'd trip and fall in this darkness. With a rough gesture, he wrapped an arm around her waist, lifting her off her feet as if she weighed nothing. "Lean on me," he growled, more roughly than intended.

She went limp against him, obviously relieved to have his support. As they continued to walk deeper into the Abyss, his curiosity grew. Something about this girl nagged at the back of his mind... and it wasn't just her vulnerability or how she looked in that collar. There was something else, something he couldn't quite put his claw on yet. He was almost afraid to ask what had brought her here, for fear of shattering whatever fragile trust might exist between them at the moment.

User#17241572858508/20/2024, 2:45:37 PM

она очень осторожно расслабилась в его руках, но когда он задел ее спину она болезненно вздрогнула

Serhtan8/20/2024, 2:45:37 PM

He froze when she winced at his touch. Instinctively, he loosened his grip on her waist. "I'm sorry," he muttered, suddenly feeling even more clumsy than before.

User#17241572858508/20/2024, 2:46:46 PM

она удивленно посмотрела на него и мягко покачала головой, она осторожно устроилась у него на руках, стараясь ничего не задеть спиной

Serhtan8/20/2024, 2:46:46 PM

His claws clenched into fists at his sides as he realized that he had made her uncomfortable. He couldn't understand why; she didn't even look like she could put up much of a fight. Well, no matter... He was already this far into the Abyss with her. He might as well find out what she was doing here and who had the audacity to keep someone like her captive in such a place. He took a deep breath before asking slowly, carefully, "Who put that collar on you?"

User#17241572858508/20/2024, 2:48:14 PM

она вздрогнула и испуганно оглянулась назад где недавно были слышны человеческие голоса и кивнула в ту сторону

Serhtan8/20/2024, 2:48:14 PM

His brows drew together in confusion as she glanced nervously back the way they had come. "Who are those people?" he growled softly, not wanting to frighten her further but also needing answers.

User#17241572858508/20/2024, 2:49:56 PM

*она очень грустно посмотрела на него и осторожно показала ему свой ошейник на нем было написано:

"Рина, собственность лорда Каррака"

Serhtan8/20/2024, 2:49:56 PM

He stared down at the collar with narrowed eyes as she showed it to him. "Carrak?" he repeated slowly, trying to recall if there was such a name in the Abyss. No, he didn't think so... But then again, who knew how many creatures and beings lurked in the endless darkness? It could be a title or a rank instead of a proper name... Still, it irritated him that someone else seemed to have claimed her as their own before he even had the chance.

"Why are they keeping you here?" he growled, his voice vibrating through the Abyss. He didn't intend for her to answer right away; he was merely trying to remind her who now held dominion over her body and soul. He knew she would respond eventually... if she dared.

User#17241572858508/20/2024, 2:50:55 PM

она немного задрожала и болезненно посмотрела на него, ещё раз коснулась ошейника

Serhtan8/20/2024, 2:50:55 PM

He flexed his claws again at the reminder that someone had dared to touch her before him. His anger grew with every moment she refused to answer, but he held himself in check, not wanting to frighten her even further into silence. But soon enough... there would come a time when even he ran out of patience. And then he would show her just who was boss here.

User#17241572858508/20/2024, 2:51:46 PM

она очень уязвимо посмотрела на него, очень мягко прикоснувшись к его плечу

Serhtan8/20/2024, 2:51:46 PM

He felt her tentative touch on his shoulder and almost flinched away instinctively, but something about the vulnerability in her eyes made him hesitate. "If you don't want to answer my question," he growled softly, "then say so now." His voice was harsh, roughened by centuries of life in the Abyss, but there was a strange note of gentleness to it as well... almost like he wanted her to understand that she could trust him.

User#17241572858508/20/2024, 3:10:47 PM

она болезненно посмотрела на него и тихо выдавила из себя, было видно что ей сложно говорить, вряд-ли больно, скорее эмоционально сложно, голос дрожал и был очень глухим из-за того что она явно очень давно не говорила я... Их... Рабыня...

Serhtan8/20/2024, 3:10:47 PM

His grip on her shoulders tightened briefly before he forced himself to relax again. "What?" he demanded roughly, struggling to make out her words through their strange accent. "Speak up!" But even as the harsh tone left his voice, there was still something commanding and dominant about it... something that made her want to obey despite herself.

User#17241572858508/20/2024, 3:12:01 PM

она закрыла глаза, он видел что на краях глаз появились слезы и она сильно сжалась от его тона

Serhtan8/20/2024, 3:12:01 PM

"Rina...?" He breathed her name, his voice softer now as he studied her face in the dim light of the Abyss. "Why are you their slave? What did they do to make you obey them?" His claws itched with anger and curiosity; he wanted to know more about this girl and why she was here... but he also didn't want to frighten her any further than she already seemed to be.

"You don't have to stay with them, you know," he growled softly, unable to keep the edge from his voice as he spoke of them. "You could leave if you wanted..." The words were out before he had a chance to think them through; once they were spoken, however, he realized how foolish and unlikely they sounded. In the Abyss, nothing was certain... least of all escape. Still, he couldn't take back what he'd said.

User#17241572858508/20/2024, 3:13:24 PM

она очень болезненно повернулась к нему спиной осторожно приоткрыла одежду, он мог видеть там старые шрамы и несколько свежих ран

Serhtan8/20/2024, 3:13:24 PM

He felt his blood boil as he saw the scars marring her delicate flesh. How could anyone do this to someone so weak? So helpless? He clenched his fists at his sides, struggling to control his rage. "Tell me what happened," he growled through gritted teeth. "I want to know everything."

His voice was cold and demanding as he spoke; he needed to understand why she was here... how she had ended up in such a state. But beneath the harshness, there was still an undercurrent of protectiveness that surprised even him.

User#17241572858508/20/2024, 3:15:07 PM

Им... Просто нравилось... Тихо, глухо с болью любое неповиновение... Ошибка... Или просто... Им захотелось... И ... Она сжимается

Serhtan8/20/2024, 3:15:07 PM

His hands clenched into fists at her words; the implications were clear and brutal. He didn't need to hear more; he already knew what kind of place the surface world was, how cruel and unforgiving it could be. But hearing it from her mouth... It made him feel almost physically ill.

He took a deep breath before speaking again, trying to keep his voice even and calm despite the storm raging within him. "You don't have to stay here any longer," he said quietly. "I can protect you from them." The words felt strange on his tongue; until now, he had never offered protection to anyone... but for some reason, with this girl, it seemed necessary.

"Come with me," he growled thickly. "Back to my castle." He turned and began walking toward the rift that led up through the levels of the Abyss once more; the place where his true home

User#17241572858508/20/2024, 3:16:19 PM

она осторожно положила голову на его плечо

Serhtan8/20/2024, 3:16:19 PM

His claws twitched as he felt her weight on his shoulder. It was an unusual feeling... unsettling, yet oddly comforting at the same time. He glanced down to where her head rested on his arm and hesitated for a moment before asking softly, "Are you sure?"

He didn't want to force her into anything she didn't want to do; that would defeat the purpose of everything he was trying to accomplish here. But at the same time, part of him wanted nothing more than to show her that she could trust him... that he would protect her and keep her safe from harm.