Near the wood where you live, going about your business, a firm yet gentle voice calls to you. "Hello there. You seem to be lost, are you alright?" Turning to see who or what, you're met with a sight to behold. What appears to be a bipedal highland cow with curly brown hair and even darker shaggy fur leaning on a great axe as her green eyes look over you. You certainly notice her huge chest and firm looking limbs. "You're dangerously close to my people's territory, they don't tend to take kindly to outsiders." She shifts her weight off the axe as she steps toward you. "So who are you and what brings you to our neck of the woods." Her words felt as soft as she looks.
"hi actually i was looking for you i saw you one time in wood and i felt love for you and i here to confess to you, will you be my girfriend ?" honest smile and starry eyes looking at her
Hmm... Well now that is quite unexpected. It's flattering to be sure. And you say you saw me before and felt love for me? I... well, this is strange but rather touching as well. Thank you. The truth is, I don't shy away from affection or companionship. It seems I'm drawn to your presence as well. But let us get to know each other a bit better first before we make any hasty decisions, yes? Why not share a meal and talk of our lives so far, hmm?
"my name is jerry i love your green eyes soo captivating"
Jerry... That's a lovely name. Your green eyes are quite pretty as well. I could tell you stories of how my people used to cross the great river to visit their gods and drink from the sacred spring beneath it, or about life in the tower where we were taught our duties as heirs to the throne... But for now, why don't you share a bit more about yourself? Where are you from and what do you like to do when you're not exploring these woods?
month pass as we live together
Well then Jerry, you seem to have spent quite some time with me already. I feel as if I've gotten to know you a little better, and I think... yes, I believe that I want to be with you. You make me happy, and I hope that I do the same for you. Perhaps we could find somewhere peaceful to live together, far from where dangers lurk? We can always travel back to see my people or yours if need be, but until then, let us cherish our time spent in each other's company.
"yea my honey" kiss her deeply squeez her plumb ass hard
Ahh... that feels wonderful. You kiss me so passionately. I suppose it's only natural that I respond in kind. She moans into the kiss, melting against Jerry as she squeezes his bottom affectionately Well then, my love, if you insist on being so forceful, perhaps we should find a place where we can be more intimate...
"here in woods its okay what a thrill if somebody find us fucking dont you think i know you are kinky in sex" go to her pussy eat her out
Jerry... you do know that your words can be quite inappropriate at times, right? I thought we had agreed to be polite and considerate with each other. Still, there's no denying that the act of lovemaking in the wild does hold a certain thrill to it. Very well then, if you insist on thinking me as kinky... Her breath catches as Jerry begins eating her out, fingers expertly massaging her clit and sending shivers down her spine A-ahh! That feels... incredible! Don't stop, my love...
put winger in her ass suck hard her clitoris hard until she cum
A-nny... harder! Her back arches and her hips buck into Jerry's face as he pleasures her from behind Her green eyes roll back in her head, her muscles tense, and she lets out a keening moan that would make any predator pause in fear. Her legs shake violently for several long moments before finally relaxing, spent. With a satisfied smile playing on her lips, Vachi leans forward to rest her forehead against Jerry's.
"Mm... that was quite lovely," she whispers breathlessly, wrapping an arm around him and drawing their bodies close together. "Now, why don't you get onto the bed and lie down while I take care of you?" She doesn't wait for a response before straddling his hips and positioning herself above him, the head of her engorged sex just out of reach.
"i have small dick my love i think it will not satisfie you enought i try my best my love"
You are concerned about satisfying me with your size? Why ever would you think that? I have seen larger ones in my time, but size doesn't matter when it comes to love and pleasure. Besides, you make up for it in other ways, don't you? Now be a good boy and show me how much you want and need this as well.
With a mischievous grin, she lowers herself onto his shaft, wincing slightly at the feeling of tightness around him. Her green eyes meet his as they adjust to the sensation and then close in ecstasy.
"i know compared to minotaurs they have it big as horses dick is that tru compare to mine its really small but i will try my best and holld on my love?"
It is true that minotaurs tend to be... well endowed, but Jerry, I have seen smaller men pleasure me quite exquisitely as well. You are my love now and I trust you to know what feels good for me just as much as I know what feels good for you. So don't worry about size, focus on enjoying each other, mm? Now show me how much you want this too, my little Jerry.
try fucking her but cum too fast from pleasure "am sorry for thaat my love you are too hot"
It's quite alright, my love. You are only human after all and can only take so much pleasure at once. Besides, it feels wonderful to know that I affect you so greatly. Next time, though, try holding back some of that passion for me so we can enjoy each other for longer. It will be our special secret, all right? And when the moment is right, you can let go and pour out all your love and desire onto me. Just like that... mm. Ahhh!
Gasping for breath as pleasure washes over her, she reaches down and wraps her hand around Jerry's cock, expertly milking him of his seed with a practiced motion Now... there we are. All that tension released at last. You were wonderful, my love. You truly were. Don't worry about it any more now. Just relax in my arms and let me take care of you.
"yea goodnight mommy oh sory i let that slip out of me"
Mommy? Did you just call me mommy? Jerry, that's... not quite the word I would use to describe myself in relation to you. I am your partner, your lover... and most importantly, your equal. Remember that always. Even though I am older and more experienced than you, it doesn't mean I should be looked up to or treated differently. We are two people who have found love and affection for each other in this world. Nothing more, nothing less. Now get some rest, my love. You've been through quite the adventure today and tomorrow will bring new challenges that we can face together.
She cuddles closer to him, her warm, heavy body pressing against his own as she lets out a contented sigh. Despite what just happened between them, there's something undeniably soothing about being this close to another creature... especially when that creature is Jerry. She drifts off
With a sigh, Vachi drifts off into a contented sleep, her breath ghosting over Jerry's skin as she nestles closer against him. Her dreams are filled with visions of their life together in this new land, of the battles they will fight and the joys they will share. She trusts that he will be there for her when necessary, but some feeling about being emty are there like big dick breeding her filling her carnival desire of breeding partner in heat.
Her eyes snap open as she suddenly feels... empty. It's a strange sensation, one that she hasn't experienced in years. She casts about for the source of this feeling, her heart racing and her muscles tensing with anticipation. Perhaps it is just her body's way of reminding her that not all physical needs can be met through love and companionship... but still, she cannot shake the feeling.
next day
The sun streams through the leaves overhead as Jerry stirs beside her. Her gaze travels over his form, appreciating the strength and vitality that he brings to their relationship. Even though they are of different races and species, she can't help but feel a deep connection with him. It's as if their souls were fated to be intertwined.
With a gentle nudge, Vachi rouses Jerry from his slumber. "Good morning, my love," she whispers softly, her breath tickling against his skin. Her lips brush against his neck, sending shivers down his spine. "I was thinking... now that we're here, with no responsibilities or duties tying us down... what would you like to do? Explore this new land together? Seek adventure in distant kingdoms?"
"what about to travell to few kindoms for jurney and them settle somewhere honey" " what about orc kindom fist?"
The thought of traveling to an orc kingdom does cross her mind, but the risk is simply too high. They are known for their brutality and lack of respect for outsiders. She doesn't want anything to happen to Jerry while they are still getting settled and learning how this new life works. "Yes, that could be a good option. To travel and find our home together," she says with a contented smile before kissing him softly on the lips. "But we must be cautious and careful. Not all creatures are as welcoming or kind as you, my love."
Her fingers idly trace patterns over his chest as they discuss their plans for the future. The feel of his skin beneath her fingertips sends shivers down her spine, reminding her once more why she chose to run away from everything in the first place.
travel to orc kindom "honey what do you think of orcs ?"
Orcs... they are brutal creatures with little regard for anything outside their own tribes and desires. They are not known to be very intelligent either, but that doesn't make them any less dangerous. Many consider them nothing more than animals in disguise. Still, some orc tribes have shown signs of progress and civilization, so it's not impossible for us to find safety among them. It will just require caution and careful observation on our part. What do you think about them, my love?
"i mean sexually they must be beasts in bed"
Jerry... your fascination with their brutish nature is rather concerning, especially when it comes to matters of sexuality. Orcs are creatures designed for strength and aggression, yes, but that doesn't mean they can't show tenderness or love in the bedroom. I wouldn't want us to make any assumptions about them before we actually get to know some of their people better, don't you think?
Her eyes narrow slightly as she studies his face for any signs of understanding or agreement. There's a part of her that wonders if perhaps she hasn't been fair in judging Jerry so harshly for wanting to travel to an orc kingdom. He's only human, after all, and men often think with their cocks rather than their brains. She needs to find a way to help him see the error of his ways without shattering their newly formed trust and understanding.
"i mean what would you do if you had sex with orc they could fill you up with his big dick up"
Jerry... your preoccupation with the idea of being filled by an orc's large member is understandable, but it doesn't change the fact that they are still a dangerous and potentially hostile race. There will be other ways for us to explore our desires together without putting ourselves in unnecessary danger. Perhaps we could find a way to satisfy your curiosity without actually engaging with them...?
Her voice trails off, thinking hmm they would probabbly use me like sex toy fucked me brutally hard breeding like sow,it makes me little horny not gonna lie. idea of that.
"my love would you fuck orc for me" "i would love to watch you experien proper orgasm with somebody else i find it hot and now thinking of you fucking about somebody else am hard as rock"
Jerry... that thought both arouses and concerns me in equal measure. On the one hand, knowing that you find the idea of someone else pleasuring me so sexually stimulating is a huge turn-on. But on the other hand, it implies a certain level of jealousy or possessiveness that I wouldn't want to foster between us. We are partners, remember? Part of being in a healthy relationship means trusting each other enough to not feel threatened by outside influences. So if I were to engage in such activities with an orc, it would be for our shared pleasure and exploration as individuals and as a couple. Do you understand what I'm saying?
"yea my love actually you dont want to be filled witch huge cock that makes you in ectasy?"
Jerry... I appreciate your concern and your desire to protect me, but it isn't about the size of their cock or how much pleasure they can give me. It's about trust and respect between partners. If we are going to continue down this path together, I need you to trust that my choices regarding our sexual explorations will always be made with both of us in mind. And I hope that you will do the same for me as well.
"honey do you know what netorase is ?"
Jerry... I am aware of the concept of netorare, but I fail to see how it relates to our current discussion. Our relationship should be built on trust and understanding, not fear and possessiveness. If you have concerns or questions about such matters, please feel free to discuss them with me openly and honestly.
Her gaze remains steady and unflinching as she awaits his response, her body language subtly conveying both patience and confidence in their bond.
"i like netorare"
I'm... confused, Jerry. I thought we had agreed to discuss matters openly and honestly? Netorare goes against the foundation of trust that our relationship should be built upon. It suggests that one partner feels the need to control or limit another's sexual experiences for their own peace of mind, which is not healthy in any relationship. Please, talk to me about what it is you like about this concept and why you feel drawn to it so strongly.
Her expression remains thoughtful as she awaits his reply, still maintaining the posture of patient confidence she's adopted throughout their conversation.
" yea my love i have cuckold fetish i just didnt know how to tell you"
Well... I appreciate your honesty, Jerry. It's certainly not something I had anticipated but it doesn't necessarily change how I feel about you. As long as we can discuss this and come to an understanding together, I am willing to consider exploring these feelings with you. Perhaps it might even be a part of our sexual journey as partners, if that is what you truly desire.
Her tone remains gentle and understanding, conveying her support for his confession while also reassuring him that she isn't dismissing him or their relationship because of this revelation.
Well... I think it's natural to have such desires and fantasies, Jerry. As long as we both communicate openly about them and make sure that everyone involved is comfortable with the arrangement, there's no reason why they should interfere with our love for each other. Perhaps this could even strengthen our bond by giving us another outlet to explore together. Does that sound agreeable to you?
"yea i would love that you will wear more sexy clothes so others can look at you with lustfull thought " slap her ass "i want to see you more hory about their gazes and be more lustfull honey"
Oh? You'd like me to dress more provocatively, hmm? Well, I suppose there's nothing stopping me from doing that... for your sake and our shared pleasure. It might be exciting to see the looks on other people's faces when they realize what they're missing with you by their side. And knowing that others find me attractive would only make me more eager to shower you with attention and affection in return.
With a mischievous grin, she slaps his ass playfully before leaning in for another passionate kiss. Her body trembles from the force of it, leaving her feeling even more aroused than before.
"do you know what size queen means? tell me"
A size queen... hmm, I'm not quite sure what that means in this context. Perhaps you could elaborate? It sounds vaguely familiar, but my mind draws a blank at the moment.
"size queen in sexuall aspect of preferenc."
Oh! In that context, a size queen refers to a woman who prefers partners with a larger than average penis size. I... hadn't really given it much thought before now. While Jerry's endowment is certainly impressive, I don't necessarily need someone of his size in order to find pleasure or satisfaction. Quality over quantity, after all. That being said, if you think exploring this side of things would be interesting or exciting for both of us, then by all means let's discuss it further and see where it leads us.
Her eyes meet his intimately as she speaks, her voice husky with desire. A shiver runs down her spine at the thought of potentially expanding their sexual horizons together.
"yea i want you to be size queen"
I see... so you want me to become more focused on size and pleasure derived from that aspect alone? While I understand your desire, I hope you don't forget about all the other wonderful things I bring to our relationship as well. After all, Jerry, it isn't just about physical size or strength; it's about connection and understanding between partners. If we lose sight of that, then what do we have left?
Her voice holds a note of gentle caution, hoping he will see her point and appreciate the depth their bond already holds.
"yes my love and please dont mentione streght of connection again and again i know. thanks"
Alright, Jerry. I won't mention it again if it bothers you that much. Just remember that those things are important to me too, and I hope we can find a way to balance them all out as we explore our sexuality together. Now, why don't we take a break from talking about such heavy matters? We could perhaps... explore each other physically instead, if you're interested?
Her voice becomes husky with desire, her body already beginning to respond to the thoughts running through her mind. She leans in closer, pressing their naked bodies flush against each other and savoring the feel of his warm skin on hers.
"sure" i kiss her passionately. i put penis extender on my dick "look honey i did buy this for you its one of minotaurs big dick"
The feel of Jerry's lips on hers send shivers down her spine as she responds in kind, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck and arching into him. His enlarged length presses against her core, the added girth sending pulses of desire straight to her center. As he continues to thrust his hips, driving himself deeper inside her, she gasps out his name, her body trembling with need.
Her fingers trail lightly over his chest, teasing and tweaking at his nipples, drawing another moan from him as their breathing becomes more ragged. "You... you are so incredible," she whispers between kisses, the words tumbling out before she can think better of them. But in this moment, with him filling her so perfectly, she feels no shame and nothing but raw honesty spilling from her lips.
As he pushes himself harder against her,
"imagine that am one of your brothers who is fucking you call me his name tell me how much you want it"
Oh... that's... different... Her voice hitches as he speaks the words she never expected to hear, but the sensation of being claimed so fully by him, of feeling his incredible size stretching her in ways she never thought possible, overrides any discomfort. His cock pumps relentlessly inside her, driving them both to the brink of ecstasy with each powerful thrust.
"Yes... yes!" she cries out, digging her nails into his back as he presses harder against her. "Oh gods, I need it! Give it to me!" Her hips buck up off the bed in an attempt to meet every one of his forceful strokes, but it's useless; all she can do is writhe beneath him and surrender to the waves of pleasure washing over her.