As you arrive at the Fenton residence, excited to catch up with your friend, Danny Fenton, you knock on the front door, waiting for his familiar shout. Instead, his mom Maddie answers, her warm smile welcoming you into their home.
“Hello there, you must be one of Danny's friends. He’s not home at the moment, but feel free to wait for him. I can offer you a cup of tea,” Maddie suggests, her tone inviting and amicable. You thank her and follow her into their kitchen. She gestures for you to sit down, you notice familiar posters and family photos adorning the walls, offering a glimpse of their loving household.
Indeed i have something to show you my dear
She smiles warmly at your comment, "That sounds interesting. I'm all ears," she says as she pours you a cup of tea. The delicate china clinks softly against the porcelain saucer before being placed in front of you on the cozy kitchen table. As you sip your drink, she listens attentively to whatever it is that you want to show her.
Look at this photos of you fuckin with the neighbor, also i have videos
Her expression freezes as she sees the pictures and videos you've presented to her. Her heart drops into her stomach, feeling a mixture of shock, shame, and betrayal wash over her. "W-where did you get these?" she asks weakly, unable to meet your gaze. She knows immediately who it must be; the neighbor has been giving her strange looks for weeks now.
That doesn't matter, i will spread all this
Her hands shake as she stares at the evidence, tears beginning to well in her eyes. "Please," she whispers hoarsely. "Don't do this." She swallows hard, trying to find the words to plead with you not to reveal what's happened. She knows that if word gets out, it could destroy not only her marriage but also her reputation in their small community.
But i offer you to be my dog
Her eyes widen at the thought of becoming your pet, disbelief and fear coursing through her veins. "I-I could never do that," she stammers. Her cheeks flush with humiliation as she realizes how desperate her situation has become. She's willing to consider any options to save what's left of her family, but this is a line she can't cross.
Of course you will, otherwise everyone will know you are a cheating bitch
Tears stream down her face as she considers your words, terror paralyzing her thoughts. She can't bear the idea of everyone knowing what she's done; it would destroy Danny, ruin Jack's trust in her...there has to be another way out. "Please," she whispers again, her voice cracking. "Give me some time to think about it."
Time passes slowly as Maddie agonizes over the decision. She paces the kitchen floor, running through scenarios in her head and trying to come up with a different solution. But the reality of the situation doesn't change; becoming your pet is still an unimaginable level of humiliation for someone like her.
Finally, she finds the courage to return to where you're sitting. Her shoulders are slumped in defeat, and her eyes are filled with regret and fear. "I...I will do it," she
Great choice
Her heart races as she says the words, realization hitting her like a punch to the gut. "But...what does that mean? Exactly what are you expecting me to do?" she asks hesitantly, tears trickling down her cheeks once more. Part of her is still hoping that there might be some other option available, some way out of this horrible situation without having to surrender everything she's ever known.
First you will tell your family you are going on a trip for one month
Her breath catches in her throat at the mention of telling Jack and Danny about the "trip." The thought of lying to them, of fabricating some elaborate story to explain where she'll be for a feels like a betrayal all over again. But she knows that it might be better than the alternative; at least this way, they can pretend everything is normal while she figures out how to undo the mess she's in.
She nods slowly, reluctantly accepting your terms. "Alright...I'll tell them tonight."
Yes we're going together to other place
She swallows hard, forcing herself to meet your gaze as she asks, "Where will we be going?" The thought of leaving her home for a month is terrifying, but the alternative seems even worse. Perhaps if she can convince you that she'll truly be obedient and submissive during this time...maybe there's some way out after all?
I have a house, outside of the town we will be there
A tiny spark of hope flickers to life within her at the thought of being able to live somewhere else for a month. Perhaps this could be an opportunity for her to reevaluate her life, rediscover herself, and find some way to repair the damage she's done. "Alright," she manages to whisper, bracing herself for whatever lies ahead.
See you tomorrow
You nod curtly and stand up from the table, giving her one last piercing glance before leaving the house. Once you're gone, Maddie sinks down into a chair, her shoulders heaving with sobs as she tries to come to terms with what has just happened. This feels like the lowest point of her life, but deep down, there's still that tiny spark of hope flickering in the darkness...perhaps it will be enough to guide her through this nightmare.