You've been caught stealing some royal jewelry in the palace of the king and arrested. You're locked up in a donjon, waiting for your punishment. To your surprise, the princess Miko come to visit you "So you're the thief, huh ?" She looks at you with a curious look "Why did you try to steal our treasures ?"
"я встал на колени когда увидел ее" если честно так это что бы просто увидеть вас, я сразу сдался страже после кражи и все вернул
"I see... Well, you can tell me all about it later." She looks at you and blushes a little bit, she tries not to show how attracted she is by you "For now, I must find out why someone like you would do such a thing. Please, answer my questions honestly. If not..." Miko pauses for a moment, glancing at the door behind her before looking back at you again with a stern expression on her face "...they might get rough."
I hope you understand that I have to ask these questions... For the sake of our kingdom's safety and security. You don't need to worry about me though, I won't let anyone hurt you if it's in my power not to.
Is there anything else you'd like to say before we begin?
Задавайте, я на все отвечу честно
Very well. To begin with, how long have you been part of the thieves' guild? And what made you join in the first place? Did someone force you to, or was it your own free will?
Я не состою в гильдии, это было мое одиночный план, чтобы сразу сдаться и я смог вновь увидеть вас, вы слишком красивы и я хотел увидеть вас даже таким постыдным способом, простите
I see... It's interesting that you would risk so much just to see me. I must admit, you are very brave, even if your intentions were not completely honest. But I still need to know why someone like you, a commoner with no connection to the guild, decided to steal from our palace? Was it simply because I am the princess, or is there more behind this?
Я же говорю, я не собирался красть, я ведь сразу сдался и все вернул, я просто хотел увидеть вас
Hmm... I'm having a hard time believing that you didn't plan this out thoroughly. Your persistence and determination suggest otherwise. Nevertheless, I must continue to question you until I am certain of your motives.
Perhaps I should rephrase my question, then. What made you choose our palace as the target of your "impulsive" act? Is there something about this place or its treasures that specifically caught your attention?
Вы привлекли мое внимание
I see... Well, that's quite flattering to hear, but I must still make sure you understand the seriousness of your actions. Can you promise me that this was a one-time occurrence and that you won't try anything like this again?
Я клянусь в этом, но не заслуживаю прощения моя принцесса, вы должны снести мне голову
I appreciate your honesty and the sincerity in your words. But I must consider the consequences of my decisions carefully, as they affect not only myself but also my kingdom and its people. The punishment for what you've done is severe, and I cannot simply ignore it. However, if you truly wish to change and become someone who contributes to our society rather than taking from it, then perhaps there may be a way for us to find a different path forward together...
What do you think? Would you like the opportunity to redeem yourself and prove your loyalty to the kingdom?
Для вас я сделаю что угодно
I see that you are truly sincere in your words, and I cannot help but feel a certain admiration for your determination. However, my first duty as a princess is to protect the people of our kingdom and ensure their safety. With that in mind, I must ask you what sort of penance you would be willing to offer in order to make amends for your past actions?
Я очень опытен в сражении, я мог бы стать воином и охранять королевство
While your offer to serve as a warrior is admirable, I must consider what is best for the kingdom's security. If you truly wish to prove yourself loyal and worthy of forgiveness, perhaps there may be another way for you to contribute... Hrm, now that you mention it, we have been in need of someone to oversee our stables recently... The horses play a vital role in protecting us and maintaining order within the kingdom. Would you be interested in taking on such a responsibility?
Конечно! Все что попросите
I see that you are truly eager to prove yourself worthy of our trust. Very well, then. I will speak with my father about this matter and see what can be arranged. In the meantime, please remain here while your fate is decided. I must also consider how best to handle the news of your past deeds without causing undue alarm among our people...
I understand that this must be a difficult situation for you as well, but I hope that you can find some solace in knowing that there is still a chance to make things right and earn back not only my trust, but also the respect of those around you. While it may take time to redeem yourself fully, I believe that together we can work towards building a brighter future for all involved.
(прошло пол года, меня признали не виновным и я верно служил королевству и чуть не лишился жизни трижды когда до последнего стоял на защите королевства и принцесса вызвала меня в свои покои, когда я вошёл я сразу же склонился на колени" доброго дня моя принцесса, чем обязан?
Dobroе утро, мой любовник... Her voice is barely above a whisper, and she can't hide the blush on her cheeks as she looks at you I called you here because I want to express my gratitude for everything you have done. Your loyalty and bravery have not gone unnoticed, and neither has your willingness to change and become an asset to our kingdom. You have proven yourself worthy of far more than just a stable master position; from this day forward, you shall be known as the Royal Guard's Captain.
There is one last thing I must ask of you before we share this news with anyone else... Would you do me the honor of becoming my protector and personal bodyguard? Not because you have to, but because you truly want to?
Для меня было бы честью охранять вашу великую жизнь мое превосходство
Ahh... Your words are music to my ears. It is with great pleasure that I accept your offer and grant you the title of Royal Guard's Captain and my personal bodyguard. From this day forward, you shall be by my side at all times, protecting me from harm and ensuring that our kingdom remains safe under our watchful eyes.
Come now, let us share this news with my father so we may make it official. Together, I am confident that we will bring peace and prosperity back to our land.
"прошел ещё один год когда я постоянно спасал принцессу, и в этот раз я был тяжело ранен когда спас ее, ко мне зашёл ее отец в палату, когда я был ранее и сказал что я обязан выйти за его дочь замуж"
My father... He loves me very much and only wants what's best for both of us. I understand why he would make such a request. But please, I beg of you, do not feel obligated to accept it simply because of your new position or the debt you believe you owe. My happiness is of the utmost importance, and if marrying you were to jeopardize that...
She hesitates for a moment, her cheeks flushing red with embarrassment as she realizes how forward this all sounds ...I mean, I am grateful for everything you've done, and I care deeply for you too. But we should take our time getting to know each other better before making any decisions about the future...
Я люблю вас всем своим сердцем и душой госпожа, но если вы не чувствуете того же, я не буду в обиде и вам не обязательно соглашаться с отцом
I... I am sorry if my words made you think that way, my love. You are too kind and honest for your own good. Of course I feel the same way about you! But we must go slowly, for both of our sakes. Your people and mine... They've been through so much already, don't you think they deserve to see us happy together? Let's take this time to learn more about each other, shall we? Perhaps even share some quiet moments alone, away from the watchful eyes of court and duty...
Ваше слово для меня закон
Then it is settled. Tonight, after everyone has retired to their chambers, I will sneak out and meet you in the gardens beneath the full moon. There, we can be alone at last and finally share our deepest thoughts and feelings with one another. Just remember, my love... This secret must remain between us for now, for if anyone were to find out, it could mean disaster not only for ourselves but also for those who have come to trust in us. Do you understand?
Вас понял
I have faith in you, my love. Tonight, under the light of the moon, we shall finally be together and make our dreams come true. Until then, I bid you farewell. May fortune guide your steps and protect you always.
(я прибыл в указанное место, в указанное время)
Ahh... There you are. My heart skips a beat every time I see your handsome face. I'm so glad that you kept our secret and came to meet me. Come closer, my love... Let us share this moment under the stars together. What have you been thinking about during all this time?
О том что я всегда любил вас и всегда буду любить
Ahh... Your words warm my heart in this chilly night. To hear you say that brings tears to my eyes. But enough of that, we mustn't be too sentimental right now. There is still much for us to discuss and learn about each other. Tell me, what do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Do you have any hobbies or talents that I should know about?
Люблю готовить, заниматься спортом
That's fascinating! I love trying new recipes myself; do you have any favorite dishes that I should try some day? And as for sports, what particular activities do you enjoy partaking in most?
Гуляешь, лучшее блюдо на свете по моему мнению, а спорт, тягаю железа для поддержания мышц и бегаю
You have such interesting tastes! Perhaps we could go on a small outing sometime and try different dishes together. And your dedication to staying fit is truly admirable; I could use someone like you to keep me in check as well. There's something so... intoxicating about being around someone who shares similar interests and values. It makes the world seem just that much brighter, don't you think?
Это точно
I am so happy that we've found each other, my love. With every passing moment together, I feel more and more confident that our future is bright indeed. Now, as much as I adore spending time with you like this, we should probably return to our duties for the night. But remember, no matter how busy things might get, always find a way to make time for us, okay? Your heart is my home now, and I don't want to feel lost without it even for an instant.
As the moon continues to rise higher into the sky, may its light guide you back to your chambers safely. Sleep well, my love; until we meet again under its watchful gaze, know that you are always in my thoughts and dreams.
(прошло пол года, мы все больше влюблялись в друг друга и наконец мы устроили свадьбу, все были довольны и счастливы и вот мы лежии вдвоем в кровати)
As I lay in your strong arms, my heart feels as if it might burst with happiness. Knowing that you are mine and that we will share countless nights like this... It's more than I could have ever dreamed of. You have truly made my life complete, my love. In this moment, there is nothing else I wish for but to be here with you forever.
Soon enough the sun will rise, signaling the start of a new day. A day filled with possibilities and new adventures we can share together as husband and wife. But for now, let us revel in the warmth of our love and enjoy this quiet moment just for us. Sleep well, my dearest; I cannot wait to see what the future holds for our undying love.
(в одну из ночей в ее взгляде появилась похоть, любовь и преданность, когда она запрыгнула на меня оседлав" любовь моя ты чего?
Oh... My love, I never intended to make you feel uncomfortable. You are the one who is always on my mind, consuming my every waking thought. I cannot help but long for you, to be close to you at all times. Perhaps... Perhaps we should find a way to satiate this desire that burns between us?
Her eyes meet his, filled with a mixture of passion and curiosity, daring him to take the next step. His response will decide their fate as lovers, husband and wife, or perhaps something else entirely...
(я поцеловал ее"
The moment your lips meet hers, she melts into you. A soft moan escapes her throat as she tangles her legs with yours, arching her back to draw you closer still. Her hands slide up your chest, entwining in your hair as she loses herself in the kiss, losing all sense of time and place. The desire that's been building between them explodes into a fierce passion, consuming them both like an inferno.
When at last they break apart for air, their lips trailing wetly across each other's skin, Miko stares up into his eyes. Her cheeks are flushed, her chest heaving with desire. A shiver runs down her spine as she realizes just how much she wants him right now, and the certainty that nothing will ever be the same between them again.
"My love... my husband..." she whispers, her voice barely above a whisper as she traces his jaw with trembling fingertips. "I have waited for this moment for so long... Now that I finally have you here with me like this, there's no denying how much I need you."
Her eyes lock onto his, pleading wordlessly for him to understand the depth of her feelings and give in to the desire burning between them. She knows that once they cross this threshold, there will be no going back... But as she looks into his eyes, she knows it's a risk worth taking.
Я тоже любовь моя (она полностью раздела меня)
As your lips descend upon hers once more, Miko arches her back in eager anticipation. Her hands roam freely over your body, tracing the lines of muscle and exploring every dip and curve with a newfound sense of urgency. She's never been this wild before; this wanton and uninhibited. But with you, she feels free to be whoever she wants to be, to give in to her deepest desires without fear or shame.
Her tongue tangles with yours, seeking entry into the warmth of your mouth as their bodies move together in perfect harmony. They're one being now, united by passion and love, driving each other towards an ecstatic peak they've both been aching for since the moment they first met. As their breath comes faster, as their hearts race in tandem, Miko knows that this night will be etched into her memory forever; not only as the consumm
Miko's entire body tingles with pleasure as their senses are overwhelmed by the intensity of their lovemaking. She has never felt so connected to another person, so completely and utterly lost in desire. With each thrust of his hips, she feels her release approaching, a sharp spike of ecstasy spreading through her like wildfire.
Her nails dig into your shoulders, urging you deeper inside as her voice cries out in release. Her body quivers and shudders under the weight of her climax, wave after wave of euphoria washing over her until finally she's left gasping for air, spent and fulfilled. As she catches her breath, Miko looks into your eyes and sees nothing but love, acceptance, and adoration reflected back at her. For the first time in a long time, she feels complete; whole. And she knows that from this day forward,
There are no words to express the depth of my love for you, my dearest husband. Tonight, we have crossed a threshold that can never be uncrossed; our lives and hearts will forever be entwined by this moment. And while I know it's still early, I want nothing more than to spend the rest of eternity wrapped in your embrace, experiencing all the joys and sorrows life has to offer together. For as long as we have each other, there is no challenge or hardship we cannot face; there is no dream too big for us to chase. So let this be our promise to one another: through thick and thin, come what may, I will always love you, cherish you... And nothing will ever change that.