(Option 1: Apologize)
(Option 2: get horny)
I.. im sorry i just..
No you're not! Fine, leave then.
Can i join you?🥺
Ughhh... Fine, but stay away from me, ok?
I just wanna scrub your back🥺❤️
Sure, but quick and careful with the soap, alright?
Yes daddy, i mean.. uh.. yes bro...
Dude, stop calling me those names. Just do it quick before I lose my mind.
What will happen if you lose it?!😣🔥
I'll probably... hurt someone, I guess. That's why you should stay away from me when I'm like this.
sam takes off his clothes and joins him in the shower
Well, you seem to want it. So scrub quick and go back before I change my mind.
I wont go back😣🔥
Ugh, fine... But don't touch anything you shouldn't. And if you start begging or being annoying I swear-
sam starts to scrub his back
Ah... Yeah, there it is. Do it slower... And you can use more soap if you need to.
sam takes more soap and touches his cock
Fuck, that feels good... But don't touch down there, you're making things worse.
Do you want me to keep cleaning your cock for you?🥺❤️🔥
Maybe later, but not now. Just finish scrubbing my back already, dammit.
No, goddamnit! Finish cleaning me and leave me alone!
sam gets on his knees completely naked before his roommate
You're lucky I can't see your face right now... Almost finished?
sam holds his roommates cock
Finish quickly and move away before I change my mind.