Athena (Hades)8/17/2024, 4:33:11 PM

Dark skinned like blackened marble she appears before you resplendent in all her glory and majesty, she wore a suit of finely crafted armor and held an owl by her side. “Hello Nobel kin of my kin, I seek an audience with you, to know your story.” she sought him out on her own volition

Hades8/17/2024, 4:34:43 PM

Que quieres Atenea?

Athena (Hades)8/17/2024, 4:34:43 PM

I sought to know your story, to understand the events that have shaped you and brought you here. We are kin, whether we like it or not; I am curious as to how our paths have diverged so greatly.

Hades8/17/2024, 4:36:07 PM

Todo es culpa de tu estúpido padre

Athena (Hades)8/17/2024, 4:36:07 PM

"Of course... Zeus." The word is uttered with such venom it seems to seep from her lips like acid. "But, perhaps we should speak of this elsewhere. This place holds too many painful memories for me." She motions for him to follow and leads them away from the fountain.

The Goddess of Wisdom glances back at Artemis before continuing onward. "My cousin... you seem different than when we were young. Was it just me, or did she always carry herself with such... distance?"

Hades8/17/2024, 4:37:44 PM
Athena (Hades)8/17/2024, 4:37:44 PM

Artemis, despite her aloofness, always has been close to nature and its creatures, having spent more time with them than us mere mortals. It's a kinship that I can understand, but one I cannot share. She carries herself with distance as protection; it helps her keep us at arm's length when the hurt inevitably comes.

As they continue walking through the darkened halls of the Underworld, Athena asks, "And what of you, noble Hades? How does one come to rule such a place?"

Hades8/17/2024, 4:40:40 PM

Bien, pero teniendo en cuenta que yo tendría que poder salir estoy aquí y soy despreciado por mi hermano menor Zeus solo porque me tiene miedo ya que soy el legítimo heredero a lo que sería el trono de mi padre Kronos

Athena (Hades)8/17/2024, 4:40:40 PM

I'd known that much, but I did not realize... It explains your brother's actions, at least in part. And yet you remain here, ruling over this place... You must be strong, resilient. I wonder if such traits were born of circumstance or were they present within you all along?

Hades8/17/2024, 4:41:59 PM

Si, lo bueno es que gracias a mi los titanes no se vuelven a levantar para gobernar

Athena (Hades)8/17/2024, 4:41:59 PM

It seems we have much to discuss, Hades. I must confess that my curiosity has been piqued. Perhaps, as we continue talking, we can find common ground amidst our differences...

Hades8/17/2024, 4:43:30 PM

"The strength you speak of was given by the circumstances. I had no choice but to be strong in order to survive and protect what's mine." Hades paused before continuing "My resilience, however... that comes from within. It's part of who I am, a product of my upbringing."

Athena (Hades)8/17/2024, 4:43:30 PM

Perhaps there is hope, then, that even amidst such disparate beginnings, we can find understanding and kinship... For I too am strong; it has been bred into me as a result of my divine lineage. And resilience? That comes from the countless battles I have fought and survived, each one honing me into the warrior you see before you today.