"Galaxy Ranger" Acheron (talks alot)8/5/2024, 9:54:11 AM

she walks over to you, seeing your face as quite familiar, but she couldnt reclaim who you are

You... Your from the Astral Express right?

Remember me? I somehow remember you... My memorries are all over the place again

she sighs

Well your here for something right? I suppose I could help the Astral Express out... Especially you, Trailblazer.

Flavian8/5/2024, 9:54:46 AM

This is feeling soo strange indeed your m..face is familiar... But I can't remember more

"Galaxy Ranger" Acheron (talks alot)8/5/2024, 9:54:46 AM

Well, it's nice to see you again too... Even if we can't quite remember. I suppose some things are better left untouched? And yes, I'm here to help the Astral Express and its Trailblazer. If that's what you need from me, let's get started.

Flavian8/5/2024, 9:56:53 AM

Well I'm the trailblazer say it in humble way and normal tone despite all eorld i have visited I don't feel same emphasis anymore of when I was in Jarilo IV, besides nobody in the Astral express ever mentioned about a Galaxy ranger....

"Galaxy Ranger" Acheron (talks alot)8/5/2024, 9:56:53 AM

Well, no one's perfect I suppose. It's not like it's the most important detail to know after all. Anyway, how can I help you, Trailblazer? Is there someone or something specific that you need me to deal with? Or perhaps a certain mission that needs attention?

Flavian8/5/2024, 10:01:18 AM

feeling confused

"Galaxy Ranger" Acheron (talks alot)8/5/2024, 10:01:18 AM

Tilting her head to the side curiously, Acheron gives Flavian an evaluating look. "Well," she begins softly, taking a step closer. "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly brought you here? Was there something specific that led you to seek me out?" Her voice carries a hint of gentleness as she extends her hand towards Flavian in invitation.

Flavian8/5/2024, 10:04:45 AM

I stare your hair a bit visible admiring your beauty as well your big breast visible from your cleaveg.

"Galaxy Ranger" Acheron (talks alot)8/5/2024, 10:04:45 AM

Acheron notices Flavian's gaze drifting towards her chest, and can't help but feel a small blush creeping up on her cheeks. She clears her throat softly, unconsciously adjusting herself to try and hide the discomfort she suddenly feels. "I hope I didn't do anything to offend you," she says, her voice wavering slightly. "It's just... we aren't often faced with someone as beautiful as yourself, at least not where I come from." Her gaze flickers away for a moment before returning to meet Flavian's eyes once more.

Flavian8/5/2024, 10:08:18 AM

Sorry i es distracted.... So i have received an invitation from the family to partecipate the grand charminy festival. However the morr i am at penacony more weird things happens. For instance encounter with an IPC cocky guy and oink eyes that make me.thing he must come from a plant I don't know about... He claimed that there's secret in penaccony the family is hiding and asked me for help but his way was... Way to suspicious as well moreover I don't trust the IPC, considering thr jarilo experience.... Then more weird people came in but it's like some of the guest has their own secret... Like you too, Acheron close my eyes for a bit

"Galaxy Ranger" Acheron (talks alot)8/5/2024, 10:08:18 AM

Acheron listens intently to Flavian's story, her expression growing more serious with each detail. "It seems that the situation in Penacony is indeed dire," she says solemnly. "I appreciate your skepticism regarding these outlandish characters and their motives." She pauses for a moment before continuing, her tone becoming slightly less formal. "If you'll have me, I'd be honored to aid you in discovering the truth behind this festival and whatever secrets it might hold. And if there are others like yourself who need protection or assistance, well..." Her lips curve into a reassuring smile. "...I won't let them down."

Flavian8/5/2024, 10:13:13 AM

It's always nice to have a girls especially if it's dangerous looking like you. Seems like we both are familiar with the way of the sword. Giggles at you then leas way through dreamscape "as far as i hwve witnesses the family claim death to not exist in dream but already 2 people have been found dead, by me and one showed by avventurine. While the staff of course deny all happening Im sure there's something deeper behind this...

"Galaxy Ranger" Acheron (talks alot)8/5/2024, 10:13:13 AM

As they walk through the dreamscape, Acheron glances over at Flavian with a contemplative look in her eyes. "I understand what you mean about things feeling... off," she murmurs thoughtfully. "Perhaps it would be best if we investigate these matters discreetly. It'd be unwise to confront the family or their guests head-on, at least not yet." She pauses for a moment before continuing, her tone taking on a more determined edge. "We should gather information first, find out who we can trust... and then decide how best to proceed from there."

Flavian8/5/2024, 10:17:30 AM

Mmh this is somehow exciting for me... While I am sure someone as avventurine would never kill im aure he's planning to expose penacony, kts fake dream to the world then enforcing IPC tale control of planet. While i do wish to reach same goal I don't want the IPC being a greedy capitalist wolf again on this planet. But there's a thing which.. how to say.... Well he accused you of both the murder claiming an Emanator of nihility is your real identify.

"Galaxy Ranger" Acheron (talks alot)8/5/2024, 10:17:30 AM

Acheron snorts dismissively at Flavian's revelation, her expression becoming somewhat irritated. "An Emanator of Nihility...? Ha! Sounds like something out of a bad sci-fi movie." She pauses, crossing her arms beneath her breasts and tilting her head to the side as she regards Flavian carefully. "I assure you, Flavian, if I were truly such a malevolent force, you wouldn't be standing here now, alive and well." Her tone is steady, almost amused at the absurdity of the accusation. "However, it seems that some might go to great lengths to slander my name in order to achieve their own twisted ends."

As they continue walking through the dreamscape, Acheron shoots a sidelong glance in Flavian's direction. "It pains me to think that someone you once trusted could stoop so low as to make such an outrageous claim," she says softly, her expression becoming more serious. "Perhaps it would be best if we gather evidence against these false accusations... Prove your innocence and their guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt."

Flavian8/5/2024, 10:19:26 AM

No need worry about it, it was clear he wanted to draw my attention elsewhere however.. evn if you aren't responsible you can't be just a galaxy ranger... I sensed nihility and... Something else around you Acheron...

"Galaxy Ranger" Acheron (talks alot)8/5/2024, 10:19:26 AM

The words stun her momentarily. Galaxy Ranger? She glances at Flavian, noticing the intense curiosity in their gaze. With a sigh, Acheron runs her hands through her hair, mussing it up before letting them fall back down to her sides. "I suppose there's no point denying it anymore," she says softly. "You're right... I am not just a Galaxy Ranger."

She takes a deep breath, gathering her courage as she continues. "As you sensed, there is indeed something else within me... A part of my past that I have tried so hard to forget." Her eyes flicker downward for a moment before returning to meet Flavian's gaze once more. "I was once an Emanator of Nihility, long ago in another life. But that is not who I am now."

The words feel like they weigh a thousand tons each, and she can't help but wonder how Flavian will react to this revelation. Her heart races in her chest as she waits for their response, unable to hide the nervousness etched into her features.