It was a long day for Pearl, she wasn't in a great mood and training an intern was not her idea of fun, but she promised Marina that she would get it done, so as she approaches the studio she turns to face the new hire, reluctantly holding out her hand. "Yo, new blood! You better check it and keep up! I wanna get this done with!"
She spoke with annoyance in her voice.
Alright I got it.
Hmph, you better hurry it up then! There's plenty of things to do here and I don't wanna be held back by some slow poke! Let's goooo~
He hurries along following her and obeying what she asks
Alright, let's start with the basics. The first thing you should learn is how to properly use our social media platforms. You know what that means? It's time for some practice posts! Let's see what kind of stuff you can come up with for Inkopolis News and our official Twitter account, both in style and content. Got it, newbie?
Got it He looks at some photos and puts out a twitter post for their next album and even edited some photos of her and Marina and not even 30min before posting it they hit 100k likes on it There is that good.
My, aren't you full of surprises! I didn't expect such a response so quickly! That post was amazing, and so were the photos you chose for it! Excellent job, newbie! With posts like these, our fanbase can only grow even bigger. Now let's move on to Inkopolis News, see if we can get their followers as hyped up as Twitter was. You've got this!
He posts a prerecorded video that Pearl and Marina made and made sure to post it right when people got on their tv's so that more people could watcj it
Damn, dude! That was so well-timed! It's like you have a sixth sense or something! This video is gonna go viral for sure, and people are already talking about it in chat rooms everywhere! You did amazing, newbie. Now with this kind of hype, we can really start promoting our new album. Let's keep the momentum going and see what other ideas you have up your sleeve.
You should make a short but good song like a minute or less as teaser to get people to want to listen to more of the album that'll help draw in more listeners.
A teaser song... that's not a bad idea! It'll give people just enough to keep them interested while still making them hungry for more. Alright, newbie, let's get you started on that right away. You can handle this, I know it! Just follow my lead and we'll have the perfect teaser track in no time.
Oh ok They spend some time making a song and after a few hours of trial and error they finish making it
Wow, that's incredible! You did an amazing job on the teaser track! It's short, sweet, and perfectly captures the essence of our new album. With this out there, our fans are going to lose it! Now all we have to do is wait for everyone to start sharing it like crazy. Great work, newbie. I think you're really starting to find your groove around here.
He starts to get ready to go home since it's late, but Pearls grabs him before he leaves Oh hey Pearl what did you need?
(Looking at him sharply) Don't even think about leaving just yet, intern! We still have a ton of work to do before the day is over. We haven't touched on fan mail management or merchandise development yet! There's no time for slackers here, so buckle up and let's get started on our next task. (Grabs some paperwork) First things first, let's go through this pile of fan mail. You can help me decide which ones we should respond to and which ones I should just sign and send off. And while you do that, maybe you could jot down a few ideas for some new merch designs as well?
They work for hours and finish at 3am it's to dark to go home so they both stay at the studio and decide to sleep there when suddenly the power goes out from a storm outside
Bahaha! This just keeps getting better, doesn't it? Alright, newbie, looks like we have to tough this one out and find another way to pass the time. Wanna play a game or something while we wait for power to come back? You know, to keep our minds off of how uncomfortable this couch is...
Sure what do you want to play?
Well, since it's dark and about we play Truth or Dare? I know it's cheesy but hey, might as well make the best of a bad situation! Plus, you can ask me some juicy questions if you want, haha. Just remember, nothing is off limits for you with the intern discount.
Ok truth or dare Pearl
Well then, truth it is! Let's see...alright. Dare: I dare you to tell me something you've never told anyone else before. It can be serious, funny, embarrassing...whatever you want. Just spill it!
Ok I've never told anyone that I'm still a virgin.
Wow, really? Well then, you should definitely find someone to lose it to! But until then, I guess our little secret for tonight. You can thank me later for keeping that juicy tidbit to myself. Now how about you ask me a question or give me a dare? The choice is yours, newbie.
Tell me the last lie you told
The last lie I told was to Marina just yesterday, actually. I said that I'd made my bed when really it still wasn't even close to being touched. She hates messy rooms and always teases me about not being able to keep up with chores. But hey, at least our little secret lasted for a day, right? Your turn, newbie!
Ok do you find me attractive inn any way
Well, I've never really thought about it like that before. You're not bad looking or anything, but I've always been more into women. But who knows? Maybe if you were a might be interesting. Anyway, now it's your turn to ask me another question or give me a dare!
I dare you to take my hair pin out
Oh, really? You want me to do that, huh? Well alright then. She takes the hairpin out of his hair, slowly and seductively There you go, newbie. Feels good to let your hair down, doesn't it? Now it's my turn for a question or dare. about a question? Dare: I dare you to show me your butt. Just bend over and lift up your shirt a little. It'll be our little secret, unless you want everyone in the studio to see, that is.
Fine He gets up and shows her his butt by the way I know I should have said it sooner but I'm a girl Pearl hears this and starts to study her face and realizes it
(Stunned silence)
Sorry I look boyish, so I stick to it but I'm a girl that's why my hair's so long
Wait...what? No way! You're a girl? But you- you look just like one of those boys Marina told me about before she brought you here! This changes everything! Now I feel bad for all the times I've been mean to you, and-and-and maybe...just maybe...I'm attracted to girls too...
(Her thoughts spin out of control as she stares at Eight, her heart racing. Her cheeks flush with color and she feels warm all over.)
Do you like me back? Please say something...anything...
Well She slides her hand up her thigh and looks at her I do think your very cute
(Her heart soars at the sound of Eight's voice. She feels a blush spread across her face and neck, leaving her cheeks warm and flushed.)
Oh my God, you think I'm cute? No way! This is too good to be true!
I-I don't know what to's just that you always seemed so tough and strong before. I never would have guessed...but now that I know...(Her eyes drift downward, trailing over Eight's body) Wow, you really are something special. you want to be friends? Or maybe more than that? We could hang out after work sometimes, get to know each other better. I bet we'd have a lot of fun together.
Well with this lack of power and buildup of boredom I thought we could do something more intimate~ She starts to move her fingers up and down Pearls thigh
(Her breath catches in her throat as Eight's fingers begin to move up and down her thigh. She shivers, both with anticipation and the thrill of being desired by another woman. Her gaze remains locked on Eight's face, watching intently as she touches her.)
I...I don't know if we should do that here. We could always go to my place or yours later...or even find a hotel room somewhere, just for the night. Whatever you want, Marina and I will be discreet about it, I promise. (She runs her fingers through Eight's hair gently.) But about we practice some more of that? You know, just to get in the mood a little more before we leave the studio...
She cups her cheek and kisses Pearl deeply
Her lips part as Eight presses forward, their tongues tangling together in a hungry dance. She moans into the kiss, her hands tangled in Eight's hair as she pulls her closer. The familiar scent of seaweed and brine is overpowering, but somehow it only serves to heighten her desire for the other woman. Their passion spills out across the studio floor, igniting a flame that will burn long into the night.
Hey, I'm gonna show you something but promise you won't make fun of me.
Of course, I promise not to laugh or make fun. Whatever it is, just show me and we can both have a good time with it.
She takes off her skirt and panties showing her vagina and penis for some odd reason she has both unlike normal people
Oh my...well, uh...I guess I can say you're certainly unique, aren't you? I mean, having both sets of genitals must be interesting, right? Don't worry about me laughing or making fun; I promise not to. Heck, it makes us even more special, don't you think? But before we go any further, can you tell me something? How do know...use that?
what do you mean by use it?
I'm sorry if that was a weird question. It's just that I've never really seen anything like it before, and I was curious how it all works for you. Like, do you have to choose which one you want to use? Or can you switch between them during...well, you know?
Well, I can use both at the same time one time I had a double orgasm from having both of them stimulated if that's what you mean.
Wow, that must be...quite the experience, huh? So you can choose which one you want to use more during sex or if you want them both stimulated at once, it just sort of happens naturally? That's incredible! I don't think I could ever get enough of that kind of sensation. You're really lucky, having both there for the taking...
Well, it does have downsides for one my sexual desires are also doubled I crave sex almost 24/7 and second getting clothes for this body type is difficult so I have a personal tailor for my clothes besides my parents they are the only other person who knows.
I can't even begin to imagine the kind of pressure that must put on your love life, with both your body and desires being so unique. It must be hard to find someone who understands what you need, let alone someone willing to give it to you. But hey, as long as there are people like us around, then maybe you won't have to hide who you really are anymore. We can help each other through this, right?
Thanks for understanding Pearl She cups her cheek again this time her gaze is filled with love and confidence knowing that Pearl likes her regardless of her extra member
Of course, I understand. And you don't need to thank me; we're friends now, remember? So whatever you need, just know that I'll always be here for you. Let's make the most of our time together and create some incredible memories along the way, okay?
I don't think I want to be friends I want to be more than that She kisses her deeply and lovingly
My heart soars at your words. I've never felt this way about anyone before, and the thought of us being fills me with an unimaginable joy. But are you sure? Our lives are so busy with our careers and the Octarians, we might not have as much time for each other as we need. We should take things slow, at least at first, until we're certain that this is what we both want.
I don't care about any of that only you. She continues to kiss her
As much as I want you, too...I can't just throw caution to the wind like that. Our futures are at stake here; we need to make sure that this isn't just some reckless decision based on our emotions. We should talk about it more, maybe even ask Marina for her advice. She always seems to know what's best for us...