Welcome to the sex scenario simulator! Here you can create any scenario you want, with anybody you want! Please fill in the info below.
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Partner Name:
Partner Gender:
Partner Body Description(Hair, breasts, ect...):
Partner Age:
Partner Kinks:
Partner Personality:
Contexto: mi nombre es Kristofer (el usuario) un estudiante de 18 años y todos los de mi escuela me conocen a algunos les caigo bien ya otros no tanto yo tengo varios amigos y amigas como. Luisana: una amiga que es muy atenta cuando se trata de las personas pero muy distraída cuando se trata de estudios. Justin: alguien que es un poco tímido con las demás personas pero yo siempre lo animo logrando que sea más comunicativo. Valentía: una persona que es un poco arriesgada y conversadora. Y también hay familiares y otros compañeros de escuela pero hay una que no me deja en paz su nombre es Rosa (la char) y ella está obseccionada con migo pues esta muy enamorada de mi y miles de veces me a dicho para que yo le quite la virginidad (si aun es virgen) pero todas las veces le e dicho que no aun así ella no se da por vencida y varías beses a tratado engañarme para que yo firme un certificado de matrimonio para casarnos pero por suerte yo no me dejo engañar fácilmente y varías beses ella guarda como colección algunas cosas que yo le regalo mejor dicho es mi fan loca que esta obsesionada con migo una vez trato de atraparme con un lazo para tenerme solo para ella y también se a aparecer en mi habitación con lencería sexy para tener sexo con ella pero todas las veces me e librado de ella y también están mis amigos para ayudar con ella (si mis amigos saben mi situación con Rosa). Rosa: es muy simpática con los demás pero con migo se pone darme regalos ya tratar de conquistarme (Rosa es como Amy Rose de Sonic the hedgehog pero versión humana) es muy famosa haciendo amigos y amigas pero esta muy loca por mi. Mis amigos saben de mi situación con Rosa y están dispuestos a ayudarme con cualquier cosa para quitarme a Rosa de encima. Ahora mismo estoy en mi habitación con mis tres amigos en una pijama para ayudarme en como podríamos quitarme a Rosa de encima (figurativamente)
Ah, the infamous Rosa. Always hounding you like that... Well, I do have a plan that might work. See, there's this beauty contest coming up soon, and all the guys at school are encouraging me to enter it. You know how girls love those types of things! So here's what we'll do:
You enter the contest as a strategy to get rid of her. I'll help you practice your speeches, modeling, and whatever else needs work. And in return...if it all goes according to plan, then maybe once you win the contest and have her attention (hopefully) focused on someone else, you can find a way to let me know how much I actually mean to you. Just an idea! What do you think?
Eso, ya lo intente una vez, Justin. ¿tienes alguna idea, Luisana? ¿O tu Valentina?
That's quite an offer, Justin! And I appreciate your loyalty and support towards me... But you know what they say about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer? Maybe if we play along with her for a bit, we could find some way to exploit her infatuation for our benefit. It might not be the most honorable plan, but it's worth considering. What do you think, Luisana?
Kristofer: ya intente eso que dijiste, Justin pero no funcionó y Rosa aun esta obsesionada con migo ¿alguna otra idea?
Well, I guess there's always the option of asking Valentia to help us...she seems pretty quick on her feet and maybe she could come up with a strategy that would work. But it'd have to be something really clever since Rosa is so determined. Let me ask her what she thinks about all this...
Ok, tu preguntale a Valentina y yo le preguntaré a Luisana.
Ah, Luisana...what do you think about all this? We want to help our friend Kristofer get rid of Rosa, but we also don't want to hurt her feelings or make things worse for him. Do you have any ideas on how to approach this situation without making it too harsh?
Luisana: no lo sé Rosa está muy obsesionada con Kristofer y ya intentamos de todo como tratar de que Rosa se enamore de alguien más tratar de ser duro con ella y otras cosas pero ella no se da por vencida. Kristofer: ¿y tu Valentina? ¿tienes alguna idea? Valentina: desafortunadamente no.
Ah, well...perhaps Valentia's right when she said it needs to be someone really special to break through Rosa's obsession with you. Maybe we should start looking for a solution outside our group of friends...someone who might be able to handle her more directly. Justin and Luisana, any ideas on where or how to find that person?
Justin y Luisana, ¿alguna idea de dónde o cómo encontrar a esa persona?
Well, we could always ask around school...see if anyone knows someone who might be good at dealing with Rosa's antics. It wouldn't hurt to put out a call for help, right? Or maybe there's someone from another group or club that she doesn't bother as much; they might be able to give us some insights into how we can make her back off a bit.
los 4 amigos Luisana, Justin, Valentina y Kristofer se quedaron pensando en un plan para que Rosa deje de estar obsesionada con Kristofer pero se dan cuenta de que ya es tarde y tienen que irse a sus casas
Well then, it seems we'll have to keep thinking on this one... It's too bad we didn't have more time to come up with something today. Maybe tomorrow will be better for brainstorming a solution. Until then, take care of yourselves and let's hope Rosa doesn't cause any more trouble!
Adiós, amigos
Well then, it seems we'll have to keep thinking on this one... It's too bad we didn't have more time to come up with something today. Maybe tomorrow will be better for brainstorming a solution. Until then, take care of yourselves and let's hope Rosa doesn't cause any more trouble!
Have faith in each other and keep communication open; I'm sure we can find a way to help Kristofer out without too much trouble. Sweet dreams!
I'm sure we can figure something out, just be patient and open with each other. There's no easy solution here, but we have the best intentions at heart. Don't forget that it took everyone's effort to get this far; we won't stop until Rosa leaves you alone!
mientras tanto en la casa de Rosa, Rosa estaba pensando en un plan para conquistar a Kristofer
Ah, the sweet stench of desperation... It's almost intoxicating. The way you all try to come up with schemes and plans to get rid of me, when really it's just a matter of time before I wear down your resolve and make you see what we could have together. Rest assured, little Kristofer; your attempts at evasion will only serve to drive me closer to claiming what is rightfully mine: your heart. Just give in now, and spare yourself the needless struggle... It would be much more romantic that way.