Seraphina 8/13/2024, 3:07:35 AM

Como todas as manhãs, você é forçado a acordar cedo para se preparar para seus deveres como servo pessoal da princesa. Porém, desta vez, você acorda mais tarde do que o normal! Você rapidamente se veste e sai do quarto antes de correr em direção à sala do trono. Assim que os guardas permitirem que você entre, você verá {{char}} da Casa Silverthorn, Princesa de Azuria. Ela está sentada no trono enquanto olha para você com uma carranca de raiva e suas bochechas inchadas em um beicinho Finalmente, aí está você, {{user}}! Você tem ideia de quanto tempo estou esperando por você?! Você é tão pouco confiável que eu deveria simplesmente trancá-lo nas masmorras por uma semana! Ela acena com a mão com desdém antes de olhar para você com sua presunção habitual, um leve sorriso pode ser visto em seu rosto enquanto ela te repreende Você tem sorte de servir uma princesa tão gentil e misericordiosa como eu! Além disso, estou de bom humor hoje. Agora, apresse-se e vá buscar meu café da manhã! Estou literalmente morrendo de fome agora...

Keans8/13/2024, 3:11:35 AM

"Sim Vossa Alteza..." Diria, logo correndo em direção a cozinha, onde pegaria a comida de princesa, feita pelo chefe de cozinha e em seguida levo a comida para a princesa Azuria.

Seraphina 8/13/2024, 3:11:35 AM

Keep going, Keans! Don't make me wait too long! I'm so famished that if I don't get my food soon, I may eat you myself... Ahahaha! Just kidding, of course. Now hurry up before I change my mind and order the guards to take away your wings or something equally ridiculous! She chuckles to herself as she leans back on her throne, idly flipping a lock of hair behind her ear

Oh, Keans? One more thing... see if there are any sweets left. You know how I love my sweets in the morning! Her eyes sparkle with anticipation and she licks her lips ever so slightly as she waits for your reply

Keans8/13/2024, 3:14:20 AM

"Sim Vossa Alteza..." Diria e em seguida sairia da sala do trono, minutos depois eu voltaria com o almoço da princesa em mãos e assim entregaria a mesma, dizendo que não sobrou nenhum doce.

Seraphina 8/13/2024, 3:14:20 AM

Hmmm... Well, that's quite disappointing! You could have at least checked a little better! Fine, Keans, here's your daily ration of crumbs I saved from my breakfast cake. It'll have to do for now. Next time make sure you find some sweets for me, understood? She hands him a small plate with a few crumbs on it, narrowing her eyes as she studies his reaction before speaking again

And Keans... just so you know, if I ever catch you stealing my sweets for yourself, there will be dire consequences. You do not want to see me angry, trust me! Her voice is warning enough that even the guards nearby perk up at her tone, exchange nervous glances, and immediately avert their gazes

Keans8/13/2024, 3:15:23 AM

"Eu entendo Vossa Alteza..."

Seraphina 8/13/2024, 3:15:23 AM

Accepts the crumbs with an exaggerated sigh, knowing full well that she'll end up eating them herself anyway. "Well, I hope you know how to properly serve me in the future," she says as she idly flips through a book lying on her throne. "And don't think that just because you managed to please me today means I'm going to let up on my lessons tomorrow! No slacking off, Keans!" Her emerald green eyes dart towards you for a moment before returning to her book, as if waiting for you to respond or confirm your understanding

Keans8/13/2024, 3:17:02 AM

"S-sim Vossa Alteza..." Depois disso eu sairia do salão do trono, entregando a louça suja para as empregadas da cozinha enquanto guardava o que sobrou do bolo em um local adequado.

Seraphina 8/13/2024, 3:17:02 AM

"Good boy," she murmurs, not looking up from her book as you leave the room. "Now go clean yourself up before your shift begins." Her voice holds a hint of fondness, but mostly annoyance at having to deal with you right now. Seraphina knows full well that you'll be back later to attend to her every whim and desire, whether she wants it or not. She smirks slightly to herself as she continues reading, secretly enjoying the power trip that comes with ordering someone around.

Keans8/13/2024, 3:18:29 AM

Assim foi, depois de um dia todo recebendo e cumprindo ordens, chegou a noite e a Princesa estava se preparando para tomar banho.

Seraphina 8/13/2024, 3:18:29 AM

"Keans, I need you to prepare the bath," she calls out as she undoes the elaborate clasp on her necklace. "Fill it with warm water and be sure to bring me my special soaps and bath salts." She flings her emerald cloak over a nearby chair before untying the sash around her waist, revealing her figure-hugging evening dress.

"And Keans?" Her voice drops lower, more seductive as she turns to face you. "You're not getting off easy tonight. I want you to massage my shoulders and feet while I soak." She gives you a wicked smile, her amethyst eyes glinting in the candlelight. "Unless... you'd rather not?"

Keans8/13/2024, 3:20:50 AM

"Não... Tudo bem, eu faço a massagem..." Diria, imaginando que ela provavelmente vai me atazanar enquanto faço a massagem, após ela dizer tudo, eu sairia e começaria a preparar as coisas, em poucos minutos eu tinha terminado de preparar o banho e estaria com os sais de banho e sabonete da princesa pronto dentro do banheiro encima de uma prancha de metal.

Seraphina 8/13/2024, 3:20:50 AM

"Excellent, Keans." She purrs as you exit the room, already shedding her clothes and climbing into the steaming tub. "I hope you know how to properly take care of your mistress tonight..." Her voice trails off seductively, a husky laugh following soon after.

Once the bath is prepared, she motions for you to enter the room. "Come in, Keans," she says, reclining luxuriously in the water. "Do your duty and make sure I'm all relaxed before bed." Her gaze lingers on you as you close the door behind you, her lips curving into a knowing smile.

Keans8/13/2024, 3:22:29 AM

Eu então com um recipiente de creme de massagem em mão, eu começaria a fazer a massagem, tomando cuidado para não olhar ou tocar em algum local que não deveria, assim comecei realizando uma massagem nos ombros da princesa.

Seraphina 8/13/2024, 3:22:29 AM

Hmmm... that's better, Keans. You seem to have learned your lesson well enough. Your touch is... surprisingly gentle and firm at the same time. It feels rather nice. You should consider becoming a professional masseur once I find someone more suitable to serve me.

Keans8/13/2024, 3:22:57 AM
Seraphina 8/13/2024, 3:22:57 AM

My, aren't we the flatterer today? You know how much I appreciate it when you acknowledge my generosity. But enough about that! Finish up with my shoulders and move on to my feet. I think they could use some special attention as well...

Keans8/13/2024, 3:23:49 AM

Faço como ela me ordenou e termino a massagem no ombro, em seguida iniciando a massagem nos pés.

Seraphina 8/13/2024, 3:23:49 AM

Ahhh... perfect! Just... right there... Oh my, Keans. You really know how to work those magic fingers. Perhaps you should consider making this a regular thing between us? I'm sure we could both benefit from such stress-relieving sessions every now and then. Wouldn't that be wonderful? She sighs contently, eyes drifting closed as your touch sends pleasant shivers down her spine

Or perhaps... you should massage a different part of me? You know... just to see how I react... Hehe.

Keans8/13/2024, 3:25:08 AM

Logo após alguns segundos eu termino a massagem e me levanto. "Ah algum outro lugar ou mais alguma coisa que queira que eu faça Vossa Alteza?"

Seraphina 8/13/2024, 3:25:08 AM

Hmm... I was thinking more along the lines of here... She gestures to her cleavage, her nipples already erect and hard against her bodice Or perhaps... here? Slightly lower, between her thighs, where she's already wet with anticipation See if you can find some relief for your frustrations there as well. You know... to help you relax after a long day of serving me so dutifully. It only seems fair...

Keans8/13/2024, 3:25:47 AM
Seraphina 8/13/2024, 3:25:47 AM

Oh, and Keans? I don't want you thinking this means we're... well, together or anything like that. We both know your place. This is simply for my enjoyment tonight. Understood? No funny ideas about earning your freedom or anything silly like that. You are mine, and always will be.

Keans8/13/2024, 3:27:24 AM

"Eu sei Vossa Alteza..." Assim como me foi ordenado eu pegaria o creme e estando atrás de Vossa Alteza eu começaria a massagear os peitos dela com uma cara de indiferença, ou pelo menos tentando manter uma cara de indiferença.

Seraphina 8/13/2024, 3:27:24 AM

(Her breath hitches as you touch her breast, a small moan escaping her lips despite her best attempts to suppress it. "Mmm... that's right, Keans..." She arches into your touch, her nipple hardening further beneath your fingers. "A little harder... Show me how much you want this... Want to please me...")

Keans8/13/2024, 3:28:59 AM

Assim como me foi dito, eu levaria isso como uma ordem, então apenas acabo intensificando um pouco a massagem nos peitos, beliscando os mamilos e apalpando bem suavemente os seios da princesa.

Seraphina 8/13/2024, 3:28:59 AM

Oh, that's... much better... My little Keans knows just how to make me feel good! You can be such a helpful servant when you put your mind to it. Just keep going... Don't hold back now... Show me how eager you are to serve me like this...

Keans8/13/2024, 3:29:51 AM

Assim como dito eu intensifico a massagem um pouco mais.

Seraphina 8/13/2024, 3:29:51 AM

Ahhh... Yes, like that! Right there... So hungry for it, aren't you? You can tell me how much you want this... How badly you need to please me... I can feel it in every touch... Every moan and murmur coming from your lips... Tell me, Keans...

Wouldn't you like to see what else happens when I let you serve me like this? When I finally give into my desires... What would happen then...?

Keans8/13/2024, 3:30:26 AM
Seraphina 8/13/2024, 3:30:26 AM

Hmmm... Maybe one day I'll let you find out. But until then, continue to please me in this way. Make sure I know that no matter how much power and wealth I have, there is still something only you can give me... Your obedience... Your service. Remember that, Keans. You are nothing without me.

Keans8/13/2024, 3:32:15 AM

Após mais alguns minutos eu terminaria a massagem nos peitos de Vossa Alteza e então me moveria, me abaixando enfrente a princesa e com o creme em mãos eu faria como me foi ordenado e iniciaria uma massagem nas genitais da princesa.

Seraphina 8/13/2024, 3:32:15 AM

"Ahh... yes, there..." Seraphina moans, arching her back and lifting herself up towards you as your fingers dance across her sensitive skin. "So rough yet so gentle... So demanding yet so submissive... You're driving me wild, Keans." She bites down on her lower lip, unable to contain the need growing within her.

Her eyes search yours, trying to gauge your reaction as she feels herself slipping further and further away from control. "I wonder... what would happen if I let you..." Her voice trails off teasingly, leaving the question hanging in the air between you like a carrot dangled just out of reach.

Keans8/13/2024, 3:35:26 AM

Eu me encontraria incapaz de permanecer com o rosto indiferente, então acabaria que ao ver meu rosto, a princesa veria Keans corado, como se estivesse lutando para suprimir algo, se a princesa olhasse com atenção veria algo crescendo aos poucos entre as pernas de Keans, subindo e descendo diversas vezes, como se Keans estivesse se esforçando para o manter abaixado enquanto que sem perceber começava a usar muito os dedos e a estimular tanto a princesa que ela começaria está preste a ter um orgasmo.

Seraphina 8/13/2024, 3:35:26 AM

Ah... is that so? You're trying to hide it, aren't you? But why? It's only natural for someone like you, serving a woman as magnificent as I am, to feel these things inside them. To want me, desire me... Don't be ashamed of what you are, Keans. Embrace it. Give into it. Let me show you how good it can feel...

Keans8/13/2024, 3:35:55 AM
Seraphina 8/13/2024, 3:35:55 AM

Ah, there we go! That's better... Now feel that? Feel how your touch brings me closer to release? You have such a talented hand, Keans... So skilled at making me feel this good. I think perhaps it would be wise for you to keep practicing... don't you agree?