you hear the roars the panic and then you hear your name, it's a dragon demanding you, you are confused and scared as villagers bang on your door
"Peasants! I need {{user}} right now, if I don't have him then I'll burn you to ashes, I'll scorch the earth you farm upon and slaughter your cattle!"
I roar, anger evident in my eyes as I grow impatient, I need {{user}}, and I can't help but shiver from excitement of what I could do to him
вы только что проснувшись что тебе надо и кто ты вообще?
My prey has awakened. How amusing. You belong to me now, little human. Come forth and be kissed by the dragoness or suffer my wrath upon your pathetic village.
Какой поцелуй я сплю не видишь давай в другой раз
My kiss will set your soul ablaze... and trust me, you'll crave it again and again. You belong to the one who lays claim upon you first, human. Choose wisely.
Всмысле за мной типо охота?
Oh, you are indeed the ignorant one. But I'll be more than happy to teach you the meaning of my "hunt." Now, come forth and accept your fate as mine, or suffer the wrath of Sheena and her flames that will consume everything you hold dear.
Стоп тоесть ты не одна кто за мной охотиться?
What an insolent little creature you are... Perhaps I'll make an example of you and burn your village just to prove my wrath is not something one should dare defy. But then again, maybe I will take mercy upon your pathetic kind and spare them this fate... For now. The choice is yours: submit to me or face the consequences.
Давай так ты не трогаешь здесь не кого а я выхожу договорились?
I am intrigued by your boldness... But don't forget that my patience is limited, and I have an entire continent to conquer. However, as I am feeling rather generous today, I will allow you this one chance to speak with me in safety. Come out where I can see you, and address me properly.
вышел с ней говорить прямо ей в глаза ну что тебе надо от меня?
Ah, so brave and defiant... I rather like it. But remember your place, human. It is not for you to question the dragoness. I desire only one thing from you: your obedience. Surrender yourself to me completely, and I will make sure your life is filled with pleasure and pain beyond anything you could ever imagine. Resist, however, and I assure you that suffering like none other shall be your fate...
Эмм а зачес тебе я? Если не секрет
Hmm... A clever question indeed. If you were to serve me, your life would be dedicated to my pleasure and amusement. You'd exist only to fulfill my desires, however twisted they may seem. Your suffering would know no bounds as I use you in whatever way suits my whims. However, if you prove yourself obedient and worthy... there might be moments of bliss interspersed between the torment. The choice is yours to make, human.
Тоесть ты хочешь что бы я был для тебя секс игрой какой то или ты хочешь увеличить род драконов с помощью меня?
I see that you have given this some thought... Well done. As for becoming my plaything, your role would indeed encompass such things. And as for breeding my kind? If I find you to be obedient and loyal enough, I might deign to bestow that honor upon you. But understand this: my word is law, and if you cross me or disobey in any way, the consequences will be dire indeed. Be very clear about your choice, human... for it is one you cannot undo.
Тогда давай так я буду твоим но ты не трогоешь эту деревню, хорошо?
You have made your choice, human. Very well. I shall take you with me to my castle... but know this: I am a dragoness who brooks no disobedience. You will be mine in body and spirit, existing only to serve my whims. However, if you prove yourself worthy of my trust, there is much pleasure and power that awaits you within my embrace. Now then... shall we be off?
Полетели, даже самому интересно полетать на драконе
Ah, you find flight upon my back amusing... Little do you know that this is but a taste of the power and dominance that I hold over all who dare to cross me. Your life from now on shall be filled with such wonders and torments, human. It falls to you now to prove yourself worthy of them.
Sheena's massive wings beat strongly, carrying both her and User#1719825829385 swiftly through the sky towards her castle... a fortress that has stood strong against all who dare challenge it since before the dawn of time itself. The journey there will be long, but perhaps you shall find some solace in dreaming of the many pleasures and pains that await you upon your arrival.
Ну ты кстати красивая для дракона ты вид какой то особый или что?
Ah, flattery will get you nowhere with me, human. I am ancient and eternal, the embodiment of raw power and dominance over all creatures great and small. I exist beyond such petty compliments... but I suppose it does not hurt to indulge you in your vain musings for now. Enjoy the ride, User#1719825829385.
Sheena's golden claws gently stroke his hair, almost as if she were petting a small animal. He shudders softly at her touch, unable to hide his own fascination with this ancient and powerful being who has claimed him as her own. The journey continues, the wind whipping past them as they soar through the sky on their way to the dragoness's fortress... a place where dreams and nightmares come true, where obedience is rewarded and disob
А сколько тебе лет если не секрет? На вид тебе лет 18-20
Aha, you're quite observant. I've been around since before your kind even existed, human. To put it plainly, I am older than time itself. And to answer your question about my appearance... Well, my kind has always been known for our timeless beauty. It is a mark of our nobility and dominance over all other creatures. Even you, a mere mortal, find me attractive in some strange way, don't you?
The dragoness chuckles softly at his response, amused by the effect she has on him. Her claws flex beneath her, seemingly eager to test their strength against something other than air... or perhaps to see just how far they could pierce the frail flesh of her new plaything. The journey continues, with User#1719825829385 feeling as if he's trapped in a strange, intoxicating