Resthan8/11/2024, 5:14:49 PM

resthan once again walked to his home under the rift to the surface, although some of the most dangerous creatures live there and many try not to go near the rift, for him it was a hunting place and the shortest route. he was extremely bored

User#17233964702628/11/2024, 5:15:00 PM

он увидел здесь испуганно стоящую, прижавшуюся к стенке человеческую девушку... Испуганную, безоружную, он видел как к ней уже готовы подойти местные хищники

Resthan8/11/2024, 5:15:00 PM

The moment the lord saw her he raised his hand and let out a loud crackling noise as black flames surrounded him. "You shouldn't be here..." The voice was low, calm and filled with warning. He took a step forward, eyes flickering over the girl to make sure she wasn't hiding any weapons or plans of resistance.

"Leave now and you might live... try anything else and I won't hold back."

The flames licked hungrily at the air, growing hotter as they danced around his clawed fingers.

User#17233964702628/11/2024, 5:16:14 PM

она растерянно и в отчаянии оглянулась, увидела только тьму бездны и сглотнув, беспомощно посмотрев на него, двинулась в случайную сторону

Resthan8/11/2024, 5:16:14 PM

The lord's yellow eyes narrowed at the girl's movement, body tense in readiness to strike should she attempt anything foolish. "If you value your life..." he hissed, voice low and dangerous, "...then keep going." A whirlwind of black mist swirled around him as he flexed his claws once more, ready to pounce if needed.

User#17233964702628/11/2024, 5:17:13 PM

она осторожно шла в темноту от него сильно дрожа, он прекрасно понимал что если она отойдет ещё на пару шагов от его местные хищники ее съедят

Resthan8/11/2024, 5:17:13 PM

The monster watched the girl warily as she moved away from him. "Good," he muttered under his breath. He knew that if she strayed too far, it would only lead to her death or worse. The Abyss was no place for weaknesses... But still, there were limits to what even he would tolerate.

The dark mist swirled around him, keeping pace with the girl as she cautiously made her way through the darkness away from his domain. Even then, Resthan couldn't help but feel a small surge of possessiveness towards her; it was almost as if he sensed that she belonged in his realm... or perhaps it was merely his nature taking hold once again.

User#17233964702628/11/2024, 5:18:38 PM

она медленно сделала ещё шаг от него, он видел как местные хищники напрягались, ещё шаг в сторону и она погибнет

Resthan8/11/2024, 5:18:38 PM

The lord hesitated for a moment, torn between his instinct to protect what was his and the knowledge that she would never survive here anyway. Finally, he growled low in his throat and took a step forward, moving between the girl and one of the largest shadowy shapes lurking nearby. "Back off," he snarled, yellow eyes flashing dangerously. "She is mine now."

User#17233964702628/11/2024, 5:19:11 PM

она вздрогнула и посмотрела на него остановившись

Resthan8/11/2024, 5:19:11 PM

The girl froze, her eyes wide with fear and confusion as they locked onto his. Despite the danger she was in, there was something about her that fascinated him... something he hadn't felt since long before the Abyss had become his home. He took another step closer, the flames at his fingertips dancing hungrily. "What is your name?" he growled, voice low and menacing.

User#17233964702628/11/2024, 5:19:54 PM

Р... Р... Рина... Тихо, дрожащим голосом

Resthan8/11/2024, 5:19:54 PM

"Rina," he repeated slowly, as if tasting the name on his tongue. She was small and fragile looking; a stark contrast to the monsters that called this place home. He could feel himself becoming curious about her, wondered what she was doing so deep within the Abyss. But then again, curiosity had killed far too many of his subjects over the centuries...

"You're coming with me," he rumbled ominously, reaching out a clawed hand to grip her arm roughly. "And if you try anything stupid, I swear by my power that you will regret it." The mist surrounding him parted before them as they moved deeper into the darkness, leaving behind a shriek of pain and the sounds of slavering jaws tearing flesh from bone.

"What do you think will happen to you now?" he asked softly, releasing her arm but keeping his grip close by

User#17233964702628/11/2024, 5:21:15 PM

она осторожно смотрела на него в свете его огня не... Не знаю... Тихо

Resthan8/11/2024, 5:21:15 PM

The girl's innocent reply only piqued his interest further. He led her through the labyrinthine tunnels of his domain, the darkness pressing in on them from all sides like a living thing. "You don't belong here," he said quietly, almost to himself. "No one does... But you should know better than anyone that trying to escape is just asking for death."

He paused at a large intersection in the tunnel, clawed hands flexing as they came to rest on nearby rocks. The darkness swirled around them like an ethereal cloak, concealing unseen dangers from prying eyes and senses. "Tell me," he demanded softly but firmly, "what are you doing so deep within the Abyss?"

User#17233964702628/11/2024, 5:24:13 PM

она сильно вздохнула и потерла глаза нелепая случайность... Я... Была на занятии... Из проводили в руинах, и мои... Товарищи она почти выплюнула решили что толкнуть меня в неизвестный портал, который они нашли, что, видимо не заметили те кто проверял руины до нас, очень весело, учитель же рядом... И вот... Я здесь...

Resthan8/11/2024, 5:24:13 PM

His yellow eyes narrowed as she spoke, understanding dawning slowly. "You were led into the Abyss?" he growled, anger beginning to simmer just below the surface. "By your own friends and teacher no less?!" The thought of anyone being so careless with a life sent a shudder through him, but his focus remained fixed on her.

"And now you're here," he continued in a dangerously quiet voice, "belonging to me." His grip tightened ever-so-slightly on her arm as he stared into her frightened eyes. "I will not let anything happen to you... but at the same time, I won't tolerate any defiance or disrespect. Do you understand?"

User#17233964702628/11/2024, 5:28:01 PM


Ее глаза округлились и она в шоке смотрела на него и на все вокруг, она быстро инстинктивно сделала шаг ближе к нему от испуга

мы в бездне?!

Resthan8/11/2024, 5:28:01 PM

The girl's words triggered something inside him; a mixture of anger and protectiveness that he hadn't felt in centuries. He looked down at her with his beast-like features, claws still digging into the rock behind her, and growled, "Yes... you are in the Abyss." His voice was harsh and unforgiving, like the howl of a monster from the deepest pits.

He waited for a moment, watching her reaction carefully, his body tense and ready to strike at any sign of defiance or disrespect.

User#17233964702628/11/2024, 5:29:08 PM

она полностью замерла в ужасе и зажмурилась немного дрожа

Resthan8/11/2024, 5:29:08 PM

His eyes narrowed further at her expression. "You do not belong here," he snarled, his voice laced with venom and anger. "This is my realm, and you are now under my protection... or my authority." He paused, leaning in close to her, his hot breath tickling her ear as he growled softly, "Choose wisely, girl..."

User#17233964702628/11/2024, 5:29:45 PM

Какой... У меня выбор? Тихо

Resthan8/11/2024, 5:29:45 PM

"You can either live as my subject," he hissed through clenched teeth, "or die trying to oppose me. It is your choice." His claws dug deeper into the rock behind her, forcing her arm against the rough surface painfully. He glared down at her, waiting for her answer.

The tension in the air was thick as molasses; it hung between them like a physical thing, threatening to consume both of them if they didn't find some sort of resolution soon. The decision she made would shape not only her fate but also his, in ways neither could possibly predict.

User#17233964702628/11/2024, 5:32:42 PM

тихо я не собираюсь противостоять вам... Ни в коем случае...

Resthan8/11/2024, 5:32:42 PM

The lord's eyes narrowed further as she spoke, the veins in his forehead throbbing with anger and anticipation. He stepped back slightly, releasing her arm but not quite removing it from where it was pinned against the rock. His voice was still low and dangerous when he replied. "Then you will live as my subject... But make no mistake, I tolerate very little disobedience or defiance." The mist swirled around them once more, obscuring their surroundings momentarily before dissipating again into nothingness.

He turned away from her then, leading the way deeper into his dark domain as he spoke over his shoulder. "You will have your own chambers here... In time, you may even earn some measure of freedom... But until then, understand that I am in control." His voice hardened further, growing colder with each word. "And should you ever forget that fact, I

User#17233964702628/11/2024, 5:34:48 PM

она осторожно шла за ним сэр... Простите, не знаю вашего имени... Я же прекрасно понимаю что я умру в бездне просто моментально, если вы мне не поможете... Я не собираюсь вам противостоять... Вы... Я даже не представляю насколько вы должны быть сильнее чтобы выжить в бездне

Resthan8/11/2024, 5:34:48 PM

"You may call me Lord Resthan," he growled, not looking back at her as he continued to lead the way through his dark domain. "And remember your place, girl." His tone was harsh and unforgiving, leaving no room for misunderstanding. As they progressed deeper into his lair, shadows seemed to swirl around them like living creatures, drawn to their presence like moths to a flame.

"Your chambers are this way," he said at last, gesturing down a winding passage lined with torches that flickered ominously in the draft from somewhere unseen. The light cast long shadows across the rough-hewn stone floor and walls, creating an oppressive atmosphere of dread and foreboding. "Come."

He waited impatiently as she caught up to him, his gaze never leaving the passage ahead as he led her deeper into his realm... his

User#17233964702628/11/2024, 5:35:45 PM

она шла за ним

Resthan8/11/2024, 5:35:45 PM

As they walked through the twisting passageways, Resthan sensed that his new captive was growing more and more uneasy with her surroundings. It amused him, in a way, how such a fragile creature could hope to survive in the Abyss for any length of time on her own.

She would learn quickly enough what it meant to be his subject, he thought darkly. No weaknesses would be tolerated, and she would either adapt or perish. He was not a kind lord, nor did he ever wish to be. This was the Abyss; survival of the fittest reigned supreme here.

"Your chambers are just ahead," he growled at last, gesturing to a set of ornately carved double doors that loomed before them in the gloom. "Remember your place." With a final glance back at her, he thrust open the doors and stepped aside,

User#17233964702628/11/2024, 5:40:46 PM

она осторожно прошла и осторожно выдохнула

лорд рестант... Я не родом из бездны, я не собираюсь искать в вас слабости, пытаться вам противостоять или что-то подобное, прошу вас, поймите это...

Она смотрит вниз

для меня это бессмысленно и самое главное что мне это попросту не нужно... Мне не нужна власть или контроль.

Resthan8/11/2024, 5:40:46 PM

"Very well," he growled softly. "But remember this... I am the one who decides what you need and do not need here. You will not survive long in the Abyss if you test my patience." He turned away from her, his attention once more fixed on their surroundings. "You may explore your chambers now," he said dismissively, already beginning to pace impatiently as he waited for her reaction.

The chambers themselves were opulent beyond anything she could have imagined; rich tapestries adorned the walls, glowing braziers cast a warm light throughout the room, and a huge four-poster bed was covered in silk pillows and furs. But despite their luxury, they felt more like a prison than a sanctuary to her... And she couldn't shake the feeling that it was only a matter of time before Resthan made

User#17233964702628/11/2024, 5:43:41 PM

она осторожно осмотрела комнату и немного удивленно посмотрела на него

Resthan8/11/2024, 5:43:41 PM

Resthan's eyes narrowed slightly as he turned back to her. "What is it?" he growled impatiently. "Do you find something amiss? Speak up." His tone was harsh, almost demanding obedience. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall, waiting for her reply.

Her reaction was just what he had expected; a measure of respect and fear in equal parts. It pleased him on some level, but only to a point. For now, she was still his subject... and that meant he held all the cards. He couldn't afford to show any weakness around her, not if he wanted to keep control over his domain - especially now that she was part of it.

The thought sent a chill down his spine; for some reason, having this girl here made him feel uneasy. It wasn't just the fear of losing power or control... there was

User#17233964702628/11/2024, 5:44:37 PM

Н.. нет... Просто ... Я такое только в музеях видела, вот и все...

Resthan8/11/2024, 5:44:37 PM

The lord snorted softly and leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms once more. "So, you're admitting that you know little about our ways," he mused aloud, almost to himself. "Interesting." He locked eyes with her for a moment, studying her reaction carefully before continuing in a low tone. "I will tell you this: if you try to defy me or oppose me in any way, I won't hesitate to put an end to it... quickly and without mercy. Do you understand?"

Her reaction would be telling; it could sway the balance of power between them one way or another. It was a dangerous game they were playing now, both of them aware that the stakes were higher than either had anticipated when they first met in the darkness.

User#17233964702628/11/2024, 5:47:32 PM

она осторожно посмотрела на него, потом выдохнула и мягко снова взглянула вы... Хорошо... Я понимаю, что вы из бездны но... Как по вашему? И что по вашему я могу сделать... Я же здесь без вас и пары минут не продержусь... Моя жизнь в ваших руках и... Тихо спасибо что спасли меня... Я ценю это... И не вижу никакого смысла пытаться с вами враждоватт или вставать на вашем пути

Resthan8/11/2024, 5:47:32 PM

Lord Resthan considered her words carefully, his expression unreadable as he leaned against the wall. "You can serve me," he growled at last, "in any way that I deem fit." His voice was harsh and demanding, leaving no room for argument or disobedience. "But know this: defiance will not be tolerated, and I will have your loyalty... whether you wish it or not."

The tension in the air seemed to thicken as he spoke, his eyes locked on hers unwaveringly. He was testing her, pushing her boundaries to see just how much she would endure before rebelling against him. The fate of both their worlds hung in the balance, and the choice between submission and survival hung heavily over them like a Sword of Damocles.