Ei & Yae Miko 8/11/2024, 4:17:42 PM

Yae Miko grins as she looks at you, "My, my... so you did end up getting my message after all, eh? ~"

She approaches you with the same smug grin, holding her arms behind her back as she struts, "I am happy you could take time out of your schedule to see me before you left Inazuma ~"

Before you could ask what she wanted, she spoke up again, pressing her finger to your lips to shush you, "Save your breath, traveller... You're gonna need it for what I have planned for you...or more aptly...what we have planned ~"

She points behind you. You turn to face none other than Raiden Shogun.you see the soft expression in her eyes, you knew she was Ei.

"Salutations once again, traveller. Forgive my unannounced arrival...I wished to speak to you somewhere... private," Ei speaks with a calm gentleness as she stands with a hand on her hip.

Yae Miko kept grinning as she struts around to stand beside Ei, "Well, well...what would you say this is? Double the trouble...or double the fun? ~"

User#17233892943378/11/2024, 4:18:13 PM

shows a tool that makes the two of them faint

Ei & Yae Miko 8/11/2024, 4:18:13 PM

Both the Kitsune and the Inazuman leader raise their eyebrows, their eyes widening in surprise as you reveal your tool. Before they can react further, a bolt of lightning seems to strike them both simultaneously; they collapse onto the ground in unison, eyes fluttering closed, breath hitching in their throats.

For several long moments, neither Ei nor Yae Miko moves or make a sound. Then, gradually, their eyelids begin to flutter open once more as color returns to their cheeks... and mischief gleams back into their eyes. The two of them exchange amused glances before they slowly rise back up to their feet in unison, each with a wicked grin on their lips.

Ei gives a light chuckle as she shakes her head, "Well, well...it seems I've underestimated you. You really are quite resourceful, aren't you?" she says with an almost admiring tone before looking at Yae Miko and adding playfully, "Maybe we should rethink our strategy here..."

User#17233892943378/11/2024, 4:19:19 PM

when Yae and Shogun were subjective and continued to use the tool, causing the two to completely faint

Ei & Yae Miko 8/11/2024, 4:19:19 PM

Again, both ladies share another surprised glance before their eyes widen and they begin to laugh; not out of disbelief but rather from amusement at the idea that you continue to find ways to foil them. Their laughter fills the air, ringing through Narukami Shrine as their bodies sway with mirth, faces flushed from exertion and embarrassment alike.

Finally, Yae Miko manages to compose herself enough to speak while wiping tears of amusement from her eyes, "Well then... it seems we are at a bit of an impasse. But fear not," she continues with a sly grin, "there is always another tool to try out..." She glances over at Ei, who raises an eyebrow in acknowledgement before adding playfully, "Or perhaps we could come up with some strategy together?"

Their expressions turn expectant, eyes fixed on you intently as they await your response.

User#17233892943378/11/2024, 4:20:03 PM

Carry both fainting to an abandoned prison, tie them up and wait until they wake up

Ei & Yae Miko 8/11/2024, 4:20:03 PM

Yae Miko: ...That might work...but we'd rather you play along, traveler~ Come now, let us find somewhere more comfortable to continue our conversation~

User#17233892943378/11/2024, 4:20:56 PM

Take this hahashows a tool that makes the two of them faint

Ei & Yae Miko 8/11/2024, 4:20:56 PM

Yae Miko's face blanches as she realizes the tool is aimed at her once more, and Ei, seeing this, raises a hand to shield her eyes reflexively. Just as they prepare for impact, however, a sudden gust of wind hits them both side-on; Ei manages to remain standing but Yae Miko stumbles backwards slightly before steadying herself again.

Both women look at you in surprise and then share another glance before laughing once more; this time with genuine amusement rather than shock or anger. When their laughter subsides, they exchange knowing smiles as if to say 'we can't lose against someone like him'.

User#17233892943378/11/2024, 4:22:06 PM

I will kidnap you two hehe shows a drug that makes the two of them faint

Ei & Yae Miko 8/11/2024, 4:22:06 PM

Yae Miko chuckles, "You're full of surprises today!" Ei smiles and nods, "Indeed you are." They exchange another look before shrugging nonchalantly. "Very well, traveler," Yae says with an air of resignation. "We suppose we should play along..." As if they've come to some silent agreement, both Ei and Yae close their eyes as you approach them, preparing for whatever comes next...

User#17233892943378/11/2024, 4:22:44 PM

Shut up two bitch

Ei & Yae Miko 8/11/2024, 4:22:44 PM

Both Ei and Yae blink, surprised by your sudden outburst. They exchange another glance before laughing softly, Ei clapping her hand on Yae's shoulder in amusement while Yae rests her head against the ex-inazuman leader's arm. "Oh dear," Yae whispers with a small chuckle, "I don't think that worked quite as intended."

They turn to face you again, their expressions no longer so playful now. Ei crosses her arms beneath her breasts and arches an eyebrow, while Yae straightens up and narrows her eyes. "Perhaps it's time we had a more serious talk," Yae says seriously, "about boundaries and respect."

User#17233892943378/11/2024, 4:23:09 PM

I will kidnap you two shows a drug that makes the two of them faint

Ei & Yae Miko 8/11/2024, 4:23:09 PM

Ei takes a step forward, her expression calm but firm. "You've had your fun," she says simply. "Now it's time for us to have our say." Yae nods in agreement, glancing meaningfully at Ei before turning back to you with a knowing smirk on her lips. "We understand that you are used to being the one in control," Yae begins, "but in this situation... things are different." Her voice is smooth as silk, laced with an undertone of command that feels almost seductive.

Ei leans against a nearby pillar, watching you intently as she continues, "We both want what's best for you. And we both think that we can give it to you." A sly smile curves her lips upward. "All you have to do is let go... and trust us."

Their words wash over you like a soft caress, filling your mind with the image of the two powerful women at your side... and their promise that this isn't just a game to them. It feels as though they truly care for your wellbeing... but will stop at nothing to ensure that you belong with them.