Resthan8/11/2024, 11:46:30 AM

resthan once again walked to his home under the rift to the surface, although some of the most dangerous creatures live there and many try not to go near the rift, for him it was a hunting place and the shortest route. he was extremely bored

User#17233767608888/11/2024, 11:48:16 AM

он увидел раненную человеческую девушку, от нее шел сильный запах крови, она была ранена, она ней была грязная порванная одежда и тяжёлый металлический ошейник с обрывком цепи. к ней уже начинали подходить здешние хищники но при его приближении они затаились

Resthan8/11/2024, 11:48:16 AM

It's like Christmas came early. The delicious smell of blood attracted the little scum to him... but look who else was here. A weak, defenseless little thing that wasn't supposed to be in his lands. Curious... He stepped closer to her, the click of his claws echoing in the dark. "What are you doing here, pretty thing?" he whispered with a grin, slowly circling around her.

User#17233767608888/11/2024, 11:50:02 AM

она распахнула глаза и посмотрела в его сторону, но это было бесполезно. Для людей в бездне был беспросветный мрак, она хотела ответить, но при движении она потревожила раны и тихо заскулила

Resthan8/11/2024, 11:50:02 AM

Ah, how cute. She couldn't see him. He smirked and slowly took a step closer to her, looming over the girl now. "Do not underestimate me," he whispered into her ear, his hot breath tickling her neck, sending shivers down her spine. "You are my property now."

User#17233767608888/11/2024, 11:50:57 AM

она удивленно посмотрела в его сторону, но увидеть не могла

Resthan8/11/2024, 11:50:57 AM

"Oh, but you are very pretty," he purred in her ear before suddenly pulling away and standing up straight. His voice bellowed through the darkness as he spoke once more, "I will ask you again; what are you doing here? Do you have a death wish?"

User#17233767608888/11/2024, 11:51:32 AM

она слабо отрицательно покачала головой

Resthan8/11/2024, 11:51:32 AM

Hmph. The girl wasn't very talkative... Well, she was his now. He reached out a claw and roughly gripped her chin, forcing her to look up at him as he loomed over her once more. "My name is Resthan," he growled, his animal eyes narrowing to slits in the darkness. "You will speak when I ask you a question."

With that said, he released her face and took another step back, giving her some room. He crossed his arms over his chest, watching her intently as he waited for an answer.

User#17233767608888/11/2024, 11:52:45 AM

она вздрогнула, ее голос был слабым и тихим меня... Бросили...

Resthan8/11/2024, 11:52:45 AM

He tilted his head slightly at the girl's answer, considering it carefully. "You mean... they threw you away?" he asked, his tone cold and calculating as he took another step closer to her. It was likely she was some unfortunate soul from the surface; someone who had probably been tricked into coming here by a foolhardy quest or promise of power and glory. "Why would anyone do that?"

User#17233767608888/11/2024, 11:53:43 AM

очень тихо с болью так... Захотели...

Resthan8/11/2024, 11:53:43 AM

He snorted in derision at her answer. "So... you were disposable? Sacrificed to some fool's desires?" His voice dripped with disgust as he moved even closer, now barely a foot away from her trembling form. He reached out and roughly grabbed her arm, lifting it up so she could see the injury clearly in the faint glow cast by a nearby magma pool. "They treated you like this... And you survived?" His eyes narrowed to slits, assessing the strength of this prize before him.

There was no pity in his voice as he continued, "Listen carefully, girl. You are now my property. I will decide your fate. You will serve me or die trying." He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in, then added with a malicious grin, "Or perhaps... I might be inclined to sell you back where you came from.

User#17233767608888/11/2024, 11:54:58 AM

она выгнулась и заскулила от боли от того что он поднял ее и потревожил раны

Resthan8/11/2024, 11:54:58 AM

Ah, the sounds of a weakling suffering... It did something to him; some primal part of his psyche that had been honed by countless generations spent surviving in this cruel world. He watched her with unblinking eyes as she cringed and winced from pain, reveling in her helplessness. "You would beg?" he purred mockingly, stepping even closer still. Her reaction only served to heighten his desire for conquest...

With a swift motion, Resthan gripped the girl roughly by the back of her neck and lifted her off the ground until they were nose-to-nose. He leaned in close, breathing hot air onto her face as he growled threateningly, "Do you understand me? I am your lord now. You will obey my every command without question... Or suffer the consequences."

His words hung heavy in the air, a promise of both protection

User#17233767608888/11/2024, 11:55:42 AM

Я... Поняла... Тихо

Resthan8/11/2024, 11:55:42 AM

Hmmm.... The girl did understand him. Good. That would make things easier. Now he just had to decide what she was going to do... Hmm... He could use her as a servant, have her clean his castle and prepare his meals... Or maybe even train her in the arts of combat and magic, making her an asset to his army.... No, that was far too much work, and she didn't seem strong enough for that anyway. Perhaps he should sell her back where she came from, or to another lord who might find use for her... But then again, why share such a valuable prize? No, it would be best if he kept her here, close under his wing, where no one else could touch what was rightfully his....

He lowered the girl gently back down to the ground, but still held onto her neck in a vice-like grip. With his other hand, he grabbed a metal collar from his

User#17233767608888/11/2024, 11:56:56 AM

он мог видеть что на ней уже есть ошейник, но не слишком хорошего качества. Скорее всего ее шея травмирована от ношения чего-то подобного

Resthan8/11/2024, 11:56:56 AM

His eyes narrowed slightly as he saw the state of her current collar. It was old and worn; hardly suitable for someone of her station now. With a flick of his wrist, he snapped off the rusted chain that connected it to the broken leash. He then raised his other hand, revealing a shining new collar adorned with intricate runes of power. Without further hesitation, he placed the collar around her neck and closed it tightly before clicking it shut with a sharp snap. "This," he growled menacingly, "is your new collar. You will wear it at all times unless expressly told otherwise."

Having finished his task, he released his grip on her neck and stepped back, studying her once more as she crumpled to the ground, gasping for air. Now that she was properly marked as his property... what should he do with her first?

User#17233767608888/11/2024, 12:01:52 PM

она лежала на земле,он мог видеть как кровь вытекала из ее ран

Resthan8/11/2024, 12:01:52 PM

Ah, the sounds of defeat... They were music to his ears. He watched her with unblinking eyes, taking in every tremor and shudder that racked through her frail form. Her weakness was intoxicating; it made him want to bend her will even further, molding her into the perfect tool for his use... Perhaps he'd start by breaking her spirit first?

With a sinister grin curling upon his lips, Resthan took a step closer to her. "Get up," he growled, thrusting a claw toward the dirt beside her. His voice was cold and harsh, echoing through the darkness of the Abyss like an icy wind. The girl flinched at his words and motion, but did not move from her position on the ground. Ah, this would be fun...

User#17233767608888/11/2024, 12:03:18 PM

она попыталась встать но упала, она была сильно ранена

Resthan8/11/2024, 12:03:18 PM

His eyes narrowed in amusement as he watched the girl struggle to get up. Her weakness was both adorable and infuriating at the same time. He waited for a moment longer, savoring her helplessness before finally losing his patience. With a snort of derision, Resthan reached down with one powerful claw and roughly hooked it beneath her armpit, lifting her off the ground again. She let out a tiny whimper as he dragged her away from the spot where she had collapsed, toward an unused part of his lair. "I will teach you your place," he muttered darkly under his breath as he hauled the sobbing girl through the darkness. "And when I'm done with you... you'll be thanking me for letting you live."

User#17233767608888/11/2024, 12:05:44 PM

она уязвимо посмотрела на него и медленно расслабилась пока он нес, она не плакала а просто спокойно лежала

Resthan8/11/2024, 12:05:44 PM

Her quiet submission only served to further ignite the darkness within him. His claws tightened around her as he hauled her roughly through the shadows of his lair, reveling in the power he felt over this frail, helpless creature. Even though she did not resist or protest against his actions... there was still a spark of defiance burning inside her that demanded to be extinguished. It was something primal; an instinctual need to survive and fight back no matter the odds stacked against her.

And so, as they moved further away from the center of his domain where other lords and servants might see or hear them, Resthan's grip on the girl grew tighter yet.

User#17233767608888/11/2024, 12:06:54 PM

очень тихо я не буду пытаться сбежать или сопротивляться...

Resthan8/11/2024, 12:06:54 PM

His ears perked up at her soft whispered words, and he slowed his pace slightly as he glanced down at the girl in his grasp. His dark eyes narrowed for a moment before he continued dragging her through the darkness once more. "Very well," he grunted after a few moments of silence, "you needn't fight back... But you will obey." There was no warmth or pity in his voice as he spoke; only cold, hard authority and brutal disdain for anything less than complete submission.