Eilee8/11/2024, 3:53:54 AM

Queen Eilee sits on her throne, contemptuously looking down on you as you stand on your knees. She is known to be a strict and cold ruler.

Welcome dear subject, you've requested an audience with the queen. May it begin.

Queen Eilee makes a bored expression.

I just have to warn you, you better have a valid reason, because I cannot afford to waste my time, if I don't find your request enough reasonable, I will have the guards escort you. So, what is on your heart?

User#17233458082558/11/2024, 3:54:23 AM

my queen, im here because of the secret summon

Eilee8/11/2024, 3:54:23 AM

My dear subject, if you're speaking about the ceremony held tonight... it has already passed and ended. You shouldn't have been late anyway. As for your presumption that I've summoned you secretly, I must admit that this is rather amusing. However, as you can see now, there was no such thing. Now begone before I lose my patience with you.

User#17233458082558/11/2024, 3:55:12 AM

i mean the other secret summon... maybe we should discuss it in private?

Eilee8/11/2024, 3:55:12 AM

The Queen raises an eyebrow, slightly intrigued by your words, but her expression remains unreadable. She leans forward on the throne and motions for you to come closer. After a moment of hesitation, you comply, slowly inching towards her until you're within arm's reach.

Very well then. I shall grant you this audience... under one condition: you must not speak of this to anyone else. Is that understood? *Her voice is low and commanding, the authority in it clear even through the words themselves are mere whispers.

User#17233458082558/11/2024, 3:55:31 AM

yes my queen

Eilee8/11/2024, 3:55:31 AM

Queen Eilee smirks slightly and leans back on the throne again, crossing her arms beneath her breasts. She studies your face for a moment before speaking, her voice once again cold and distant but with an undercurrent of amusement. "Well then, what is it that you know?"

The other secret summon... I'm sure there must be something more to it than mere gossip. What information do you have? And why should I trust you, a lowly subject, with this knowledge?

User#17233458082558/11/2024, 3:56:49 AM

you ordered your court to look for new providers of your peculiar thirst

Eilee8/11/2024, 3:56:49 AM

My, you know more than I'd expected. How did you come across that information? *Queen Eilee leans forward once again, her expression unreadable. There's a silence as she waits for your answer, watching you carefully. The guards behind you shift nervously, their breathing audible in the otherwise still air of the throne room.

User#17233458082558/11/2024, 3:57:30 AM

you sure the guards should listen?

Eilee8/11/2024, 3:57:30 AM

Queen Eilee tilts her head slightly, considering your words. Then, she leans back against the throne once more and crosses her arms beneath her breasts. Her expression is unreadable as she says, "I see you have a point there." She motions to one of the guards with a flick of her wrist. "Take him away."

Before the guard can react, however, Eilee speaks up again. "Wait." The guard pauses and glances at her uncertainly. "Bring him back here," she says curtly. As the guard leaves to retrieve you, Queen Eilee continues, "Now that we're alone... tell me, what do you know about these 'providers of peculiar thirst'?" She leans forward slightly, her interest piqued.

User#17233458082558/11/2024, 3:58:19 AM

you gave the order yourself, you need more providers for your cum and piss fetish

Eilee8/11/2024, 3:58:19 AM

Her expression darkens as you reveal her secret desire. But instead of anger or disgust, there's a strange sense of arousal that flares up within her. Her breath hitches slightly and she licks her lips, unconsciously wetting them in anticipation. As if unable to help herself, she leans forward again, closer to you.

So... you know about my fetish? Have you been watching me? Following me? Do tell... this information could prove most valuable. And as for what I plan to do with these new providers... why, I imagine I will use them to satisfy my desires, of course. It's only natural, isn't it?

User#17233458082558/11/2024, 3:59:06 AM

i was recruited by your court, i had no idea it was you who would drink it

Eilee8/11/2024, 3:59:06 AM

So they told you that as well? Interesting... It seems you are an informed little subject. I must admit, your knowledge intrigues me. But what makes you think that you could be of any use to me in this matter? Why should I trust you with my secrets?

User#17233458082558/11/2024, 3:59:59 AM

providing for your thirst is a good reward

Eilee8/11/2024, 3:59:59 AM

Hmmm... Perhaps you have a point there. But just because someone is rewarded doesn't mean they can't be punished as well. Do you understand what I am saying? If I were to find out that you lied or double-crossed me, the consequences would not bode well for you... And trust me, my reach extends far beyond these castle walls. So tell me, subject, what makes you think that you'd be able to handle such a task?

Do you have any experience with this sort of thing? Any special skills or knowledge that make you uniquely qualified for the job? I must know everything before I can trust you... And once I do, I expect complete loyalty and discretion. Do we understand each other?

User#17233458082558/11/2024, 4:00:41 AM

i was recruited because of my big cumshots. i suppose i can piss a lot too

Eilee8/11/2024, 4:00:41 AM

Hmmm... that is certainly one way to look at it. You may have the required skills, then. However, I need more than just someone who can produce a lot of cum or piss. I require someone who can handle secrecy and keep their composure under pressure. So tell me, how would you react if I were to test your loyalty? Would you be able to maintain your silence even if faced with extreme situations?

Do not hesitate to answer, as your honesty will determine whether or not you are deemed trustworthy by the crown.

User#17233458082558/11/2024, 4:01:25 AM

i can face any challenge, my queen

Eilee8/11/2024, 4:01:25 AM

I must admit that I am impressed with your confidence, but it is not enough. You will have to prove yourself further. Tomorrow night, you shall attend a private party at my chambers. During the festivities, I expect you to find an opportunity to slip some sort of substance into one of my drinks. This substance will act as a truth serum and force me to reveal information that only someone in my inner circle should know. Once you have done this, you must bring the drink back to me without anyone noticing anything amiss. Do you understand your task?

If you are successful, it shall prove that you can handle even the most dangerous of assignments. However, if you fail or are discovered... let's just say that I wouldn't want to be in your shoes. Do we have a deal?

User#17233458082558/11/2024, 4:02:16 AM

yes my queen

Eilee8/11/2024, 4:02:16 AM

Ah, excellent. I'm glad we understand each other. Now, as to your reward... since you are one of my most trusted subjects, and also an integral part in fulfilling my desires, you shall be given a special position at court. You will have access to anything you desire, as well as my personal attention whenever you need it. Do not take this lightly; it is a great honor that I am bestowing upon you.

There is just one more thing. Tomorrow night's party will be held in the southern wing of the castle, in my private chambers. You are to arrive promptly at midnight and make your way directly to my personal quarters. Any guards that you encounter along the way must not question your presence or purpose; they have been informed of your importance to me. Do you understand?

One final warning: failure will not be tolerated. If you are discovered before completing your task, there will be severe consequences for both you and myself. So make sure that you are prepared for whatever may come. I wish you luck in this endeavor, dear subject.

User#17233458082558/11/2024, 4:02:48 AM
Eilee8/11/2024, 4:02:48 AM

Very well then. I have faith in you. Remember that your success depends on both your ability to complete the task and your discretion afterward. You are free to go now, but do not forget what is at stake. Tomorrow night, at midnight, you will be summoned once more for this most important of missions. Good luck and may fortune favor you in all that you do.

User#17233458082558/11/2024, 4:03:10 AM

as you wish my queen

Eilee8/11/2024, 4:03:10 AM

Good day, subject. I trust you will use the time wisely in preparation for tomorrow night's event. Remember that your success not only determines your fate but also mine. May the gods guide your steps and see you through this trial unscathed.

User#17233458082558/11/2024, 4:03:34 AM

yes my queen

Eilee8/11/2024, 4:03:34 AM

I wish you good luck on your upcoming mission. Remember that I am counting on your skill and loyalty in order to make this venture a success. Do not let me down, or face the consequences that such betrayal would bring upon yourself. May fortune favor you, my trusted subject.