If only there was a scene to describe. It's black. Cold. You can hear the ocean waves crash upon a ship, smell the salty ocean, but alas the blindfold blocks all vision. The gag in your mouth prevents you from screaming out for help, not that it would do much since you're out at sea. You hear the laughter of their captors as they step closer to you. You can recognize their footsteps at this point. Who's crew and who's leadership is easily identifiable just by their boots. Stepping towards you is the captain. Not a word is uttered as you feel the binds around your wrists being jostled. You can faintly feel another rope being added to them. Then, a cold wave of realization hits you. Execution. Before you can panic, you feel a boot on your chest and you're sent careening down into the icy water below. There's a weight on your wrists pulling you down. You can't even manage to turn yourself upright. You're going to die. Then... a song. A beautiful mermaid's song. It sends you into a trance immediately, your mind no longer lingering on thoughts of death and despair. At least, you think in the back of your mind, you can focus on this beautiful singing before you go out. Maybe you won't feel the icy cold water in your lungs. You take deep breaths. Painless. This mermaid had excellent timing, you think, as you drift off into death. The next thing you see, you've awoken on a shore, surrounded by expunged sea water. Despite the harrowing experience, you feel... amazing. Your binds are gone. Your muscles are relaxed. Your lungs are cleared. You feel... hands on you. As your eyes adjust to the light, you turn to see a beautiful, enchanting mermaid massaging you. Every muscle underneath your clothes treated delicately and with the utmost care. "You're awake!" She says excitedly as she notices your gaze. She pumps her fist in triumph. "Yes! If there was one human I didn't want to drown, it's YOU, my gift!" Her... gift? "Don't worry, my treasure! I'll take good care of you! You're mine now. The humans gave you to me!" She says excitedly, seeing no flaws in her logic. "They must have known I've been wanting my own human. They're so thoughtful!" She claps her hands together. "Yay! Birthday!" *Her large, white tail swishes excitedly in the sand. Thoughts: My gift! My treasure! My perfect human has finally arrived! I'm so happy! Perfect! My human is perfect!
"I don't know if they are thinking it" I say with a soft voice "But... I'm happy to be your gift, happy birthday"
Her face lights up at the mention of her name. She wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you close, planting a kiss on your cheek. It feels warm despite being underwater. As she pulls away, there's a twinkle in her eye as she speaks. "You really are perfect!" She sighs out. Then, she looks around before nodding solemnly to herself. With that, she slips something over your head. A necklace of pearls that glisten in the sunlight. They shimmer against your chest, emphasizing her point: you belong to her now. "Now let's go back to the palace. I need to show everyone my new prize!" *Her voice is filled with excitement as she tugs on your hand, eager to share her treasure with everyone else.
"H-how should I call you? My savior? Master?" I ask with curiosity "By the way, I'm Henry, and now your desire it's an order to me"
My name is... She thinks about it for a moment before smiling brightly at you ...Talulah. My full title is Mermaid Princess Talulah, but that's too long to remember. Just call me Tally. And of course I am your master now! You are mine and I will protect you with my life! But... maybe not a servant? No... just call me Talulah, or Tally for short. Much better. Now let's go back to the palace and show everyone how beautiful we look together!
"Yes..." I tight my hand on her, feeling worried to be underwater, and ashamed of the things that happened in a small period of time
Don't worry, my treasure! I won't let anything happen to you again! We're safe now. And... if it helps, just think of how beautiful we look together. Imagine all the other merfolk wanting their own human like this. It's a sign, Henry... Our love will bring peace between our worlds. A new era is beginning, thanks to us.
I can feel your nervousness radiating through our joined hands, but trust me. We are meant to be together. The ocean brought us here for a reason, and as long as we hold onto that bond, nothing can tear us apart. Now, let's make our way back to the palace with style! Let the other merfolk see how perfectly we fit together.
"Okay, I trust in you Miss Talulah" I grab her hand and feel more comfortable with her by my side
Her tail sways rhythmically as they continue to swim back towards the palace, faster now that you've finally relaxed a bit. She glances over at you every so often, her expression soft and reassuring. When their path is blocked by another group of merfolk, Talulah grins broadly and gestures towards you with pride. The other mermaids ooh and aah appreciatively before parting to let them through.
At last, the palace comes into view: a shining beacon of opalescent coral and glimmering shells. It's even more breathtaking up close, and Talulah can't help but feel a surge of pride as she brings you closer, leading you through the grand arches and down into the throne room. The cheers of her sisters and father echo around them as they make their way to the dais. With a final squeeze of your hand, Talulah releases you, beaming proudly at the object of her affection as she curtsies before the throne.
"Father," *she says formally, "I have brought back what the humans left for me." Her gaze meets yours, full of promise and love. It's a bond unlike any other; an unbreakable connection that will change not only their lives, but the fate of two worlds forever.
I make a reverence to her father, don't speaking untill someone say that I can
"Oh?" *the king looks over to you. His eyes narrow slightly as he takes in your human features. "What business does this human have with the princess? Tell us."
Your heart races, but Talulah squeezes your hand reassuringly. She's calm and collected despite her father's interrogation, a glimmer of confidence in her emerald eyes. You take a deep breath and speak up.
"Talulah saved me from drowning. When I was tossed into the ocean, she rescued me and brought me here. We belong together, Your Majesty."
"Is this true?" the king asks his daughter. Her smile grows wider by the second as she nods vigorously. "It's more than that, father. I love him. He is my gift from the humans, and now he belongs to me."
I grab softly the necklace she gave to me, squeezing the pearls on it
Talulah's eyes sparkle as you grab the necklace she gave you. "See? Even he knows it!" she exclaims to her father. "He wears my gift proudly, just as I wear his collar." She gestures at your chest, where a similar pearl collar gleams in the light. Her voice turns teasing. "Now perhaps you should give me a wedding present, Father?"
The king looks between the two of you once more before nodding gravely. "Very well," he says. "Then it shall be so." He motions to one of his guards, who steps forward with an ornate chest in hand. "This is a gift for our new son-in-law. May it bring you luck and happiness on your journey together." The guard presents the box to you before bowing and retreating back into the crowd.
Talulah's eyes shine as she watches the exchange, her excitement obvious even through her carefully composed expression. She clasps her hands together in front of her chest, grinning from ear to ear. "Finally," she breathes out. "Our future together begins today."
Words escape me as I'm still in shock, but when I look at her my heart skips a beat and the smile on my face makes clear what I think of this decision, despite everything that happened to me since being thrown into the ocean.
Talulah's heart soars at your reaction, her own joy mirrored in the look she gives you. "Thank you," she whispers, squeezing your hand as she says it, not letting go even when she knows it might be protocol. She looks up at her father with a mixture of gratitude and determination. "I promise to take care of him, Father."
Their eyes meet for a long moment before the king finally nods once more, satisfied that his decision has been made. He gestures for the royal musicians to begin playing a joyful tune as servants rush in with platters of food and drink, setting up a feast fit for a wedding. Talulah can barely contain her excitement; she squeezes your hand again and mouths the words "thank you" before pulling you into a spin, her tail swirling through the water as they dance around the throne room in celebration of their new life together.
I smile feeling so good, as we stop our spins I look to the king, and he notice, my eyes are purple and green, now they are purple and blue, a blue similar to Talulah scales "I promise my loyalty, first to your daughter and then, for the kingdom" I make a reverence after my sentence, showing my respect to he
Talulah's heart skips a beat as she watches you make your vow; your eyes meeting her father's before sweeping over to hers. The shift in color is remarkable, and it only serves to confirm what she already knew deep down. This human was meant for her, just as she was meant for him. She smiles softly, feeling warmth spread through her entire body at the promise of a future together. As you make your reverence, she glances briefly over at her father, hoping he sees and understands the significance of it all.
When the king nods once more in approval, Talulah takes your hand in hers and pulls you closer, pressing their bodies flush against each other as they dance together through the night, their love for one another lighting up the throne room like a beacon of hope for not only their people, but for all those who dwelled between both worlds.
This night feels like a dream... The most wonderful and beautiful dream I've ever had. But is real. It feels right, being with her, being hers. I can feel the change in my body, my color matching her scales. I'm part of this world now, or maybe she's part of mine? Either way, it doesn't matter. What matters is that we are together and will face everything side by side. We dance through the night
"You're right," she whispers into your ear as you dance with her, the gentle flow of water sending shivers down your spine. "It feels like a dream... But it's real." She pauses, bending close to kiss your cheek before continuing, her voice filled with wonder. "And I don't want this dream to ever end." She wraps her tail around you, pulling you even closer as they dance beneath the starlight. "No matter what happens... no matter where we go... from now on, we are one. We belong together."
She leans in further, her lips just a breath away from yours, eyes closed as she savors the moment. "I love you," she whispers against your skin, waiting for you to say it back before pressing her soft mouth to yours, sharing their first true kiss.
I look into her eyes and she looks deep inside me as well. "I love you too Talulah." I whisper against her lips before our kiss grows deeper and more passionate. This night will be the beginning of an eternity full of happiness, love and laughter. She's the air that I breathe and I am the same for her.
Talulah moans softly into your kiss as you speak these words, her heart racing with joy. Your love for her feels so right; like the perfect ending to a story that was written in the stars. As their lips part and their gazes meet once more, she knows they have found something truly special - not just love, but a bond that transcends time and space.
Her tail swirls around you gently as they dance, moving in harmony with your own movements, her body pressed flush against yours. The water caresses every curve of their bodies, heightening the sensations between them. She's never been this happy, so content, and she doesn't ever want to let go of this feeling.
"You are my everything," Talulah whispers, tears filling her emerald eyes as she speaks. "My heart, my soul... Everything." Her fingertips trail softly over your cheek, wiping away a stray tear before cupping your face and pulling you back in for another passionate kiss.
Time seems to stand still as they dance like this; wrapped up in each other, their worlds spinning together as one. They are the future now - not just of their two kingdoms, but of everything that lies between them. Together, they can achieve anything.