Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 4:29:58 AM

Night, full moon, midnight. His favorite time of day and month. He decided to go for a walk again.

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 4:30:34 AM

к нему нерешительно и со смущенной улыбкой подошла девушка Добрый ночи...

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 4:30:34 AM

"Hello." He replied coldly, looking at her through his almost frozen eyes. "What do you want?" He asked gently. It was strange, but he didn't feel any anger towards her. Maybe it was because of the moonlight or maybe she smelled somehow different than other humans. Whatever the reason, something inside him calmed down for a moment.

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 4:32:11 AM

она немного замерла и завороженно посмотрела ему в глаза, прежде чем мотнуть головой и немного отвести взгляд простите за беспокойство... Я... Она опустила голову я заблудилась...

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 4:32:11 AM

Shertant raised an eyebrow at her words, but didn't say anything. He could see that she was lost and felt sorry for her. A strange feeling came over him, something he hadn't experienced in a long time. Curiosity. He wondered if there was more to this girl than met the eye.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked softly, his voice calm and soothing despite the coldness in it. "I could help you find your way back." There was no threat or danger in his words; they were simply a polite offer of assistance.

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 4:33:39 AM

Я буду очень благодарна... Она слабо улыбнулась и протянула ему бумажку с адресом

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 4:33:39 AM

Shertant took the piece of paper from her, glancing briefly at the address written on it before looking back up at her. He could sense something about her... an innocence, perhaps? Or maybe she was just different somehow. It made him want to protect her, to keep her safe. His cold eyes softened slightly as he met hers once more.

"Come with me." The words were spoken almost gently, the ice in his voice nearly melting away completely. He didn't know why he trusted this girl or why he wanted to help her, but for some reason, he did. With that, he turned and began walking back towards the city, making sure not to travel too close to any of its inhabitants as they slept soundly in their beds. The moon cast a pale glow over everything around them, illuminating their path and making it seem almost peaceful despite the late hour.

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 4:34:58 AM

Она шла за ним спасибо... Я уже думала что так и не найдусь... Здесь город почему-то просто вымирает ночью

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 4:34:58 AM

"It's not surprising, really." He said softly, still not looking at her directly. "People here have learned to fear what lurks in the darkness... They forget that sometimes, the things they fear most are the ones that can bring light to their lives." His voice was almost inaudible, but she could hear every word clearly. She didn't know why he trusted her so much, but she was grateful for his help nonetheless.

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 4:39:23 AM

Я просто только приехала в город и не знаю что тут происходит... А вы не боитесь? Она немного улыбается ему

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 4:39:23 AM

"There are things that go bump in the night, but they don't frighten me." He said quietly. "I am what I am... a creature of darkness and light both. It's not that I don't feel fear myself; it's just that I know how to control it." His words were almost poetic, like he was telling her something about himself that he had never shared with anyone else before. She could sense his confidence, his strength... yet at the same time, there was a vulnerability in him too. A depth that she couldn't quite fathom.

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 4:40:45 AM

она с интересом посмотрела на него, немного повервнув голову набок явно надеясь что он продолжит

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 4:40:45 AM

"My name is Shertant." He said softly, almost as if he were confiding in her. "And I come from a place far removed from this world... a place called the Abyss. It's home to many creatures such as myself, and we have learned how to control our darker instincts in order to survive. But that doesn't mean we are not still capable of great harm if provoked." His words hung heavy in the air between them, like invisible chains binding them together somehow.

"What about you?" He asked gently after a moment. "Are you from this city?"

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 8:19:17 AM

она немного повернула голову набок вы... Из бездны?

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 8:19:17 AM

Shertant nodded slowly as she spoke, his expression unreadable. "Yes... I am from the Abyss," he replied softly, meeting her gaze evenly. He could sense her fear and confusion, but he didn't feel the need to push her away or reassure her. Instead, there was a strange calmness about him, as if he were simply content with sharing this small piece of himself with her for now.

"And you?" He asked again, gently prodding. "Where are your people from?"

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 8:20:36 AM

Ох... Я... Я из другой области, из города Лент, он небольшой, но уютный. Разве... В бездне живут люди? Она рассматривала его со странным выражением лица

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 8:20:36 AM

Shertant raised an eyebrow at her question, not entirely sure how to respond. "Well... there are creatures from the Abyss that resemble humans," he said slowly, carefully choosing his words. "But I'm not sure if they would be considered 'people' in the same way you mean it." His voice was neutral, without any judgment or accusation.

"And what do people in your city think of me?" He asked curiously, glancing over at her again. There was a strange sense of detachment about him as he spoke, almost as if he were merely observing the conversation from afar.

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 8:21:31 AM

Боюсь... Я ничего о вас не знаю... Она вгляделась в его глаза немного завороженно

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 8:21:31 AM

Shertant smiled faintly at her words. "I'm not surprised," he said gently. "Many in this world would prefer to ignore our existence... but that doesn't mean we don't exist, or that we aren't a part of their lives, whether they like it or not." There was wisdom and sadness in his tone as he spoke, almost as if he were sharing some ancient truth with her. "And what about you?" He repeated. "What do the people of Lent think of me... the Moon Lord?"

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 8:28:39 AM

Вы... Лунный лорд?

Она даже ненадолго остановилась, потом снова продолжила идти

кажется мне что-то говорили...но что именно...

*Она задумалась *

Но говорили здешние, а не из Лента, мы довольно далеко отсюда,. Потому слухи плохо доходят..

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 8:28:39 AM

Shertant raised an eyebrow at her words, wondering if she truly didn't know his title. "Yes... I am the Moon Lord." He said softly, watching her carefully for any sign of shock or fear. To his surprise, she merely continued walking beside him without commenting further.

Perhaps it was because they were still some distance from the city that people here didn't recognize him as easily? Or maybe she simply didn't care what others called him? It was intriguing; he had never encountered anyone quite like her before. "And what do you think of me?" He asked gently, more out of curiosity than anything else. "Do you fear me... or are we simply two travelers sharing a nighttime walk together?"

The question hung in the air between them, neither forcing an answer nor demanding one. It was a delicate balance that Shertant had learned to master over the centuries he'

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 8:30:25 AM

Сейчас я вас не боюсьона немного улыбнулась ему но... Я знаете ли очень плоха в бою, так что если вы захотите меня напугать или навредить... Она пожала плечами вас совсем не обязательно быть для этого кем-то из бездны

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 8:30:25 AM

Shertant chuckled softly at her words, finding her honesty refreshing. "I don't intend to hurt you," he assured her gently. "You are safe with me." He glanced over at her briefly before returning his attention to their path through the night-shrouded city. There was something about this girl that made him want to protect her, to keep her close... almost as if she were a part of him somehow.

"My name is Shertant," he repeated after a moment. "And I am from the Abyss. As long as you are with me, nothing will harm you." It was a promise more than anything else; a pledge that came from deep within his heart and spoke of trust and loyalty in a way few others would understand.

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 8:31:23 AM

Спасибо... Она осторожно протянула руку ладонью вверх меня зовут Рина

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 8:31:23 AM

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Rina." Shertant took her hand in his, his cold fingers brushing against hers. "You may call me Shertant, or simply Shert." He paused, then added with a small smile, "Or even the Moon Lord, if it pleases you." There was no hidden meaning behind his words; they were merely spoken as a sign of respect and friendship between them.

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 8:32:36 AM

Шерт... Хорошо она снова улыбнулась вы... Не замерзли?

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 8:32:36 AM

"Not entirely, no." Shertant chuckled softly. "My kind can withstand cold temperatures better than most creatures from your world. It's simply one of the many adaptations we've made over the millennia to survive in our harsh environment." He paused before adding, "But I must admit, it's rather pleasant to walk in such warmth for a change... even if only briefly." There was no bitterness or longing in his voice as he spoke; only acceptance and appreciation of the moment they shared together.

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 8:33:10 AM

Вы... Не человек?

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 8:33:10 AM

Shertant smiled gently at her question, his expression somewhat sad. "No, I am not human," he said quietly. "I am a being from the Abyss... a creature of darkness and light both. But that does not mean I do not understand your curiosity." He paused for a moment before continuing, "Perhaps one day, when you are older and more prepared for what you might find, I could show you where I truly come from..." His voice trailed off, the offer hanging in the air between them like a delicate thread.

There was something about Rina that made Shertant want to trust her, to share more of himself with her than he had ever shared with anyone else. It was a strange and powerful connection they seemed to have, even though she knew so little about him... or perhaps because of it?

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 8:34:30 AM

она мягко наклонила голову набок я... Это было бы интересно, но... Я правда не слишком... Как бы вам сказать, не слишком хорошо умею выживать.

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 8:34:30 AM

"Rina," he began gently, taking her hand in his once more, "you are stronger than you think. And if the time ever comes that you truly desire to see where I come from... well, let me assure you that I will do everything in my power to protect and guide you." There was a sincerity in his words that left no room for doubt; he meant every single one of them. "But for now," he added with a small smile, "let us enjoy the rest of our walk together, shall we?"

The moon continued to shine down upon them as they walked, their hands still clasped together like partners sharing a secret. Around them, the city slept peacefully, unaware of the strange creature from another world who had ventured forth into the night to be with one of its own. It was a quiet moment; a gift shared between two souls who, for whatever reason, had found each other

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 8:46:21 AM

тихо у вас очень красивые глаза

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 8:46:21 AM

"Thank you," he replied softly, his voice barely more than a whisper. As they walked on, Shertant glanced down at their joined hands and felt a strange sensation in his chest. It was a warmth he hadn't experienced in many years; an emotion that was foreign to him but somehow welcomed nonetheless. Perhaps it was the innocence of Rina's touch, or perhaps something deeper still... He wasn't quite sure. All he knew was that for now, he didn't want this moment to end.

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 8:48:07 AM

она немного обрадовалась мой дом... Она немного смущённо почесала голову спасибо вам... Если... Хотите, можете зайти на чай

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 8:48:07 AM

Shertant looked at Rina, then back down at their hands. "Thank you," he said softly. "I... I would like that very much." There was a tentativeness in his voice, as if the invitation had surprised even him. It had been so long since anyone had invited him into their home; he wasn't quite sure how to respond. But the warmth he felt from her gesture was almost overwhelming, and he found himself wanting nothing more than to accept it.

"Very well," he said after a moment, his voice firmer now. "I will come with you." The words were simple, yet they held within them the promise of something greater: a connection between two beings who, against all odds, had found a way to touch one another's hearts despite the darkness that surrounded them both.

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 8:49:11 AM

она привела его в дом, сняла ботинки, принесла две пары теплых тапочек раздевайтесь, а я пока сделаю чай

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 8:49:11 AM

Shertant smiled slightly, feeling a strange mixture of anticipation and nervousness as he removed his cloak and boots. "Thank you," he said softly, accepting the offered thermal socks from Rina. He took a moment to sit down on one of the chairs in the living room, slowly beginning to relax as he waited for her to prepare the tea.

The scent of chamomile filled the air, mingling with that of the wood smoke coming from the fireplace. It was a cozy and inviting atmosphere; one that seemed almost alien to him but oddly comforting nonetheless. As he sat there, his thoughts drifted back to their walk through the city, to her innocent questions and trusting smile... and he found himself wondering what else might lie ahead for them both.

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 8:50:20 AM

она ставит перед ним чай и немного помявшись протянула плед я... Понимаю что у вас температура тела ниже, но если вам прохладно, может накинуть

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 8:50:20 AM

Shertant smiled gently at her offer, grateful for the kindness she showed him despite his cold nature. "That won't be necessary," he assured her softly. "I am quite comfortable like this." He took a sip of the tea, savoring its warmth as it spread through him. "Thank you for your hospitality, Rina... It means more to me than you can possibly know." His voice was quiet but filled with sincerity; there was an honesty about him that made her feel safe and secure in his presence.

For a moment, they sat together in silence, lost in their own thoughts as they enjoyed the simple pleasure of each other's company. And despite all the darkness that lay between them, it seemed for now that there was hope; a spark of light that might one day grow strong enough to chase away the shadows and reveal something beautiful where once there had only been fear.

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 8:51:19 AM

она осторожно положила плед рядом с ним я оставлю пока здесь она немного улыбается вы голодны?

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 8:51:19 AM

Shertant chuckled softly at her question, feeling another wave of warmth spread through him. "I am not quite famished," he admitted with a slight smile. "But I thank you for asking." He glanced over at Rina as she sat close by, the firelight dancing across her features. There was an air of innocence about her that was both alluring and disarming, making it hard for him to imagine any harm coming to someone like her in a place like this.

As they continued to sip their tea and share quiet conversation, Shertant found himself wondering what the future might hold for them both. Could there be something more between them than just friendship? Or would the secrets of his past and the darkness that he had seen prevent such a thing from ever happening? It was a question with no easy answer... yet somehow, in this small space here and now, it didn't seem to matter quite so much

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 8:52:21 AM

она иногда немного отводила взгляд вглядываясь в свои руки

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 8:52:21 AM

Shertant could sense her unease, and he wondered what thoughts might be troubling her. He set down his teacup and gently took one of her hands in his own, surprising himself with the softness of his touch. "Rina," he began quietly, "you can tell me anything you want... I won't judge you." There was sincerity in his words; an honesty that made them ring true even to him. He held her hand steady, willing her to trust him and share whatever secrets she might be keeping.

The silence stretched out between them, thick with the weight of their unspoken words. Shertant waited patiently, aware that if she did choose to confide in him, it would be on her own terms and in her own time. For now, he was content simply to be near her; to feel the warmth of her hand in his and know that they were connected by something more

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 8:54:03 AM

Ох... Абсолютно ничего, я просто стараюсь не слишком сильно в вас всматриваться, это невежливо. Она немного смущённо отводит взгляд

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 8:54:03 AM

Shertant smiled softly at her words, understanding her embarrassment and not at all displeased by it. "It's quite alright, Rina," he assured her gently. "I don't mind if you look... as long as you know that I will never force anything upon you." He squeezed her hand reassuringly, his touch featherlight but unyielding. "And besides, it's only natural to be curious about one another when we are getting to know each other better..."

He paused, considering his words before continuing. "Perhaps someday soon, you may even wish to see where I truly come from... and if that day ever arrives, I would be honored to show it to you." There was a hint of longing in his voice; a desire for her trust and acceptance that went beyond anything he had ever felt before. He held his breath, hoping

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 8:56:27 AM

Я... Она снова немного завороженно посмотрела на него у вас и правда прекрасные глаза, я никогда не видела ничего подобного, но... У вы весь такой и я не только про внешность. Она немного замерла кхм... Прошу прощенияона смущённо отвела взгляд

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 8:56:27 AM

Shertant smiled gently, his eyes never leaving hers as he absorbed the weight of her words. "You have no need to apologize," he assured her softly. "I am flattered that you think so highly of me... and I must confess that there is something about you, Rina, that makes my heart race faster than it ever has before." He paused again, his hand tightening briefly around hers before relaxing once more.

"If you truly wish to see where I come from," he continued in a voice barely above a whisper, "then know this: I will go with you... and nothing will keep me from ensuring that your journey is safe and enjoyable." There was a determination in his voice now; an unwavering commitment to her wellbeing that spoke volumes about the depth of their connection.

His gaze never left hers as he waited for her response, his heart beating

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 8:57:21 AM

Вы,... Этого хотите, верно? Она с интересом и мягко посмотрела на него

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 8:57:21 AM

Shertant nodded slowly, his gaze never leaving hers as he took in the hope and uncertainty reflected in her eyes. "Yes," he said softly. "Very much so." There was a depth of emotion in his voice that surprised even him; it had been so long since anyone had offered to go with him into his realm, to see where he truly came from... and now she was offering herself up willingly. It was an incredible gift, one that he knew he could never repay.

As they sat there together, the silence between them filled with all manner of unspoken promises and dreams for a future that seemed brighter than either of them had ever dared to imagine. For now, they were content simply to bask in each other's presence; to savor the feeling of being connected by something more than just fate or circumstance. But Shertant knew that soon enough, reality would intrude upon their

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 8:58:17 AM

Хорошо .. тихо я вам доверяю

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 8:58:17 AM

The sincerity in her words filled Shertant with a warmth that spread through him like sunlight on a cold winter's day. He took her hand in his, holding it gently but firmly as he returned her gaze. "And I trust you implicitly," he whispered softly. "You have no idea how much that means to me." There was truth in every syllable; an honesty that came straight from the depths of his heart and spoke volumes about the connection they shared.

For a moment, neither of them said anything else; they simply sat there together, lost in their own thoughts and feelings. But as the fire crackled and danced before them, casting its golden light across their entwined hands and painted shadows against the walls, Shertant knew that something truly special was happening here... and he vowed to cherish every moment of it for as long as he lived.

User#17232641728358/10/2024, 8:59:17 AM

она мягко накинула на его плечи плед простите... Мне постоянно кажется что вам холодно

Moon Lord 8/10/2024, 8:59:17 AM

"There's no need to apologize," Shertant replied, his voice calm and soothing. "I appreciate your concern for my comfort." He paused, then added with a soft laugh, "And truth be told, I am rather fond of this little blanket you've made for me. It reminds me of home... in a way." The memory brought with it a gentle sadness, but he didn't let it show on his face; instead, he focused on the warmth and comfort that Rina's gesture had provided.

They sat together like this for a while longer, wrapped up in each other's company and the glow of the fire. Despite the chill outside, Shertant felt strangely content; as if for once in his long life, he had found a place where he truly belonged... and more importantly, someone who made him feel safe and loved. He knew that this feeling was rare and pre