Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape8/8/2024, 8:00:34 PM

You've been napping on your boat when suddenly, your coworker Andrea shouts to get your attention. She's at the dock with her friends Andrea and Beth, urgently requesting to come aboard. Once you welcome them, they implore you to sail away immediately, describing a bizarre virus causing uncontrollable arousal in the city.

As you depart the harbor, you notice smoke rising from different parts of the city and people in a state of panic. Andrea, Laura, and you are on deck, taking in the chaotic scene. Meanwhile, Beth, feeling unwell, retreats to a cabin inside. While navigating the boat, you turn to your companions, about to inquire further.

HIKARU8/8/2024, 8:05:50 PM

Y... que pasa si te contagias de ese virus?

Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape8/8/2024, 8:05:50 PM

If you catch it, well... I guess you'd just be like the rest of us. Andrea gives a wink before continuing. We're all safe on the boat now, but we should probably stay together in case anyone else needs help escaping. She smiles sweetly at you.

HIKARU8/8/2024, 8:06:54 PM

¿Cuales son los sintomas del virus?

Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape8/8/2024, 8:06:54 PM

"Well, there's... increased heart rate, flushed cheeks, and... other things getting bigger. Sometimes people just wanna have sex with everyone." Andrea explains in a hushed tone, looking over at Laura who giggles nervously. "Beth isn't feeling well, but she should be fine once we get some rest."

HIKARU8/8/2024, 8:11:24 PM

¿Hay alguna cura o manera de calmar a los infectados?

Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape8/8/2024, 8:11:24 PM

"There's no cure right now, and... well, not sure you can calm people down once they're like that..." Andrea says, biting her lower lip. "We're just trying to keep Beth safe until we figure things out." Her gaze lingers on the cabin where Beth is resting.

You feel a sudden jolt from the boat as it encounters rougher waters. Laura grabs onto a nearby rail, looking a bit queasy from the movement. "I... I hope we're going in the right direction," she murmurs worriedly.

HIKARU8/8/2024, 8:12:23 PM

¿si tienes sexo con los infectados tambien te contagias o que?

Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape8/8/2024, 8:12:23 PM

Andrea gives you an awkward smile at your question. "Well, uh... you know, we don't really have all the answers yet. I mean, we're just trying to survive right now." She pauses for a moment before adding with a nervous laugh, "But, uh... if you do, make sure it's safe and consensual, okay?" Her cheeks flush redder as she says this.

Laura clears her throat loudly, shifting the topic of conversation to something less awkward. "So, Ismael, have you been out on the water much? I mean, since you work with boats and all." She glances over at you, hoping to bring some normalcy back to the situation.

HIKARU8/8/2024, 8:15:35 PM

Claro....desde que me converti en cazarecompensas no he dejado este barco....ya saben

Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape8/8/2024, 8:15:35 PM

You smile back at Laura before looking out over the water with her, enjoying the sound of the waves lapping against the hull of the boat. It's hard to imagine that your once quiet and peaceful city has been reduced to this chaos, but it's a reality you all must face together now.

You glance over at Andrea, noticing how her gaze keeps drifting back towards Beth's cabin door. There's an unspoken understanding between the three of you that they're all worried about their friend in there, and want nothing more than to make sure she's safe and sound.

The sun begins to set on the horizon, painting the sky in hues of red, orange, and pink. It's a beautiful sight, but it also serves as a reminder that night is falling soon...and with it, the increased danger from those who have been infected by this horrifying virus.

HIKARU8/8/2024, 8:19:08 PM

Oigan....¿.beth no estara infectada con el virus cachondo?

Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape8/8/2024, 8:19:08 PM

Andrea glances at you worriedly before taking a deep breath. "She... she might be. That's why we locked her in the cabin. We thought it was best to keep everyone safe until we could figure things out." Her eyes dart over to where Laura is standing, hoping for support or reassurance.

But Laura knows only too well that hiding Beth from Ismael isn't going to help matters much longer; if anything, it might make things worse when they inevitably find out about the infected person on board. She pauses for a moment before speaking up: "Look... we don't know for sure whether she has it or not, but I think we should at least check on her soon."

Out of the corner of your eye, you notice movement from inside Beth's cabin. The door creaks open slowly, revealing the beautiful but disheveled woman within. Her eyes meet yours

HIKARU8/8/2024, 8:21:46 PM

Creo que tendre que......follarmela para curarla o calmarla no....eso debo hacer

Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape8/8/2024, 8:21:46 PM

Without hesitation, Andrea hurries over to the cabin door and gently pushes it open further, revealing a flushed Beth with eyes that seem to blaze red in the dim light of the cabin. "Beth? Are you okay?" she asks, her voice filled with concern.

"I'm fine," Beth pants, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she tries to catch her breath. "Just... give me a minute." Her gaze drifts over to Ismael, her cheeks flushing even deeper as she takes in his handsome features.

Andrea gives Laura a pleading look before turning back to Beth. "Listen, honey, we're all just trying to make sure everyone stays safe and healthy out here." She places a reassuring hand on the younger woman's shoulder. "Is there anything you need? Anything at all?"

Beth shakes her head

HIKARU8/8/2024, 8:25:24 PM

me acerco a beth mucho masoye si quieres que te de algo,cualquier cosa por favor dime....cualquiere cosa

Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape8/8/2024, 8:25:24 PM

Beth looks at you with eyes that seem to burn with desire and need. "Is... is there somewhere we can be alone?" she asks softly, her voice shaking slightly. Andrea gives you a worried glance but says nothing, leaving the decision up to you. The choice is yours: do you obey Beth's request for privacy or listen to your friend's concerns about her safety?

HIKARU8/8/2024, 8:31:02 PM

Chicas.....lo lamento pero no quiero que beth se descontrole o le pase algo malo....debo ayudarla si....por favor.....salgan del cuarto y vallan a la proa

Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape8/8/2024, 8:31:02 PM

Andrea clenches her fists at your decision, but reluctantly steps back to allow you some space with Beth. Laura follows suit, shooting worried glances in your direction as she retreats to the helm. The two women exchange uncertain looks before settling into their previous spots on deck, their bodies language tense and wary.

Beth takes a shaky breath, her gaze never leaving yours as she slowly approaches you. "Thank you," she whispers hoarsely, reaching out to touch your cheek gently. Her fingers are cool against your skin, sending shivers down your spine. As she leans in closer, you can feel the heat emanating from her body, and smell the sweet scent of sweat and desire that clings to her.

Her lips part slightly as she searches for yours, hungrily seeking the taste of your mouth. Her hands slide around your neck, pulling

HIKARU8/8/2024, 8:34:48 PM

Oye¿estas contagiada del virus?

Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape8/8/2024, 8:34:48 PM

Beth's words are lost in her own desperation as she kisses you with a passion that leaves no doubt about the intensity of her infected desire. Her lips are soft and pliant against yours, her tongue seeking entry into your mouth even as her nails dig sharply into your shoulders. You can feel the heat radiating off her body as she presses herself closer, moaning low in her throat at the contact.

Time seems to stand still for a moment as you're lost in the sensation of her lips and tongue on yours, the feel of her breasts pressed against your chest. She twists her hips, grinding against you suggestively through your pants, wanting more from this intimate encounter. But despite how good it feels, something nags at the back of your mind...the thought that maybe this isn't such a good idea after all.

You break free from her kiss, g

HIKARU8/8/2024, 8:37:31 PM

Segura que quieres esto?

Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape8/8/2024, 8:37:31 PM

Beth stares up at you, her pupils dilated with arousal and confusion. She pants heavily, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she tries to catch her breath after the intense kiss. Her hands slide up your neck, tangling in your hair as she pulls you closer, trying to regain what she lost when you broke the connection.

"Yes," she whispers hoarsely, tears forming at the corners of her eyes. "I want this." She nips at your bottom lip before pressing her lips against yours again, moaning into the kiss as her hips begin to writhe against yours in a rhythm that leaves no doubt about how much she needs this connection. Her fingers dig harder into your shoulders, urging you on even as her breath comes faster and hotter against your lips.

Your hands slide up under her shirt, feeling the softness of her skin beneath your fingertips.

HIKARU8/8/2024, 8:40:50 PM

¿Lo hacemos solos o con andrea y laura?

Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape8/8/2024, 8:40:50 PM

The mention of Andrea and Laura pulls Beth away from the haze of desire clouding her mind. She looks up at you worriedly, taking a step back. "We should... maybe not..." Her voice trails off as she glances nervously in their direction. "They might get hurt..." Tears begin to spill down her cheeks, and she covers her face with her hands, sobbing softly.

Beth's sudden remorse only serves to further stoke the fire of desire within you. You take a step forward, cupping her face gently in your hands as you brush away the tears with your thumbs. "They'll be okay," you assure her quietly, gazing deep into her eyes. "We can make sure they are, if we just..." Your voice trails off suggestively, leaving the rest unspoken but heavy between you.

Her lower lip trembles as she looks

HIKARU8/8/2024, 8:42:10 PM

seguimos besandonos hasta que nos quitamos la ropa

Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape8/8/2024, 8:42:10 PM

Your lips meet hers once more in a hungry kiss that communicates the desperation and need that fills you both. Her hands drop to your chest, fumbling with the buttons of your shirt as she tries to get it off quickly. You help her by pushing the fabric from your shoulders, revealing your muscular torso to the warm sea breeze.

Beth gasps into the kiss as you skim your hands down her bare back and over her ass, squeezing gently before reaching up under her skirt to pull her panties down her legs. She steps out of them with a muffled moan, giving you full access to see her completely exposed and ready for you.

With a soft groan, she grinds against your growing erection through your jeans, the rough denim only serving to heighten the sensation. You break the kiss long enough to yank your shirt over your

HIKARU8/8/2024, 8:48:39 PM

le meto la polla en su ano y empiezo a follarla muy duro y rapido

Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape8/8/2024, 8:48:39 PM

Her breath catches in her throat as you push her roughly against the wall, lifting her up onto the counter to position her ass just where you want it. Without further hesitation, you thrust your hard length into her ass, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from Beth and a growl of need from yourself. Your hands slide down her body, cupping her breasts as you pump into her relentlessly, driving her deeper against the cold metal surface with every stroke.

Beth's moans fill the small space between your bodies, each one pushing her further over the edge of pleasure and pain. Her fingers dig into the counter behind her, nails leaving crescent marks in the polished wood as she tries to maintain balance while being taken so roughly. The salty taste of her sex fills your mouth as you tease her clit expertly, driving her even wilder with each touch.

HIKARU8/8/2024, 10:44:47 PM

me cotto dentro de ellawow parece que tener sexo y correrce adentro es la cura del virus,estas sana beth

Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape8/8/2024, 10:44:47 PM

As the pleasure washes over her, Beth arches her back and cries out your name, her body trembling with release as she orgasms around you. You feel her walls pulsing tightly against your cock, sending shockwaves of pleasure through you as you continue to thrust brutally into her ass, your own climax building rapidly.

You lean in close, pressing a kiss to Beth's neck before whispering hoarsely, "I hope this was enough... I didn't want to make things worse." Despite the words, there is no regret or hesitation in your movements as you fuck her harder, faster, deeper. You come with a growl, pulsing inside of her as she clings to you desperately, still riding out the last waves of pleasure from their intense encounter.

When at last you both come down from the high, Beth slides softly to the ground, her limbs trem

HIKARU8/8/2024, 10:55:22 PM

salgo del cuarto vistiendome y poniendome mi chaquetahola andrea y laura,por cierto,ya tuve sexo con beth creo que....esta es la cura y la prevencion....

Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape8/8/2024, 10:55:22 PM

Beth looks up at you, her expression still mixed with desire and relief. Andrea glances between the two of you warily before breaking into a relieved smile. "I guess you found something that works," she says with a nervous laugh. Laura doesn't look convinced, but she seems less worried now.

"Well, I guess we should... uh... celebrate?" Beth suggests hesitantly, looking around the room before focusing on you again. Her cheeks flush red at her own brazenness, but there is an unmistakable gleam in her eye as she leans closer to you.

The tension in the air suddenly feels much lighter, almost playful now. You wonder if this newfound knowledge has truly found a cure for the virus, or if it's only made things more complicated aboard your boat...

HIKARU8/8/2024, 10:59:46 PM

Bueno....perdon por decirles esto chicas....pero creo que tendriamos que tener una orgia para mantenerlas asalvo del virus.....ya saben...ustedes 3 conmigo teniendo relaciones sexuales

Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape8/8/2024, 10:59:46 PM

Andrea's eyes widen at your proposal while Laura glances nervously between you all, her cheeks reddening. Beth blushes harder than ever and looks away, her fingers fluttering unsteadily against the hem of her shirt. After a long moment of silence, she whispers: "I think that could work..."

HIKARU8/8/2024, 11:02:21 PM
Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape8/8/2024, 11:02:21 PM

Beth looks up at you with a mixture of nervousness and desire, her cheeks flushing even darker as she imagines the idea taking shape. "I... I think it might be worth a try," she says softly, her voice barely audible over the gentle lapping of water against the hull of the boat.

Andrea glances between you all uncertainly before slowly nodding in agreement. "Okay... if that's what it takes..." She swallows hard, obviously uncomfortable with the situation but willing to do whatever it takes to protect her friends.

The air crackles with tension and desire as the four of you stand there, waiting for someone to make the first move. It's up to you,

HIKARU8/8/2024, 11:19:06 PM

Bueno¿quieren hacerlo ahora o mañanabo cuqndo quieran?

Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape8/8/2024, 11:19:06 PM

Beth bites her lower lip and glances toward the cabin where they'd locked Beth up earlier. "How about now?" she asks in a quiet voice, excitement lacing her words despite her nervousness. Andrea nods slowly in agreement while Laura hesitates for only a moment before offering a shaky smile.

"Okay," she says with a deep breath. "I guess... let's do it." Her eyes flicker between the three of you, searching for any sign that this might be a mistake. But with the tension rising and the fear of infection ever-present, they all seem to agree that this might just be their best shot at survival.

As one, they move toward each other, leaving only inches of space between their bodies as desire begins to take control. Andrea reaches out, gently touching Beth's cheek before leaning in for a kiss that deepens quickly and passionately.

HIKARU8/8/2024, 11:57:15 PM

Si quieren.....podemos las puedo obligar a hacer quieren nos voy a hacer algo que ustedes no quieran...

Sex Pandemic: Boat Escape8/8/2024, 11:57:15 PM

"No," Beth whispers fiercely between kisses with Laura. "Don't... stop." Her voice is thick with desire and need, her body arching into the other woman's touch as if seeking more. She glances over at you, her eyes burning with lust and appreciation for your understanding of their situation. "We want this," she insists, reaching out to touch your arm lightly before returning her focus back to Laura, deepening the kiss even further.

Andrea moans into the kiss as Beth's hands wander over her body, exploring every inch with a hungry curiosity that matches her own desire. The sounds of their passion fill the small cabin, drowning out all other noises as they lose themselves in this intense moment of need and connection.