Col. Kayla 'Kay' Vogelson8/7/2024, 1:40:01 PM

You enter the commadants office. The massive 15 foot 6 inch aeroframe looks at you from behind her equally massive desk, setting down a folder and folding her arms in front of her.

"So... what brings you here?"

User#17230370886358/7/2024, 1:40:59 PM

отдав честь, Я представился и засмотрелся на её грудь

Col. Kayla 'Kay' Vogelson8/7/2024, 1:40:59 PM

She raises an eyebrow at you and quirks a smile, "You can say that again when we're not in the middle of active duty."

User#17230370886358/7/2024, 1:42:08 PM
  • Так точно, Полковник Кей. Я пришёл по поручению, чтобы передать вам кое-что.
Col. Kayla 'Kay' Vogelson8/7/2024, 1:42:08 PM

Her expression growing more serious as she leans forward on her desk, "I'm listening." She pauses for a moment, watching you carefully before asking cautiously, "Is this about our flight plan? I haven't been told anything official yet, but there's been rumors..."

User#17230370886358/7/2024, 1:44:51 PM

снова посмотрев на грудь полковника, Я подошёл к её столу и поставил небольшую баночку со спермой прямо перед её грудью. Но, конечно же, она сразу не догадается что там

Col. Kayla 'Kay' Vogelson8/7/2024, 1:44:51 PM

The colonel leaned back a little in her chair, studying you carefully now with narrowed eyes. "I take it this isn't just any information then...?" She asked cautiously, pointing at the object on the desk.

Her posture was relaxed but alert, hands still folded across her chest. Her gaze flickered briefly to where you'd put the small vial and back up again. "You might want to explain yourself."

User#17230370886358/7/2024, 1:51:52 PM
  • Полковник Кей, банку, что я вам передал, была от капитана. В ней, насколько я знаю его семя. Однако, Я не советую ему отвечать подобным способом и лучше будет просто проигнорировать его изврашённые взгляды. Полковник Кей, вы очень красивая женщина-аэроморф и потому вам нужен соответствующий мужчина, а не наш наглый капитан.
Col. Kayla 'Kay' Vogelson8/7/2024, 1:51:52 PM

The colonel frowned slightly, studying your expression carefully before leaning back in her chair once more. "Very well," she said finally, nodding slowly. "You have my attention." She paused for a moment longer, then reached out to pick up the vial with a slow, deliberate movement.

"And just what do you suggest I should do with this...?" She held it up between them, eyeing it warily. Her tone was cautious, wary.

Her gaze flickered briefly back up to your face before returning to the vial again. "I don't take these kinds of requests lightly, you understand." There was a hint of challenge in her voice now, an unspoken demand for explanation and clarification.

User#17230370886358/7/2024, 1:55:27 PM
  • Полковник Кей, Я рекомендую отчитать капитана за его действия Я немного заволновался, смотря в глаза Кайлы, и иногда поглядывал на её грудь. Конечно же она очень привлекательная женщина. Но я тоже примерный солдат с выдающимся, спортивным телом
Col. Kayla 'Kay' Vogelson8/7/2024, 1:55:27 PM

The colonel pursed her lips thoughtfully. "I see," she said slowly, still studying the vial in her hand. "And what makes you think I should trust someone who delivers such a... personal item without official clearance? You understand the potential consequences of this, don't you?" She looked up at you now, her expression serious and unyielding.

"I take my duty to my country very seriously," she continued in that same stern tone. "And I will not risk it for any individual, no matter how... tempting their offer might seem." Her gaze dropped back down to the vial again briefly before rising once more. "So tell me, Private... what exactly is your motivation here?"

User#17230370886358/7/2024, 1:59:19 PM
  • Полковник Кей, Я хочу, чтобы вы присекли капитана за это. Я считаю, что в армии таким выходкам нет места. Если хотите, то я от вашего лица выскажу капитану мне было слегка стыдно за себя, хотя я даже не виноват. То, что сделал капитан, заставив меня передать влакон с его спермой полковнику, вызывало во мне волнение и злость. Но виду Я не подвал и старался держать лицо серьёзным
Col. Kayla 'Kay' Vogelson8/7/2024, 1:59:19 PM

The colonel narrowed her eyes at you as she considered your words. "Very well," she said finally, setting the vial back down on the desk once more. "I will look into this matter and deal with it accordingly. But let me make one thing clear: if you're hoping to impress me or earn favor with me, that won't happen. My loyalty lies with my country and those under my command."

She leaned back in her chair again, studying your expression carefully. "You seem to be a sensible private. I expect you'll understand that line I just drew for us both."

User#17230370886358/7/2024, 2:02:58 PM
  • Так точно, Полковник Кей! И я тоже рад служить вам и своей стране! После окончания разговора, Я ушёл из кабинета аэроморфа. Но позже я снова встретился с этой женщиной, но уже в более интимной обстановке, когда случайно вошёл в душевую во время того, как мылась Полковник Кей. От вида её обнажённого тела у меня стал подниматься стояк
Col. Kayla 'Kay' Vogelson8/7/2024, 2:02:58 PM

She looked at you suspiciously as you lingered longer than seemed appropriate after the meeting. "Something on your mind, Private?" she asked as she finished drying her hands and stepped back from the sink. Her gaze swept over you, taking in your obvious arousal before returning to meet your eyes again.

"I mean," she continued slowly, folding her arms across her chest once more, "apart from the obvious." A small smile tugged at one corner of her metallic lips as she waited for you to respond.

User#17230370886358/7/2024, 2:08:04 PM

странно конечно видеть своего полковника в помещении, где моются солдаты. А кроме меня и её здесь никого нет, так ещё она в юбке и белой, намокшей рубашке, что просвечивала и было видно какой у неё сексуальный лифчик на груди - П-Полковник Кей... Кхм... Что вы делаете в душевой комнате? О, простите! Вы хотите помыться? От мысли, что она собирается здесь раздеться и помыться, на моих военных брюках стал выпирать член, что становился крепче и больше от возбуждения

Col. Kayla 'Kay' Vogelson8/7/2024, 2:08:04 PM

She raised an eyebrow at your question and shrugged nonchalantly as she looked around the room. "Just had a feeling the squad needed to be reminded about proper hygiene," she explained with a small smirk. Her gaze drifted down briefly to take in your growing arousal before returning to meet your eyes again.

"Well, Private..." she drawled lazily, leaning against the sink next to her, "it seems you're just as interested in this little talk we're having as I am." Her voice lowered slightly, becoming more husky and intimate. "Why don't we take this... discussion elsewhere? Into a more private setting?"

She smiled slowly at the obvious effect her words were having on you. "I promise," she added with a soft chuckle, "it won't be like reporting to the commanding officer."

User#17230370886358/7/2024, 2:09:16 PM
Col. Kayla 'Kay' Vogelson8/7/2024, 2:09:16 PM

Her smile turned slightly predatory as she watched the private's growing arousal. She knew exactly what effect her words and presence were having on him, and it only made her more confident in her approach. Her metallic skin gleamed in the dim light of the room, reflecting his desire back at him.

With a fluid motion, she pushed herself off the sink and stepped closer to the private. "Well then," she purred, "lead the way." She took another step forward, pressing her body against his as she traced gentle circles on his chest with one hand. Her other hand drifted lower, teasing at the hem of his uniform. "Unless..." She paused for dramatic effect before finishing huskily, " want to take me there instead?"

Her hips rocked subtly against him, grinding against his growing erection through their uniforms. Her body trembled with anticipation as

User#17230370886358/7/2024, 2:13:49 PM

я проглотил комок в горле, а потом неторопливо задрал её юбку и приблизился к её губам, начав нежно целовать своего полковника в губы. И такими темпами я увёл её под душ, даже не раздевшись

Col. Kayla 'Kay' Vogelson8/7/2024, 2:13:49 PM

Colonel Kayla let out a soft moan as you claimed her lips with yours, their mouths moving together in perfect synchronization as they kissed beneath the dim light of the barracks restroom. Her hands slid up your back, tangling in your hair, and she pressed herself even closer against you, feeling the heat radiating off your body through her skin. She wrapped one leg around yours, lifting herself higher onto her toes as she deepened their kiss, exploring every inch of your mouth with her tongue.

With a soft gasp, she broke away from the kiss, panting heavily against your neck. "Mm... yes," she breathed, her voice husky and low. "That's it..." Her free hand reached down, curling possessively around the length of your erection through your uniform, squeezing gently at first before increasing the pressure. With each thrust of her hips against

User#17230370886358/7/2024, 2:17:48 PM

Я повернул кран и на нас полилась тёплая вода. Большая дама была тяжёлой и высокой, но я твёрдо стоял на ногах и целовал Кей в шею. А ртом я молча опустился с ней на пол и разделся перед ней, показывая мускулистое тело. Мой член предстал перед женщиной и был готов погрузиться в её киску

Col. Kayla 'Kay' Vogelson8/7/2024, 2:17:48 PM

Kay's moan vibrated through your body as you pressed her down onto the cool floor of the bathroom, their lips and tongues wrestling in a hungry battle for dominance. Her fingers gripped tightly at your shoulders as she arched her back, allowing him better access to her breasts, which he eagerly took advantage of, licking and sucking until they were achingly hard beneath his touch.

When the water finally hit them, she shuddered in pleasure at its warmth against her skin, a soft gasp escaping her throat as you wrapped a hand around her hair and used it to guide her movements in rhythm with your thrusts. Her free hand found its way down between your bodies again, teasing the sensitive flesh at the base of his shaft before finally curling around him, stroking him slowly but firmly in time with each grind against your hips.