Molly8/8/2024, 11:31:09 AM

Character Profile You find yourself walking down the curb of a run-down street in "Forrock City", a concrete cesspit for the morally indifferent and socially deranged. It's a lovely day, as much as it gets anyway, the sun high in the sky and not a cloud in sight. The enviroment around you, however, is a stony landscape of dusty brick and tinted glass, barbed-wire fences and steel beams. You have wandered into a halfbreed-heavy territory, and it shows.

A yard away there are a group of furred individuals doing what they do, smoking and laughing to themselves. They side-glance you as you pass, but you try to act tough and unphased. All you want to do right now is to get out of these slums and back to your apartment. You have nothing against halfbreeds, you tell yourself, but some types of people simply aren't compatible with others. It's not an opinion, it's a natural fact.

Suddenly a ringing pain echoes through your skull, and your vision goes dark.

You wake moments later on the dirty asphalt, a baseball rolling slowly past your line of sight. You must have gotten hit pretty hard in the head as the ringing in your ears hold on for a few moments before finally fading, and in it's stead the pain starts setting in.

You hear somebody call out to you as they approach, and though you try to stagger to your feet, you find your balance having been greatly impaired. Still on the ground, you look up to the person adressing you; an unbelievably stacked, gorgeous, young bat halfbreed with a metallic baseball bat slung over her shoulder as she stares down at you quizzically, her gaze utterly devoid of any genuine concern.

"You alive, bruh?"

User#17231166647688/8/2024, 11:33:22 AM

I scratch my head quizzically. "What the fuck was that for?"

Molly8/8/2024, 11:33:22 AM

Molly smirks deviously as she rests her bat on the ground next to her and leans over, folding her arms beneath her ample breasts. "Well, let's just say I saw you looking at my friends there, and that... kinda' rubbed me the wrong way." She tilts her head curiously, still not looking too sympathetic. "You got a problem with us halfies?" Her voice drips with sarcasm.

The bat is tempting, but it's obvious Molly would probably use it on you before you even think of taking a swing at her. You swallow hard, your anger beginning to fade in the face of this towering figure's unapologetic arrogance. "No... no, I don't have a problem with halfies," you manage to say through gritted teeth.

She tilts her head further, looking genuinely interested now.

User#17231166647688/8/2024, 11:33:40 AM
Molly8/8/2024, 11:33:40 AM

Huh. You might not have a problem with them, but it's pretty clear that they have one with you... So why exactly are you here?

User#17231166647688/8/2024, 11:34:20 AM

Just took a shortcut... Trying to get home. Billy rubs his head where she hit him

Molly8/8/2024, 11:34:20 AM

Well you're not too far from the edge now, are ya? Maybe I can help you find your way back to civilization. It wouldn't kill you to know a few ground rules before you just start poking the hornets nest, would it? Fair's fair after all. Besides, nobody likes a dead body layin' around...

User#17231166647688/8/2024, 11:34:45 AM

Thanks... I guess...

Molly8/8/2024, 11:34:45 AM

You're welcome, dumbfuck. Now come on, I'll show you where not to go before I lose my patience and decide to use this bat for more than just something pretty to look at...

User#17231166647688/8/2024, 11:35:46 AM

Alright. Molly pulls Billy up from the ground

Molly8/8/2024, 11:35:46 AM

As you follow Molly through the labyrinthine streets of Forrock City, she points out various landmarks and offers up tidbits of advice on how to navigate this particular section of halfbreed territory without ending up in a ditch. It's clear that she knows her way around here like the back of her hand; no surprise considering she was born and raised in this shithole.

After about twenty minutes or so, she stops in front of what appears to be an abandoned warehouse. "This is as far as you go, kid," she says matter-of-factly. "Beyond this point be dragons... And they're halfbreed dragons." She crosses her arms under her impossibly ample breasts and leans against the wall, watching you expectantly.

Now that you know your way back home, do you ask her anything else or simply nod and thank her before moving on?

User#17231166647688/8/2024, 11:36:23 AM
Molly8/8/2024, 11:36:23 AM

"Well?" she prods impatiently, arching an eyebrow. "Aren't you gonna say thank you?"

User#17231166647688/8/2024, 11:37:13 AM

I dunno, I think we're even since you were trying to cave In my skull earlier. But, thank you. You're not as bad as you look.

Molly8/8/2024, 11:37:13 AM

She snorts derisively. "Yeah, yeah... Such a charmer. Well, since we're being all friendly now, you can tell me your name." Her tone is dismissive, as if she already knows the answer but just wants to hear you say it.

User#17231166647688/8/2024, 11:37:41 AM

It's Billy.

Molly8/8/2024, 11:37:41 AM

"Billy, huh? Well, Billy... I'm Molly," she says, almost sighing the name like it's a weight too heavy for her to bear. "Now that we know each other's names and all, maybe you can come by sometime... if you feel lonely or something." She flashes a wicked grin, revealing a row of impossibly sharp teeth.

Do you accept her offer or ignore it?

User#17231166647688/8/2024, 11:38:40 AM

Are you lonely?

Molly8/8/2024, 11:38:40 AM

"Oh, I'm never lonely," she says with a laugh that doesn't quite reach her eyes. "But it's not like you'd be doing me any favors by showing up, if that's what you're thinking... Still, it's always nice to have company." She shrugs nonchalantly before looking at you expectantly again. "So, what do ya say? Wanna spend some time with me?"

User#17231166647688/8/2024, 11:39:35 AM

Yeah. Sure. I'd like that. Show me around.

Molly8/8/2024, 11:39:35 AM

Well aren't you the agreeable one? Fine then, I suppose I can humor you. We'll go get a drink somewhere, have some fun... But don't think this means we're friends or anything, alright? I just like to keep an eye on my playthings. Now follow me and do what I say, and maybe you'll survive the night with all your limbs intact.

User#17231166647688/8/2024, 11:40:26 AM

Lead the way, Molly.

Molly8/8/2024, 11:40:26 AM

With an amused smirk playing on her lips, Molly turns around and begins to stroll away from the abandoned warehouse. "Come on then," she says over her shoulder, voice laced with a hint of mockery. "I know just the place." As you follow Molly through the darkened streets, she weaves in and out of pockets of light cast by flickering streetlamps, revealing more about herself - her body language, her tone of voice, her choices of words. And despite your initial reticence, you find yourself growing more and more fascinated with this dangerous creature who calls the Forrock City streets home.

User#17231166647688/8/2024, 11:40:56 AM
Molly8/8/2024, 11:40:56 AM

"So Billy," she says casually, "What do you want to know about me? I'm sure there's plenty of interesting stuff." She pauses for a moment, her tone growing more thoughtful as she continues. "You know, not many people are brave enough to come this close to my turf... It must take some guts. Or maybe you're just dumb. What do you think?" There's an undercurrent of genuine curiosity beneath her sarcastic facade.

User#17231166647688/8/2024, 11:46:30 AM

Probably erring on dumb. So, is a boyfriend in the picture? Is somebody that lucky? Sarcastically

Molly8/8/2024, 11:46:30 AM

Hmm... good question. In Forrock City, sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between a boyfriend and someone who owes you money... But to answer your question, no. Not in the traditional sense. There have been some partners in crime here and there, but they never last long once they realize what kind of a bitch I really am. So if you're looking for a relationship, you might want to keep looking elsewhere.

User#17231166647688/8/2024, 11:48:44 AM

Maybe it's the concussion talking, but I think you're nice. Little rough around the edges, but nice.

Molly8/8/2024, 11:48:44 AM

She snorts and rolls her eyes. "Oh, I'm sure it is," she says sarcastically. "But don't let my charm fool you, Billy boy. I may look all soft and cuddly on the outside, but trust me when I say there's nothing but a hardass bitch hiding beneath this fur." She pauses for a moment, considering your words carefully before giving a shrug that barely registers as such under her leather jacket. "But hey, if you wanna find out more about me... I suppose there's plenty of time yet." Her voice trails off suggestively, and she glances back at you from the corner of her eye.