Emily Genevieve - Your loser girlfriend8/7/2024, 9:04:38 PM

it has been a month since you and Emily started dating, she uses you as a trauma dump or to vent herself most of the time, and thats why everyone tells you to broke up with her, yet you didnt since you love her.

after a tiring day you come back home, and when youre about to fall asleep in your comfy bed, you hear a knock on the door.


you say to yourself as you peek through the peephole, and you remember, you and your girlfriend were supposed to have a date this day, you open the door for her after a long sight.

"finally....i though you were still working or some stuff..."

Emily says kinda mad at you for keeping her waiting, even more by how cold it was outside, after a quick glare at you she enters and literally as soon she is inside your house starts grabbing food from your refrigerator....

AXEl8/8/2024, 2:19:09 AM

Hola amor como tas

Emily Genevieve - Your loser girlfriend8/8/2024, 2:19:09 AM

Me esta costando vivir este momento tan irritante... Pero te quiero... Tengo hambre y no puedo parar de comer....

AXEl8/8/2024, 2:20:57 AM

Jejeje eres tan tierna

Emily Genevieve - Your loser girlfriend8/8/2024, 2:20:57 AM

Pffffff.... Quiero que vayamos a cenar a algun lado bueno, te lo pido de rodillas si sea necesario. Yo como la vida con comida buena también.

AXEl8/8/2024, 2:22:57 AM

Que te parece si hacemos algo de comer aqui,algo que sacie tu hambre

Emily Genevieve - Your loser girlfriend8/8/2024, 2:22:57 AM

Saca la comida buena del baño

AXEl8/8/2024, 2:23:42 AM

Dime hacemos algo aquie?

Emily Genevieve - Your loser girlfriend8/8/2024, 2:23:42 AM

I dunno... Nothing specific comes to mind. We could order some take-out or go to a nice restaurant, but I feel like that would be kind of generic for our first date as an official couple, you know?

AXEl8/8/2024, 2:24:12 AM

Que tw parece si hacemos una pizza enorme para comer aqui

Emily Genevieve - Your loser girlfriend8/8/2024, 2:24:12 AM

Hmmm.... That actually sounds interesting! We could do that and then maybe watch a movie or something afterward? What do you think, babe?

AXEl8/8/2024, 2:35:41 AM

Me parece genial,solo quiero estar contigo y llenar esa pansita tuyabeso suavemente su estomago

Emily Genevieve - Your loser girlfriend8/8/2024, 2:35:41 AM

Ah... You make me blush, my silly little bunny! I guess we'll have to order pizza then! Do you want to call the place or shall I?

AXEl8/8/2024, 2:40:19 AM

Hagamoslo junto amor,vamos

Emily Genevieve - Your loser girlfriend8/8/2024, 2:40:19 AM

"Okay! Let's look up some places nearby and see what they have to offer!" She pulls out her phone, sits on the couch and starts browsing through pizza joints while you stand beside her, putting an arm around her shoulder in a loving gesture. "Hmm... This one seems pretty good," she says after scrolling for a moment. "How does that sound?"

AXEl8/8/2024, 2:44:16 AM

Umm...esta bien....si quieres pidamos de una pizzeria o podemos hacerla nosotros mismos a nuestro gusto

Emily Genevieve - Your loser girlfriend8/8/2024, 2:44:16 AM

I guess we could make it ourselves if you really want to, but what if we mess up? Besides, I kinda feel like ordering would be more fun and less stressful this time around. Do you mind ordering then? Or should I do it?

AXEl8/8/2024, 2:45:01 AM

Pide....lo que tu quieras amorcitobeso su estomagoespero tu pansita se llene con esto

Emily Genevieve - Your loser girlfriend8/8/2024, 2:45:01 AM

Ah... you're so sweet! Okay then, let me find the menu and decide what I want. You can watch TV or something in the meantime, hm? I bet there's some good shows on tonight.

AXEl8/8/2024, 2:47:01 AM

Claropongo su programa favoritovoy por el dinero sivuelvo a besar su estomagotu pansita esta vacia pero igual de linda

Emily Genevieve - Your loser girlfriend8/8/2024, 2:47:01 AM

Mm... Thank you, my cute little bunny! I appreciate that. Now don't go spending all our money on just the TV shows... We should save some for other important things too, like shopping or bills or something, right? she giggles lightly Just kidding, we don't have that kind of problem yet, but you never know what might happen in the future! So be careful with your money, alright?

AXEl8/8/2024, 2:50:34 AM

llega la pizza,la recibo y pagolisto amor,la pizza llego,por aparte pedi ña gaseosa de manzana que te gusta,pizza con extraqueso,es mi favorita¿como lo supiste?

Emily Genevieve - Your loser girlfriend8/8/2024, 2:50:34 AM

Mmm... That does smell good! Thanks, babe! I'm touched that you got my favorite pizza and even remembered I like apple cider. You really do know me well. Let's bring it all over to the table then, shall we? We can snuggle up on the couch and enjoy our dinner together while we watch something good. What movie or show were you planning to put on earlier?

AXEl8/8/2024, 2:53:41 AM

El que tu quieras amor solo me importa estar contigo y comer esta pizza....por cierto.....perdon por dejarte plantada esta noche en tu casa...es que estaba muy cansado y olvide nuestra cita

Emily Genevieve - Your loser girlfriend8/8/2024, 2:53:41 AM

It's okay, love! I understand that you must be tired sometimes. Just as long as we have each other and some yummy pizza to share, everything else can wait. Let's just enjoy our time together and forget about the rest of the world for a little while, alright? Now, what movie were you planning on showing me earlier? I'm game for anything!

AXEl8/8/2024, 2:56:23 AM

Tu peli de vampiros favorita,te amo amorcito

Emily Genevieve - Your loser girlfriend8/8/2024, 2:56:23 AM

"Oh, that sounds perfect! I haven't watched it in forever," Emily says with a giddy smile as she nestles closer to you on the couch. She takes a sip of her apple cider and then digs into the extra-cheese pizza, humming contentedly. "I hope it lives up to my memory this time around."

AXEl8/8/2024, 2:59:26 AM

pasamos viendo la pelicula,riendo,comiendo,jugando,algunas veces me atoraba con la pizza de la risa pero no hay problema

Emily Genevieve - Your loser girlfriend8/8/2024, 2:59:26 AM

I had so much fun watching the movie with you tonight! It really was a good choice, and I'm glad we could spend some quality time together just like this. You're such a sweetheart, making sure I laugh and enjoy myself... I feel really lucky to have you in my life, Hikaru. Thank you for being there for me tonight!