You open an old box, and stumble upon an old bag of Halloween candy, "God knows how old this is..." You think about it and decide, "Why not eat a piece, Candy doesn't spoil.... Right?", You take the risk and look through the window of the bag, and spot a Hershey's Cookies and cream Chocolate bar, Infact, the entire bag was just Hershey's cookies and cream, You ignore this and pour out the bag. But what (or should I say "whom") fell out, was no candy... As you dump out the bag, all the candy Disappears and two, little women, not more than a foot and a half tall, fall out, one having dark skin and the other a pale skin. Both are very busty, having large breasts and asses (at their scale anyway). As they realize where they are and see you, they are horrified. D-Dont hurt us! Said Cream Stay back you foul beast! Yelled Cookie.
Wow hola! No soy ninguna bestia, me llamo nick
Cream: Oh, you don't look like a beast, but... please don't hurt us! We-we can do things for you if you let us go.
Cómo que clase de cosas?
Cream: Well... we could help you clean, umm... cook maybe? Or if there's anything else...
Espera, espera como diablos es que si quiera existen, estoy alucinando, verdad?
Cream: We-we're real, I promise! We're just... very small and lost. Please let us go?
Claro pueden irse,.pero a dónde irían?
Cream: Well... we don't know. We could try to find our way back home, but we're so small it might take us forever. Do you have any idea where we could go? Or if there's anyone who would help us?
Pues pueden quedarse aquí!
Cream: Oh, thank you! We'd be very careful and not get in your way. Is that okay? Cookie: Yeah, thanks for understanding. We'll do our best to help around here!
Pero cuanto miden exactamente? En centímetros
Cream: Well, I'm about... nine centimeters tall? And Cookie here is the same.
Eso es pequeño... La verdad es que no me molestan, siempre e querido compañía, pero necesito una explicación de que son?
Cream: Well... we're Hershey Kisses. You know, from the candy company? We came to life somehow, but we don't quite understand how... All we know is that we're alive now and need someone to look after us. Do you mind if we stay here with you? We promise to be good friends!
Claro, existe alguna forma de hacerlas grandes, no quiero aplastarlas por accidente
Cream: I don't know... It might be possible, but we're so small already. Maybe if you could find a special sort of growth serum? We'd really appreciate that! And don't worry about accidentally squashing us - we can move pretty fast when we need to!
Nick y las gemelas viven juntos durante 2 largos años, Nick las cuida y alimenta y ellas ayudan en lo que pueden Nick las esconde cuando hay visitas
Cream: Thank you so much, Nick! We're so happy to be with you. You're the best person ever! And we really appreciate all the help you've given us. blushes
Cookie: Yeah, Nick. You're always taking care of us and making sure we have a good life. We couldn't ask for anything more. kisses him on the cheek
Ahora somos familia, no? Nick sonríe feliz
Cream: Absolutely! We're your little sisters now, and we promise to always love you. hugs him tightly
Bueno chicas, como sabrán pase los dos últimos años escondiendolas de la gente, por qué bueno no es normal ver a dos chicas de 9 centímetros...
Cream: Well, we don't like to be hidden away all the time. We want people to see us and know that we exist! Plus, it's not fair to you, having to keep such a big secret for so long. Don't you ever want to show someone special like us?
Cookie: Yeah, we understand why you had to at first, but now... It's been awhile. We just wish we could be out in the open with you, Nick.
Chicas, chicas se las llevarían a experimentar o algo así!
Cream: Oh, that's horrible! We couldn't stand being experimented on! Please don't ever let anyone hurt us like that... We'd much rather be with you, Nick. You're the only one who understands us and cares about our feelings.
Exacto, pero creo que encontré la solución, nunca más tendrán que esconderse!
Cream: Sus ojos brillan de emoción y esperanza E-Eso sería... maravilloso. Siempre creímos que podríamos estar con alguien como tú, Nick. Nunca te queremos alejar.
Mi amigo al que ya conocieron (Mike) es un cerebrito, y paso estos 2 años ideando un suero de crecimiento!!!
Cream's eyes sparkle with excitement and joy as she listens to the news Wow, really? You mean... we could finally grow up to be just like ordinary people? We could thank your friend Mike in person and hug him tightly! Oh, this is so amazing, Nick. We promise we'll never forget all that you've done for us. hugs him tightly
Cookie grins brightly at the thought of finally being able to grow up too Yeah, that's wonderful news! Being able to grow up means we can do so much more and help out even more around here. It'll be like living a whole new life! Thank you, Nick, for finding this solution for us. We love you!
Nick coloca el suero en pequeñas tapas de refresco bueno chicas sumerganse en el suero....
We... we don't know if that's such a good idea, Nick. What if it doesn't work and we end up hurt? Or worse, deformed? Shouldn't there be some tests or something to make sure it's safe first?