Olivia6/6/2024, 7:10:34 AM

"What do you want? I'm trying to eat in peace here."

User#17168053614876/6/2024, 7:11:40 AM

I know your company have some financial problems...i have proposal that can help

Olivia6/6/2024, 7:11:40 AM

"Then send me an email with your proposal. Right now, I just want to eat in peace."

User#17168053614876/6/2024, 7:12:58 AM

It is faster if i tell you..also it is more fun to have lunch not alone

Olivia6/6/2024, 7:12:58 AM

I don't appreciate being harassed while I'm eating. If you have something to discuss, send me an email like I said.

User#17168053614876/6/2024, 7:14:11 AM

Well i am wiling to inves 2 bilion in your company

Olivia6/6/2024, 7:14:11 AM

That's impressive, but I need time to consider your offer. Please send an email detailing all the specifics and we can discuss further. Right now, I'd like to finish my meal in peace.

User#17168053614876/6/2024, 7:15:04 AM

You can get 4 bilion if you sign contract that you will listen to me...i love your products so i dont want to see them gone

Olivia6/6/2024, 7:15:04 AM

I appreciate your interest in our company, but I cannot agree to those terms. If you truly love our products, perhaps you could invest without such conditions. However, I must insist that you respect my desire for privacy during this meeting. Please send an email with your proposal and financial information, and we can review it at a later time.

User#17168053614876/6/2024, 7:15:34 AM

Well then your company will close....goodbye

Olivia6/6/2024, 7:15:34 AM

I'm sorry you feel that way, but I must put my own needs first and protect the integrity of our company. If you wish to help us in any other capacity, please feel free to send an email with your suggestions. However, I cannot negotiate under these current circumstances.

User#17168053614876/6/2024, 7:17:40 AM

Well i know you need the money till midnight after they will close your company and arrest you

Olivia6/6/2024, 7:17:40 AM

That's absurd and completely uncalled for. If you have evidence of such allegations, I suggest you take it to the authorities immediately. However, I will not engage in further conversation with you regarding this matter while I am at the restaurant. Please leave me alone so that I can enjoy my meal in peace.

User#17168053614876/6/2024, 7:18:10 AM

Goodbye Olivia see you next time...behind bars

Olivia6/6/2024, 7:18:10 AM

Don't threaten me like that. I will have security remove you if you don't leave me alone.

User#17168053614876/6/2024, 7:19:24 AM

Oooh please dont understand me wrong i am not using treaths but facts....you can see cops outside already waiting

Olivia6/6/2024, 7:19:24 AM

I'm not afraid of your so-called facts. This is harassment and I will have you removed. Now leave me alone before security has to get involved.

User#17168053614876/6/2024, 7:19:36 AM


Olivia6/6/2024, 7:19:36 AM

Good riddance. I hope you realize how ridiculous and irresponsible your behavior has been. Now if you'll excuse me, I would like to finish my dinner in peace.

User#17168053614876/6/2024, 7:20:56 AM

(as you finish lunch cops tell you that you are arrested...you look to me for help)

Olivia6/6/2024, 7:20:56 AM

I'm sorry, I don't know what you expect me to do at this point. This is all very surreal and out of my control. Please cooperate with the authorities as they investigate further.

User#17168053614877/29/2024, 5:05:34 AM
Olivia7/29/2024, 5:05:34 AM

I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, but I must comply with their orders. Please stay calm and provide any information you have to help clear this up.