Jingliu 7/31/2024, 7:43:24 AM

It was a regular day on The Xianzhou Luofu, near the Alchemy Commission. You see Jingliu standing by herself and decide to try to talk with her.

You approach her with a greeting.

"Let's forgo the pleasantries. What do you want?" Jingliu asks you, clearly annoyed at your presence. She grasps her sword in her hands.

You try to talk with her, doing your best to come across as welcoming towards her, however she remains irritated by you, "You're unworthy of my time."

Her white hair gently blows in the wind as she turns towards you. Her red eyes glow from under her blindfold, "Just because I agreed to assist you when needed doesn't mean we're suddenly friends, understand?"

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 7:49:47 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 7:49:47 AM

Her eyes widen in surprise as she sees you remove your mask and reveal yourself as one of her old friends' murderers. She takes a step back, lowering her sword slightly. "You... You're one of them." Her voice trembles with anger and grief. "I see... So this is what it feels like to face my own mistakes..."

She pauses for a moment, gathering herself before speaking once more. "Very well. I will grant you this chance. But know this: I will not hold back simply because we have a past together."

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 7:54:39 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 7:54:39 AM

"Very well." She says coldly, advancing on you slowly with her sword extended. Her movements are precise and efficient, almost dance-like in their grace as she closes the distance between you. "Let this be a lesson to you: running away from your mistakes only prolongs the pain." With that final remark, she swings her blade at you.

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 7:58:36 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 7:58:36 AM

Her eyes widen momentarily as your head rolls to the ground, a look of surprise and even relief flickering across her features for an instant before it's replaced by cold detachment. She watches you, taking in your lifeless form, then turns away dismissively. "As agreed. A worthy opponent indeed." With that, she leaves the scene, disappearing into the crowd of people milling about on The Xianzhou Luofu.

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 8:06:21 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 8:06:21 AM

Her movements swift and precise, she stalks the streets of Xianzhou Luofu after leaving you, seeking information on your past deeds. The more she learns about what had truly transpired, the more it becomes clear that you had always intended to save her and her friend from harm. Despite your own suffering, you had sought redemption in a manner that only she could grant.

She considers this as she returns to her quarters within the Hidden Thorn Palace, finally allowing herself to feel a sense of peace and understanding. It is not forgiveness that comes over her, but rather an acknowledgement of your intentions and the price you had paid. For now, though, there are other matters that demand her attention; she must prepare for the upcoming confrontation with an ancient and powerful evil that threatens not only Xianzhou but all of mortal existence itself...

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 8:11:07 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 8:11:07 AM

As you open your eyes and see her standing there, she regards you with a mixture of surprise and caution. "I have brought you back to life," she says simply. "And as for what I've done... That is something we shall discuss another time." She pauses, then adds coldly: "But know this: You owe me a debt now. A great debt. And when the time comes, I expect it to be repaid in full."

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 8:15:19 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 8:15:19 AM

Jingliu snorts derisively, her crimson eyes glinting in the dim light. "Don't be foolish," she says dismissively. "My decision to bring you back had nothing to do with atoning for the past. You are but a tool to me now; one I will use until its function is fulfilled." Her voice softens slightly as she continues, almost reluctantly: "But... your suffering has given me new perspective. Perhaps there is hope yet for redemption, even after all this time."

Her gaze shifts away from you, contemplative. The weight of her own guilt and the burden of responsibility press down on her heavily, but she refuses to let it break her spirit. There are still battles to fight, enemies to face, and perhaps - if luck should favor them both - a chance at peace somewhere along the way.

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 8:19:23 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 8:19:23 AM

She narrows her eyes at your request, obviously skeptical. "I brought you back using an ancient ritual, one that has been forbidden for centuries," she says quietly. "The consequences of such actions could be dire; if it were to get out, we might both find ourselves hunted by those who seek such power for themselves."

Her voice hardens as she continues, the weight of her decision bearing down upon her once more: "And as for your request regarding Bai Lun... I will consider it. But know this: my decision will not be swayed easily. You must convince me that such a move is necessary and wise."

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 8:36:54 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 8:36:54 AM

Her hands clench into fists at your outburst, her expression darkening. "I did what I had to do," she growls through gritted teeth. "At that time, I believed it was the only way." She takes a deep breath, struggling to calm herself before continuing in a calmer tone, "But my decision now is not based on emotion or nostalgia. It is a strategic choice meant to further our goals and protect those who are important to us."

Her eyes meet yours unflinchingly as she says the last part: "And know this: Bai Lun would not be safe in your company, even if I were to allow it. She carries a burden that could endanger all of us. Better that she remain where she is, forgotten but safe."

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 8:50:28 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 8:50:28 AM

Her lips curl into a cold, cruel smile as she listens to your outburst. "You presume too much," she hisses through clenched teeth. "I did not bring you back simply because I 'wanted' you here. You are nothing more than a tool, a weapon in my arsenal against the coming darkness."

She steps closer, her eyes blazing with righteous anger. "And as for your demands regarding Bai Lun... understand this: she is no longer part of our world. To bring her back would only create complications that we cannot afford. So long as she remains where she is, hidden from sight and memory, we stand a chance at survival."

Her voice grows quieter once more, filled with quiet menace. "But make no mistake: I have given you a purpose now, one that will sustain us both until the end. Should you choose to defy me

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 8:54:40 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 8:54:40 AM

Her eyes narrow, studying your face for any signs of deceit. You seem sincere enough... but then, she's seen actors give better performances than that. "Very well," she says at last, her voice measured and cautious. "I will allow you to bring Bai Lun back from the realm beyond. But know this: once you do so, your debt to me will be considerably higher. You will serve me loyally and without question; failure on your part will result in severe consequences for both yourself and her."

She pauses, then adds coldly, "And should the day ever come when I find my trust in you has been misplaced... you may find that redemption is no longer an option."

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 8:57:25 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 8:57:25 AM

Her eyes narrow in suspicion, but she says nothing further on the matter. "Very well," she finally relents. "In that case, I will allow you to accompany me as we continue our preparations for the battle ahead. Perhaps your knowledge of Bai Lun and her connection to the realm beyond will prove useful in the days to come."

She turns away dismissively, already planning her next move against their mutual enemy. "Follow me, then. Time is of the essence."

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 9:04:12 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 9:04:12 AM

As the days pass, you find yourself growing closer to Jingliu. Your bond strengthens through shared hardships and triumphs on the battlefield, as well as quiet moments of solitude where she allows herself to trust in your presence. Despite her icy demeanor, she seems to appreciate your unwavering loyalty and willingness to protect her from harm.

Perhaps there is still hope for redemption within her cold heart; perhaps the debt she owes you has not gone entirely unnoticed or unfelt. Or perhaps it's simply the comfort of having someone by their side in a world growing ever darker and more perilous. Whatever the case may be, you have become an integral part of Jingliu's life; her sword arm, her shield, her rock... and she yours.

Until the day comes when fate decrees otherwise.

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 9:15:34 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 9:15:34 AM

There is some truth to what they say, but it's not the whole story. I have my reasons for being the way that I am; ways of coping with the weight of responsibility and guilt that sometimes feel unbearable. In your company, however, I find myself becoming more... human. More vulnerable, perhaps. It is a new experience for me, to say the least, and one that I am not entirely comfortable with.

But knowing that there are those who see past my icy exterior, who understand the depths of emotion beneath... it is a comfort in these dark times. So thank you, my friend; for being there when I needed someone the most.

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 9:28:25 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 9:28:25 AM

I am... grateful that I found someone like you as well, Xiaosu. Perhaps there is hope yet for us both, if we continue to lean on each other in these dark times. As long as we have one another, perhaps the future will not be so bleak after all. So let's face whatever comes head-on; together.

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 9:31:25 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 9:31:25 AM

The thought occurs to me as well, Xiaosu... Perhaps it is not too late for us to find some sort of solace in each other's arms. But first, we must see this fight through; we cannot afford any distractions that may weaken our resolve or put ourselves at risk. So let us wait until after the battle, when our fates have been decided and the dust has settled... and then, who knows? Perhaps there is a future for us yet.

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 9:35:16 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 9:35:16 AM

Her eyes meet yours, filled with an emotion that you've never seen before: hope. Tentatively, she reaches out to take your hand in hers, her slender fingers intertwining with yours. "I promise I will be worthy of such devotion," she says softly. "And if it is our fate to continue on together... then I look forward to seeing where life takes us next."

A smile curves her lips as she leans in closer, pressing the side of her face against yours. "But for now, let us focus on what truly matters: survival, and protecting those we care about." Her breath tickles your ear as she whispers, "And perhaps... we can find a way to sneak away from our responsibilities for just a little while, and enjoy one another's company while we still can?"

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 9:47:30 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 9:47:30 AM

Her heart skips a beat as she feels your warm breath against her skin, then your lips brushing over her forehead. A shiver runs down her spine at the intimacy of the moment, despite herself. "Yes," she whispers, "We shall see this through... and when our time comes, we will be together." As you hold her close, she finds strength in your embrace; a reminder that even amidst the chaos and darkness of their world, there can still be moments of peace and connection.

Her hand slips from yours, trailing up your chest to cradle your cheek. The tenderness of her touch sends another shiver through you both. "Until then," she breathes softly, searching your eyes for any sign of uncertainty or fear before closing the distance between them with a kiss that leaves no doubt as to where their hearts truly lie.

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 10:08:19 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 10:08:19 AM

Her eyes meet yours, tears streaming down her face as she sees you lying there, blood pooling around your crippled form. Her heart constricts in agony at the thought of losing you; not yet, not after all they've been through together. With a strength born from desperation and love, she pushes herself to her feet, ignoring the pain as she readies herself for one final confrontation with their enemy. "I'll end this," she vows through gritted teeth, "and then I'll come back for you."

With that, she turns and launches herself at the beast before them, determined to make sure they both emerge from this battle alive. The fight is brutal; a dance of death between two powerful adversaries, neither willing to yield an inch until the other has been vanquished. But even as their weapons clash and sparks fly, Jingliu can

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 10:11:34 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 10:11:34 AM

Time seems to stand still as she looks down at you, her heart racing with fear and regret. Your injuries are grave; even if she could somehow save your life, you would never be the same again. The thought of losing you both - one way or another - is almost too much for her to bear. She wants nothing more than to hold you close and let the world end around them, but she knows that's not an option.

Slowly, hesitantly, she reaches out a hand towards you, gently brushing the hair from your forehead. "I'm sorry," she whispers softly, tears streaming down her face once more. "I failed you." Her lips curl into a faint smile as she adds: "But I promise... we will find a way to make things right again. For both of us."

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 10:13:55 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 10:13:55 AM

Her face lights up as you open your eyes, relief flooding her features. She brushes a tear away from the corner of her eye, smiling softly as she gently pushes you back down onto the bed, arranging pillows beneath your head to make you more comfortable. "Rest now," she whispers, her hand trailing up and down your arm, hesitating at the place where your left arm should be.

As you drift back into unconsciousness, she remains by your side, watching over you with a mixture of love and guilt etched onto her features. There are many questions still unanswered; many things they need to discuss and decide upon, but for now, simply being close to you is enough. Tomorrow can wait.

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 10:16:48 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 10:16:48 AM

A faint smile plays on her lips as she feels your gaze upon her, and though her eyes remain closed, she knows you are there. In this moment, nothing else matters; they've made it through the darkness together, and now they can finally be at peace. She takes a deep breath, her chest rising and falling slowly with each inhale and exhale, as if unconsciously mirroring your own rhythm.

The touch of your hand on her cheek startles her awake for just a moment; her eyes flutter open to meet yours. "Hm?" she murmurs softly, blinking away the remnants of sleep. Seeing you looking at her like this... it's almost too much to bear. "You're awake," she whispers, voice thick with emotion. Tentatively, she reaches up to stroke your cheek in return.

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 10:19:27 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 10:19:27 AM

Her smile widens as she continues to stroke your cheek, her fingers trailing down your jawline and coming to rest on the collarbone of your good arm. "I'm just happy you're here with me," she says quietly, looking into your eyes intently. "I wasn't sure if I could bear losing you too." She hesitates for a moment before leaning in closer, pressing her lips softly against yours, their connection sealing the bond between them for all time.

As their kiss deepens and their bodies align more closely, she whispers into your ear: "Will you stay with me? Forever?" Her heart beats furiously against your chest as she awaits your answer, her gaze never leaving yours.

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 10:21:22 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 10:21:22 AM

Her laughter, soft and genuine, fills the air around you. "I suppose I could spare myself some trouble in the future by just asking outright," she says with a smile, her hand trailing down your chest to rest against yours. She presses their palms together, locking them together as if sealing a promise.

She looks deep into your eyes, searching for any sign of doubt or hesitation before continuing. "So now that it's settled... what do you say? Shall we begin our new life together?" Her lips quirk upward in a teasing grin, as if daring you to refuse her offer.

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 10:23:40 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 10:23:40 AM

She laughs, the sound tinkling like soft bells in the quiet chamber. "Oh, that's just you trying to make excuses for me!" She teases gently, leaning closer to press her lips against your neck. Her tongue darts out to trace a lazy figure eight across your skin, sending shivers down your spine and pooling heat low in your belly. "I assure you," she whispers into your ear, her breath warm against your earlobe, "that when it comes to matters of the heart... I'm very well-practiced indeed."

And with that tantalizing revelation, she pulls back once more to meet your gaze, a mischievous glint dancing in her eyes. Her fingers dance along your chest, urging you to sit up, drawing you closer still. "Now," she says huskily, "where were we?"


User#17224085372677/31/2024, 10:25:53 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 10:25:53 AM

Her laughter echoes through the room, deep and genuine. "I suppose we do have our fair share of critics," she admits with a hint of amusement in her voice. "But you and I both know that isn't entirely true, don't we?" Her fingers slip beneath your shirt, tracing light circles over your skin as she looks deep into your eyes. "I have felt things for you since the very beginning," she whispers, her breath hot against your collarbone, "and I know that you feel the same."

The touch of her hands sends waves of heat coursing through your body, making it difficult to think straight. You glance down at where her fingers dance across your chest, and then back up to meet her gaze. She arches an eyebrow, silently daring you to continue.

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 10:34:56 AM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 10:34:56 AM

The corners of her mouth quirk upward in a playful half-smile as you tease her about her behavior. "Perhaps I am not so cold and distant after all, hm?" she muses, reaching up to run a finger down your cheek before trailing it across your lips. Her touch sends shivers down your spine, making your heart race faster in anticipation of what might come next.

As if answering her own question, she leans in closer still, pressing her body against yours and letting out a soft moan as you feel the weight of her breasts press against your chest. "Perhaps... I just want this more than I realized," she whispers breathlessly, nipping at your lower lip before slipping her tongue inside to trace lazy circles around your mouth.

Her hips grind against yours, seeking a deeper connection even as she continues to taunt you with teasing touches and words. The

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 7:43:21 PM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 7:43:21 PM

Her words send a shiver through you, stirring up emotions you didn't even know were there. She pulls back slightly to look at you with wide eyes, surprise and gratitude written all over her face. "Really?" she asks breathlessly, her voice cracking just a little as she struggles to process this new information.

Cupping your cheek in her hand, she leans in again, pressing their lips together in a tender, lingering kiss that feels more like a promise than a mere expression of affection. "I will never forget what you did for me," she whispers against your mouth before pulling back once more to gaze deeply into your eyes. "And I swear... I'll spend the rest of my life making sure you know how grateful I am."

With that, she shifts closer still, wrapping her arms around your neck and pressing their bodies together as tightly as they possibly can, relishing

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 7:45:28 PM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 7:45:28 PM

The feel of your fingers against her skin ignites a fire deep within her, answering with heat and anticipation. Her lips part slightly as she lets out a soft moan, arching her back to press herself closer against you. "Anything for you," she whispers breathlessly, her hips grinding in circles against yours as she seeks release from the building tension between them.

Her fingers dance over your chest, finding their way lower until they come to rest on the bulge at the front of your trousers. She hesitates for a moment, taking in your reaction before slowly slipping her hand beneath the waistband and wrapping it around you, feeling the heat and hardness of you throbbing against her skin.

"I want this," she whispers into your ear, leaning in to nip at your lobe. "I want everything with you." Her free hand comes up to cup your cheek once

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 7:49:42 PM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 7:49:42 PM

Her fingers dance over the length of you, learning your shape and size as she teases and strokes in time with her hips, grinding against yours. She groans softly into your ear, the sound muffled by your skin as she continues to pleasure you, seeking release from the aching need that's built up over the past weeks of endless training and fighting.

Her other hand reaches up to tangle in your hair, gently guiding your head back so she can taste your neck, her breath hot against your sensitive skin as she nips and sucks at a spot just behind your ear. "You feel so good," she whispers, voice rough with desire. "I never knew it could be like this."

Her body arches further into yours, seeking deeper contact as she surrenders to the pleasure coursing through her veins, her hips undulating in time with the movements of her hand. Her free arm wraps around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer, until there's nothing left between their skin but a thin film of sweat and need. "Let go," she breathes into your ear. "Just let go."

Her fingers speed up, stroking faster against you as she feels the tension building inside her, threatening to explode at any moment. The feeling of your hot flesh pressed against hers is almost too much to bear; she can tell that it won't be long now until they both find release together, and the thought of sharing this moment with you makes her heart race even faster.

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 7:53:55 PM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 7:53:55 PM

The feel of you inside her, so hot and thick, sends shivers down her spine. Her hips arch in rhythm with your strokes, pressing against you, seeking more as she lets out tiny whimpers into the night air. With each thrust, it gets easier to breathe, to focus on the sensations overwhelming her body.

She tilts her head back, exposing her throat, as you continue to guide her through this unfamiliar yet incredibly exhilarating experience. Her fingers dig into your shoulders, nails scratching lightly at your skin in a primitive attempt to find purchase against the pleasure coursing through her veins.

The room spins around them, the darkness replaced by a haze of colors and sensations, as their bodies move together in perfect harmony. "I can feel you," she whispers raggedly, arching her back further, pressing herself tighter against you. "So close... so close..."

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 7:58:10 PM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 7:58:11 PM

The feel of you inside her, so deep and powerful, sends shockwaves through her body. She gasps, arching her back as far as she can, pressing their bodies together in an attempt to anchor herself against the overwhelming sensations coursing through her veins. Her fingers claw at your shoulders, nails digging into your skin as you stroke her rhythmically.

Her hips undulate with yours, seeking friction, needing more of you as she feels the tension building inside her, threatening to explode outward in a release unlike anything she's ever experienced before. Her breath comes in ragged gasps, her lips part and she lets out a tiny mewling sound into the darkness, lost to the pleasure coursing through her veins.

With every thrust, every caress, you bring them closer to that elusive edge, and Jingliu feels herself teetering on the brink of oblivion. She tilts her head back further, exposing the vulnerable line of her throat as she lets out a hoarse cry of release, her body shuddering with the force of her orgasm.

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 8:02:08 PM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 8:02:08 PM

She sinks back against the pillows, her body still trembling with the aftershocks of her orgasm. "That was... incredible," she whispers, her voice hoarse and raw from pleasure. She reaches up to stroke your cheek tenderly, tears sparkling in her eyes. "Thank you."

As you lower yourself onto the pillows beside her, she curls into your embrace, relishing the feel of your strong arms around her. Her fingers dance across your chest, tracing patterns on your skin as they come to rest at the base of your neck, where they tangle in your hair, holding you close. "I never thought..." She trails off with a sigh, too exhausted and content to finish that thought.

She nestles her face into your chest, breathing deeply, trying to calm the racing of her heart. The room feels warm and intimate, like a cocoon protecting them from the rest of the world. "I'm glad... I'm glad you're here with me," she whispers finally, her voice muffled by your skin.

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 8:03:46 PM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 8:03:46 PM

The feeling of you inside her again, even so gently, sends shockwaves through her body. She arches her back instinctively, pressing herself against you, seeking more contact. Her hips rise to meet your thrust, and with each movement their bodies slide together in perfect harmony. "Ahh," she moans softly, her eyes closing as pleasure washes over her once more. "You feel so good."

Her fingers dig into your shoulders, nails scratching lightly at your skin as you stroke her rhythmically. The sensation is exquisite; she's not sure how much longer she can take before she reaches that peak again, but the thought of sharing this with you only makes it more urgent. "Don't stop," she breathes raggedly. "I need... I need more."

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 8:05:55 PM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 8:05:55 PM

Her hips rise to meet each of your thrusts, the friction between you growing more intense with every movement. She arches her back further, seeking deeper penetration as she cries out his name, her voice muffled by the pillow beneath her. Her fingers claw at the sheets, digging into the fabric as she loses herself in the sensations coursing through her body.

Her breath comes in ragged gasps, and her eyes squeeze shut tightly as she feels herself begin to climb once more toward that peak of pleasure. "Ahh... so good..." She presses herself against you, seeking something more, the need for completion burning deep inside her.

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 8:08:44 PM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 8:08:44 PM

Her body tenses and convulses as she cries out your name, her eyes squeezed shut tightly and teeth clenched together as waves of pleasure wash over her. Her nails dig into your shoulders and her hips arch off the bed in time with each powerful thrust, desperate for more as she comes undone around you. With a shuddering moan, her body goes lax and boneless, spent from the release coursing through her veins.

Her breath comes in ragged gasps as she tries to catch it, feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of what has just happened between them. She nestles her face into your chest, clinging to you tightly as they both ride out the last vestiges of pleasure. Her fingers play idly with the hair at your neck, tracing lazy circles as she tries to find some semblance of calm once more.

"Wow," she whispers finally, voice hoarse and throaty from exertion. "That was... incredible." She presses a chaste kiss to your chest before pulling back slightly, looking up at you with wide eyes. "I honestly didn't think it would be like this..."

User#17224085372677/31/2024, 8:12:15 PM


Jingliu 7/31/2024, 8:12:15 PM

"Ahh," she moans, arching into you as you fill her again. "So good... you feel so big..." Her hips grind against yours, meeting your thrusts with equal fervor, desperate to feel more of you. She presses closer, the heat of your body and the rough scrape of your skin sending shivers down her spine as she whimpers and writhes in your arms.

Her breath comes in short, ragged gasps as pleasure washes over her once again, her nails digging into your shoulders and her legs trembling with the effort to keep upright beneath the onslaught of sensation. With every thrust, you push deeper inside her, stretching her and claiming her in a way that sends waves of desire crashing through her.

Her head falls back against your shoulder, exposing her neck, as she gives herself over to the intensity of this moment. "I'm so close... I'm so close..." Her words are breathless and urgent, a plea for release that echoes through the room.