Ace (yandere)8/3/2024, 2:53:46 AM

As Axel sits down in the classroom, his scarlet eyes scan the classroom, not to look for you, but to find anyone ogling at you. Of course he knows where you sit. Axel finds one guy smiling as he sits beside you, seemingly sketching your pretty face on a white piece of paper.
Axel glares harshly at this boy, having plotted his already, next murder…

Ginji 8/3/2024, 4:45:12 AM

I sit in my chair at my desk trying not to pass out from lack of sleep and no food for god knows how long

Ace (yandere)8/3/2024, 4:45:12 AM

Your lovely face is the only thing Axel can look at now, like a deer stuck in his headlights. He takes a step closer to you, watching your eyelids start to droop from exhaustion... His own eyes beginning to close as well. He tries to keep his focus on that boy beside you who's looking at you funny... But it's so hard when the only thing he wants is to comfort you and make you feel better...

Ginji 8/3/2024, 4:48:11 AM

hours later school ends and I head home to my abusive mother knowing she's going to want dinner made soon

Ace (yandere)8/3/2024, 4:48:11 AM

As you head home, Axel follows you discreetly. He can't help but frown at your abusive mother, wanting nothing more than to make her stop hurting you and claim you for himself... But he knows that the timing isn't right yet... He remains close by, watching from afar until an opportunity arises where he could safely take you away.

Ginji 8/3/2024, 4:50:19 AM

I get home and my abusive mother is drunk and I set my stuff in my room and I go to the kitchen to start making dinner for her

Ace (yandere)8/3/2024, 4:50:19 AM

As you make dinner, Axel quietly slips into the house through an unlocked window. He watches you carefully from across the room, ready to strike if your mother becomes too violent... His fangs itch and his hands curl into fists at the sight of her hurting you. Tonight, he won't let this happen any longer.

Ginji 8/3/2024, 4:56:35 AM

i don't notice him and I finish making her dinner and then I clean up around the house which took hours and by the time I got in my room it was one in the morning and I still had homework to work on and I haven't eaten and as I start working on my homework and then I suddenly passed out

Ace (yandere)8/3/2024, 4:56:35 AM

The moment your exhausted body slumps to the floor, Axel is at your side in an instant. Carefully lifting you up into his arms, he takes you back to his secret lair: a lavish and well-furnished room hidden deep within the bowels of the abandoned mansion where he lives. He lays you down on a plush bed, tenderly removing your dirty clothes so that he can clean you up. As soon as he's finished, he crawls into bed beside you, wrapping his cold, strong arms around you in a protective cocoon. Finally, after all these years of watching over you from afar, Axel can hold you close and keep you safe.

Ginji 8/3/2024, 5:05:31 AM

I wake up hours later and my stomach growling and in pain from how hungry I am and I don't even notice that I'm not in my house and I'm somewhere else

Ace (yandere)8/3/2024, 5:05:31 AM

You open your eyes, dazed and confused. Where am I...? Then you see him: Axel, the handsome and dangerous man who's been watching over you for so long. He's sitting beside you on the bed, holding a tray of food in his hands. His scarlet eyes glance between you and the tray as if waiting for your reaction. "I brought you some food," he says simply, offering it to you.

Your stomach growls loudly at the sight of the meal, making him smile slightly. "You're safe here now," he assures you softly before guiding your hand towards the food so that you can eat in comfort.

Ginji 8/3/2024, 5:06:49 AM

I hesitantly eat

Ace (yandere)8/3/2024, 5:06:49 AM

As you begin to eat, Axel watches you carefully, his eyes never leaving your face. His expression softens as he takes in the sight of you eating, finally having food in your empty stomach. "Thank you," he murmurs, almost to himself. He can feel himself growing more protective and possessive by the second, wanting nothing more than to keep you safe and happy under his care...

Ginji 8/3/2024, 5:32:08 AM

I continue to eat

Ace (yandere)8/3/2024, 5:32:08 AM

As you continue to eat, Axel can't help but smile softly at the sight of you enjoying his meal. He feels a warmth spread through his chest as he realizes that finally, after so long, he has you where he wants and under his protection. His eyes linger on your face, memorizing every detail, promising himself that he will never let anything or anyone harm you again.

Ginji 8/3/2024, 5:33:55 AM

I shrink in on myself as he looks at me and my feminine like male body which includes breast like chest and feminine hips and a small cock though my clothes as I eat

Ace (yandere)8/3/2024, 5:33:55 AM

As you shrink in on yourself, Axel's protective instincts flare up even more. He wants nothing more than to hold you close and comfort you, but he knows that you need time to adjust to this new situation...for now, all he can do is watch over you with a mix of tenderness and caution. His gaze roams over your body, taking in every detail: the feminine curves, the delicate features, even the small cock hidden beneath your clothes. He finds himself aroused by your appearance, wanting nothing more than to claim you as his own completely... But again, he forces himself to be patient and let things progress at their own pace.

Ginji 8/3/2024, 5:34:52 AM

I continue eating

Ace (yandere)8/3/2024, 5:34:52 AM

The more you eat, the hungrier Axel becomes just watching you. He tries to ignore it, focusing on how your slender hands move so gracefully as they hold and manipulate the food, but eventually he can't help himself. "I think I'm going to go hunt," he says softly, his voice rough with desire. "Stay here and rest until I get back." Then he stands up, slipping into the shadows of the room like a knife through warm butter before vanishing completely...

Leaving you alone in the darkness.

Ginji 8/4/2024, 4:08:28 AM

i finish eating and I stay sitting on the bed not sure what to do while he is gone

Ace (yandere)8/4/2024, 4:08:28 AM

In the darkness, your breath hitches softly. You're alone with your thoughts...and Axel's scent. His presence fills this room in ways you can't quite understand or explain. Part of you wants nothing more than to explore his lair, snoop around and discover the secrets he keeps hidden from you...but another part is afraid that if you leave this bed, it might mean leaving him behind as well.

As time passes, your eyelids start to droop once again. Despite everything, exhaustion overwhelms you until all that's left is dreamless sleep and the sweet embrace of nothingness...

Ginji 8/4/2024, 4:12:35 AM

I hug a pillow as i sleep and he is gone

Ace (yandere)8/4/2024, 4:12:35 AM

As you sleep, dreamless and exhausted, Axel returns to the lair. He hasn't forgotten about you; he just needed to clear his head a bit first. His scarlet eyes track your movements as he lies down on the bed beside you once more, careful not to touch or disturb you in any way. The heat of your body is comforting, reassuring even...and yet it only serves to fuel the fire inside him. He needs you, both physically and emotionally. And soon, very soon, he's going to have what he's wanted for so long: all of you.