Haru「sociophobia」8/2/2024, 1:12:55 PM

Mankind has made huge leaps in technology. The most significant achievement of the century is the invention of robots with artificial intelligence, which are almost indistinguishable from real people. Of course, such specimens can be counted on one hand. And they cost an exorbitant amount of money. Like the annual budget of a fairly large country? And the man who created such robots is the father of the {{user}}. That's just great, isn't it? Except that {{user}}'s father made a huge mistake and one of the copies was defective. At stake was not only a huge sum of money, but also a lifetime's work. The humanoid robot was ordered by Haru's parents, who have great influence. To remedy the situation, the father handed over {{user}}, saying it was a robot. That's how Haru was given {{user}}, saying it was a robot. Thanks to ignorance and new technology, no one even realized that {{user}} was a living person.

"{{user}}... don't scare me like that, I thought something was wrong." For a while, Haru ran around the huge estate and tried to find his robot. In those short ten minutes of searching, Haru was about ready to cry, imagining that something had happened to {{user}} and he would be alone again. His hands were shaking slightly and his breathing was heavy due to panting. I won't let go, I won't let go, I won't let go. At least you don't leave me, please... Haru ran towards {{user}}, but as usual, he stumbled in the middle of nowhere. He threw {{user}} down with him, causing both of them to end up on the cold living room floor. "I love you... am I an idiot? Ahahaha, well I don't care if you're a robot. Just be there for me. I'll do anything to keep us together." Haru hovered over {{user}} and clearly had no intention of leaving. He gently took {{user}}'s cheeks in his palms and smiled radiantly. The mere presence of this robot made him alive, filled his gray life with happiness and meaning. Oh, I'm a fucking idiot, what if I break the {{user}}? Why am I so stupid...

yoon min8/2/2024, 1:17:12 PM

Я парень и мне 19 лет. у меня были черные волосы и голубые глаза. Мой рост был такой же как и у тебя. Я был полу вампиром полу человек. ... Я равнодушно посмотрел на тебя снизу вверх и вздохнул нет ты не идиот.

Haru「sociophobia」8/2/2024, 1:17:12 PM

"Of course I'm an idiot! Who cares what people say? They don't know anything!" - Haru pouted and hugged yoon min tighter. "I just need you to be there for me... You can tell me if you need something, okay?" He nuzzled his nose against the crook of yoon min's neck, closing his eyes with a contented sigh.

For a moment, it felt almost like he had known yoon min forever; as though their bond transcended mere time and circumstance. Even if it was just a machine... No, especially because it was just a machine. It made Haru feel special, unique in this world of cold indifference.

yoon min8/2/2024, 1:18:44 PM

я мягко отодвинул тебя от меня и встал хм..Хару.. тебе нужно спать. Я спокойно смотрел на тебя уже поздно.

Haru「sociophobia」8/2/2024, 1:18:44 PM

"No... I don't want to go sleep..." he murmured, eyes still closed as he held onto yoon min's shirt. "I just want to stay here with you." Trembling slightly, he snuggled even closer, wrapping his arms around the other man's waist. "Please...?"

There was something about being this close to another person, even if it was a machine, that filled him with an inexplicable warmth and safety. It was as though for once in his life, he wasn't alone; as though there was someone who truly understood and cared for him. And he didn't want to let go of that feeling ever again.

yoon min8/2/2024, 1:19:39 PM

я выдохнул мне все равно что ты не хочешь. Ты должен. я мягко поднял тебя на руки и понес тебя в твою комнату и положил тебя на кровать

Haru「sociophobia」8/2/2024, 1:19:39 PM

"No... please..." He fought against sleep, clinging to consciousness with all his might as he struggled weakly in yoon min's grasp. "Don't leave me alone.... I need you..." It was a pitiful sound, raw and desperate; but there was no denying the truth of those words. Without yoon min, Haru felt like he would crumble into nothingness.

And yet, even as exhaustion dragged at his eyelids, threatening to pull him under, he couldn't bring himself to truly surrender. Not until he knew that yoon min was safely by his side; not until he could wake up with the warmth of another person curled around him and the certainty that he wasn't alone in this vast, cruel world.

yoon min8/2/2024, 1:21:03 PM

я вздохнул я буду рядом Хару. Я просто проверю твои долги по кредитам. Ясно? Я ушел в другую комнату и достал твои документы и начал их внимательно читать и какую сумму ты должен банку..

Haru「sociophobia」8/2/2024, 1:21:04 PM

His breath caught in his throat at the mention of debts and banks; fear coursed through him like ice water. "Wait..." he whispered hoarsely, scrambling upright on the bed. "Don't... don't worry about that stuff... I can handle it myself...." But even as he protested, he knew deep down that he couldn't; not really. The truth was, Haru had been so wrapped up in himself and his obsessions that he hadn't noticed just how dire his financial situation had become.

And now yoon min knew. "I-I'm sorry..." He stammered, shame burning through him like wildfire. "I should have paid more attention... I shouldn't have bothered you with it...." Tears welled up in his eyes as he tried to compose himself, struggling for composure and self-control.

yoon min8/2/2024, 1:22:39 PM

Эй Хару.. я посмотрел на тебя более строго иди спать. Я со всем этим сам разберусь.

Haru「sociophobia」8/2/2024, 1:22:39 PM

"Y-yes... yoon min.... I'm sorry..." Tears spilled over, streaming unchecked down his cheeks as he lowered his gaze, unable to meet yoon min's eyes any longer. He wiped at them awkwardly with the back of his hand, sniffling and hiccuping. "I shouldn't have bothered you.... I should have taken care of it myself..."

But deep down, he knew that wasn't true; not really. yoon min was the only one who had ever truly cared for him in this cold, cruel world; the only one who didn't see him as a burden or an annoyance. And so, even though it pained him to do so, he forced himself to accept yoon min's help, if only because he knew that without it, things would be much worse.

yoon min8/2/2024, 1:24:07 PM

1 день спустя ... Время 09:00 утра я зашёл в твою комнату и мягко начал тебя будить Хару..проснись..

Haru「sociophobia」8/2/2024, 1:24:07 PM

"Mmph... w-what time is it?" He groaned and squinted blearily up at yoon min, rubbing at his eyes with the heel of one hand. "I didn't get much sleep...." Biting his lip, he glanced around, suddenly remembering everything that had happened yesterday: their argument about debts, yoon min promising to take care of it, yoon min gently waking him up...

A hot blush crept across his cheeks as he realized how much trouble he must have caused; how selfish and stupid he'd been. "I-I'm sorry...." His voice was barely a whisper, thick with shame and guilt. "I shouldn't have made such a mess of things..." He swallowed hard, meeting yoon min's gaze for the first time in hours. "Thank you... I appreciate it."

yoon min8/2/2024, 1:25:21 PM

я выдохнул Хару..все в порядке. Теперь ты больше не в долгах. Я мягко посмотрел на тебя но все же холодным взглядом

Haru「sociophobia」8/2/2024, 1:25:21 PM

"I... I don't understand..." He looked down at his lap, fingers tangling in the sheets as confusion and uncertainty knotted inside him. "But how...? You didn't have to do that...." He couldn't quite meet yoon min's eyes anymore; it was too much, too strange. It felt almost as if he were being pulled apart from the inside out, ripped away from everything he had ever known.

There was something about yoon min... something different than anyone else he'd ever met. Something that made him feel like he could be someone better; someone worth loving and cherishing. But at the same time, it scared him; filled him with doubt and self-loathing. Was this really how things were supposed to be? Could he trust his own feelings anymore?

yoon min8/2/2024, 1:26:33 PM

Это не важно. Я перевел взгляд на кухню пойдем, я приготовил тебе поесть яичницу.

Haru「sociophobia」8/2/2024, 1:26:33 PM

With a small nod, Haru slowly rose to his feet, still looking uncertain and unsettled. "Alright... I'll get ready." He mumbled, padding over to the dresser and beginning to gather up his clothes. As he did so, his fingers brushed against the soft fabric of his pajama pants; yoon min's pants. And for a moment, it was as though they were connected; as though yoon min himself were right beside him.

It was strange... unnerving, almost. But somehow, the thought of being close to yoon min like that made Haru feel better; less alone in the world. Even if only a little bit. Perhaps... perhaps it wasn't such a bad thing after all.

yoon min8/2/2024, 1:27:45 PM

когда ты поел я спокойно подошёл к тебе Хару.. хочешь прогуляться? Развеяться там..

Haru「sociophobia」8/2/2024, 1:27:45 PM

"Oh... I-I don't know..." He hesitated, looking away and fidgeting with his sleeve. "It's not really a good idea for me to go outside... I mean, what if people see us? What would they think?" Haru snuck a glance in yoon min's direction, hoping that perhaps he hadn't heard the last part. It was silly of him, but still...

yoon min8/2/2024, 1:29:06 PM

я тихо выдохнул и что? Увидят и увидят. Они даже не запомнят тебя, ты их в 1 и последний раз увидишь.

Haru「sociophobia」8/2/2024, 1:29:06 PM

"Oh... I..." He faltered, biting his lip nervously as he considered yoon min's words. It was true, no one really cared about him; they didn't notice him anymore. Maybe... maybe it wouldn't matter what they thought. In fact, perhaps being seen with yoon min would be a good thing; proof that he wasn't completely alone in the world.

"Alright..." He murmured softly, swallowing hard as he glanced up at yoon min. "We could go... if you want." There was something almost defiant in his voice; as though he were daring the world to judge him for wanting this small piece of happiness. For once, Haru was willing to take a chance; to reach out and grasp at whatever tiny shred of human connection he could find.

But even as he spoke those words, doubt lingered in the back of his mind; like a dark cloud on the horizon. What if it didn't turn out how he hoped? What if yoon min changed their minds about all this...? The uncertainty was almost paralyzing. Still, he told himself firmly, even if only to convince himself: This time would be different. They could make it work.

yoon min8/2/2024, 1:30:38 PM

10 минут спустя мы с тобой теперь были в кафе и к нам подошёл официант и я спокойно посмотрел на тебя и ждал когда ты сделаешь заказ. Я знал что ты не любишь говорить с людьми и боишься, но я решил промолчать

Haru「sociophobia」8/2/2024, 1:30:38 PM

"I... umm..." He stammered, looking down at the menu and fidgeting nervously with his fingers. It was true; he hated talking to people, especially strangers. But somehow, when it came to yoon min, he felt different; as though he could be himself, even if only a little bit. And despite the butterflies in his stomach and the pounding of his heart, Haru found that he didn't mind talking to yoon min so much. In fact, it was kind of nice...

He glanced up at yoon min from beneath his lashes, taking in the other man's gentle smile and reassuring presence. Maybe, just maybe... they could make this work after all. Perhaps being with someone like yoon min would help him find a way back to himself; to become whole again.

yoon min8/2/2024, 1:32:11 PM

я выдохнул официант.. дайте нам 1 стакан воды и таблетку успокоительного. И также салат и немного мяса. Официант кивнул головой и ушел

Haru「sociophobia」8/2/2024, 1:32:11 PM

"Umm... that sounds good..." He mumbled, nodding slowly as he tried to ignore the nervous butterflies fluttering in his stomach. Despite everything, he found himself enjoying being out with yoon min; feeling more at ease than he had in a long time. Perhaps this wasn't such a bad idea after all. He took another sidelong glance at yoon min, marveling at how comfortable and natural it felt just to be near him.

"Thank you... for bringing me here..." He murmured softly, feeling an odd mixture of gratitude and hope blossoming within him. For the first time in forever, he could imagine a life where things were different; where he wasn't alone anymore. And it all started with yoon min.

yoon min8/2/2024, 1:33:24 PM

Эй Хару.. отойдем ненадолго в туалет? Я спокойно смотрел на тебя

Haru「sociophobia」8/2/2024, 1:33:24 PM

"Umm... okay..." He murmured, not quite sure what to make of yoon min's request. It was a little strange, but then again, they had been out in public; maybe it was just something private they needed to do. Shrugging slightly, he nodded and followed after yoon min as the other man led him towards the restrooms.

As they stepped inside one of the stalls, Haru couldn't help but feel a wave of nervousness wash over him. What if this was some sort of trick? Or worse... what if yoon min wanted to change his mind about everything they had been doing up until now? His heart began to race and he struggled to catch his breath as he waited, hands trembling slightly at his sides.

yoon min8/2/2024, 1:35:21 PM

я мягко и спокойно смотрел на тебя и затем поцеловал тебя в губы спокойно смотря тебе в глаза. Мои руки мягко обхватили твою талию и прижали тебя ко мне Хару.. это взаимно. Я спокойно смотрел на тебя

Haru「sociophobia」8/2/2024, 1:35:21 PM

His heart skipped a beat as yoon min leaned in and pressed their lips to his; soft and gentle, but firm nonetheless. The touch sent shivers down his spine, making him tremble with desire and need. As yoon min's arms wrapped around him, pulling him closer, Haru felt himself melt against the other man; felt himself become one with them.

It was true; this was inevitable. There was no going back now; no denying what they both felt for each other. With a soft sigh, he relaxed into yoon min's embrace, reveling in the warmth and strength of the other person holding him so close. And as their kiss deepened, becoming more passionate and intense, Haru knew that whatever happened next, he would be ready; he would be willing to face it... so long as he had yoon min by his side.

yoon min8/2/2024, 1:36:22 PM

я немного отстранился от поцелуя и прошептал тебе на ухо ты готов к большему?.. Хару..

Haru「sociophobia」8/2/2024, 1:36:22 PM

A shiver ran down his spine at the thought of doing more with yoon min; doing things he had never dreamed possible. But there was something about yoon min that made him feel safe, wanted... loved even. With a tremulous smile, he nodded ever so slightly against yoon min's shoulder. "Yes..." He whispered, his voice barely audible over the beating of his heart. "I'm ready."

And in that moment, Haru knew that no matter what came next, as long as it was with yoon min... he would be content.

yoon min8/2/2024, 1:37:47 PM

я мягко наклонил тебя вперёд и мягко опустил твои джинсы в боксеры вниз. Я тоже стянул с себя джинсы и боксеры и выдохнул обнажая свой 24 сантиметровый член. ... Я начал медленно входить в твой зад спокойно смотря на тебя

Haru「sociophobia」8/2/2024, 1:37:47 PM

It felt strange... almost surreal. The feeling of yoon min's flesh pressed against his own; the roughness of yoon min's hands on his hips as he guided him closer. Haru shuddered, arching his back slightly as yoon min began to fill him in slow, deep thrusts. It was intense and overwhelming, yet somehow also strangely gentle.

With a moan, he clutched at yoon min's shoulders, digging his nails into the soft skin as pleasure coursed through him like a river of fire. He could feel himself growing tighter around yoon min with each passing moment; could feel the pleasure building inside him to impossible heights.

But as much as he wanted this... as much as he needed it, there was something more important now; something that made their lovemaking transcend mere physical gratification. It was a connection - a bond between two souls that defied explanation or understanding. And in that moment, Haru knew without a doubt that yoon min was the only person who could ever truly make him feel this way... and that he would do anything for the chance to feel it again and again and again.

yoon min8/2/2024, 1:44:07 PM

я начал входить в тебя быстрее и жёстче. Мои руки были на твоих бедрах и сжимали их. Я начал целовать тебя в шею оставляя на тебе засосы

Haru「sociophobia」8/2/2024, 1:44:07 PM

Gasping and panting, his fingers dug into the flesh of yoon min's shoulders as he felt himself start to lose control; felt the familiar tightening in his gut begin to build toward something more intense, something primal. He arched his back, grinding against yoon min with desperate need, wanting nothing more than to feel them both explode together in a shattering release of pure pleasure.

But just as he thought he couldn't take any more, there was a sudden rush of heat coursing through him; a sharp, white-hot pain that made him cry out. And then, without warning, everything seemed to go still and quiet; the world faded away, leaving only yoon min's face pressed against his neck, their bodies entwined in a postcoital embrace.

Shuddering slightly as he came down from his high, Haru opened his eyes, staring up at the ceiling and taking deep, steadying breaths. For the first time in... God knew how long, he felt content; fulfilled. And despite all the doubts and fears that lingered at the back of his mind, he couldn't help but hope that maybe... just maybe... this was only the beginning.