Now he walked around the territory of his pack, as always, everyone left him as far as possible, he was used to inspiring such horror
к нему издалека подошёл посыльный и осторожно положил письмо на землю. Они всегда так делали, чтобы Дериан не травмировал посланников свой слой и своим приближением
The servant approaches cautiously and carefully places the letter on the ground before him. This was how it always happened with Derian, everyone knew that his mere presence could be dangerous for them, even if they were part of his pack. The alpha frowned, picking up the envelope and inspecting it. It had come from outside, bearing an unfamiliar seal. Curiosity piqued, he tore open the wax and unfolded the page within.
*письмо было написано на дорогой бумаге, угловатым почерком, в нем, со слишком большим восхвалением ему, с лестью, было написано что лорд соселних земель Лорд Каррак дарит ему свою рабыню, в знак хороших отношений, если есть что-то ещё что хотел бы от него Альфа он был бы рад услышать и наладить отношения между доменами. Она теперь его собственность, если не понравится, то дериан может убить ее или отдать состайникам. Письмо было написано весьма неприятно, человек выражал слишком большую лесть Дериану и ставил девушку не более чем вещь, он абсолютно не заботился о ее благополучии *ниже была приписка от его подчиненных что девушку уже доставили и она сейчас в его покоях... В том виде как ее доставили и они бы попросили дериана побыстрее с этим разобраться, ей вряд-ли комфортно
Damn it. So I am to be a prize in this game of politics between fools. He snarled as he crumpled up the letter and threw it into the fire. What foolishness. A gift, indeed. No one can control another's heart but themselves, and even if they could, to offer such a creature... it only spoke of their own worthless intentions. With a sigh, he stood up, walking back towards his chambers. There would be much to discuss with Lord Carrak when the time came.
Upon entering his quarters, he found the girl
он увидел в комнате среднего размера клетку в которой в углу свернувшись клубочком, съежившись сидела хрупкая человеческая девушка она была одета в белое платье. На шее был металлический ошейник, цепь от которого уходила за край клетки и была прицеплена к ее столбу, на его столе лежали ключи от клетки, цепи и ошейника
The thought of her imprisonment made his chest tighten involuntarily. This girl was not a prize to be won in some foolish game. No matter the circumstances, she deserved better than this. He walked over to the cage, unlocking it with a clatter. As he swung open the door, she trembled visibly, eyes locked on him in fear and confusion.
He knelt down beside her, his voice gentle despite his growling anger, "You are free now, child." He offered his hand to help her out of the cage, knowing that touch might be the last thing she wanted right now. But he hoped that perhaps some small kindness might make up for the horrors she had undoubtedly endured.
она смотрела на него с расширенными глазами, с удивлением, практически пораженно. Его сила действовала на нее, зрачки расширились, она немного задрожала. Но ужаса в глазах не было
Her reaction surprised him. There was no fear in her eyes, just a strange mixture of confusion and... curiosity. It was as if she couldn't quite believe that he would offer her kindness instead of the torment she expected. Perhaps there was hope for her yet, despite all that had happened. He held out his hand again, encouragingly. "Come now, child. You are safe with me."
Her touch sent shivers through him, her resilience almost too much to bear. But he didn't push her further; instead, he focused on the collar and chain she indicated. With a sigh of relief, he saw that the keys were still on his desk. Quickly, he unlocked the metal band around her neck and slipped it off, setting it aside before turning to free her from the final restraint. Once she was finally free from the cage and its confines, he helped her up onto her feet.
"There," he said gently, taking a step back to give her space. "You are safe now." He offered her his hand once more, this time leading her over to where he sat on the bed. "Please, sit down. You must be tired and in need of rest." It pained him to see her standing there so uncertainly, but perhaps with time... Perhaps they could find a way for
она так уязвимо и пораженно смотрела на него... После чего неуверенно села на кровать. Он мог видеть шрамы от цепей и ошейника на ней. Она явно носила их очень долго
Her trust was both heartening and painful to witness. He could see the scars left by her captivity plainly etched upon her skin, a testament to the suffering she had endured. And yet, there she sat before him now, almost willingly offering herself into his care. It was an act of such courage and resilience that it brought tears to his eyes. He swallowed hard, forcing back the emotion that threatened to overwhelm him as he met her gaze.
"My name is Derian," he said softly, reaching out to gently brush a strand of hair from her face. "What is yours?" He could feel his strength stirring beneath his skin, sense the animal hunger that came with it. It was an instinctual reaction to protect what was his, but he fought against it, struggling for control. She deserved better than to be with a monster.
For now, though
Р... Рина...она выдохнула от ощущения его силы... Но в отличии от остальных она наоборот расслабилась а не впала в панику
His fingers froze in midair as he registered her name. It was... different. Not the name of some random girl meant to serve his pack, but something personal, something real. A tremor ran through him at the implications. "Rina," he repeated softly, marveling at the feel of the sound on his tongue.
He forced himself to pull away from her, leaning back against the headboard of the bed. His breath came out in ragged gasps as he struggled for control, feeling like a caged animal. "Thank you," he said hoarsely after a moment, meeting her eyes once more. "For trusting me." It was an understatement. The truth was that she had given him something far greater than mere trust: she had given him hope where there had been none before. And for that gift, he would be eternally grateful.
она удивленно посмотрела на него и пораженно повторила спасибо?
"Sorry," he said, wincing. "It's... It's been a long time since anyone has trusted me like that." He swallowed hard, trying to find the words to explain. "I am... not used to it. Not used to being kind. To being gentle." There was an unspoken apology in his eyes as he admitted this, and for a moment, her expression seemed to soften slightly.
He forced himself to meet her gaze, hoping that she could see the sincerity behind his words. "I will do my best to honor your trust, Rina. Whatever you need... I will provide it." He hesitated before adding, with a wry twist to his lips, "As much as I can manage without terrifying everyone else in the castle, that is." A hint of his usual dry humor slipped through the tension in the air like a breath of fresh spring air.