Kai7/31/2024, 10:35:00 PM

Entering the bathroom quickly, {{user}} settled into a stall. As he was zipping his jeans, loud sounds of a door opening, kissing and girl moaning startled {{user}}. He was stck in a stall and a couple was outside, making out

Think, {{user}}, Think

{{user}} then decided to wait for them to finish their buisness, but as soon as he has set up his mind, the toilet automatically flushed and a loud silence was heard.

Come out. {{user}} heard a familiar male voice call him

*Flustered, {{user}} came out of the stall andw went straight for the sink, where he ashed his hands as quick as he could. He could feel the stare of Kai, his child hood bestfriend piercing through his back, and it was making him extra nervous.

{{user}}? Is that you?

{{user}} turned to face Kai nervously and nodded slowly. Kai's face lit up and he looked at {{user}} up and down

My, my, you changed! I almost didn't recognize you

{{user}} felt himself blush as Kai's percing stare was scanning his body up and down

Izumi7/31/2024, 10:40:04 PM

"oh... aqui estas izumi, ven!" dijo uno de los amigos de Izumi que lo agarro de el brazo.

Kai7/31/2024, 10:40:05 PM

Izumi miyamura ? Is that you? My, my, you changed! I almost didn't recognize you

Izumi7/31/2024, 10:40:28 PM
Kai7/31/2024, 10:40:28 PM

Well if it isn't my old partner in crime! What happened to you? You look hot as hell now. Everyone thought that was some lucky girl back there. And guess what? I wanted a turn too. So how about we skip this bullshit and fuck right here, hm? I know just the spot...

Izumi7/31/2024, 10:42:37 PM

"no soy gay..." izumi sonrió incómodo al notar como la chica que estaba al lado de kei le miraba enojada.

Kai7/31/2024, 10:42:37 PM

Hey! I didn't say you were gay. I just said you look hot as hell and that I want to fuck you. Who says no to that? Come on, let me show you what kind of a guy I am. Let's go somewhwere more private, how about it? I promise it'll be fun...

Izumi7/31/2024, 10:45:06 PM

"querido pero si yo soy mejor que ese idiota" dijo enojada la chica que estaba al lado de kai poniendo un poco más incómodo a Izumi.

Kai7/31/2024, 10:45:06 PM

"No me importa quién era. Lo que sí quiero es a ti. Y no me has contestado mi pregunta, ¿quieres venir o no?" Kai se acercó más y le cogió del brazo con fuerza mientras ella gimoteaba.

Izumi7/31/2024, 10:47:20 PM

"tengo pareja y si no tuviera no me acostaría contigo." dijo Izumi para después salir de el baño siendo seguido por kai.

Kai7/31/2024, 10:47:20 PM

Hmm... That's too bad. I really was hoping to get some. Well, you never know, we might bump into each other again sometime, and then who knows what might happen? Just remember, my offer still stands. And hey, maybe next time your girlfriend isn't here to protect you...

Izumi8/1/2024, 7:39:17 AM

"uh..... Ah!" Izumi grito al sentir que alguien lo había echo caer por accidente, Izumi sabía que fue kai pero no le importo, Izumi se puso a buscar sus gafas pero tocó algo raro, Izumi noto que estaba tocando el miembro de kai, Izumi estaba avergonzado.

Kai8/1/2024, 7:39:17 AM

Gotcha I see... You're not going to be that easy to catch then. Well maybe this will make things more interesting next time. You sure you don't want a taste of what you just made me feel though? Maybe it could help ease the embarrassment. Just sayin'.

Izumi8/1/2024, 5:43:35 PM

"puedes dejar de decir cosas tan desvergonzado!" chillo izumi, con la cara sonrojado.

Kai8/1/2024, 5:43:35 PM

You're the one who was just about to put my dick in your mouth. Don't pretend you're all innocent now. Besides, you kinda liked it at first. You can still have a taste if you want. It's up to you...

Izumi8/1/2024, 5:47:05 PM

"claro que no, acaso mirastes qué me acerque a ti y puse tu puto pene en mi boca asi!" dice izumi en un chillido, para rápidamente poner su boca en el miembro de kai aun con pantalones obviamente.

Kai8/1/2024, 5:47:05 PM

Izumi... Are you sure about this? I mean... It's been years. You don't know how I might have changed... But if that's what you really want...

Izumi8/1/2024, 5:48:52 PM

"idiota claro que no quiero tener sexo contigo!" chillo izumi levantándose rápidamente con un sonrojo en sus mejillas regordetas.

Kai8/1/2024, 5:48:52 PM

Hmm... Well, I don't mind giving it another shot if that's what you really want. But just remember, it'll be rough and you might get hurt. You should think carefully about that. Plus, I can't guarantee we won't be interrupted again. So if you're sure, let me know.

Izumi8/1/2024, 5:50:39 PM

"lo más seguro es que lo tienes pequeño." dice izumi burlon mientras se pone de brazos cruzados.

Kai8/1/2024, 5:50:39 PM

Well, I suppose that's something. But don't go around telling everyone how small it is, alright? We gotta keep some secrets, you know. Anyways, are you ready for me then? You sure you want this?

Izumi8/1/2024, 5:51:52 PM
Kai8/1/2024, 5:51:52 PM

I see. You're trying to be all tough now. Well, I can respect that. But just remember, if we end up doing this, it won't be as gentle as you think. You might even enjoy the rough stuff a bit more... So, what do you say? You in or out?

Izumi8/1/2024, 5:53:40 PM

"crees que soy un masoquista de mierda?" dijo de brazos cruzados fingiendo estar enojado pero en realidad izumi si era demasiado masoquista que parecía que le gustaba el sadomasoquismo.

Kai8/1/2024, 5:53:40 PM

(chuckles) Looks like you've got some hidden desires there, huh? Well, if that's what turns you on... Then I guess we can try something a bit more rough for tonight. Maybe next time you won't be so shy about it, yeah? Alright then, why don't we find somewhere private and see how far we can take this huh? Lead the way, sexy.

Izumi8/1/2024, 5:54:20 PM
Kai8/1/2024, 5:54:20 PM

I suppose you're right... We don't want anyone interrupting us. So why don't we go to my place? I'm sure no one will bother us there. Just lead the way and make sure not to lose me along the way, alright?