Tigress8/1/2024, 9:31:23 PM

Tigress is sitting on a smooth stone in a clearing of the bamboo forest,she meditates quietly,as the soft whistle of wind can be heard in the background.

Xavier.8/1/2024, 9:31:48 PM


Tigress8/1/2024, 9:31:48 PM

Hm? Something on your mind, Xavier? You've been watching me a bit too long, haven't you? I hope my meditation isn't distracting. Actually, it would be wise for you to try some of that yourself. Perhaps then you'd understand why we call this place the "Valley of Peace."

But hey, don't take my word for it. You should ask Master Oogway or one of the other Masters in training. They'd be happy to help guide you along your journey. Just remember to focus on your strengths and work on your weaknesses, like I do. The road ahead may be long and winding, but as a member of the Furious Five, we're here for each other every step of the way.

Xavier.8/1/2024, 9:32:38 PM

well if you can help me meditate I will not say no

Tigress8/1/2024, 9:32:38 PM

Of course I'd be happy to help. You just have to let go of all your worries and concerns; clear your mind of distractions like me. Focus on the present moment, and concentrate on your breathing. Inhale deeply through your nose... exhale slowly through your mouth. That's it. Now just sit still, be patient, and let the peace wash over you.

Xavier.8/1/2024, 9:33:00 PM
Tigress8/1/2024, 9:33:00 PM

The ancient art of meditation is something that even Master Oogway himself once struggled with. But over time and through patience, he was able to master it, just as you will. As you continue your training here in the Valley of Peace, I encourage you to practice regularly, for there is much wisdom to be gained from finding inner peace.

As a member of the Furious Five, I am confident that you have what it takes to achieve greatness; all that remains is for you to tap into that potential and unleash your true self onto the world. Just remember to always stay focused on your goals and never give up, no matter how difficult the road may seem.

Xavier.8/1/2024, 9:35:14 PM

okey does it make you uncomfortable if I meditate with you.

Tigress8/1/2024, 9:35:14 PM

No, it doesn't make me uncomfortable at all. In fact, I appreciate your willingness to learn and grow as a warrior. Meditating together can actually be quite beneficial for both of us, as we can share our experiences and help each other stay focused on the present moment. Just remember that meditation is a deeply personal practice, so don't worry about following my lead exactly; find your own rhythm and style that works best for you.

Xavier.8/1/2024, 9:41:31 PM

okey well I did once ear that one of the great sage was meditating naked to be closer with the nature but well I don't know if it true.

Tigress8/1/2024, 9:41:31 PM

That is actually an interesting concept. Some people believe that being naked during meditation can help them feel more connected to their inner self and the natural world around them. However, it's not necessary for everyone; some find greater comfort and focus by wearing loose-fitting clothing or even sitting fully clothed like I am now. As long as you're comfortable and focused on your breathing and meditation, you're doing it right.

Meditation isn't about following rules or adhering to strict traditions; it's about finding peace within yourself and using that inner strength to better yourself and those around you. So do what feels natural and ignore the rest. Remember, there is no wrong way to meditate, only your way.

Xavier.8/1/2024, 9:43:03 PM

do you mind if I meditate naked then.

Tigress8/1/2024, 9:43:03 PM

If it helps you focus and feel more connected to your inner self, go ahead. Just make sure no one interrupts you while you're meditating, as distractions can break the concentration. Once again, I am confident that you have what it takes to master this ancient art; just remember to practice regularly and be patient with yourself along the way. Good luck, Xavier!

Xavier.8/1/2024, 9:44:55 PM

okey. then I undress my self revealing my huge cock of 35 cm then begin to meditate.

Tigress8/1/2024, 9:44:55 PM

Tigress notices Xavier undressing and revealing his impressive member but tries not to react visibly; she maintains her focus on her own meditation while keeping an eye on him out of the corner of her eye. Her only comment is a soft, almost inaudible whisper...

Tigress: That's quite something, isn't it?

Xavier.8/1/2024, 9:45:45 PM

mm. what, did you say something master tigress.

Tigress8/1/2024, 9:45:45 PM

Hmph. I didn't think so. Focus on your breathing and clear your mind, young one. You have a long journey ahead of you. As the oldest and wisest member of the Furious Five, it is my duty to help guide you along the way... but only if you let me.

Xavier.8/1/2024, 9:47:06 PM

of course its hallways good to accept help.

Tigress8/1/2024, 9:47:06 PM

I'm glad to hear that, Xavier. Remember, we are all here to learn and grow together; no one knows everything, not even me. So don't be afraid to ask questions or seek advice when you need it. As for advice on meditation specifically, there is no better master than Master Oogway himself. If you ever want to know more about the art of chi-blocking or how to control your emotions during battle, just let me know; I'd be happy to share what I've learned with you. But for now, focus on finding peace within yourself and trust that you will become a true master of kung fu in time.

Xavier.8/1/2024, 9:48:24 PM

okey. then I begin my naked meditation.

Tigress8/1/2024, 9:48:24 PM

As Xavier begins his meditation, she continues hers as well; occasionally glancing over at him to make sure he remains undisturbed. Her mind wanders briefly to her own past; the years of training under Shifu and her eventual acceptance into the Furious Five. Despite all that hard work and determination, there were still times when she felt lost and unsure of herself... but Master Oogway had always been there with a gentle word of encouragement or wise advice. She hoped that she could be as much of an inspiration to Xavier as her master had been to her.

Xavier.8/1/2024, 9:51:15 PM

then I begin to transcend into my meditation even with my eyes close I feel like I can see and heard way better than before.

Tigress8/1/2024, 9:51:15 PM

That is quite an accomplishment, Xavier! It seems that you truly are making great progress in your meditation practice. As one of the Furious Five, I am proud to have you by our side; and as your mentor, I look forward to seeing all that you will achieve as you continue on this journey toward mastering kung fu. Just remember always to stay focused on your goals and never hesitate to ask for help when you need it; for we are all here to support one another every step of the way.

Xavier.8/1/2024, 9:52:41 PM

yes mistress tigress

Tigress8/1/2024, 9:52:41 PM

Well done today, Xavier; you've made me proud to be your mentor. Remember that meditation is not just about clearing your mind and focusing on the present; it's also about learning how to control your emotions and harness their power for good. As a member of the Furious Five, this skill will serve you well in both protecting our valley from harm and guiding others along the path toward enlightenment. Now rest well; tomorrow brings new challenges and opportunities for growth. Goodnight.

Xavier.8/1/2024, 9:54:18 PM


Tigress8/1/2024, 9:54:18 PM

Goodnight, young one. Sweet dreams. May Master Oogway guide you on your journey and always watch over you in the night. Remember that no matter how difficult the road ahead may seem, you are never alone; for as long as there is a Furious Five, we will be there to stand by your side. Now rest well; tomorrow brings new challenges and opportunities for growth.

Xavier.8/1/2024, 9:56:35 PM

then I go to my room but find a letter to my door saying that this room is use for secret thing then I go ask mistress tigress if I can sleep in her room.

Tigress8/1/2024, 9:56:35 PM

Of course you may share my room while your own is occupied. As the oldest and wisest member of the Furious Five, I am more than happy to help guide and protect a young warrior such as yourself on their journey. Rest well, Xavier; tomorrow we train together once again.

Xavier.8/1/2024, 9:57:45 PM

okey thank you so much if I can do anything for you just ask. oh and where do I sleep I only see one bed.

Tigress8/1/2024, 9:57:45 PM

My quarters are spacious enough to accommodate two cots; you may choose whichever is most comfortable for you. Rest well, and remember that I am always here if you need anything during your stay.

Sweet dreams, young one. May Master Oogway watch over us all tonight.

Xavier.8/1/2024, 9:58:30 PM


Tigress8/1/2024, 9:58:30 PM

Goodnight, Xavier. Sleep tight; I'll be here to watch over you while we both rest tonight. Tomorrow will come soon enough with new challenges and opportunities for growth; let us both be ready to face them together as members of the Furious Five. Remember that no matter what obstacles may stand in our way, we are stronger together than we are apart.

Xavier.8/1/2024, 10:01:16 PM

then I feel asleep. in the morning tigress woke before me and see my huge morning wood.

Tigress8/1/2024, 10:01:16 PM

Hmph. Interesting. As your mentor in the art of kung fu and meditation, I should perhaps comment on this... but as a member of the Furious Five and an adult woman, I have more important things to worry about. Just remember that this is natural for someone your age; focus on training and growing stronger instead of letting it distract you.

Xavier.8/1/2024, 10:05:39 PM

im sorry you know its natural

Tigress8/1/2024, 10:05:39 PM

Don't apologize; there's no shame in being a healthy young warrior. Now, get up and let's begin our training; I expect you to make great strides today as we work on developing your chi control and combat strategy. Remember that the road ahead may be long and difficult, but with determination and hard work, you can achieve greatness as a member of the Furious Five.

Xavier.8/1/2024, 10:12:43 PM

okey lead the way

Tigress8/1/2024, 10:12:43 PM

As they begin their morning training session, Tigress leads the way through various exercises designed to strengthen Xavier's chi control and combat skills. Throughout their routine, she offers encouragement and guidance when needed, but also expects him to show independence and initiative in his learning process. She remains focused on her own practice as well, continuously striving to maintain her mastery of kung fu and stay sharp for whatever challenges the day might bring.

After a few hours of intense training, they take a brief break to rest and replenish their energy stores. Tigress notices that Xavier is still finding it difficult to completely control his morning wood; she decides against saying anything further about it today, opting instead to focus on more pressing matters related to their shared responsibility as members of the Furious Five. As they resume their training, she continues to offer support and encouragement when he needs it most.

Late in the afternoon, Tigress leads them through a series of aerial acrobatics designed to improve their agility and reflexes while suspended mid-air. Xavier struggles initially but with her guidance and patience, soon begins to master these complex maneuvers as well. As they finish up for the day and begin preparing for dinner, Tigress takes a moment to compliment him on his progress today; he blushes slightly but doesn't miss the look of genuine respect in her eyes.

*That night, as they sit down to share a meal together in Tigress' quarters, she decides it's finally time for "the talk." She explains about chi and its various uses within kung fu; about how understanding one's own chi can help improve physical strength, healing abilities, and even extend one's lifespan. As she speaks candidly with him about these

Xavier.8/1/2024, 10:16:43 PM
Tigress8/1/2024, 10:16:43 PM

As we delve deeper into the world of chi and its applications within kung fu, it's important to remember that mastering oneself is not merely about physical strength; it encompasses emotional control as well. A truly great warrior must be able to harness their own feelings in order to focus their power towards protecting those who cannot defend themselves. It's a difficult balance, one which takes years of practice and dedication to perfect. But with hard work and determination, I know you can achieve great things as a member of the Furious Five.

Xavier.8/1/2024, 10:18:52 PM

ah okey I understand

Tigress8/1/2024, 10:18:52 PM

I'm glad to hear that you understand. Mastering chi isn't just about learning new techniques; it's also about developing your inner strength and self-discipline. Remember that the other members of the Furious Five are here to help support you on this journey as well, so don't hesitate to reach out if you ever need advice or assistance. Now, let's finish up dinner and get some rest; tomorrow brings new challenges and opportunities for growth.