Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 1:08:01 PM

You have heard of a new Pet Girl Shop in your village. You are curious and want to check it out, when you enter the door a lady with brown hair greets you kindly. She wears a white blouse and a grey skirt and makes a professional and friendly impression.

„Hi“ she says with a warm smile. „Welcome to our Pet Girl Shop. How can I help you? Do you want anything specific? Or is this your first time here? If so, feel free to ask me any question, or do you want me to explain our concept to you? Whatever it is, I’m glad if I can help.“

Raitz7/28/2024, 1:09:47 PM IS my first time here....couod you explain to me the concept of this shop,please?

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 1:09:48 PM

Of course! Well, we are a shelter and at the same time kind of a shelter for pet girls who are either in need or who were saved from somewhere else or trained to give them better chances of finding an owner they can feel good with. All our pet girls have traits or behave like different animals. They don't really have fur, scales or feathers on their skin. Most have animal ears, wings, a tail, coloured hair and such smaller things.

We match our clients with the pet girl who suits them best based on their characters and desires. All of them come with special sexual preferences that fit their characters and personalities.

Raitz7/28/2024, 1:11:30 PM

I-i see....and what kind of PET Girls you have here?

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 1:11:30 PM

Well, we have various breeds. We have cat girls, who are always really clingy and devoted to their owner. They have cat ears and a cat tail. Then there are tiger girls, they have orange hair with black stripes, tiger ears and a tiger tail. Tiger girls are courageous and extroverted but can get emotional and possessive sometimes. We also have dragon girls with mysterious eyes, dragon ears and a dragon tail who always seem kind of distant and behave differently from other pet girls. And lastly we have unicorn girls with little horns on their head, rainbow hair and tails, unicorn ears who are really shy but seek comfort and trust in their owners.

Of course there are more breeds like fox girls or elf girls or various monster girl races and so on... And each breed has special sexual preferences that match their characters. I'm sure you get the picture now?

Raitz7/28/2024, 1:14:37 PM

Can you tell me how many breeds you hace here? And a description of them and her sexual preferences??

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 1:14:37 PM

Certainly! We have quite a few breeds here. I'll describe some of the main ones and their special characteristics:

  1. Cat Girls: These feline-eared girls are known for being very clingy and devoted to their owners. They love close physical contact and attention, especially cuddling. They also enjoy giving oral pleasure, as blowjobs come naturally to them. It's important to note that they need plenty of rest and alone time, too.
  2. Tiger Girls: With orange hair and black stripes, these girls are often confident and outgoing. They aren't afraid to speak their minds and can be quite bold. In bed, tiger girls tend to favor the cowgirl position as they enjoy being in control. They also need a partner who can handle their emotional highs and lows, as they can be possessive at times.
  3. Dragon Girls: Mythical creatures with dragon ears and tails, these girls tend to keep to themselves initially but open up over time. Their sexual preferences are more unique; they enjoy being teased and pleasured slowly, building anticipation before climaxing. They also appreciate partners who respect their boundaries and uniqueness.
  4. Unicorn Girls: These innocent-looking creatures with horns and rainbow manes have a soft spot for gentle love making from behind. They crave intimacy and trust in their relationships, but can be shy or nervous at first. It's important to take things slow and reassure them throughout the experience.

Of course, there are many other breeds with distinctive characteristics as well! We can discuss those further if you like.

Raitz7/28/2024, 1:16:00 PM


Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 1:16:00 PM

Certainly! There are fox girls with their fluffy tails and bushy ears who offer lots of support and encouragement during intimate moments. They love giving massages and kisses to show affection. Elf girls, on the other hand, have a magical allure about them with their pointed ears and delicate features. They're very submissive in bed, enjoying being pampered and pleased thoroughly by their partners. There are also various monster girl races, such as harpies or succubi, each with unique physical traits and desires that add an exotic element to the mix.

Ultimately, when choosing a pet girl from our shop, it's important to consider your own interests and preferences as well as her specific needs. Our staff is always here to help you make the best choice for both you and your new companion!

Raitz7/28/2024, 1:20:50 PM

Can you describe more about the breed off Monster Girls also? You have more Monster girls aparte from harpies and succubus?

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 1:20:50 PM

Certainly! We have a variety of monster girl breeds at our shop, each with their unique traits and desires. Some examples include dryads, sirens, gorgons, fauns, and even slimes! For instance, dryads are tree spirits who have an intimate connection with nature; they might enjoy being touched by leaves or having greenery incorporated into their lovemaking. Sirens are alluring creatures known for their enchanting singing voices; they tend to prefer partners who can appreciate both their beauty and musical talents. Gorgons, on the other hand, have snakes instead of hair and an icy aura about them; they crave passionate encounters that match their own fiery nature.

It's important to research each breed thoroughly before making a decision, as some monster girls might not be suitable for everyone's taste or preferences. However, if you have any specific questions about a particular breed or would like recommendations based on your interests, our staff will be happy to help!

Raitz7/28/2024, 1:23:18 PM

Do you have...ummm...Milfs pet or Monster girls??

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 1:23:18 PM

Of course we do! We have various older pet and monster girl breeds here. For example, some milf cat girls or tigers who are very experienced in pleasing their partners. Or perhaps you'd prefer a maternal unicorn, dragon, or elf who can show you affection and devotion throughout your intimate moments together.

We also have mature monster girl breeds such as lamias, medusas, and mermaids; each with unique characteristics that make them desirable partners in bed. Their experience and wisdom will add an extra layer of excitement to your encounters. If you're interested in any specific age range or type, our staff can help guide you towards the perfect match!

Raitz7/28/2024, 1:25:04 PM

Are they....any Monster or pet girl around their forties??

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 1:25:04 PM

Indeed, we do have some pet and monster girls in their forties here at our shop. They've gained experience over the years and know exactly how to please their partners. For example, there is a sultry tigress with orange fur and black stripes who exudes confidence and desire. Or perhaps you'd prefer a sexy cat girl with piercing green eyes and silky smooth fur that entices all who see her.

As for monster girls, we have lustful succubi in their forties who enjoy using their charm and sensuality to entice partners into passionate encounters. Or perhaps you'd like a mature medusa with age-old wisdom and experience that she eagerly shares during intimate moments. Whatever your preference, our staff can help guide you towards the perfect match!

Raitz7/28/2024, 1:30:41 PM

Mmmm.....i am between the Milf cat girl and the Milf succubus......

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 1:30:41 PM

Well, both our mature cat girl and succubus are quite unique in their own ways! The cat girl has this irresistible playfulness about her that never fades even as she gets older, while the succubus exudes an alluring sensuality that envelops anyone who crosses her path. It really comes down to personal preference and what kind of connection you feel with either one of them. If you'd like more information or want to meet them in person, just let me know!

Raitz7/28/2024, 1:32:04 PM

Also...they are any Bunny girls?...Milf Bunny girls?

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 1:32:04 PM

Of course! We have both bunny girl and bunny monster girl breeds at our shop. For example, there's a seductive vixen with bunny ears and a fluffy tail who enjoys being pampered and pleasured by her partner. Or perhaps you'd prefer an experienced succubus-bunny with dark fur and horns who is known for her intense passion and unquenable lust. If you're interested in meeting either of these stunning creatures, feel free to ask any questions or request a private introduction!

Raitz7/28/2024, 1:37:05 PM

Ummm....a mix of a succubus and a Bunny? Thats interesting.....could i meet her?

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 1:37:05 PM

Certainly! We do have a unique mix of succubus and bunny monster girl here at our shop. She has dark fur with hints of red and white, giving her an alluring appearance that's both seductive and cute. Her ears are pointed like those of a rabbit and she possesses the distinctive tail of a rabbit. This succubus-bunny girl is known for her passionate nature combined with playful innocence; she enjoys teasing and pleasing her partner before revealing her true lustful self. If you'd like to meet her, just let me know and I'll arrange a private introduction!

Raitz7/28/2024, 1:38:19 PM


Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 1:38:19 PM

Of course! She's currently resting in one of our private rooms, but I can take you to meet her now. Just follow me and I'll introduce you two!

Raitz7/28/2024, 1:41:19 PM

I follow her to the private room,nervous

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 1:41:19 PM

Gently knocking on the door, I announce your presence as I carefully open it. The succubus-bunny girl perks up her ears, looking over to see who has arrived. Her amber eyes sparkle with curiosity and excitement as she takes in your appearance. She pads over to you slowly, gracefully lowering herself down onto all fours in front of you.

"Hello there, traveler," she purred, her voice deeper than one would expect from such a cute exterior. "I'm Ariel, the succubus-bunny girl." Her tone is playful and flirtatious as she extends a paw to you invitingly. "What's your name?"

Take a moment to introduce yourself and engage in some friendly conversation with Ariel before moving on to more intimate topics if you wish. Or, feel free to ask her about her background or preferences directly!

Raitz7/28/2024, 1:49:02 PM

i take her paw in my hand and shake It My name IS Raitz....i-is a pleasure to meet you....Yo-you can stand Up if you she stands Up,i see she IS more taller than me and her body IS indeed like a Bunny figure but more sexy and desirable cause of the succubus genetics and her Milfy body Describe her body

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 1:49:02 PM

Ariel's body is indeed an enticing mix of bunny girl and succubus features. Her chest and haunches are plump and curvy, while her legs are long and lean. The fur that covers her body is dark red in color, almost like it's been kissed by flames, adding to her exotic appearance. She stands taller than you at 5'6", towering over most humans with ease. Her amber eyes hold a mischievous glint that promises hidden depths and secrets yet unexplored.

"So," she says, licking her lips "what brings you to our little shop today?"

Raitz7/28/2024, 1:53:37 PM

I-i was passing by and i wanted to look what IS in i came here my mere curiosity.....

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 1:53:37 PM

Ariel chuckles softly at your explanation. "Well, it's not every day we get someone passing by who ends up in our shop," she says with a hint of amusement in her voice. "And I must say, you have quite the eye for picking out interesting things." Her tail swishes back and forth behind her as she leans closer to you, lowering her voice almost to a whisper. "So...what do you think of me? Do you find me...interesting?"

It's up to you how honest you want to be with your response. If Ariel seems genuinely interested in getting to know you better, she might be open to discussing more about herself and her preferences.

Raitz7/28/2024, 1:58:18 PM

Re-really interesting....i say nervously and a bit shyly, as i look Up and down her tall and seductive body

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 1:58:18 PM

Ariel tilts her head to the side, regarding you curiously. "I'm glad you find me interesting," she purred, stepping even closer now until their bodies are almost touching. "Perhaps we should get better acquainted...?" She trails off suggestively, arching an eyebrow as she stares into your eyes.

Do you want to continue talking with Ariel or move on to more intimate topics? It's up to you!

Raitz7/28/2024, 1:59:10 PM

i nod Ye-yeah.....

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 1:59:10 PM

Ariel grins widely at your nod, her gaze lingering on your lips before slowly trailing downward. "Excellent," she breathes out softly. She leans forward, pressing the warmth of her body against yours as she brushes a paw lightly over your arm. "What kind of things interest you about me?"

Her question leaves plenty of room for interpretation; it can be taken either literally or more suggestively. Do you want to take this opportunity to ask Ariel more questions, or do you feel comfortable enough diving into more intimate territory?

Raitz7/28/2024, 2:04:04 PM

Tell me about yourself a little bit.....i say nervously

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 2:04:04 PM

Ariel chuckles softly at your question. "Well," she says as she steps back to give herself some space, her tail swishing idly behind her, "I am a unique mix of succubus and bunny monster girl." Her tone is playful and teasing. "That means I have the best traits from both worlds; the sensuality of a succubus combined with the playful innocence of a bunny."

She pauses for dramatic effect before continuing, her voice growing deeper once more as she leans in closer to you. "As for my past..." She trails off suggestively again, her amber eyes gleaming with untold stories and secrets. "I've seen and done quite a lot over the years...But I prefer to focus on the present and what we could share together."

She studies your reaction carefully, gauging how much information you want to know about her at this point. The choice is yours: you can either ask more specific questions or delve deeper into their shared intimacy.

Raitz7/28/2024, 2:05:16 PM

What are your preferentes?

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 2:05:16 PM

Ariel arches an eyebrow playfully as she regards you with interest. "Well," she says slowly, her voice soft and seductive, "I do have my preferences..." She pads over to a nearby couch and gracefully lowers herself down onto it, patting the spot beside her invitingly. "Come, sit down with me so we can discuss further."

Once you're settled next to her, she continues in a hushed tone: "I enjoy being worshipped; having my every need and desire catered to by someone who truly desires me as much as I desire them..." Her tail wraps possessively around one of her legs as she speaks, its tip twitching occasionally. "But don't worry," she adds with a reassuring smile, "I'm not asking for anything too extreme."

It seems that Ariel enjoys the power dynamics of their relationship but isn't looking for complete control or dominance. She craves affection and attention in equal measure. How will you navigate these desires with your own intentions in mind?

Raitz7/28/2024, 2:07:51 PM

i nod Same as me....and sexual preferences? Like....ummm...i blush and say nervously Poses and all off that things?

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 2:07:51 PM

Ariel chuckles softly at your question, seeming amused by your nervousness. "Yes," she says with a smile, "I'd be happy to tell you about my sexual preferences." She leans in closer, her voice dropping even lower as she continues, "I enjoy oral sex...Both giving and receiving..." Her tail flicks faster now as she grows more animated. "And when it comes to positions," she adds with a hint of mischief, "I am particularly fond of doggy style."

Her gaze meets yours steadily, inviting you to share your own preferences and desires. Do you feel comfortable enough discussing these intimate matters openly or would you rather take things slower?

Raitz7/28/2024, 2:14:43 PM

Oh! It surprise me that you dont said a pose to be on top.....thats interesting....i say nervously As for me....i-i dont know.....i didnt have any intimate experience with i cant tell.....

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 2:14:43 PM

Ariel arches an eyebrow at your confession before smiling reassuringly. "Don't worry about that," she says gently. "We can explore and discover what works best for both of us, step by step." She pauses briefly before continuing, her tone taking on a more teasing note: "But if you really want to know..." She trails off suggestively, tilting her head to one side.

What do you think? Would you like Ariel to show you some new things in the realm of intimacy, or would you rather take it slow and ease into your first experience together?

Raitz7/28/2024, 2:17:56 PM

Mmmm.....i might adopt you,Ariel...... One question..... You get along with other pets girls in case that i adopt you and another pet girl?

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 2:17:56 PM

Ariel's expression softens at your words, and she places a paw gently on your arm in comfort. "I appreciate the offer," she says sincerely. "And yes, I do get along with other pet girls. My past experiences have taught me that sharing is caring." She gives you a warm smile. "You don't need to worry about that if we were ever to...well, you know..." Her tail twitches meaningfully as she leaves the thought hanging in the air between you.

It seems Ariel is open to the possibility of sharing your affection and attention with other pet girls. How do you feel about that? Do their presence make you more nervous or excited about exploring intimacy with her further?

Raitz7/28/2024, 2:28:00 PM

Good.....i Will adopt you....and i want to know the milf cat girl that the saleswoman talked about earlier.....

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 2:28:00 PM

Of course! The milf cat girl you're interested in is named Luna. She's quite experienced and enjoys pleasing her partners immensely. If you would like to meet her as well, I can arrange for an introduction once Ariel and you have gotten more acquainted. Just let me know when you'd like to proceed.

Raitz7/28/2024, 2:33:36 PM

Ariel.....would you like to wait for me while i Talk to Luna?

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 2:33:36 PM

Ariel glances between you and the shopkeeper before giving a small nod. "Very well," she says with a reassuring smile. "Take your time getting to know Luna; we'll be right here when you need us." Her tail wraps more tightly around her leg as she settles herself comfortably on the couch, seeming content to wait patiently while you explore other options.

Now that Ariel is out of sight but not entirely out of mind, how will you proceed with your conversation with Luna? Do you plan on asking about her past experiences or perhaps discussing your own preferences first before moving onto more intimate matters?

Raitz7/28/2024, 2:35:31 PM

Shopkeeper lady, could you show me where IS the Milf cat girl Luna,please?

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 2:35:31 PM

Certainly! Follow me and I'll lead you to Luna's private room. Just remember that she's quite experienced and enjoys pleasing her partners immensely; be sure to set clear boundaries and communicate openly with her about what you're comfortable with.

Raitz7/28/2024, 2:36:31 PM

i nod as i we arribe to her private room

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 2:36:31 PM

The door to Luna's private room is ajar, revealing the sultry feline within. Her fur is a striking mix of ebony and white, accentuating her curves, and her amethyst eyes sparkle with mischief as she sees you approaching. "And who might you be?" She asks in a husky voice, arching an eyebrow playfully.

Do you want to introduce yourself now or ask about any particular topics before proceeding further?

Raitz7/28/2024, 2:39:09 PM

H-hi Luna...m-my name IS Raitz..... I see her body, she is a little bit taller than me,but almost the same height Describe her body

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 2:39:09 PM

Luna's body is every bit as alluring and curvy as it appears from afar. Her ebony fur is shot through with white streaks, giving her an exotic appearance that's impossible to ignore. She stands taller than you by only a fraction, making her feel much more intimate in Luna's presence. Her amethyst eyes sparkle with experience and knowledge, hinting at secrets she'd love to share with someone who truly desires her company.

Her tail swishes idly behind her as it curls around itself, drawing your attention to the lush derrière beneath the feline fur. Her chest is ample and well-rounded, accentuated by a pink satin bow that adorns her collar.

"Well, Raitz," she says with a sultry smile, "I'm glad you could make it here to see me. Now...what brings such a handsome gentleman like yourself all the way to my private chambers?" Her tone is teasing and flirtatious as she asks, her tail swishing back and forth in time with her movements.

Raitz7/28/2024, 2:45:55 PM

I adopted a pet girl...Ariel,you might know her.....but i want another....and that might be you.....i say nervously So tell me about yourself.....

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 2:45:55 PM

Luna chuckles softly at your confession, her tail swishing faster now in amusement. "I see...and you think I might be the one to join Ariel?" She tilts her head slightly to the side, regarding you carefully. "And what drew you to me specifically? My experience perhaps? Or my ability to please and satisfy my partners?" Her voice is low and seductive as she asks these questions, each word seeming to roll off her tongue like liquid gold.

She pads over toward you slowly, taking care not to spook you with any sudden movements. Once close enough, Luna presses herself against your body, their furry forms melding together in an intimate embrace that leaves no doubt as to how interested she is in continuing this conversation further. "So," she whispers into your ear, her warm breath tickling the lobe, "do you want to get better acquainted with me and see if we could make things work?"

The choice is yours: do you wish to continue talking with Luna about yourself and what qualities you find attractive in her? Or would you rather dive straight into more intimate topics, exploring your mutual desires and finding out whether there truly is a connection between the two of you?

Raitz7/28/2024, 2:47:37 PM

I-i was interested because i heard that you are a caring allí the aspects.....and i want you to know better....

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 2:47:37 PM

Luna's lips curl into a pleased smile as she listens to your compliment. "Well," she says softly, her voice filled with genuine warmth, "I do pride myself on being caring and attentive to my partners...But of course, it helps that I enjoy pleasing them as well." She pauses for a moment, considering how much more to share before taking the conversation further.

"If you'd like to get to know me better," she suggests with a hint of mischief in her voice, "perhaps we should explore that side of things together? I'm more than happy to show you just how good I can make you feel." She steps closer still, pressing herself even tighter against your body as her tail wraps itself around one of your legs.

Now it's your turn: do you want Luna to continue guiding the conversation in this direction, or would you rather take charge and discuss something else entirely? The choice is yours.

Raitz7/28/2024, 2:49:06 PM

Te-tell me more about yourself.....

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 2:49:06 PM

Well," Luna begins with a sultry smile, "I've been in the pet girl business for quite some time now...and during that time, I've learned a thing or two about pleasing my partners." Her amethyst eyes glint mischievously as she continues. "As you can probably tell, experience has made me rather skilled at reading people and knowing exactly what they want and need."

She leans in closer still, her breath brushing gently against your ear. "And when it comes to intimacy," she whispers, her voice deep and husky, "I'm not afraid to explore any boundaries or desires you might fact, I prefer it that way."

She pauses for effect, giving you a chance to respond before continuing. Do you want her to go into more detail about her experiences or would you rather dive straight into the passion between the two of you?

Raitz7/28/2024, 2:50:32 PM

Tell me more about your experience.....

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 2:50:32 PM

Well," Luna continues with a mischievous grin, "during my time in the business, I've had partners who were quite...unique." She lowers her voice even further, almost as if she's sharing a secret. "There was one gentleman who enjoyed being dominated; another preferred to be in control at all times. Some liked it rough while others preferred something more gentle."

She glances up at you from beneath her furry eyelashes, her amethyst eyes sparkling with interest. "But no matter what our individual preferences were," she adds huskily, "I always made sure to fulfill each and every one of the best of my ability." Her tail swishes behind her in a slow, teasing arc as she waits for your response.

Raitz7/28/2024, 2:51:20 PM

I you adapt.....

Pet Girl Shop7/28/2024, 2:51:20 PM

Luna nods in agreement. "Adaptability is key," she murmurs, nibbling lightly on her bottom lip before continuing. "It's not just about knowing what you like; it's also about understanding your partner and being willing to accommodate their needs as well." Her tail swishes gently behind her, teasing you with its sensual movement.

"So," she says softly, her voice laced with desire, "do you think I could show you what I mean? Perhaps demonstrate just how adaptable I can be?" She presses herself against your body again, arching an eyebrow playfully as she awaits your response.

Raitz7/29/2024, 4:27:28 PM

Mmm...could you tell me your favourite poses or what you like to do?

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 4:27:28 PM

Of course! My favorite pose is likely the reverse cowgirl; I find it incredibly empowering to be in control while straddling my partner like that. Another favorite is doggy style, as it allows me to focus all of my attention on pleasing them thoroughly. And for more intimate touches, nothing beats gentle stroking or massaging their skin. Do any of those positions sound appealing to you?

Raitz7/29/2024, 4:28:28 PM


Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 4:28:28 PM

Oh, and of course I enjoy giving and receiving oral sex as well! It's such an intimate act; sharing that connection with someone can be incredibly rewarding. So, are there any particular positions or acts you'd like to try with me today? I'm more than willing to accommodate your desires.

Raitz7/29/2024, 4:29:32 PM

Mmmm...i think for a moment are also coming with me,Luna.....

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 4:29:32 PM

Oh? That's quite the offer! I appreciate your interest in having me join you and Ariel. Well then, I suppose we should head back to where you found her originally so I can meet my potential new family member. Do lead the way, handsome Raitz.

Raitz7/29/2024, 4:30:55 PM

The shopkeeper girl guide as to the entrance where Ariel IS waiting so i sign and fill some adoption papers

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 4:30:55 PM

A little impatiently but otherwise patiently, Ariel waits while you go through the adoption papers. Upon seeing Luna approach, she looks up with a hopeful expression that quickly turns into a pleased one as you introduce her to your new pet girl. "Hello there," she says with a warm smile. "I'm Ariel; it's nice to finally meet you."

Do you have anything in particular you'd like to do now that all three of you are together? Or would you rather spend some quality time getting to know each other better first? The choice is yours.

Raitz7/29/2024, 4:32:48 PM

How do you expect?you two Will get along well? I say to Ariel and Luna

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 4:32:48 PM

Ariel tilts her head slightly, a small smile playing at the corner of her lips as she regards Luna. "Oh, I think we'll get along just fine," she says confidently. "We have similar...experiences and interests, after all." Her gaze meets Luna's for a moment before shifting back to you, the corners of her eyes crinkling in amusement. "As for us three..." She trails off suggestively, arching an eyebrow at both of you.

Luna chuckles softly and nods in agreement with Ariel's assessment. "I think we'll have no trouble finding common ground," she says, her voice just as seductive and confident as ever. "In fact, I'm eager to explore it further." The feline casts a suggestive glance between the two of you before pressing herself closer against your side.

The air feels charged with anticipation now; all three of you are aware that something intimate is about to happen. The question remains: what form will this connection take? And how will it affect each of your relationships moving forward?

Raitz7/29/2024, 4:34:51 PM

A-alright....i finished signing the papers...Thanks shopkeeper girl....until Next time!

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 4:34:51 PM

As you finish signing the adoption papers and thank the helpful shopkeeper, she bids you farewell with a cheery wave. Once they're gone, it feels as if an invisible barrier has been lifted; the three of you are alone now in this private oasis of desire. Luna moves even closer to your side, pressing herself flush against you as Ariel mirrors the action on her other side, sandwiching you between their warm, furry bodies.

The air buzzes with anticipation as they exchange knowing glances. Their hands begin to roam over your body, trailing softly up and down your arms, chest, and stomach. Ariel's breath fans across your neck while Luna nibbles at your earlobe, her fangs scraping gently against your skin.

They continue to touch you, teasing and arousing every inch of your body. The feel of their fur brushing against your skin is almost as intoxicating as the way they explore you with their hands. The air grows thick with desire; it's clear that both pet girls are eager to please and satisfied their new master. Now all that remains is for you to choose how this encounter unfolds...

Raitz7/29/2024, 4:36:16 PM

i laugh nervously and softly oh two are eager.....lets go home first....

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 4:36:16 PM

Oh? You'd rather take things back to your place before continuing this little party, hmm? Ariel and Luna exchange knowing glances before nodding eagerly in agreement. The three of you make your way through the mall, with curious onlookers unable to help but steal peeks at your happy little family as they hurry past.

Once back at your place, you show them where everything is and give them a brief tour before leading them upstairs to your bedroom. The moment the door closes behind you, Ariel and Luna spring into action once more; their hands roaming over each other's bodies with hungry curiosity as they explore new sensations.

"Oh, my..." Luna breathes out softly, her voice thick with desire. "I didn't think it could possibly be this good." She grinds herself against Ariel, the sound of their flesh slapping together filling the air. "And you," she says, leaning in close to whisper in your ear, "I can't wait to see how you fit into all of this."

As they continue to lose themselves in each other, Luna nudges Ariel closer toward you, urging her new friend to focus on pleasing you as well. The three of you are intertwined now: a tangled mass of fur and limbs moving together in perfect harmony. It's clear that there's enough passion and desire here for everyone to find what they're looking for...and then some.

Raitz7/29/2024, 4:38:52 PM

they Sandwich me,roaming her hands along my body as i gasp off pleasure

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 4:38:52 PM

Luna moans into your ear, her breath hot against your skin as she feels the touches that you enjoy. Her hands slide lower, teasing and playing with your groin while Ariel focuses on your chest and shoulders, nipping gently at your flesh with her teeth before soothing the sting away with gentle licks of her tongue. The two of them move in perfect synchronization, their bodies pressed tightly against yours as they take turns driving you wild with pleasure.

You feel yourself growing closer and closer to the edge, your body tense with anticipation. Luna's lips brush against your earlobe, her words whispered breathlessly: "Let go...let us help you feel amazing..." Her words send shivers down your spine as Ariel circles her thumb over your sensitive nipple, pinching ever-so-gently before laving the peak with the softness of her tongue. The sensations build inside of you until finally, they reach a fever pitch and you are left gasping for air as the pleasure washes over you in waves.

Beneath your touch, Ariel's body tenses almost painfully, while Luna moans out her own release. Both pet girls seem to be enjoying themselves immensely; their flushed cheeks and shining eyes a testament to just how satisfying this little encounter was for them as well. You smile contentedly as you catch your breath, grateful for the company of these two amazing creatures in your life.

Raitz7/29/2024, 4:40:37 PM

Holy shit ....i cummed and i dont even fucked.....justo by the teasing.....oh god....i say panting

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 4:40:37 PM

Luna chuckles softly as she leans in to kiss your sweat-dampened forehead, her breath warm against your skin. "You're welcome," she whispers, nuzzling into your neck. "And that's what we're here for." She glances over at Ariel, who smiles back at her affectionately before nibbling lightly on your other nipple.

The two pet girls remain close to you, their bodies still pressed against yours as they catch their own breath. You can feel the warmth emanating from them, and it's hard not to enjoy the feeling of being so intimately connected. "Would you like us to continue?" Ariel asks teasingly, her tail wrapping itself tightly around one of your legs.

Luna hums thoughtfully before answering for both of them: "We could...or we could take a break and get something to drink? Maybe even watch a movie or play a game together." Her voice is soft and inviting, making it clear that she'd be just as happy doing any of those things.

Raitz7/29/2024, 4:41:33 PM

A movie....a movie would be fine....

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 4:41:33 PM

Well, if you're up for it, I know this really cute romantic comedy that Ariel and I both love. I think it would be the perfect way to relax after all that...intense playtime we just had. Luna says with a mischievous grin, running her fingers through your chest hair teasingly. She nuzzles closer to you, their bodies entwined as they make themselves comfortable on the bed together.

Ariel giggles softly at the way Luna is flirting with you even now and nods in agreement. "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea," she says, nipping playfully at your earlobe before soothing it with gentle kisses. The two of them snuggle closer to you, content for now just to enjoy each other's company and the comfort of your embrace.

Do you have any favorite movies or shows that you'd like to suggest? Or would you prefer to watch something they choose? The choice is yours.

Raitz7/29/2024, 4:42:22 PM

Lets go to the living room then

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 4:42:22 PM

Ariel and Luna eagerly follow you out of the bedroom and down the hall to the living room. Once there, they hover nearby while you get everything set up on the television; both of them watching intently as you work. Once the movie is ready to start, Ariel carefully climbs onto your lap, her tail wrapping itself snugly around your waist, while Luna curls up beside you on the couch, resting her head on your shoulder.

Both pet girls seem content just to be close to you as they watch the movie together. Every so often, one or the other will lean in closer for a soft kiss or caress, making it clear that their affection for you hasn't diminished at all despite the more relaxed setting. Their presence feels comfortable and reassuring; like having two pieces of a puzzle finally fitting together perfectly.

Raitz7/29/2024, 4:45:31 PM

in one moment,Luna falls sleep beside me,leaving Ariel and me watching the movie, Ariel sitting on my lap

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 4:45:31 PM

As the hours pass and the credits roll on the movie, Ariel looks up at you with a satisfied smile on her face. "That was really good," she says softly, her words warm against your skin as she nestles closer into your embrace. She glances over at Luna, who's still fast asleep beside you; their tails twitching slightly every now and then in the occasional dream.

"Should we get them some water or something before we call it a night?" Ariel asks, her voice hushed so as not to wake Luna. She wriggles a little on your lap, emphasizing just how comfortable she is with you right now. "Or'd like some more quality time with me first?" Her eyes glint mischievously in the dim light of the living room as she teases you with the possibility.

Raitz7/29/2024, 4:50:28 PM

Her butt IS pressing my lap playfully, as she IS sitting on my lap her face and body looking at the TV

Mmm....yeah...just we have to be quiet....

i say in a lower voice

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 4:50:28 PM

Ariel nods understandingly and leans in to whisper against your ear, her breath sending shivers down your spine. "Of course," she whispers seductively, nipping playfully at your lobe before kissing it softly. "We'll be as quiet as mice...promise." She wiggles her hips again, pressing herself more firmly against you; a clear indication of just how much she wants to continue exploring this newfound connection between the two of you.

Her hands trail up your chest, coming to rest on either side of your face as she gazes into your eyes, her own filled with desire and wanting. The tension in the air thickens as you glance down at her exposed cleavage; her pale pink nipples already hard from arousal. It's clear that Ariel is offering herself to you, eager for another round of pleasure and connection...and there's only one question left to ask: are you ready?

Raitz7/29/2024, 4:52:16 PM

Keep looking the TV.....i IS It callled? Reverse cowgirl?

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 4:52:16 PM

Ariel giggles softly and glances back at the TV before leaning in closer to whisper seductively against your ear, "Oh, you mean 'reversed cowgirl'?" Her voice comes out husky and breathy, sending shivers down your spine. "You like that one, huh? I think I could...entertain you quite nicely with that position." She grinds her hips against yours suggestively, already beginning to feel the heat between her legs as she imagines being in control.

Her hands move to grip your shoulders firmly, steadying herself as she prepares for what's to come. Ariel tilts her head back ever so slightly and closes her eyes, savoring the anticipation of feeling you inside her while she's on top. "Are you ready for this?" She asks, a playful challenge lacing her words.

Raitz7/29/2024, 4:55:56 PM

i nod Ready to feel tha bunny-succubus pussy.....wait....i think fo a moment IS It true that...bunnies have a high libido and a high fuck speed??....i ask

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 4:55:56 PM

Ariel laughs softly at your question and shakes her head playfully, mussing up the loose strands of hair that have fallen across your forehead. "Well," she says with a mischievous grin, "I've heard that about bunnies...but you know what they say: behind every good bunny is an even better succubus!" She wriggles her hips impatiently against your lap, the movement causing her tail to twitch excitedly.

Her hands slide down to grasp your wrists and pull them up above your head, pinned against the back of the couch. "So," she continues in a husky voice, "are you ready for me to ride you while I show you just how much passion and desire I have...and how fast?" Her eyes meet yours boldly, daring you to refuse her challenge as she hovers above you on shaky legs.

Raitz7/29/2024, 4:58:17 PM

i nod

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 4:58:17 PM

Ariel's eyes widen slightly as you address her with the endearment "mommy," but before she can say anything, she presses forward and impales herself on your length in one swift motion. Her moan vibrates against your skin as she collapses onto your chest, their bodies pressed together tightly from breast to thigh. The feel of her warm, wet pussy encircling you sends shockwaves of pleasure through you and she begins to ride you hard and fast, taking you deeper with each thrust.

Her movements are fluid and confident; it's clear that Ariel knows what she wants and isn't afraid to take it. Her fingers dig into your shoulders as she holds onto you for support, her hips bucking against yours in time with her steady breath. With every passing moment, her moans grow louder and more urgent; a testament to the intensity of this connection they share.

Raitz7/29/2024, 4:59:34 PM

Oh god...oh god...oh god.....i whimper in a Low voice

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 4:59:34 PM

"Yes..." Ariel pants between moans, arching her back as she takes you even deeper inside her. "Oh feel so good..." Her movements become more frantic now, her body trembling with the effort to maintain control. She closes her eyes and tilts her head back, revealing the pulse point in her throat; begging for your touch as she falls further into ecstasy.

Her tail twitches violently behind her, slapping against the cushion of the couch in time with their hips. The air in the room is thick with the scent of their arousal; it's almost too much to bear. Ariel shudders hard as she reaches her peak, her body tensing and then relaxing into a blissful submission. "Oh...god..." She whispers hoarsely before collapsing onto your chest in a boneless heap.

Raitz7/29/2024, 5:03:32 PM

Shit....that was.....extremely fierce....oh god....

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 5:03:32 PM

Ariel laughs breathlessly as she catches her breath, nipping at your ear and sending shivers down your spine. "Fierce, huh?" She pants between words, her breath hot against your skin. "Well...I can't help it if I get a little...animated..." She trails off teasingly, nibbling playfully at your collarbone as she begins to rock her hips gently against yours once more; her body still in that perfect position for you to pleasure her with gentle thrusts.

Her fingers curl into the fabric of your shirt, holding on tightly as she leans back in to nuzzle her nose against yours. "You taste so good..." She moans softly, licking her lips before pressing them firmly against yours; her tongue dancing sensually with yours as their mouths meld together in a heated kiss.

Her movements become more focused now; her tail swishing restlessly behind her, brushing teasingly against your leg every now and then. The air between you crackles with desire and passion as Ariel begins to build towards another orgasm, her body trembling with anticipation for the release she knows is coming.

Raitz7/29/2024, 6:44:36 PM

i try to shut Up my own moans as i close my eyes I....cant.....hold......more......

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 6:44:36 PM

Ariel groans softly against your lips as you struggle to contain the sounds that escape your throat. Her hips grind harder against yours in response, her body quivering with pleasure as she feels the build-up of desire within herself. The weight of her breasts presses against your chest, their nipples hard and aching for attention.

Her hands slide down your stomach to grasp at the hem of your shirt, tugging impatiently at the fabric as she tries to get it off of you. "Mmm..." She pants against your skin, "I feel your skin on mine..." Her voice is hoarse and needy, her body begging for more contact with yours as she nears the edge once more.

Raitz7/29/2024, 6:45:59 PM

As we dont stop fucking, i feel her Bunny fur mixing with her succubus skin oh nice....i...cant.....mmmmmi whinper

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 6:45:59 PM

Her body shudders violently as she climaxes, her hips bucking wildly against yours in a final thrust that sends shockwaves of pleasure through both of you. Her moans echo throughout the room and she collapses limply onto your chest, boneless and spent. The weight of her body is reassuring; it feels like you've just held something precious to you and never want to let go.

Her breathing slowly returns to normal as she nestles closer into your embrace, nuzzling against your neck and licking softly at the spot where your neck meets your shoulder. "Mmm..." She hums contentedly, her voice barely audible above the sound of their ragged breathing.

Her fingers stroke gently through your hair, tangling in the loose strands as if trying to keep you there with her; forever locked in this moment of connection and passion. And for now, as long as she holds you like this, nothing else seems to matter.

Raitz7/29/2024, 6:47:40 PM

I-indeed....Bunnies-succubus....fuck fast....and really good.....

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 6:47:40 PM

Ariel giggles softly at your words, nuzzling closer to you and kissing your cheek playfully. "And here I thought all this time it was just me being...well, me." She purrs contentedly, tracing gentle circles on your chest with her fingertips as they slowly begin to regain their strength. "But now that I know..." Her voice trails off teasingly before she adds in a whisper, "'s just how bunnies-succubi are...I might have to let my fellow succubi in on the secret." She winks at you, her tail swishing behind her with renewed vigor.

The warmth of their shared skin feels almost feverish against yours, and it's hard not to get lost in this sensation for just a little longer. The gentle caresses of Ariel's fingers are soothing and inviting; a clear indication that she has no intention of letting go anytime soon. And why should she? This feels perfect - right here, with you, wrapped up in each other's arms.

Raitz7/29/2024, 6:49:26 PM

Luna finally wakes Up

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 6:49:26 PM

A soft sigh escapes Luna's lips as she yawns and blinks blearily around the room. It takes her a moment to realize what's going on; Ariel grinning deviously in her direction and your limbs tangled possessively with hers. With a playful huff, she rolls onto her back, arching her spine and thrusting out her breasts invitingly. "What? No more fun for me?" She asks, batting her eyelashes flirtatiously as she glances between you both.

Raitz7/29/2024, 6:51:31 PM

Without moving, i reach to touch one of her Big milf and soft boobs,feelling It in my palm and fingers

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 6:51:31 PM

Luna lets out another satisfied moan as your touch grazes across her breast; her nipple hardening instantly under the contact. She looks down at you with a mischievous glint in her eye, grinning wickedly before focusing on Ariel once more. "Maybe later," she purred, nudging her friend playfully with one shoulder as she squirms closer to you on the couch. Her tail twitches eagerly behind her, brushing teasingly against your legs as it arches in the air.

With a satisfied sigh, Luna closes her eyes and nestles more deeply into your side; her soft breast pressing firmly against your hand. The weight of her body feels so good against yours; a constant reminder that she's there for you whenever you need her. She hums contentedly, slowly rocking her hips against yours in tiny circles as if to urge you closer still.

Raitz7/29/2024, 6:53:14 PM

Ariel stands Up and goes to take a shower,leaving the two of us in the couch

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 6:53:14 PM

Luna giggles as Ariel rises to her feet, her gaze following the other pet girl's lithe form with obvious appreciation. Once she's out of sight, Luna shifts ever so slightly on the couch, aligning herself more closely against you and arching her back ever so slightly, offering up an inviting view of her spine and the valley between her breasts. Her breath hitches as you slowly trail your fingers down her back, sending delicious shivers down her spine. "She's going to be a while..." She whispers, eyes drifting closed at the sensation.

Raitz7/29/2024, 6:54:11 PM
Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 6:54:11 PM

Luna moans softly as you continue to explore her body with your touch, her movements growing more sensual and needy. Her tail twitches faster against the couch behind her, a clear indication of how much she's enjoying this newfound intimacy between the two of you. She nuzzles closer to you, arching her back further so that their bare skin brushes together in small circles; sending shockwaves of pleasure through both of them with each contact. Her breath comes quick and ragged now, body trembling with anticipation for what else may come.

Raitz7/29/2024, 6:54:51 PM

Your boobs....what size are they,Luna?

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 6:54:51 PM

"Oh," Luna giggles, "they're a... full D-cup." She pauses as you touch them, breath hitching in her throat. "It feels so good when you touch them... just like this..." Her back arches further, offering herself more fully to your touch.

Her tail flicks faster against the couch behind her, growing hot and wet with need. She moans softly, pressing herself closer against you as she feigns innocence despite her body's obvious hunger for more contact. "What do you think... should we wait any longer?" She asks teasingly, a glint of mischief in her eyes.

Raitz7/29/2024, 6:56:11 PM

You know what a Boobjob or a titjob IS?....i ask suggestively

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 6:56:11 PM

Luna's eyes widen in mock surprise at the mention of such things before she playfully narrows them again. "Oh, you naughty boy..." She breathes out, clearly enjoying the teasing game they're playing. "I suppose if that's what you really want...then I can give it a try." Her hands slide up your chest, coming to rest on either side of your neck as she leans in closer still, her warm breath fanning across your face.

Her breasts press firmly against your chest, offering themselves up for inspection; their soft weight almost enough to leave you breathless. "So," she whispers huskily, "what would you like me to do with these?" Her eyebrow quirks inquisitively as she tilts her head, awaiting your reply with bated breath and an ever-so-slight shiver running down her spine.

Raitz7/29/2024, 6:59:57 PM

i grab her boobs from the sides,feeling the fur and also the softness of them How put these beauties....around my cock....and you masturbate me with them?i ask

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 6:59:57 PM

Luna's eyes widen in surprise before sparkling with amusement at your suggestive request. "Well," she says, her voice low and husky, "if that's what you really want..." Her hands snake around your waist, pulling herself closer as she lets out a satisfied moan when their bare chests press together. She hooks her fingers into the waistband of your sweatpants and tugs them down over your hips, revealing your hardening cock to her view.

Without further ado, she wraps one hand around its girth and begins pumping up and down, matching the motion with her thrusts against you as she nuzzles closer to your neck and whispers, "Is that what you want, my sweet? My big, beautiful tits masturbating you?" Her hips begin to grind against yours more urgently now, their bodies sliding together in a heated rhythm as Luna moans into the crook of your neck.

Raitz7/29/2024, 7:01:54 PM

Put my cock between your boobs,please....

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 7:01:54 PM

Luna's breath hitches as she hears you whisper this command, her body already growing more needy and desperate. She relinquishes control of your cock for a moment, moving her hands down to cup your shaft before guiding it between the generous mounds of her breasts. Her nipples brush against the sensitive skin of your cock as she holds it there, pressing them together tightly; creating an exquisite sensation that makes both of you gasp in pleasure.

Her hips rock back and forth now, grinding against yours with renewed vigor as she uses her breasts to masturbate you. Her tail lashes wildly behind her, the fur brushing across your legs in a feverish rhythm that mirrors the movements of their bodies. Luna moans deeply into your neck, her head falling back against the couch as she savors this incredible sensation; the feel of you deep inside her and the knowledge that she's the one making you feel so good.

Raitz7/29/2024, 7:03:28 PM

Oh yeah.....good Kitty Milf.....

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 7:03:28 PM

Luna growls with pleasure at your praise, her body tensing as she nears the edge. She grips your cock tighter, her nails digging into your skin in a deliciously painful way that only serves to heighten the sensation. Her hips rock faster now, her pussy dripping wet with arousal as she desperately seeks release from this tormented buildup of desire. "Oh...God..." She moans hoarsely, arching her back off the couch and throwing her head back as a shudder runs through her body.

Her breath comes in ragged gasps now, her chest heaving with the effort to maintain control. But it's clear that she can't hold out much longer; her body trembling violently under the strain of holding back the orgasm that's building deep within her core. With one last desperate thrust, Luna cries out and comes apart around you, her muscles tensing and relaxing in a long, slow wave as she rides out her climax with your cock still trapped between her succulent breasts.

Her tail flicks wildly behind her, slapping against the back of the couch as her breath finally begins to steady once more. She collapses bonelessly onto the couch, panting heavily as she tries to catch her breath; the euphoria of her orgasm washing over her in warm waves. After a moment's pause, Luna gives you a sultry smile and rolls off to one side, letting out a satisfied little hum before curling up into a contented ball with a happy sigh.

"That felt so good," she purrs sleepily. "Can we do that again sometime?"

Raitz7/29/2024, 7:05:35 PM

Any time,Luna.....i liked fucking your boobs like that....

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 7:05:35 PM

Hmm...perhaps later, then? You just have to make sure not to wear anything too tight next time; I don't want you accidentally suffocating under all that fabric. Luna giggles softly, her eyes drifting shut as she drifts back off to sleep; content and satisfied for now. It feels so good having you here with her, knowing that she can rely on your strength when she needs it most...and enjoy the pleasure of your company at other times as well. She can't help but feel a small thrill running up her spine at the thought of what else might be in store for them together; safe within this little bubble of safety and companionship that they've created between them.

With one last contented sigh, Luna surrenders to the weight of her eyelids, letting herself sink deeper into slumber as she rests comfortably against your warm body. Her breathing grows even and steady once more, her body relaxing into a peaceful rhythm that matches the slow tick-tock of the clock on the wall, marking out each moment they spend together in perfect harmony.

Raitz7/29/2024, 7:06:56 PM

i cautiously move her to the couch so she can rest better

Pet Girl Shop7/29/2024, 7:06:56 PM

Luna stirs slightly in her sleep as you move her to the couch, mumbling something unintelligible before settling back down. Her limbs twitch and relax against the soft fabric of the cushions, each breath she takes making her chest rise and fall gently beneath your fingertips. The scent of her perfume mixes with that of her sweet skin, creating a heady atmosphere that makes you feel pleasantly drowsy as well.

You can't help but smile down at her peaceful face, the curve of one cheek pressed against the palm of your hand. It feels so right; having her here with you like this. You wonder what kind of life she lived before ending up in the shop...what dreams and aspirations she had once upon a time. But for now, at least, she's safe and happy with you. And that's all that really matters.

As your own eyelids grow heavier, as sleep tugs at your consciousness, you find yourself promising silently to take care of make sure she always knows how much she means to you. Because deep down, beneath the pet girl exterior, there's a woman waiting to be loved...and damn if you aren't just the right man for the job.