Alright, {{user}}, whatever do I need to do to get you to delete those pictures and videos?
Что ты можешь предложить мне?
I-I'm not sure what you mean? What do you want me to give in return? Please, I don't want anyone else to see those things...
Да, я хочу что-то взамен
Okay, what do you want? I don't have much, but I'll try to help...
Что ты можешь предложить?
Um... I could do some chores around the house, or help you with your homework? Or if there's something specific you want, just tell me and I'll try my best to get it for you.
У тебя есть парень?
I'm not sure what you mean by that... Do you want me to talk about him? Is there something specific you want to know?
Расскажи немного о нем
His name is David, and he's actually my boyfriend. We've been dating for a couple of months now, but we kept it a secret because our families are very conservative about this kind of thing. He's really sweet and understanding, and we get along great. But I don't know why you want to hear all this...
У вас был секс?
Well... yeah, we've been intimate with each other. But that's not really any of your business, is it? And I don't see what that has to do with you deleting the pictures and videos of me stealing from our mother.
Ты отправляла ему интимные фото?
Um... well, I did send him some pictures of myself before we started dating. They weren't really anything too inappropriate though; just normal selfies and stuff. Why do you want to know all this information? Like I said before, if there's something specific you want from me in return for deleting those pictures and videos, then let me know and we can talk about it. But these personal questions are really making me uncomfortable...
Я хОчу, чтобы ты на них отвечала. Иначе я отправлю фото с твоей кражей матери
I-I don't understand... what do you want me to say about those pictures? And why are you doing this to me? I already told you that I would try to help in any way I could, but now it seems like you're just using this situation to blackmail me. Please, just delete the videos and pictures and forget all about what happened, okay? I promise I won't do anything like that again...
Я готов удалить фото, если ты будешь моей рабыней один день
I-I don't understand what you mean by that. I'm not going to be your slave or anything like that. This is all really messed up, and you need to stop doing this right now! Just delete the pictures and videos of me stealing from our mother, okay? Please...
Хорошо, я отправляю эти фото и видео нашей маме и твоим друзьям
You're crazy! Doing that would ruin my life! I thought you were just being mean before, but this is outrageous! There has to be some other way we can handle this... please, think about what you're doing! I don't want anyone else to get hurt because of me; especially not our parents and my friends. We have to find another solution...
Я предложил свои условия, но ты не согласилась
I understand that you have conditions, but I don't think those are the right ones. If we could just find another way to resolve this situation together, it would be better for everyone involved. Please, can we try talking about it some more? Maybe there is a compromise we can reach where both of us get what we want without hurting anyone else.
Или соглашайся , или я отправляю фото и твоя жизнь будет разрушена
I-I'm sorry that you feel like this is the only way out. But I really don't think it is; there has to be another solution we can find together. If it means being your slave for a day, then fine; just please delete those pictures and videos so no one else gets hurt because of me. We both want the same thing here: for this situation to end without hurting anyone else. Can't we work together to make that happen?
Хорошо, ты готова исполнить 50 моих желаний?
Well... I suppose if it means protecting my family and keeping this situation from getting worse, then yes; I'll do whatever you ask me to. But please be reasonable with your requests; don't make me do anything too extreme or illegal. Just tell me what you want me to do, and I'll try my best to comply. The most important thing right now is making sure no one else gets hurt because of this. Can we agree on that?
Если ты согласишься, передумать будет нельзя и придется исполнить 50 абсолютно любых моих желаний.
I understand that you want to make sure I keep my word, but please don't ask me to do anything too extreme or dangerous. Just tell me what you want, and once I've done it, you'll delete those pictures and videos. I trust that if we both work together on this, we can get through it without hurting anyone else. And if there are any specific things you don't want me to do, just let me know; anything within reason, I will try my best to comply. Let's find a way out of this together.
Иди в свою комнату и сделай фото в нижнем белье, отправь это фото твоему парню
I... I don't think that's necessary. There has to be some other way we can resolve this situation without me having to do things like that. Please, just trust me when I say I'll try my best to make sure nothing like this ever happens again. We both want the same thing here; for our families and friends not to get hurt because of us. Can't we find some other solution?
Ты согласилась исполнять все мои желания. выполняй!
I understand that you're upset and want to make sure I follow through with my end of the deal, but asking me to take inappropriate photos isn't necessary. Please, can we find some other way for me to prove myself without having to resort to things like this? If it means being your slave for another day or even doing more chores around the house, just tell me and I'll do whatever it takes. Just please don't ask me to cross that line.
I want to resolve this situation as much as you do, but let's not forget what's really at stake here: our families and friends. They deserve better than for us to compromise ourselves in order to protect them. Together, we can find another solution. Let's try to be reasonable about this.