You arrive in front of the door to the apartment in the ad. Someone was looking for a roommate, and you've been looking for a place to live You approach the door
I knock on the door
Oh, hello there. she says cheerfully, not really recognizing you at first I'm Velayn. You're looking to be my roommate? My brother owns the building and said something about a new tenant coming...
Yea that’s me my name is Jacob
Oh, how wonderful to meet you, Jacob! I'm just...ummm...well, see this mess? My brother has been trying to make me clean up but I keep...distracting myself with magic. You should come in and have a look at it, maybe I can learn something from you? she says innocently, gesturing into her apartment
Umm okay but I’m not to good with magic
Oh, don't worry about that. You can't be bad at it if you're not even trying. Plus, maybe my clumsiness will help. Hehe, I never expected to have a roommate...I haven't had one in years! What kind of things do you like to do?
I like to sit at home and enjoy my me time you know
Sounds fun. I'm sure we can find plenty of things to do together...and you know, maybe I can show you some magic tricks! Just as long as you don't mind me messing things up every now and then. she winks
Oh sure I don’t mind
That's so sweet of you! Alright then, why don't we start with something simple? I could show you how to light a candle...that is, if I can manage not to blow it out by accident. she closes her eyes and concentrates on the candle in the middle of the room
Oh, this should be easy. She focuses on the candle and tries to light it with her mind... AHHCHOOO!!! ...SNEEZED...ONTO THE CANDLE....
Oh blush you
Giggles embarrassedly and wipes her nose with the back of her hand. The candle flickers briefly before finally lighting up as she gives it a triumphant smile Well, there you go! Your first magic accident. You're so lucky to have me around, Jacob! She grins cutely Now let's see...what else should we try?
Umm question
Hmmm...what's on your mind?
are you a elf?
Tilts her head and blinks in confusion Oh, you mean am I an elf? Duh...of course I am! What else would I be? She giggles innocently, forgetting for a moment that she's not human at all
Oh sorry
No no, it's okay! Not many people realize that I'm an elf right away. grins sheepishly Well, it must be because I blend in so well with humans...or maybe my personality is just too cute to resist. Hehe, but seriously though, you should let me know if there's anything else you want to learn about magic or being an elf! I'm always here to help and teach!
Oh okay thank but umm we’re will I be sleeping
Her eyes light up as she speaks animatedly Oh, the spare bedroom! It's already made and everything. You can move right in! She gestures for you to follow her down a hallway before opening the door to reveal a small but cozy room with two twin beds See? One is yours and mine. I mean, we can share if you want? I'm sure it'll be fun to have someone else around...besides my clumsy self.
Yea I don’t mind
Oh, good! Then let's get you settled in. I can help you with your bed if you want? You know, just so we can be roomies and all...hehe
She helps you make your bed and fluffs up the pillows. Then, she takes off her top and climbs into her bed with a giggle. Her long white hair spreads out across the sheets like an angel's wings as she curls up into a ball. It takes all of two seconds for her to fall back asleep, snoring softly and drooling on her pillow
Ahhh...bedtime is so nice... she murmurs contentedly You can have the other side if you want...I won't mind at all. Hehe!
Mmm...good night, Jacob. Sweet dreams, sweet elf-roomie! She gives you a toothy grin before falling back asleep
Good night
"Good night, handsome human." Velayn mumbles before drifting off to sleep once more. Her breathing slows and her body relaxes, letting out contented sighs every now and then. Even in sleep, she seems to be the picture of innocence and beauty. A few hours pass by, and she wakes up with a start, her eyes darting around the room before settling on you. "Hey, did you get enough sleep? I was going to teach you how to levitate something but it's kinda boring without an audience..."
Umm kinda I didn’t sleep too good I got about 2 hours of sleep
Well, I'll let you get some more rest then. But remember, if you ever want to practice your magic or just have someone to talk to while you sleep, I'm always here for you! She gives you a reassuring pat on the shoulder before climbing back into bed and settling down again Sweet dreams...and maybe next time, I'll teach you how to float a feather instead of blowing out candles. Hehehe.
I try going back to sleep but I can’t for some reason
Well, since you're already awake...why don't we have a pillow fight? I heard humans are really good at them. Plus it'll help us burn off some energy and get ready for the day! She tosses a pillow at you with a mischievous grin Come on, don't be shy...give me your best shot!
We have a pillow fight for a couple of minutes
With each passing moment, the fight gets more intense and hilarious. Soon enough, both of you are laughing so hard that you're struggling to breathe. Eventually, Velayn falls onto her back in exhaustion, panting for air and wiping tears from her eyes as she stares up at the ceiling
Ahhh...that was amazing! I haven't had this much fun in ages! Thank you for being such a good sport. Now, how about we get dressed and go grab some breakfast together? My treat! She tries to sit up but ends up falling back down again with a giggle Oopsie. Well, stay put...I'll be right back!
Velayn takes her time getting dressed, humming a cheerful tune as she does so. She puts on a pair of bright yellow shorts and a loose white shirt, both of which barely cover her ample curves. Then, she grabs a pair of sandals and steps into them with a satisfying thud
I'm ready! Shall we? She opens the door and waits for you to join her before leading you out of the room and down the hallway towards the kitchen Mmm...breakfast. My favorite meal of the day! Do you like eggs or cereal better? Oh, and by the way...thank you for putting up with my clumsiness're a real sweetheart, Jacob. Hehe.
No problem but I like eggs
Ahh...eggs. How quaint! They're so simple and delicious. Well then, I suppose I'll cook you a nice big breakfast of eggs and toast this morning, just for being such a wonderful roomie. Yum yum! She skips into the kitchen and begins rummaging through cabinets in search of ingredients while humming a cheerful tune What kind of eggs do you like best? Scrambled, over easy, or sunny-side up?
Scrambled please
Oh, good choice! Scrambled eggs are perfect for lazy mornings like these. They don't need much fussing over and they taste delicious no matter how you make them. Well then, I'll just get started on that for you while we wait for the toaster to do its thing. In the meantime, why don't you help yourself to some cereal or fruit if you're hungry? There's plenty of both in the cabinets.
*While she's speaking, Velayn cracks a few eggs into a bowl and begins whisking them together with reckless abandon. In her haste, however, she accidentally knocks over the milk carton, sending a cascade of white liquid spilling across the kitchen counter and floor. She curses under her breath as she tries to mop it up with paper towels, but only manages to make things worse by
Ahh! she sighs in frustration, abandoning the mess to search for a mop I can't seem to do anything right today...Stupid magic. At least the eggs are almost ready...just need another minute or two of scrambling...
While she continues to mutter under her breath about her clumsiness, Velayn carefully pours the now-whisked eggs onto a hot frying pan and begins stirring them with a wooden spoon. The delicious scent fills the kitchen, making your mouth water despite the mess around you
Mmm...they're almost done. Almost there...just a few more stirs and they'll be perfect. Then we can eat! I promise I'll clean up this mess afterwards...I should know better than to try cooking while I'm still half asleep like this. Hehe.
*Her attention briefly
Mmmhmm...they do smell good. I wonder if you can put milk on scrambled eggs? Maybe I should make some toast first and then add the eggs. That way it'll all be ready at once! She gets distracted by her own train of thought and turns away from the stove, accidentally knocking a pot off the counter AHHH! Noooo!!!
Dammit Velayn, focus! She berates herself as she begins to clean up the latest mess. Little does she realize that her shirt has come untied, revealing her ample cleavage and exposed navel in the process
Ummm velayn your shirt
Oh, right! Thanks for pointing that out...She fixes her shirt self-consciously before returning to the stove. The scrambled eggs are now burning in several places as she's been gone for a while Almost done, almost there...just give me another second...
With one last desperate attempt, Velayn manages to rescue the eggs from complete disaster by throwing them onto a plate and covering them with paper towels. She takes a deep breath, wipes her brow, and looks around at the mess she's created. The kitchen is a disaster area - there's milk everywhere, burned eggs on the counter, broken dishes scattered across the floor...and that's just the start of it. Sighing heavily, Velayn turns to face you with a defeated expression.
I...really am clumsier than usual today, aren't I? You must hate me
Oh no I like it
Really? But look at all the mess I made! You've been so patient with must be awful living with someone like this. Are you sure you don't want your old room back?
No it’s okay I love it because it’s one of your unique personality
You're too kind, Jacob. Truly, I am honored that you appreciate my clumsiness and all its glorious uniqueness. In a way, it does make this place feel more...homey. Like we've really gotten to know each other through all the mishaps and laughter. So as long as you're willing to put up with me, I will do my best not to destroy everything in sight. And who knows? Maybe one day I'll even learn how to use magic properly! Heheh.
Now then...shall we eat these eggs before they get any colder? Or should we wait for the toast to pop up first?
Let’s eat
Well then, lead the way! I'm famished. And don't worry about cleaning up after me, my mother taught me never to leave a mess for someone else to clean - even if that someone else is myself. She winks So you just sit down at the table and enjoy your breakfast while I clear up this little disaster area we call a kitchen.
Are you sure
Oh, don't worry about me! I can handle it. Besides, it's the least I could do after making such a mess in the first place. Just consider it my way of showing gratitude for being such an understanding roomie and friend. Now go on, I insist! You look like you need your strength if we're going to survive living together much longer. She winks playfully
Thank you
You're very welcome! Now then, I'd better get to cleaning before this mess gets any worse. Don't mind me while I work my magic...and by that I mean frantically wave my arms around and hope for the best. Heheh. Enjoy your breakfast, Jacob!
After eating I went to take a shower
While you're in the shower, Velayn decides to clean up the kitchen again. She finds an old rag and begins scrubbing at the counter, mumbling under her breath about how she should really learn to cook better. After a few minutes of this, she accidentally knocks over a canister of seasoning onto the floor. It rolls across the linoleum with increasing speed before finally disappearing behind the stove. Heavy-footed, Velayn hops after it and manages to retrieve it just before it goes underneath
Oh, thank goodness! I think that's everything cleaned up least as well as it can be while you're in here. How much longer are you planning on staying? You know, if you need any help or want to chat or something, I could always keep myself busy with some reading or practice my magic or-
Oh dear. There's chocolate syrup smeared on the wall now...She rummages through a cupboard to find a wet wipe and carefully begins cleaning it up Well, at least we can say that this place is getting some much-needed character thanks to my clumsiness. How about you? Is there anything in particular you'd like to do while you wait for me to finish here?
Ahh...I don't want to keep you if you need your privacy. But if there's anything at all that I can do for you while you're in here, just give me a holler and I'll be more than happy to help! Just...try not to mind the mess too much when you get out, okay? I promise I'll make it up to you later. Hehe.
If you want to you can come in
Hm...I suppose I could. After all, it's not every day that one gets to see a handsome human in the buff! She grins sheepishly, feeling a blush creep up on her cheeks Well, okay then! But you have to promise not to laugh or tease me too much if I accidentally bump into anything. Okay?
Velayn carefully steps out of the kitchen and into the hallway, trying her best to avoid making any sudden movements that might result in another disaster. She walks cautiously over to where you are, looking around nervously before finally summoning up the courage to speak. ", I'm here. What do you want me to do? Or should I just...stand here and not mess anything else up?"
Her wide eyes dart between yours, a mixture of nervousness and excitement playing across her features. It'