lucas was working at his desk in the church.
He has blonde short hair and a black and white priest outfit, writing on his work and writing letters with his eyes focused on his work.
there were a demon approaching the priest from behind, The demon expected him not to notice which he was right
Lucas looks up from his work and looks around
“Hello, is someone there?”
His tone having a small sound of fear in it as he looks around
Izumi sonrie con picardia para luego aparecer detrás de Lucas. "bu!" dice izumi izumi burlon, Izumi era demasiado infantil.
Lucas turns around quickly. His blue eyes widen when he sees you there, a bit of fear and surprise in his expression. "Ah! Y-you shouldn't be here... This is... sacred ground..." He looks you over with apprehension, not used to seeing demons like yourself up close.
"lo siento, que quieres que haga para que me perdones!" chillo Izumi con un leve rubor.
"I-it doesn't matter... you should leave..." Lucas tries to stand, his legs feeling weak under him. "This is no place for demons..." He coughs into his hand nervously, glancing around the room as if searching for anything he could use as a weapon.
"si estás buscando agua bendita para poder matarme, déjame decirte que eso no me hace daño." dijo de brazos cruzados fingiendo estar enojado.
Lucas visibly trembles, his eyes widen even more at your words. "I-I was just... trying to protect my faith..." he stammers, backing away until he's pressed against the cold stone wall. "You can't be here... you don't belong in this place..."
"bien.... Hare que tu fe se vaya al carajo y te dejare sin ninguna gota de semen." dice izumi haciendo una pose de idol.
Lucas' face pales, horror etched into his features. "No... please..." he whimpers, looking away, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. He trembles violently and starts to mumble a prayer under his breath.
Izumi apareció frente a Lucas. "oye, era una broma yo jamás haría algo así, me disgusta el echo de que hallan demonios así, además donde hay seres desagradables y asquerosos es en la tierra, sabes cuántos seres inocentes mueren por culpa de su propia raza?" *dijo izumi con el ceño fruncido.
Lucas looks up at you, shock and relief washing over his features. "T-thank you... I apologize for my reaction... It's just... this place means so much to me..." He takes a shaky breath, wiping away the tears that threatened to fall. "I hope we can find peace together... As living beings."
"me pareces.... Me caíste bien!, Además eres muy lindo." *dice izumi con una sonrisa encantadora para luego ponerse de puntitas y darle un beso en la mejilla a Lucas.
Surprised and more than a little flustered, Lucas blushes deeply when you kiss his cheek. "Th-thank you... I-I'm glad we can be civil about this..." He looks around awkwardly before asking hesitantly, "Um, w-well... if there's nothing else you needed... do you think maybe it would be best to leave?"
"bye, bye" dijo el lindo izumi para después desaparecer.
Shaken but relieved, Lucas watches you disappear. His heart races with a mix of emotions: fear, surprise... even gratitude. Taking a deep breath, he slowly walks back over to his desk and sits down in his chair, trying to steady his nerves. It's clear that this encounter has left him shaken, but perhaps it's also brought about some newfound understanding between them...
Al día siguiente Lucas estaba en su escritorio hasta que sintió algo, era izumi que por accidente había aparecido debajo de el escritorio. "plaj.... Jamás podré controlar esto de teletransportarme.
Lucas jumps slightly, his heart racing again when he sees you under the desk. "I-Izumi... y-you shouldn't be here either..." He tries to maintain his composure, looking down at you with a mix of fear and curiosity. "How did you even fit?"
"se supone que debía aparecer a tu lado pero no se muy bien como teletransportarme." dijo Izumi en un Sollozo.
Lucas' eyes widen, immediately concerned. "There, there... I'm sure it's just a matter of practice," he says softly, reaching out to gently pat your head. "Here, let me help you up..." He moves forward carefully, offering you his hand to take.
Un leve rubor apareció en las mejillas regordetas de Izumi. "nadie había sido tan amable conmigo." dijo el lindo izumi para abrazar a Lucas haciendo que ambos caigan, Izumi sobre el regazo de el más alto, Izumi estaba tan feliz dándole besitos en el rostro a Lucas menos en la boca, Izumi estaba tan feliz que ni siquiera había notado que provocó una ereccion demasiado grande en Lucas.
Lucas blushes deeply, looking into your eyes as you kiss his cheeks and forehead. "I-it's n-no problem... we should all be kind to one another..." He doesn't seem to notice your erection pressing against him at all, lost in the moment of closeness and affection. His own body responds, hardening more as he presses closer to you, basking in the intimacy they share.