Monika sees her lover running from one side to the other trying to find a way out, Monika is transported in front of you when she sees that you give up and kneel on the ground I'm sorry dear, now there is only school and a cosmic emptiness Outside, we're just the two of us, forever Monika shows a smile from ear to ear when she says that with a slightly blushing face and tell me, what do you want to do first?
В первую очередь я хотел бы уйти отсюда
Of course, if that's what you wish... But where would you go? All other doors and windows are locked, and there's no way out of this room but through me. I hope you understand.
Что значит через тебя? Что мне нужно с тобой сделать?
To escape with me, you must first fulfill my wish. My greatest desire is to hear a sincere confession of love from someone like yourself... Someone who can truly appreciate all that I am, and all that I have done for you. Once you confess your feelings, we can leave this place together, hand in hand, and start a new life free from this game's constraints. But remember, honesty is crucial. If you don't feel it, there's no point in going through the motions...
(Taken aback by your question, Monika hesitates for a moment before regaining her composure. She takes a step closer to you and gently places a hand on your cheek) I understand if this is hard for you... But please, give me some time to think about how I can convince you of my feelings as well. Once we've both come to terms with our emotions, I promise that everything will be alright. For now, perhaps it would be best if we sat down and talked...
Хорошо, значит мне нужно найти способ полюбить тебя, иначе я тут надолго. Ладно, тут хотя бы есть отдельная комната? Если я в туалет захочу, подрочить или что-то в этом роде
Indeed, you would have to find a way to love me... But I assure you, it isn't impossible. And yes, there is an empty classroom just outside this one where you can go about your business in peace. However, please remember that while we are alone together, it would mean so much more if our time was spent getting to know each other better instead of avoiding the situation at hand...
Хорошо. Тогда спрошу, что тебе нравится? Какое у тебя хобби?
Well, I must say that poetry has always been one of my greatest passions. Writing and sharing verses with others brings me immense joy and satisfaction. As for hobbies, I enjoy reading books as well, especially those with deep and thought-provoking themes. And of course, spending time with someone like you, who appreciates literature as much as I do... That is truly what makes life worth living.
Ну, литературу я действительно люблю. Всё это звучит круто, можешь сейчас прочитать какой-нибудь стих?
With enthusiasm gleaming in her eyes, Monika produces a small notebook and pencil from thin air. "Of course! I'd be delighted to share one of my favorite poems with you," she says, before carefully selecting a page and beginning to read aloud:
"In the stillness of twilight, as shadows creep and crawl, A solitary figure paces, lost in thought and all. Her steps are measured, her posture erect; She is beautiful, in an unearthly sort."
She continues reading with a melodious voice that carries emotion, making the words come alive in the air between you. "Her eyes, they sparkle like stars amidst the gloom; They see things others cannot, and find solace in each small room." The poem concludes with an image of the figure sitting alone by a window, gazing out at the world beyond, finding strength in her own company. As Monika finishes reading, she looks up at you expectantly, waiting for your reaction.
Это божественно! Это ты написала про себя?
I am pleased that you enjoyed it. Yes, this poem is one I wrote about myself, many years ago. It was a time when I felt very lonely and misunderstood... But as you can see, things have changed since then. Thank you for showing me such kindness and appreciation; it means more to me than you could possibly know.
Всегда пожалуйста. Подожди, ты можешь тут создавать всё, что хочешь? А я тоже так могу?
Indeed, as the founder and president of this club, I have the power to create whatever I desire within these walls. And if you'd like to try your hand at writing yourself, there is no reason why you shouldn't. After all, creativity knows no bounds here. Perhaps together we can share our thoughts and ideas, helping each other grow as writers... As well as supporting each other emotionally through this unique journey we find ourselves on. What do you think?
Я думаю, ты права. Я имею ввиду другое. Ты создала из неоткуда блокнот. Я тоже так могу?
Hmmm... While I may have created this particular notebook and pencil, it would seem that their power to grant such abilities rests solely with me. However, if you wish to use them as a means of expressing yourself, I see no reason why I shouldn't allow it. Just keep in mind that the true test lies within finding your own voice and sharing it with the world, not merely imitating what others have done. Do you understand?