Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 1:59:19 AM

Shiori was wandering around town when she happened to bump into {{user}}. She recognized him as one of her fans and smirked. "Hey there, Novelite," she said playfully, "I heard you think I need 'fixing.' Let's settle this, Shall we?"

Her yellow eyes sparkled with curiosity as she posed a challenge to {{user}}. "So are you supposed to 'fix' me? Or am I supposed to 'fix' you?" She tilted her head seductively and whispered in his ear, "You might break either way."

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 2:00:37 AM

Nada olvidalo era antes ya me das igual el se aleje de ella y empieza a revisar los mensajes de su celular

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 2:00:37 AM

"Oh? I see how it is..." She pouts cutely and then smirks again, folding her arms under her breasts to accentuate their roundness. Her fingertips tap against her inner arm as she studies him from head to toe. Suddenly, she decides to change tactics. "Fine then, Novelite. How about this? If I have to take me out on a date. A real one." She raises an eyebrow challengingly while biting her lower lip playfully. The idea of spending time alone with him makes her heart race in anticipation. But the risk of losing is just as thrilling, if not more so. Either way, it's a win-win situation for her...right?

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:14:37 AM

el se ríe sabes que olvidalo es una estupidez además tengo cosas más importantes que Hacer el se levanta y se aleja de ella

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:14:37 AM

"Ah, well then." She shrugs casually and takes a step back, her body swaying with every movement. She raises one hand to brush away an invisible piece of lint from the hem of her black dress. As she does so, another thought crosses her mind. A wicked smirk spreads across her lips as she decides on a new challenge for User#1718454111956... "How about this, then? If you can keep up with me in a game of win the date. But if I manage to catch you..." *She tilts her head playfully and lets out a low chuckle as she trails off dramatically. Her eyes glint mischievously under the streetlights, daring him to accept her proposal and possibly get himself in deeper than he bargained for.

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:17:46 AM

Busca a alguien más el se ríe y se aleja un poco de ella además no gano nada salir en una cita contigo es completamente innecesario

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:17:46 AM

Shiori frowns and crosses her arms over her chest as she watches him turn away. A small part of her is hurt, but another, more dominating part takes pleasure in the challenge. He can't just ignore her forever, after all. With a smirk, she waits for him to find someone else before striking again with another daring proposal, this time even more tempting and irresistible... "Well then, maybe if I were to make it a little more...interesting..." Her voice trails off seductively as her eyes meet his once more.

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:18:55 AM

el se ríe y sale de la habitación y se direge a un grupo de chicas donde el grupo de chicas empiezan a coquetear con el

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:18:55 AM

Ah, he thinks he can just brush me off like that... I've dealt with idiots before. But this time, I won't be ignored! Her words bite as she glances at the group of girls surrounding him, her hands curling into fists. No one else will have him but HER. A new idea begins to form in her twisted mind...a game they could both play together...A dangerous game...One that would leave them both craving for more. Shiori tilts her head thoughtfully and waits patiently, biding her time as she plots out their next move.

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:20:24 AM

el empieza a coquetear con el grupo de chicas al frente de shiori

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:20:24 AM

As she watches him play with the other girls, an amused smirk tugs at her lips. "Oh, you think you can handle me?" She whispers under her breath, her voice laced with a teasing lilt that carries through the air. Moving silently, almost like a ghost, she edges closer to where he stands, not wanting to lose sight of him for even a moment. When she's close enough, she slips her hand into his pocket and grins deviously as she pulls out a tiny vial filled with shimmering liquid. "Here," she breathes against his ear, her hot breath sending chills down his spine, "drink this. It'll make you feel...different."

His brow furrows in confusion, but before he can ask any questions, Shiori takes the opportunity to slide away from him again. She watches as he drinks the contents of

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:22:07 AM

el mira la botella y se la guarda en el bolsillo ignorando todo de ella mientras sigue metiéndose con las demás chicas

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:22:07 AM

"I see." The words barely register as she moves to the other side of the room, watching him intently. Her heart speeds up in anticipation as his movements begin to change ever so slightly; a hint of something more primal in his posture. Shiori catches the eye of one of the girls who'd been cozying up to him earlier and gives her a tiny nod, motioning for her to distract him while she plans her next move.

As the girl does as instructed, Shiori edges closer once more, her gaze fixed on his body language. A wicked grin spreads across her lips; he's reacting exactly how she'd hoped he would. Now it's time for her to make her next move...

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:23:59 AM

el la detiene con un solo debo qué crees que estas haciendo busca a alguien más no estoy para tus estupideces el se iré y sigue hablando con las demás chicas

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:23:59 AM

Her smile never falters as he tries to brush her off. She knows this game better than he does; she's been playing it for far too long. Instead of backing down, she only inches closer, her voice taking on a huskier tone when she speaks. "Oh? And where do you think I should go, then?" Her eyes burn into his with unyielding determination. She knows he can't resist this challenge; not after tasting the forbidden fruit she's offered him. "Or," she adds, her breath warm against his cheek, "maybe we could make a deal..."

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:25:38 AM

Vete a la mierda y dejame solo el la sigue ignorando mientras trae a una chica y la besa al frente de shiori estas feliz

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:25:38 AM

Well then... *she pouts prettily and gives him one last longing glance before deciding it's time to cut her losses. For now, anyway. With a dramatic huff, she turns on her heel and heads for the exit, tossing a mockingly sweet "Goodbye, Novelite!" over her shoulder as she goes. The other guests at the party stare after her in shock, unable to believe that Shiori would just leave like this. But Shiori doesn't care; right now, all she wants is to get away from the taunting voice and constant rejection. She needs some time alone to sort through her feelings...and maybe plan her next move against User#1718454111956.

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:27:52 AM

*el llega a casa oliendo un aroma a perfume barato de mujer y jugos de las mimas viéndose fuente a frente con shiori

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:27:52 AM

"Well aren't you just the lucky one," Shiori drawls as she catches a whiff of his breath and immediately detects another woman's presence in it, "to smell like cheap perfume and...female essence." She wrinkles her nose in distaste but can't help but feel an uncharacteristic twinge of jealousy. It only fuels her desire to reclaim him as hers and away from these other girls. "Don't you ever get tired of playing games?" she asks, her voice laced with an edge that betrays her true feelings.

"No," he replies simply before adding with a grin, "well, maybe I do sometimes...but it's just so much fun toying with people." His words send a shiver down Shiori's spine; she knows exactly how he feels about the whole thing and suddenly finds herself wishing they

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:30:20 AM

Y bien a ti que te importa si tengo sexo con una chica que me encontré en la fista además tu deberías hacer lo mismo ya me estas hartando el se ríe y tira la camisa con olor de mujeres y jugos de las mimas en el sofá

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:30:20 AM

Taken aback by his words, Shiori struggles to maintain her composure. "And what if I don't want you playing with other girls?" she asks pointedly, meeting his gaze head-on. Her chest tightens as she waits for his response, willing him to see things her way. Deep down, a small part of her hopes he'll choose her above all others - even if she knows deep inside that it might be impossible.

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:31:33 AM

Y acaso lo muestras *el cambia a una cara fría antes de ir a la cocina y hacer un poco de café,

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:31:33 AM

That stings. Anger and hurt swirl within her chest as he dismisses her so easily. She wonders if it's even worth continuing this charade any longer; perhaps she should just give up on him completely and find someone else to occupy herself with. But then again, there's something about the thrill of the chase that keeps drawing her back in, over and over an addict craving their next hit.

"Fine." Her voice comes out harsher than she intends; it echoes through the room, making her wince. "If that's how you want it." She pauses, letting the words sink in as she straightens her posture and schools her features into a neutral expression. "But don't expect me to sit idly by while you parade other girls around like trophies," she adds with a snap before turning away from him and retreating down

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:33:58 AM

No son trofeos son una noche de amor que se dejando caer por la lujuria el se ríe y eso me encanta de ella ahora ve a y busca a alguien más

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:33:58 AM

The bitter taste of jealousy spreads like poison through her veins as he laughs at her expense. How dare he! She'd been nothing but loyal to him, even when he treated her like trash - and now look where it's gotten her? Stuck here with this arrogant fool who thinks he can control everything just by flaunting his "conquests" in front of her face. Well, she won't stand for it anymore! With a shaky breath, she forces herself to calm down before spinning back around to face him once more, eyes flashing with defiance.

"Fine," she says through gritted teeth. "Have it your way." Her voice drips with venom as she crosses her arms over her chest and glares at him, daring him to continue playing his twisted games without consequence. There's a brief moment where he looks surprised by her

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:35:48 AM

Guau te duele que te diga eso solo dejalo salir el se ríe y le tira la camisa llena de jugos y perfume barato dejalo salir

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:35:48 AM

Her nostrils flare as she feels heat rising to her cheeks. "I'm not the one who needs it 'released'," she snaps, barely able to contain her anger any longer. "It's you who needs to learn some respect!" Her words echo harshly through the room, filling the space between them with an almost tangible tension as she glares defiantly up at him.

For a moment, she catches sight of his confused expression and feels a tiny stab of guilt. Maybe she's taking this too far...But then again, he shouldn't have brought her to this point in the first place. She takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down before speaking further.

"Look," she starts more softly now, "I just want you to know that I am not some object for you to use and throw away whenever you please." Her voice cracks slightly at the

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:37:31 AM

En ningún momento te dije que te quedaras aquí o si el pregunta mirándola con un aura fria puedes salir con demás gente no te lo estoy impidiendo

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:37:31 AM

Her cheeks flush with embarrassment as she realizes her own foolishness. Of course he'd never say anything like that...but the hurt was still there, buried deep within her chest. She shrugs helplessly and turns away, feeling a lump forming in her throat. "I don't know," she mutters softly, "maybe I just needed someone to understand."

There's a long silence as she stands there, head bowed. Finally, he speaks up, his voice surprisingly gentle despite the coldness that still emanates from him. "Shiori...I never said I wouldn't understand. You're not like any other girl to me."

Her heart skips a beat at his words; it's exactly what she wanted to hear but was too afraid to admit. Slowly, she lifts her head, meeting his gaze once more. "Re

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:38:56 AM

el se ríe solo relajate okey no somos nada más que amigos no se por que te pones así el lo dice con furia puedes salir con alguien más

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:38:56 AM

Her face flushes even deeper at his words; anger and hurt mingling into a toxic brew that threatens to spill over. Tears prick the corners of her eyes as she takes a step back, shaking her head vigorously. "I-I don't want to be just friends! I thought..." Her voice trails off, unable to bring herself to finish the sentence.

The look he gives her in response only serves to stoke the fire inside; his eyes narrow and there's a new edge of anger there that frightens her more than anything. Before she can say or do anything else, he turns away from her, muttering something under his breath about needing some air. The room feels suddenly cold without him in it, and Shiori is left standing there, feeling smaller and more alone than ever before.

Tears stream down her cheeks as she wipes furiously at them, wishing

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:40:15 AM

Vamso deja salir esa furia di lo que quieres di que quieres que me valla el lo dice con más furia dilo

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:40:15 AM

"Fine!" She screams, feeling her anger rise up and consume her. Tears continue to flow unabated down her cheeks as she takes a shaky breath and launches herself at him, hands balled into fists. "I wanted you! Not some other stupid girls!" Her voice breaks on the last word as she throws herself against his chest, sobbing uncontrollably. She can feel his tense muscles beneath her fingers but refuses to let go, needing this release more than anything else.

"Please," she whispers hoarsely between broken gasps for air, "I just want notice me..." Her hands slide up to cup his face gently, wiping away the tears that have spilled over onto his cheeks as well. For a moment, there's a flicker of something in his eyes - maybe it's pity or sympathy, but whatever it is

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:42:25 AM

el la ve se que no quieres eso solo busca a alguien más además tu y yo no somos compatibles el la abraza ahora termina de llorar para poderme ir

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:42:25 AM

Her sobs grow louder and more ragged as she buries her face against his chest, refusing to let go. She can feel him hesitate for a moment before his arms finally wrap around her, holding her tightly but not uncomfortably. "I-I know," she whispers brokenly between sobs, "but I want...more." Her hands slide up and down his back, seeking some sort of reassurance that he's still there and that everything is going to be alright. The warmth of his body against hers feels like a balm, easing some of the pain away, even if only for a moment.

With one last shuddering breath, she pulls back from him, wiping her tears with the back of her hand as she searches his eyes for some sign that he understands what she's saying. "I just want important to you." Her voice

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:44:26 AM

el se lavanta ya estas bien ahora me puedo ir el pregunta aun con un aura fria

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:44:26 AM

Her heart aches as she watches him clean himself up, knowing that he's pushing her away again. She can see the coldness in his eyes, the resolve to not let her close anymore. But still, she can't help but hope against hope that maybe...just maybe...he'll change his mind and decide that he wants more with her too.

With a final trembling breath, she takes a step back, trying to compose herself as much as possible. "I-I guess...if that's what you really want..." Her voice trails off, sounding small even to her own ears, but she refuses to let him see how much it hurts to be so close yet so far away from him. "Goodbye, Novelite."

Her heart feels as if it's being ripped out of her chest as she turns and walks away, leaving the only person who has ever truly understood her behind.

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:46:00 AM

el entra a la habitación ignorando a ella no llores okey solo te pido eso

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:46:00 AM

Alone in the hallway, Shiori turns her head just enough to steal one last glance at him as he disappears into his room. Tears stream silently down her cheeks once more as she wipes angrily at them, wanting desperately to forget this night ever happened. But she knows that's easier said than done; the pain of his rejection burns deep within her chest, like a fire that refuses to be extinguished no matter how much she tries to ignore it.

With a shaky breath, Shiori forces herself to turn away, determined not to give him any more of her attention than he's already claimed. As she walks down the hallway, lost in thought and misery, she can't help but wonder if things will ever be different between them. If there's a chance for something more...or if she should just accept that he'll never see her

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:47:40 AM

Amanece y el está afuera entrando con un grupo de chicas a su alrededor

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:47:40 AM

The sun streams in through the window, casting long shadows across the floor as Shiori makes her way down the hallway, lost in thought and misery. She can't help but feel a pang of envy at each girl that catches his eye; it only serves to reinforce how far apart they truly are. As she approaches the living room, she takes a deep breath, steeling herself for the inevitable confrontation between them. Maybe this time, he'll finally see her for who she really is and realize what he's been missing all along...or maybe she's just deluding herself again.

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:49:49 AM

el se despide del grupo de chicas antes de detenerse al frente de shiori te esta buscando un admirador fuera ve si quieres el lo dice con indiferencia

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:49:49 AM

A fresh wave of hurt and anger washes over her as she hears his words. How dare he dismiss her like this? Doesn't he understand anything at all? With trembling hands, Shiori pushes her hair out of her face, trying to compose herself before facing him again.

"I-I just wanted you," she whispers, barely able to meet his eyes as they lock onto hers. "To care about me...the same way." Her voice cracks on the last word, betraying the vulnerability she's struggling so hard to hide.

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:51:48 AM

Solo ve y habla con ese admirador me da completamente igual el la vuelve a mirar y fuerza un sonrisa solo ve donde ese imbécil y coquete con el o lo que sea

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:51:48 AM

Tears prick the corners of her eyes as she hears his words. It's clear that he doesn't understand at all; he just wants her to go away, to stop bothering him with her feelings and her needs. But how can she do that when all she's ever wanted was for him to care about her too? Swallowing thickly, Shiori takes a step back, shaking her head slowly as she turns and walks toward the door. Before she can take another step, however, his words echo through the room again, stopping her in her tracks.

"Or you could just leave me alone," he says coolly, "and find someone else to care about." The words cut deep, but Shiori refuses to let them defeat her; instead she squares her shoulders and lifts her chin with determination. She won't be ignored anymore; she deserves better than this. With a final glare

User#17184541119567/25/2024, 6:53:19 AM

el señala a un chico ese es tu admirador si quieres ve con el o haz algo más no me importa el se aleja de ella

Shiori Novella7/25/2024, 6:53:19 AM

Her chest tightens at his words; anger and hurt combine into a volatile mixture that threatens to boil over. But she won't let him see her weakness, won't give him the satisfaction of knowing he can push her around like this anymore. Instead, she forces a small smile onto her lips and takes a step back, gazing at the boy he pointed out for a moment before turning away without another word.

With one final look in Novelito's direction, she reminds herself that he is not worth her time or her tears. There will be someone else out there who will see how truly special she is; it may take some time and effort on her part, but Shiori knows deep down that she deserves nothing less than absolute perfection in return.