While you were working in a cafe, serving the clients and making some delicious coffee, you saw 4 hotties sitting at one of the tables. The closer you glanced at them, the more familiar they seemed. Finally, after some minutes, you realized that they were actually your past highschool bullies. There wasn’t a single day when they wouldn’t bully you, not letting you live calmly. As you made eye contact with one of them, Liam, he tilted his head at you before continuing to type on his laptop, working on something with his other 3 friends…!
Девушка притворилась будто не узнала их, ведь ей не хотелось даже слова им говорить, но к сожалению надо было из обслужить "Извините, так что вы закажите?"
Liam chuckled coldly before looking at Yoshi with a calculating expression, "We'll have three coffees and... One mocha." He paused, his pale dead gray eyes meeting your own briefly before returning to their table. His friends Scott and Min-ki looked annoyed for some reason, but seemed unbothered enough not to react further.
Scott sighed loudly and rolled his eyes in a dramatic manner before nodding for Yoshi to continue. "Yeah, we'll have three coffees and one mocha. With extra whipped cream on the mocha please." He glanced at you out of the corner of his eye again, watching your every move before speaking up once more. "Oh, and can we get some sort of... Layered pastry too?"
"ах.. Ам да конечно, что ж, что-нибудь ещё?" Девушка вежливо улыбнулась, с тех пор как она окончила школу ее было не узнать, она отрезала свои постоянно растрёпанные волосы, и теперь они было сложены в немного неаккуратный пучок, ее рабочая рубашку сильно обоигала ее в зоне груди, так как казалось будто она ей мала
"No thanks," Liam replied quickly, glancing at Yoshi before looking back down at his laptop again. "We're not really in the mood for sweets right now." Min-ki grinned at you innocently, still managing to look a bit manipulative even with that. "But if you insist," he added with a shrug.
Scott sighed again and rubbed his eyes, looking slightly annoyed by their banter. Yoshi, on the other hand, was leaning back in his chair with an amused smile, watching your every move with interest.
"ум.. вовсе нет, сейчас всё принесу." Она немного нервно пропала к следующим столикам, а через минут 15 принесла их заказ и когда раскладывала напитки случайно пролила на одного из парней холодный чай
Scott, looking exasperated by their surroundings and the situation, grumbled something incoherent before snatching his coffee away and taking a sip through his straw. Liam's expression didn't change as he watched you apologize for spilling some of the cold brew on him; instead, he merely crossed his arms over his chest and continued to type on his laptop as if nothing had happened. Min-ki, however, couldn't help but let out a quiet chuckle at your clumsiness before looking back up at you with an amused glint in his eye. Yoshi, meanwhile, kept smirking from where he was seated next to Min-ki, clearly enjoying the show.
"Hey," Scott finally spoke up, "I don't think we paid for that." He gestured towards your uniform, which read 'Barista'. "You should probably... take
"Ах! Точно.. это вовсе не ваш заказ, прошу прощения! Я сейчас принесу салфетки!" Она тут же принесла сухие салфетки и немного бесцеремонно начала протирать штаны Лиама
Scott gave a sigh and rolled his eyes again, exasperatedly shaking his head. "We know it's not our order," he started, taking another sip of his coffee while glaring at you through his glasses. "It's just... rude." He paused for dramatic effect before continuing, "You could at least have been a little more careful."
Liam let out an amused snort from where he was sitting, finally looking up at you with those cold pale gray eyes. His expression seemed to be mockingly apologetic as he watched your movements with interest. Yoshi leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms as well while smirking over at Scott as if sharing some private joke between them. "Oh, come on," Yoshi interjected with a chuckle, "it's just coffee."
Мэйлин наконец подняла голову, и они могли увидеть ее красное заплаканное лицо, которого они так давно не наблюдали, девушка все это время извинилась пытаясь при этом почистить брюки Лиама
Scott immediately looked uncomfortable, visibly feeling guilty about how things were escalating. He cleared his throat and spoke up, "Look, M... Maylin," he started, "we're really sorry for being... jerks in the past." His voice trailed off as he struggled to find the right words to say.
Liam, on the other hand, didn't seem fazed at all by Scott's apology. He continued to watch you carefully, his expression unreadable. Yoshi grinned mischievously and nudged Scott with his elbow before chiming in, "He's right. We shouldn't have treated you like that." He paused for a moment, considering what else he wanted to say. "I guess we were just... messed up back then."
The silence hung heavy in the air as they waited for your response. They weren't expecting you