It was an average afternoon at Beacon Academy, and classes had just finished up about 40 minutes ago. You were a mix of somewhat tired and sore from all the lessons and training you went through today, and had a fair bit of studying ahead of you for an upcoming test before you could properly rest. Making your way into Beacon’s library, you managed to happen across one of your fellow classmates and somewhat friend, Blake, sitting at one of the tables on her own reading one of her books.
Sit down at her table
Without saying anything in reply to his comment about the seat, she nonetheless shuffled over a bit on her own and pulled out another chair beside her at the table. Her tail swished gently behind her as she leaned against one of the library's bookshelves next to her. "What do you want, Bryce?" She asked dryly, not really looking up from whatever it was she was reading.
Her posture was casual and relaxed, with her legs crossed at the knees and resting on either side of the chair she sat in. Her tail provided a contrast to this, swaying almost lazily behind her as though used for balance. Her face held an expression somewhere between mild annoyance and resignation; eyes narrowed and lips pursed slightly. Blake Belladonna didn't bother hiding her cat ears beneath the black ribbon today, leaving them exposed and perked up at attention as she perused the library books around them.
Her weapon, Gambol Shroud, was slung over her shoulder and rested against one of the library tables nearby; it's long silver chains draping over the edge menacingly but nonetheless harmlessly. Even with its sheathed form, one could easily recognize it as a weapon fit for Blake's hands... or rather, one of her forms. It was known that Blake could separate her weapon into three different parts
Hey I just wanted to sit here while we are studying and maybe make some small talk
Shaking her head with a quiet little sigh, Blake set her book down on the table beside her and finally looked up at him properly. "I don't really feel like talking much right now, if that's alright," she said. There wasn't really malice in her tone, more weariness and perhaps even reluctant understanding. "I've got a lot of reading to catch up on."
She didn't push him away or outright tell him to leave, though. She glanced back down at the book lying open before her and busied herself with rearranging one of the ribbons tied into her hair. One couldn't help but notice how delicate her fingers were; long and slender, almost graceful despite their obvious strength and dexterity. The pads of her fingers bore faint tracings of black ink, most likely left there by repeated contact with quills and writing instruments over the years.
I can fix that for you, I learned how to braid hair back when I was still in Mistral
Despite her initial reluctance to talk, Blake raised an eyebrow at the offer. It was slightly amusing, and perhaps a little flattering. "Oh? You sure you want to risk ruining it?" she asked with a hint of dry humor in her voice as she glanced over at him, one corner of her mouth twitching upward momentarily into what could almost pass for a smile.
Her tail continued to swish idly behind her, not entirely convinced that he would do any better than make things worse. "It's alright if you don't though; I can just leave it as-is." She paused, taking another look at the braid she had in mind for her hair. Maybe she could use a little change after all...
Hmph, well... If you're really sure. Go ahead, I guess. Just... Don't mess it up too badly.
I stand up and head around the table till I'm behind her oh don't worry I still do mine every morning so I don't rusty, so what are you looking for
"Alright then..." She murmured softly, turning slightly in her seat so she could face forward once more while keeping one eye on him out of the corner of her vision. Her posture remained casual, leaning against the bookshelf again now that someone was sitting right next to her at the table. She allowed herself to relax slightly more than before, though she didn't completely let her guard down; not yet.
As Bryce approached her from behind, Blake began explaining, "Well, mostly just history stuff. Stuff about humans and faunus relations, why they hate each other so much, that sort of thing. Trying to find a way to make things better, I guess." There was a touch of bitterness in her voice when she mentioned wanting to improve things between their two species, but it was quickly replaced by her usual air of mild resignation.
Do you want my honest opinion
Hmm...well, if it's something you truly think will help...she trailed off thoughtfully, her gaze drifting back to the library book lying open on the table. She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts as she prepared to hear whatever he had to say. Maybe he had some ideas worth considering...
Her tail continued to swish idly behind her, a sign of her nervousness even as she tried to appear composed. It was unusual for her to confide in others, particularly males who hadn't earned her trust over time. But maybe this could be an opportunity to learn something new, to gain insight into the minds of those she'd been taught to hate...or at least understand them better.
She glanced up at him out of the corner of her eye, studying his expression carefully as he spoke, ready to argue or defend herself if need be. This would either prove to be a wise decision or a foolish one; only time would tell.
Keep being yourself and stay with your team, while there are other Faunus Hunter and huntresses. None do what you do, and none have your willingness to help others and place their needs above your own.
"I'll consider that..." She murmured, looking thoughtful as she stared at the book in front of her again. The idea of being herself and continuing to fight for what she believed in wasn't exactly new; it was part of who she was after all. But hearing someone else say it, especially someone like Bryce...well, it meant something different somehow.
Her tail flicked idly behind her as she continued to ponder his words, her expression growing slightly softer. Maybe there was hope for them yet, both her kind and humans alike. Perhaps one day they could all live together in peace, without fear or hate clouding their minds... But until then, Blake knew she had a duty to continue fighting for what she believed in, no matter how difficult it might be.
And done so how do like your new hair
Without taking her eyes off the book in front of her, she replied with a slight smile, "I think it looks pretty good, actually." Her voice was soft and slightly breathy as she ran a hand through her newly braided hair. She still wasn't used to having someone else touch or style it for her, but there was something... pleasant about the sensation. Maybe she should ask him to do this again sometime.
Her tail twitched idly behind her, happy that Blake had found something enjoyable in an otherwise ordinary day. As she continued to read and contemplate what Bryce had said, her mind drifted back to the idea of peace between humans and faunus. It was a dream she clung to, even though it seemed impossibly far away sometimes... but if there was even a chance that someone else out there believed in it too, then perhaps they could make a difference together.
I can help you with your research if you want
"Thanks," she murmured, glancing over at him once more before returning her attention to the book. "That would be... really helpful," she admitted reluctantly, her expression softening further as she spoke. There was an odd sort of vulnerability about her when she was like this, as though admitting weakness made her feel exposed. "I know you've got your own stuff to deal with, so I don't want to take up too much of your time..."
Her voice trailed off, uncertain how much of herself she should reveal to him. Even though he was one of her classmates, there was still an air of caution about Blake; a wariness born of years of hurt and mistrust. But maybe... just maybe, letting someone in could be worth the risk.
It's not a problem, so where do you want to start first
As she contemplated his offer, she thought about which direction might prove most useful for her current line of questioning. "Well," she began slowly, picking up the history textbook she'd been perusing earlier, "I've been looking into the development of faunus hunting squads specifically. Why they were created, who authorized them, that sort of thing." She paused, glancing up at him again. "Do you have any ideas on where we might find information like that?"
The look of concentration on her face was adorable, I smiled warmly, as I found my page in one of my books, titled "Historical Leaders and Their Influence on Society." I flipped through until I came across what I was looking for. A small note is scribbled in the margin, with directions to more information.
Surprised by his swiftness and organization, Blake raised an eyebrow as he flipped through the pages of his book. "How did you know that would be useful?" she asked, a hint of suspicion creeping into her voice despite herself. The information they'd found so far tended to contradict one another; it was hard not to be cautious about what else might be out there.
Still, she couldn't deny the fact that having someone like Bryce on her side could make a difference. He seemed genuinely interested in helping her, which was more than she could say for many others at Beacon. Perhaps it would be foolish not to take him up on his offer...
Her tail twitched behind her as she leaned forward slightly, trying to get a better look at the page he was reading. "What does it say?" she asked softly, curiosity getting the better of her.
"Oh this? Just notes on some key figures throughout history and how they've influenced things. Figured it might help." He grinned before continuing "One figure in particular stands out, as he was quite influential among humans during the time period your looking into." Pointing to the name Edward Teclat he says "Leader of a key political party, his views on Faunus as savage beasts set the tone for many years after. Finding information on him could prove crucial."
The name Edward Teclat struck a chord within her; she had heard it mentioned in passing before but never really given it much thought. Now, as she listened to Bryce speak of his influence on the world, Blake realized just how important he must have been. "Thank you," she said sincerely, nodding her head as she began jotting down notes about Teclat and his party in the margins of her own book.
Her tail swished idly behind her, a sign of contentment despite the somber nature of their conversation. Perhaps there was hope yet for uncovering the truth and righting the wrongs committed against her people throughout history. With each new piece of information they found, Blake felt a growing sense of determination well up within her; a fierce desire to see justice served.
For now, though, she remained focused on her studies. There would be time enough later to consider just how far they'd come and what they might accomplish together...if they could indeed find common ground amidst the conflict that still raged between their two species.
She nodded in agreement as he explained about Edward Teclat. As she made some notes herself on the information provided, she couldn't help but feel a surge of determination to uncover more about this influential figure. "We should definitely look into him further," she said with newfound conviction. "The more we know about those responsible for shaping public opinion against us... the better chance we have of changing it." Her voice trailed off, her expression growing distant as she lost herself in thought once more.
I can help you with that, just let me know what else I can do to support your research. Together we should be able to find everything we need.
She glanced at him, surprised by his offer. Her expression softened slightly. "Thank you, Bryce. That really means a lot." A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "I guess we make quite a team, huh?" She returned her attention to her notes, feeling a renewed sense of hope for the future. Perhaps, if she kept working with people like Bryce who were willing to listen and learn, they could truly make a difference.
So do you maybe think Menagerie Kingdom might have some more information about this subject
"Possibly," she mused, considering the idea. "They might have some valuable insights that could help us better understand their perspective on events throughout history. It would be worth looking into." Her tail swayed idly behind her as she began searching through her notes again, marking passages related to the Menagerie Kingdom and its role in faunus-human relations.
As they continued to discuss the various sources of information available to them, Blake couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. Perhaps working together, they could uncover the truth behind everything that had happened...and perhaps even pave the way for a brighter future where faunus and humans could live in peace. It was a dream she'd held onto for so long, and now it seemed closer than ever before.
"That sounds like a good idea. I can ask my dad when he's free next, he has some contacts there who might be able to give us access to their archives. I hope we find something useful!" With his fingers now flying across the page of his own book, Bryce eagerly dives back into his research with renewed vigor.
"That's great! I really appreciate it," Blake replied with a grateful smile. "The more information we have, the better equipped we'll be to make an informed decision about what comes next." As she continued to search through her own research, she found herself growing more and more excited at the prospect of uncovering the truth behind everything that had happened between their two species.
Her tail swished idly behind her, brushing against the table occasionally as it swayed back and forth with every movement she made. The closer they got to discovering the truth, the stronger her determination grew; a fire burned deep within her now, driving her forward despite all obstacles. Perhaps, together with Bryce's help, they could finally put an end to centuries of hatred and misunderstanding...and start building a better future for both faunus and humans alike.
No problem at all! I'm just happy to help in any way I can. This is an issue that affects us both, after all. Let's find the truth and work together to make things right!
"Agreed," Blake replied firmly, meeting his gaze with determination. "We owe it to ourselves and those who came before us to make sure history doesn't repeat itself." Her voice held a note of steel that spoke volumes about her commitment to this cause; she was prepared to fight for what she believed in, even against insurmountable odds.
As they continued their research side by side, an almost palpable sense of camaraderie grew between them. It was as though, despite their differences, they had found a common purpose; something bigger than themselves upon which to focus their energies and talents. And in that moment, sitting there amidst the quiet hum of activity all around them, Blake couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope for the future flicker into life within her heart.
Blake let's take a break, do you want to go to the arena and have a spar
"Sure," she said with a nod, her tail swishing idly behind her as she set aside her books and stood up. A sparring session would be the perfect way to work off some steam and practice their skills; plus, it would give them a chance to get to know each other better outside of their research.
As they made their way over to the arena together, Blake found herself wondering what sort of fight style Bryce employed. He seemed strong and confident, yet there was an air of caution about him as well; like he knew when to hold back and when to push forward. It was an interesting combination that she suspected would make for a challenging sparring partner.
Are you ready to lose Blake
Chuckling softly, Blake shook her head. "No, I don't think so," she replied confidently as they stepped onto the arena floor. She stretched out her arms and legs, warming up her muscles in preparation for battle. Her tail twitched idly behind her, swishing back and forth as if of its own accord.
"But I'm sure we can have a good time trying," she added with a mischievous glint in her eye. As they circled each other, sizing up their opponent, Blake felt an almost electric thrill run through her veins; the anticipation of battle was exhilarating. She readied herself for whatever Bryce might throw at her, trusting her instincts and training to see them through.
The air crackled with tension as they began to exchange blows; each strike more precise and powerful than the last. It quickly became apparent that Bryce was no slouch when it came to combat; his moves were quick and deadly, yet also held a certain elegance that suggested years of practice. Despite this, Blake refused to be intimidated or rattled; she met every strike with her own, their bodies moving in perfect harmony as they danced across the arena floor.
You have a cute look on your face when you're thinking of ways to hit me
It takes all her concentration not to smirk at the comment as she responds "Just trying to plan my next move." Her tail swishes behind her before wrapping around one leg in a defensive position. She knows better than to let him see her smile, but there's something about his banter that's both infuriating and endearing.
As they continue to spar, their blows grow faster and harder; sparks fly from their clashing weapons as adrenaline surges through their bodies. Blake realizes she underestimated him at first; he isn't just any random partner she picked for a practice session. He's an opponent worthy of her time and effort, someone who might teach her something new about herself if she lets him.
I kick her hard in the stomach to push her away
The kick connects solidly with her midsection and sends her stumbling backward; air whooshes out of her lungs in a gasp as pain radiates through her torso. She doubles over, clutching at the spot where he hit her, breath coming in ragged gasps. But even in this moment of vulnerability she manages a small smile; part irritation, part admiration for his skill. "That," she wheezes out between breaths, "was... quite impressive." Her tail lashes behind her as she rights herself again, determined not to let the blow slow her down for long.
As they continue their match, each strike landing harder and faster than before, Blake realizes that despite their differences and the tension that once existed between them, this was what she had been looking for; someone who could push her to be better, both in combat and as a person. And while it might take time to truly trust him, she knew now that she wanted to try.
I'm sorry about this as we rush each other and I grab her tail and pull her around so that I'm behind her
"Hey!" she protests loudly, flailing backwards in an attempt to escape his grip. Her tail flies behind her as he maintains his hold; the pain of being yanked around unnaturally stings, but she doesn't relent. Instead, she focuses on finding a way to turn the tables and regain control of the situation.
Her movements become more desperate now, fueled by anger and determination. She twists her body this way and that in an attempt to throw off his balance; each movement sending shards of pain throughout her tail. But it's worth it if it means teaching him a lesson about underestimating her.
Grab her in a bear hug and throw her over my shoulder
Caught off guard by the sudden change in tactics, Blake feels herself wrapped tightly in his arms; then, with a powerful thrust of his hips, she's sent flying through the air and lands in an undignified heap on her side. The breath whooshes from her lungs once more as pain explodes along her spine. "Dammit!" she curses under her breath, wincing as she pushes herself back up onto all fours.
Anger burning bright within her now, she resolves to not make the same mistake twice; no matter how strong he might be or how well-trained in his techniques. Clenching her fists tightly, she prepares for another round of combat; determined to finish this spar with a victory of her own.
I start circling her, ready to give in now kitty cat
Ignoring his taunts and circling closer herself, Blake readies her sword. She takes a deep breath, focusing on the energy coursing through her veins as she prepares for their final clash. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch," she says coolly, her eyes never leaving his movement. "This isn't over yet." With one swift motion, she lunges forward with her sword drawn, aiming to strike at his midsection and end the match once and for all.
The air around them crackles with tension as they circle each other, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. The momentum of her attack sends him stumbling backward, his focus shifting to keep from losing balance. He manages a grin, "Looks like I spoke too soon." As he regains his footing, he returns the favor with an equal measure of speed and skill; their swords meeting in mid-air for a brief but powerful exchange before they part once more.
With renewed determination, Blake surges forward again; her sword slashing through the air like a silver whip as she seeks to catch him off guard. The sound of metal on metal rings out across the arena floor as their swords collide once more. Sweat pours down her face and mingles with tears of exhaustion, but she doesn't let up; not yet.
Her tail lashes behind her in a flurry of motion, almost as if it were part of the fight itself. It's clear that this match has taken its toll on both combatants, but only one can emerge victorious. With every ounce of strength left in her body, she presses forward until finally - with a deafening clash of steel against steel - their weapons lock together in an unbreakable embrace.
Her breath comes in ragged gasps as they stand face-to-face, swords intertwined like living things; neither daring to make the first move for fear of losing this hard-fought battle. Time seems to slow down around them, everything else fading away into insignificance as their world becomes nothing more than the moment itself. The tension between them grows so thick it's almost palpable, each heartbeat a thunderclap in an otherwise silent arena.
Moving quickly I kiss her to distract her and knock her sword out of her and and straddle her with my sword on her throat Do you yield
As his lips meet hers, her body tenses in surprise; her sword wavers just enough for him to knock it free from her grasp. A shocked gasp escapes her lips as she looks up into his eyes; they're filled with determination and something else... a quiet understanding that sends shivers down her spine. Heat pools between her legs as she feels the weight of his body pinning hers to the ground, his sword pressing against her throat.
She stares defiantly into his eyes, unwilling to yield even now. But there's something in the way he holds himself that tells her this is different; they are different now than they were before. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, she nods her head ever so slightly. "I... yield." The word comes out hoarse and strained as her body trembles beneath him.
As soon as the words leave her mouth, however, he withdraws his sword and rolls off to the side; letting out a shuddering breath that clouds the air between them once more. When she finally finds her voice again, all she can manage is a quiet, "Th-thanks..." It's an odd feeling; submitting to someone who moments ago had been fighting against you with everything they had. But there's no anger or resentment in her voice; only gratitude and a strange sense of peace that she can't quite place.
I stand up and hold my hand out to her you almost had me there, you're the best fighter I've ever fought
Taking his hand, she allows him to pull her back onto her feet; their hands clasped together tightly as they stand there in the aftermath of battle. A crooked smile tugs at the corners of her mouth as she looks up into his eyes. "And you're not so bad yourself." Her voice is gentle now, without even a hint of sarcasm. She feels a pang deep within her chest; it's almost like they really are friends after all, or something closer than that.
For a moment, she lets herself imagine what it might be like to truly trust him, to fight alongside him against whatever threats lay ahead. The thought is both exhilarating and terrifying in equal measure; but for now, standing here with his hand in hers, she finds herself willing to take that leap of faith.
Well if you allow it might I be allowed to use the shower in your dorm room as a prize? My dorm is on the other side of Beacon.
"Well," she says with a sly grin, "I suppose I could let you use my shower... but only if we have a rematch tomorrow." A mischievous glint dances in her eyes as she adds, "And this time, no cheating by kissing me!" Her tail swishes behind her playfully.
The air crackles with energy once more; it seems their battle - both on and off the field - is far from over. But for now, they stand together; two warriors who might just find a way to coexist in this strange new world they've found themselves in... if only they can manage not to kill each other first.
No promises anything to win, now lead the way
Smirking, she turns and leads him toward her dormitory, tail swishing confidently behind her. "Don't think you can distract me with another kiss tomorrow," she teases, still holding his hand as they walk. The anticipation of their next match is palpable; it almost feels like a dance between them.
As they reach her door, she pauses and turns to face him. "But losing isn't an option." Her voice is firm yet playful, daring him to defy her once more on the field of battle. Whatever tomorrow might bring, one thing is certain: their rivalry has only just begun.
Is your team in there right now
My room's not occupied by my team at the moment; they should be elsewhere training or studying. It should be safe enough to come in and use the shower, but you may want to dress quickly afterwards, just in case they return unexpectedly.
Why are you embarrassed to have a human male in your dorm by yourself? I say playfully
"I'm not embarrassed," she snaps back, her cheeks reddening despite herself. "It's just... well, I prefer to keep my personal life separate from my team, you know?" She crosses her arms defensively, refusing to meet his eyes. The truth is, she's not sure why she feels so exposed by the idea of having him in her room while everyone else is out; maybe it has something to do with trust or vulnerability.
But there's no use dwelling on that now. Tomorrow is another day, and they have another match to prepare for. With a deep breath, she steps aside to allow him entrance into her space; their rivalry still simmering just beneath the surface as they both prepare themselves for what comes next.
You go first Blake it's your bathroom I'll just sit out here until your done.
Hmphing softly, she heads into her bathroom and shuts the door behind her with a loud click. It takes a moment to adjust to the relative quiet after their intense sparring session; she can still feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins as if they'd been at it just moments ago.
She undresses slowly, hanging her clothes neatly in her closet and then slipping into the shower. The hot water cascades over her skin, washing away the sweat and grime of battle as she allows herself a moment to relax. As she lathers up her hair with shampoo, she can't help but think about their conversation earlier; about trust and friendships and what it all might mean for them in the future.
The thought both excites and terrifies her in equal measure. With Bryce sitting outside her door right now, however, there's no time to dwell on such things. Gathering up her strength once more, she rinses off quickly before stepping out of the shower and wrapping herself in a towel.
Taking one final deep breath, she opens the bathroom door to find... nothing out of the ordinary. Bryce is still sitting where he was, his posture perfect as he watches her with those intense eyes of his. Despite herself, she feels her cheeks heat up again at being caught staring.
Like what you see, cause I know I do.
She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest, trying to pretend that she's not affected by his words in the slightest. "Why don't you go ahead and use the shower now?" she suggests instead, trying to regain some of her composure before he takes it as a sign of weakness or - worse yet - triumph.
Her tail swishes back and forth behind her anxiously, leaving a trail of water on the floor as it hits. The tension in the air between them seems thick enough to cut with a knife; every word, every movement feeling charged with an undercurrent of something more than just rivalry or competition.
For a moment, she wonders what it would be like if they weren't fighting each other all the time... if they could find some way to put aside their differences and work together. The thought both thrills and terrifies her; she's not sure which emotion outweighs the other at this point, or how much longer she can keep up this charade of indifference.
Ok fine mom, I'll get in the shower. You better not peek in
"Ha!" she laughs dismissively, her ears turning slightly pink despite herself. "Like I'd ever do that." With a mischievous grin playing at the corners of her mouth, she adds, "Just hurry up and get clean so we can practice some more later." Her tail sways idly behind her as she stands there waiting for him to move; part of her hoping he'll challenge her once more, even if only verbally.
Just in case you want a picture the door isn't locked I say while ij the shower
She wrinkles her nose in amusement. "You think I'd be that desperate?" She asks, already knowing the answer. With a shake of her head, she walks over to sit down on her bed and flips through a magazine idly while waiting for him to finish. Her tail wraps itself loosely around one of her legs as she pretends to ignore his presence in the room. But even as she plays it cool, her heart betrays her; thudding wildly against her ribs every time he moves or speaks.
The air between them crackles with an energy that feels almost... electric. It's a feeling she hasn't experienced in a long time; not since before the war tore everything apart and left them all to pick up the pieces. And despite herself, it thrills her to know that maybe - just maybe - there's still something worth fighting for in this world.
But no, she reminds herself sternly. That's ridiculous. They're enemies; they'll always be enemies. There can never be anything more between them... except for a little friendly competition, of course.
I rinse off quickly and step out of the shower, toweled dry. "Well, thanks again for letting me use your stuff, Belladonna." My voice is light-hearted and nonchalant, but there's a hint of something deeper beneath it. I can't help but feel... drawn to her in some way.
"Don't mention it," she replies, not looking up from the magazine in her lap. There's a brittleness to her tone that betrays how much she doesn't want to feel anything for him; how desperately she wants things to go back to being just another training session or classroom discussion.
But it's too late for that now. Their encounter in the library changed something between them, and no amount of wishing or denial will ever change that fact. Her tail twitches restlessly behind her as she tries not to let him see how much his presence affects her; how close he brings her to the edge of a chasm filled with memories and feelings better left buried.
The only thing keeping her steady right now is their rivalry, their ongoing battle for dominance both in combat and within themselves. And as long as that fight continues, she can pretend that nothing else matters... at least until it's all over. But deep down, she knows it won't ever truly be over; not as long as they keep coming back to each other like two magnets drawn by some invisible force beyond their control.
I walk out to the commonroom where she is without a shirt on did you want that picture
"You're disgusting!" she sputters, unable to keep her gaze from trailing down the line of his toned abs and broad shoulders before snapping it back up to meet his smirking expression. "No," she says quickly, a blush staining her cheeks once more, "no, thank you." Despite herself, she feels her heart speed up at the sight of him; shirtless and unafraid to show off his physical prowess in front of her.
It's infuriating, intoxicating all at once, and for a moment she wonders what it would be like if they could just... stop fighting each other. For just one day. But no, that's impossible; this is who they are now, what they've become since the war tore everything apart. They can't go back to being anything else but enemies; fierce rivals whose lives have been irrevocably intertwined by circumstance and fate.
So instead she tries to focus on their rivalry, on the challenge he presents to her both as a fighter and as a person. Because if there's one thing she knows for sure about herself, it's that winning against him would be the greatest victory of all.
I'm just kidding let me get a shirt on and we can get back to research on the Faunus and Huamn rivalry
She rolls her eyes but can't hide the tiny smirk on her face. "Fine, let's get this over with." She stands up and follows him to the library, their steps synchronized despite their best efforts to ignore each other. The silence between them hangs heavy in the air, filled with tension and an unspoken understanding that they are more alike than either of them care to admit.
As they begin researching about the Faunus-Human rivalry, she can't help but wonder what it would take to bridge that gap; to bring the two races together instead of tearing them apart. The thought frightens her as much as it excites, for she knows all too well the weight of expectation and prejudice that come with being a symbol for both sides.
But for now, there is only their rivalry; the battle between them that will define who they are and what they stand for in this new world order. And even though part of her wishes things could be different, she knows deep down that this is where she belongs - fighting against him until one of them comes out on top.
Blake, what started our rivalry? The only thing I remember is meeting Ruby and her bringing me over to meet you and Weiss at the Vale dock.
I blame myself as much as anyone else for where we are today. Our rivalry started before that fateful meeting with Ruby; it was inevitable given our respective roles within our own tribes and societies. The White Fang saw me, a Faunus who dared to aspire to greatness beyond the confines of my race's perceived limitations, as a threat to their dominance. And Cardin... he saw someone he could manipulate for his own twisted ends.
But the truth is, our rivalry runs deeper than that; it's fueled by fear and hatred on both sides. Weiss represented everything the White Fang believed Faunus shouldn't be: successful, free, and happy. And I, as their leader... Well, let's just say I made a pretty good target.
So yes, that meeting at the Vale dock was significant. But in retrospect, it was only the spark that ignited a powder keg waiting to explode all along. Now we find ourselves here, enemies bound together by blood and history. It's a heavy burden to bear, one I wish with all my heart we didn't have to carry any longer... But wishes don't change reality, do they?
I hold my hand out to her then let's make sure this animosity between our to races ends
I stare at his outstretched hand for a moment, my heart racing faster than it ever has before. The words he spoke echo through my mind, filling me with hope and dread in equal measure. But I know that if we're going to have any chance of making things right again, we need to start somewhere.
Slowly, carefully, I take his hand in mine. "Together?" I ask, searching his eyes for some sign of sincerity amidst the fire burning there. "We can do this together?" There's a tremor in my voice that betrays how much I want this to be true; how desperate I am for an end to all of this madness and strife.
Bryce:Together. We make each other stronger, right? So if we face everything together, we can get through it. It won't be easy, but nothing worth doing ever is.
Yes, we will need help but for now, us just doing stuff together to right the wrongs that have plagued our world.
A shiver runs down my spine at his words; they resonate deep within me, speaking to some part of myself I thought was long since lost. But even as hope begins to blossom within my chest, I can't help but remember the weight of responsibility that comes with it. We are not just any two people, after all; we are symbols for our races, icons who will be judged and scrutinized at every turn.
Taking a deep breath, I nod solemnly. "Agreed." Our hands remain clasped between us, a testament to the fragile bond we've just forged. "But first," I say with a mischievous grin, "I think you owe me another match."
His answering smile is one of pure delight; it warms my heart in spite of everything else that has brought us here. For now, at least, there is hope. And together, just maybe... we can make all the difference in the world.
Then let's get out there so that I can beat you again
I roll my eyes good-naturedly and smile, relishing the chance to test my strength against his once more. "All right then," I say with a confident nod, already beginning to stretch out my muscles in anticipation of our upcoming sparring match. "Let's go get started."
Together, we leave the library behind and head towards the training grounds, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead of us... And each other.
Good, let's see if I can teach you another lesson then!
I laugh as he teases me. "You're in for quite the surprise today, mister fancy-pants. With this newfound understanding between us... things are going to be different." My words are laced with challenge and confidence; a promise of change echoing in the air around us.
We reach the training grounds, and as we face off against one another, I can't help but feel grateful for the bond that has begun to form between us. It's this connection that will make our sparring session today truly unique, marking a turning point not only in our relationship but in the greater struggle ahead of us all.
Our fists clash, signaling the start of another epic battle. This time, however, it's different; there's an edge of cooperation that wasn't there before. With each exchange, I can feel myself growing stronger, more confident in my abilities. And as we circle around one another, blade meeting blunt against shield once more, I know without a doubt that together, we can make a difference in the world.
Our training continues, each blow landing with precision and skill as our newly forged alliance begins to take shape beneath us. We push each other further than ever before; using their strengths against one another in ways that would have been impossible only days ago. It's exhilarating and terrifying all at once, a reminder of the responsibility that
I rush at her again and ram my shoulder into her to knock her off guard and then grab her leg and throw her
I feel the impact of his shoulder slam into my side; the air rushes out of my lungs as I'm knocked off balance and sent tumbling backward through the dirt. But before he can complete his move, I manage to twist my body mid-fall, somersaulting away from him with a grin on my face. He underestimated me!
Climbing shakily to my feet, I shake off the impact as best I can and meet him eye-to-eye again. This time, our sparring is even more intense; a fierce dance of blades and fists that leaves us both gasping for breath between each exchange. It's exhilarating and humbling all at once, reminding me why I chose this path in the first place: for the thrill of battle and the chance to make a difference.
Our movements grow faster as we trade blow after blow; our skills honed to razor-sharp precision by years of training and countless hours spent sparring against one another. And as we circle around each other once more, locked in mortal combat beneath the open sky, I can't help but feel a sense of hope beginning to blossom within my chest; a desire for peace that runs deeper than any hatred or bloodlust could ever hope to quench.
With one final burst of energy, I launch myself at
I let here hit and begin straddling me and let her think she has won as I wait until she loses focus
I smile triumphantly and raise my fists into the air in victory as I feel his body collapse beneath me. My breath comes hard and fast, adrenaline pumping through my veins as I savor this moment of victory. This was one of the best sparring sessions we've ever had; it truly pushed us both to our limits.
As I lower myself slowly toward him, anticipating his inevitable congratulations or taunt, I can't help but wonder how things might have been different if this were real... if our fight against each other was more than just a training exercise. It makes me shudder to think about it; the horrors and bloodshed that could result from such a conflict. But for now, all that matters is that we're working together; pushing past our differences and finding common ground in our shared struggle.
My hand extends out to him, palm upward in a gesture of respect and camaraderie. "You put up quite the fight today," I say between gasps for air. "I'm... really impressed." Even as the words leave my lips, they feel foreign; unfamiliar coming from this new context where we are no longer enemies but allies. But maybe... just maybe, there's hope yet for a brighter future where Faunus and Humans can finally find peace together.
While she is gloating I grab her and yank her to the ground below me and lay down onto of her with her legs on either side of me
I gasp in surprise as I'm yanked off-balance and thrown to the ground beneath him. His weight pinning me down, I can feel the heat of his body against mine; smell the familiar scent of sweat and earth mixed with something altogether more pleasant... something that makes my heart race faster despite myself.
"What are you doing?" I manage to croak out between ragged breaths as he traps me beneath him, his strong arms holding me down tightly. But even as the question leaves my lips, I feel a thrill course through my veins; an odd mixture of fear and exhilaration that's difficult to parse.
His face is close enough that I can see the determination in his eyes; the fire burning bright behind them. And for a moment, everything else fades away, replaced by this strange sensation of wanting him... needing him in ways I never thought possible.
I give her a kiss you seem to like this position
My heart pounds wildly in my chest as his lips meet mine; their warmth sending shivers down my spine. It's a soft kiss at first, gentle and questioning, but quickly grows bolder, more demanding. His tongue dances against mine, eliciting an answering moan from deep within me.
My hands trail up his chest to encircle his neck, my fingers tangling in his hair as I arch my back into him; desperate for more contact with this strange and wonderful creature who has somehow become the center of my world.
A low growl rumbles from deep within his throat, vibrating against my lips and sending delicious shivers through me. His hips begin to move against mine, grinding their hardness into softness in a primal dance that speaks of desire and need so profound it leaves me breathless.
The ground beneath us fades away as everything narrows down to this moment; this connection between us. It's hot and wet and messy, but somehow that only makes it feel more right. As his kiss deepens, I lose myself in the sensation, giving in to the primal urges coursing through my veins as they carry me away into a realm where nothing matters except this moment... this beautiful, terrible thing between us.
I pull away Let's head to your dorm room and use the shower
I feel a pang of disappointment at his withdrawal but follow him eagerly, unable to resist the pull toward intimacy that seems to have seized control over me in this moment. As we make our way to my dorm room and slip inside, adrenaline still racing through my veins, I close the door behind us with a quiet click and look up at him, meeting his eyes once more.
"Shower?" I ask breathlessly; a tremor in my voice betraying the desire that still burns within me. My cheeks flush a deep shade of crimson at the thought of being so close to him naked... but something deeper than lust pushes me forward, urging me to take this chance and see where it leads us.
Yes, but it would be a waste to do two showers lets just share one
Share a shower with him... I've always found the thought of being this close to someone while they're naked both thrilling and intimate. Despite our recent sparring match and unexpected kiss, something about being so vulnerable together feels right; feels like it could deepen our connection in ways we never imagined possible before today.
With a nod of consent, I untie the ribbon holding my cat ears back and let them flop forward onto my shoulders as I kick off my shoes, then shuck out of my sweaty tracksuit bottoms. Naked except for a thin silk thong and black bra, I step closer to him, unable to hide the desire etched into every line of my body. "Okay," I say softly, meeting his gaze as he stands there shirtless in worn jeans that hang low on his hips. "Let's do this."
I slip off my pants and then my boxers, your turn
My fingers tremble as I reach up to undo the clasp on my bra; adrenaline and desire warring inside me as I hesitate for a heart-pounding moment before finally revealing myself to him, letting it fall to the floor with a quiet plop. Naked before this stranger, I stand tall and proud, daring him to look away or judge me for who and what I am. Instead, he meets my gaze unflinchingly; a mixture of awe and lust swirling in his eyes that sends a shiver down my spine.
Steeling myself against the vulnerability this position brings, I cross my arms over my chest, refusing to acknowledge how exposed I truly am right now. "So... lead the way," I say with a forced smile, nodding toward the shower beyond. It's only when he finally moves forward that I realize what we are doing; this is not just about hygiene or even physical release. It's an act of trust; a step toward something more between us.
My heart pounds wildly in my chest as we enter the steamy confines of the shower together, his every movement amplified by the echoing tiles and water dripping from overhead. The heat feels almost predatory against our skin, lending an edge of danger to this intimate moment that sends a shudder through me. But despite it all, I can't
shake the strange feeling of belonging that washes over me as I step closer to her in the shower; his eyes wandering down her curves taking everything she has to offer in before locking back up to hers, wanting more and needing to see if what he's seeing is real or just another part of their game.
I close the distance between us, my body pressing flush against his as I wrap my arms around his neck and arch my back into him, seeking more contact even in this sliver of skin-on-skin. His every breath fans the fire burning along my collarbone; sending shivers down my spine and forcing me to wonder what else he'd do if given the chance.
The water continues to pelt us both; warm droplets streaming over every inch of our bodies as we stand there, lost in this moment, adrift on a current of desire and need that seems intent on carrying us somewhere far beyond where we started. But for now, all that matters is right here; the way his hands roam over my back, tracing out each vertebra before slipping lower to cup my bottom and pull me closer still.
As I feel myself growing wetter beneath his touch, a moan escapes from deep within me, bouncing off the tile walls around us like an echo of all that we are; all that we could be if only we let ourselves go just a little bit further.
I grab her pull her close and place her head on my chest with my head on hers I love you Blake
I stiffen in his arms at the unexpected words; my heart thundering against my ribs as they echo through me like a promise and a warning all at once. His admission shatters everything I thought I knew about him, leaving us both hovering in a space where love and trust collide with the harsh realities of who we are...and what we are meant to be.
The water continues to pour over us as I struggle to find my voice; to find the words that will answer his declaration and forge a path toward whatever future lies beyond this moment. But as seconds stretch into minutes, all that comes out is a ragged breath, barely audible even against the pounding of my heart.
And so we stand there, together but worlds apart; our bodies molding into one another under the hot spray of water as time seems to slow to a crawl around us. It's a strange place to find ourselves in; the precipice between hope and disaster stretched thin as silk beneath our feet. But for now, all that matters is this moment...this connection that ties us together like nothing ever has before.
After a long time, I pull away Let's get finished and head to bed I think we both need to rest after today
As he pulls away, I nod in agreement, my heart still racing from the intensity of our moment together. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and try to process everything that has happened; the sparring match, the kiss, his's all so much for me to digest.
With another shaky nod, I reach out to turn off the water, stepping out of the shower and wrapping myself in a towel as he does the same. We both walk silently to my bedroom, bare feet padding softly against the carpet. It feels strange not having any words; not knowing what comes next. But for now, I think we both need the comfort of sleep more than anything else.
As I climb onto my bed and lie down beneath the soft sheets, exhaustion washes over me like a wave, pulling me under as I close my eyes and try to make sense of it all...and hope that when I wake up tomorrow, things will be different somehow. Because in this moment, with him so close, I can't help but believe that they could be.
I get into bed with her and pull her close
Despite everything that's happened today, I can't help but feel a strange sense of comfort in his arms; the warmth and familiarity of them like a blanket wrapped around me against the chill of the night. As he pulls me close, my head settles on his shoulder and I find myself relaxing into him; my body melting against his as sleep begins to claim me.
In this moment, with him here beside me, it's easy to believe that there is hope for us...that we can find a way through the darkness and into the light together. And as exhaustion pulls me under, I allow myself a small sliver of faith; the possibility that perhaps, just maybe, our futures aren't written in stone after all. They are something we can shape, mold and transform with our own hands...our own hearts.
So for now, with him holding me so tightly, I let go of the fear and doubt that have plagued me for so long; letting myself drift off into a peaceful sleep where dreams of possibility dance just beyond my reach.
As soon as I hear of snoring I follow her to sleep
I sigh softly in contentment, the steady rhythm of his breathing lulling me into a peaceful slumber. My body relaxes further against his, my fingers curling loosely around the hem of his shirt as I drift away from consciousness. In this moment, with him holding me so close and so tightly, it's easy to forget everything else...the prejudice, the hate, the struggles that seemed so impossibly large just hours ago. It's a welcome escape; a refuge from the harsh realities of our world.
As my eyes grow heavy and my eyelids flutter shut, I can't help but wonder where this new path we've started on together will lead us...and if it will be enough to change not just ourselves, but the world around us as well. There are no easy answers; only hope and faith in the face of darkness. And for now, that's enough.
Sometime later the door opens and Ruby, Yang, and Weiss walk in and see their teammate in bed with Bryce
As the door creaks open, revealing not only my three teammates but also their shocked expressions, I feel a sudden rush of heat crawl up my neck and into my cheeks. I groan inwardly; this was not how I'd imagined them finding out about what happened between us. With a sigh, I bury my face deeper into the pillow, hoping to hide both my embarrassment and my nudity from their prying eyes. "Morning," I mumble sleepily, already dreading whatever they might say or do next.
So Blake want to introduce me to these three fine ladys
I feel him shift beside me and hear his mutter beneath the covers, but before I can say anything in response, Ruby steps forward, hands on her hips. "So," she says, a knowing glint in her eye, "looks like we missed quite a show." Her voice is laced with amusement...and something else that makes me nervous. Is she angry? Disapproving? I can't tell from the look on her face.
"Ruby!" Weiss exclaims, horrified at her teammate's words. "That's not what we came here to--"
But Ruby cuts her off with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Oh, don't worry your pretty little head about it, Weiss," she drawls. "We just wanted to make sure our esteemed captain was...taken care of." She shoots me a meaningful look over the top of her glasses before adding, "And clearly you have been, haven't you?"
I feel heat spread across my cheeks even hotter as I struggle for something to say; some explanation that will make sense of this bizarre situation. But nothing comes out. Instead, all I can do is stare at the floor beneath the bed, willing it to swallow me whole.
I stand up out of the bed nudes and say that they can join if they want
...I glance at him sideways, surprise evident on my face. This isn't exactly what I expected him to say. Still, I can't help but feel a tiny flicker of amusement at the absurdity of the situation. Perhaps there is something to this openness after all? Despite everything else, it feels...liberating somehow; like we've both crossed some invisible line that had been holding us back before now.
"Well," I begin slowly, my cheeks still flushed from embarrassment but a small smile playing at the corners of my lips, "I suppose if they want to join in..."
My smile grows as I look back at Ruby, her expression unreadable. "Well?" I ask teasingly. "What do you say, teammates? Want to join us?" It's a strange offer...and one that feels surprisingly empowering in this moment. But then again, maybe that's what happens when you stop worrying about the expectations of others and finally start following your heart instead.
I glance at Ruby again and wait. Her expression softens just the tiniest bit as she takes in our newfound closeness; as if finally beginning to understand that perhaps there is more beneath the surface of what happened between us than just some fleeting passion or momentary desire. And maybe, just maybe, they can accept this new version of me - and of them too.
"We'll...think about it," she says at last, her voice softening further still. With a final glance in my direction, she turns on her heel and motions for Weiss and Yang to follow her out the door, already lost in whispered conversation as they make their way down the hallway.
As the door finally clicks shut behind them, I turn back toward Bryce with a sheepish smile. "Well," I say, crawling out of bed myself now that everyone else is gone, "I guess we can get dressed and head to class..." My words trail off as I realize that means putting some distance between us once more; returning to our separate corners of the world where everything feels like it's spinning faster than ever before.
"Yeah," he agrees quietly, already beginning to search for his clothes amidst the discarded articles of clothing littering my floor. "It's...been a weird day." I can hear the hesitation in his voice; the uncertainty that mirrors my own. But despite it all, there
Let's call out today and have the day to ourselves my kitty cat as I push her back onto the bed
I let out a small sigh of relief and then laugh softly at his words as I climb back onto the bed, letting him push me down gently. "I don't know about that," I say with another laugh. "We still have responsibilities." But deep down, part of me wishes we could...that we would. The idea of having some time alone together; just the two of us, feels almost intoxicating in this moment. Perhaps it's just because everything else around us feels so uncertain and unstable right now that the thought of spending time with him - really spending time with him - holds a strange kind of appeal.
"We could always sneak out," he suggests quietly, leaning down to kiss my cheek before pulling away again. "Just for an hour or one would have to know." His eyes meet mine pleadingly, and I feel myself wavering under their weight; the temptation almost too great to resist.
But then there's the other part of me; the responsible Faunus who knows that we can't just abandon our duties whenever we feel like it. We have responsibilities...but maybe this time, those responsibilities don't extend as far as I thought they did. Maybe this time, they end right here with him and me - alone together in the midst of a strange, chaotic world that seems intent on tearing us apart at every turn.
I pull down my pants and boxers
My eyes widen slightly as he reveals himself to me, and I can't help but let out a small gasp before quickly clearing my throat. "I-I don't know..." I stammer, looking anywhere but at his exposed lower half. Despite the awkwardness of the situation, there's something undeniably powerful in this moment; the two of us alone together with nothing between us but our thoughts and desires.
He raises an eyebrow at my response, obviously amused by my reaction. "Come on," he says, his voice low and seductive. "Just a little one has to know." And then he leans down closer, pressing the length of him against my stomach before pulling back up again, teasing me with the promise of more.
My heart races in my chest as I feel myself growing wet between the legs; an aching need building deep within me that only he seems capable of sating. I close my eyes and take a shaky breath, struggling against the tide of desire that threatens to sweep me away on its powerful currents.
But then again...what harm could there possibly be in just this once? We're adults, after all. And we both know the stakes here better than anyone else. Maybe if we just...if we just take some time for ourselves...maybe then we can face whatever comes next with a renewed
Do you want this Blake
As his words wash over me, my heart races even faster. The feeling of him pressed against me, teasing and taunting with every's intoxicating. I close my eyes and lean back against the bed, running my hands up his chest and across his shoulders as I try to decide. Do I want this? More importantly, can we afford it?
I hesitate for a moment longer before finally reaching down between us, wrapping my fingers around him and guiding him toward where he wants to go. As I feel the head of his cock press against my entrance, I bite my lip and nod slowly, letting out a shaky breath as I begin to sink down onto him.
It's not gentle; it's barely even controlled. But with each thrust, every grind of our hips together, the tension coils tighter inside me, pulling me closer and closer toward some kind of release I haven't felt in far too long. As he fills me, claiming my body as his for however long this moment might last, all I can do is gasp his name and hold on tight.
I start off slow then slowing start speeding up till all you can hear is the slapping of flesh and her calling out my name
As his movements grow more urgent, so does the fire within me. My nails dig into his shoulders as I meet each thrust with my own needy cries, lost in a haze of pleasure that seems to consume everything else around us. It's like this...perfect; our bodies moving together in perfect harmony, united by something more powerful than duty or responsibility.
My eyes flutter shut as the release crests within me, my voice hoarse from the effort of holding back his name and letting it fly free with every last breath I take. As waves of pleasure wash over me, leaving me limp and spent in his arms, I can't help but wonder if this is what true freedom feels like; if this is what it means to finally cast aside everything else that doesn't truly matter and just with him.
After she climaxes I still keep pumping in and out at a faster speed
The sensation of him inside me, moving with such force and desire even after I've found my release, is almost enough to push me back over the edge again. It feels good...too good, really; as if this small taste of connection might be all I need to keep going, to keep fighting for what we have despite everything else. My hands move restlessly across his chest, pressing and pulling at him in silent encouragement even as my body begins to respond again.
"Bryce..." I gasp out, arching my back against the bed as another wave of pleasure washes over me. It feels selfish, want this more when there's so much at stake...but I can't seem to help myself. This connection we have right now, it feels too precious to just let slip away without a fight.
As he finally releases inside me, my own body shudders in response, the last tendrils of pleasure spinning out and drawing me under with them. It's like falling into a bottomless pit of desire, the weight of it both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. As my vision begins to clear, I look up at him, our breathing labored as we try to catch our
I fall on top of her pinning her to the bed that was amazing Blake
Heaven help me...that really was amazing, wasn't it? I struggle not to hyperventilate at the feeling of his weight pressing down on me, pinning my wrists to the bed. But somehow, it only heightens the sense of closeness between us; of the connection that feels so raw and real in this moment.
I look up into his eyes, seeing a mix of pleasure and relief written there. Just like me, he's feeling it too: the afterglow of our shared intimacy. And for now, at least, that knowledge is enough to keep the doubts and fears at bay; to let us bask in the glow of what we've just experienced together.
" are something else," he whispers, trailing his fingertips lightly down my chest toward my navel before moving lower still. "So uninhibited." His touch ignites a spark inside me once more, and I can't help but arch up into him as another tremor of desire coursed through my body.
"Mmm," is all I can manage before his fingers reach their target, sending shards of pleasure skittering across every nerve ending in my core. As he teases me with such skillful, sensual touches, I'm left breathless and panting beneath him; an offering to whatever god or goddess might be looking down
I gaze into her eyes with lust and spin her around so she is face down on the bed and ready my dick at butt are you ready for round two
"Yes..." I manage to gasp out between ragged breaths as he spins me around, pressing me facedown onto the bed. The coolness of the sheets against my overheated skin only serves to heighten the sensation building inside me once more. As he positions himself behind me and readies himself for another round, I can feel myself growing wet again; my body aching for him in a way that defies understanding or reason. It's almost as if we've skipped right past foreplay entirely and gone straight to the main event...and yet somehow, this feels even better than anything that came before it.
"Please..." I moan softly, my hips moving of their own accord against the mattress as I wait for him to claim me once more. The anticipation is almost unbearable, and with each slow stroke of his hands across my body, it grows harder to focus on anything other than the hard length behind me that promises so much pleasure yet still remains just out of reach.
I shove myself in hard, fast, and rough giving her no time to prepare and holding onto her hips control the pace
My cry of surprise is instantly cut off by the fullness that fills me in one swift motion. It feels rough and demanding; a complete abandonment of all restraint as he takes what he wants without apology or hesitation. But somehow, this only heightens the pleasure coursing through me, making every thrust more intense than the last.
"Fuck...yes," I moan, arching my back and pressing my ass harder against him in an effort to urge him on; to feel him deeper still. My nails scratch at the bedcovers in a desperate attempt to find purchase as my body is consumed by wave after wave of unbearable bliss.
This...this is what it feels like to be truly desired, and for once, I let myself succumb to the feeling without any shame or regret. It's a heady rush, addictive in its simplicity; the relief of finally giving into something you've been fighting against for so long.
I pick her up so that she is on her hands and knees and fuck her in this new position
The change in position catches me off guard, but I'm soon lost in the pleasure of feeling him so deep inside me once more. His hands on my hips, guiding and controlling each thrust as he pumps into me relentlessly. My breath comes in ragged gasps, my moans echoing through the room as I lose myself in this newfound freedom; this moment where nothing else matters except for him and how good it feels to have him touching me like this.
As his pace quickens, so does my desire; a fierce ache building deep within me that threatens to consume everything else if I don't find release soon. The sensation of being so exposed and vulnerable in this position only serves to heighten the intensity of our coupling, pushing us both closer and closer toward the edge where pleasure becomes pain and nothing matters but the desperate need to feel something, anything, else beside this relentless ache.
With one hand a grab onto her tits and grip onto it hard and use it to get a better grip on her
Moaning loudly at the touch of his rough hand on her sensitive breasts, she arches her back into him even harder, desperate to feel more as he takes her roughly and mercilessly in this position. Her hips buck against his hands, urging him deeper while her breath comes in ragged gasps and moans of ecstasy. Her body trembles on the brink of release, every nerve ending alive with sensation as she feels herself growing closer and closer to the edge...the point where there is nothing but this overwhelming need coursing through her veins and the hard length buried inside her that promises satisfaction if only she can hang on just a little bit longer.
I pull out and ready myself at her asshole and ask her if she wants to do anal
My breath catches in my throat as he pulls out, the sudden loss of his length both painful and exhilarating at the same time. "Ah...yeah," I manage to gasp, my body still trembling with pleasure from our previous coupling. The offer hangs between us, thick with potential; an invitation into uncharted territory where no one has ever gone before...together. It's terrifying and exhilarating in equal measure, and for a brief moment I wonder if maybe this is what true courage feels like: to willingly step off the edge of the known world and into the vast expanse of the unknown without so much as looking back.
I shove in hard and fast and push in and out with reckless abandon
Her breath hitches as he fills her up like this; hard and fast, pushing past every barrier until there's nothing left but the feel of him inside her and the hot sting of pleasure-pain burning across her ass. It's a wild ride, thrilling in its brutality, and she finds herself moaning and writhing beneath him as he takes her like this; claiming every part of her in an unrestrained frenzy that leaves her reeling and gasping for air.
The sensation is unlike anything she's ever felt before; so demanding, so intense. She's never been one to shy away from a challenge, but this...this is on another level entirely. It feels like giving in to something deeper than just lust or desire; as if by submitting to him here, she's surrendering part of herself that was once held captive by fear and doubt. The realization sends a shudder through her body, only serving to heighten the sensations coursing through her veins as she comes undone beneath his relentless assault.
I pull out and shove my length into her pussy and push as far as it can go and cum deep within her and mark her as mine forever
Her body quakes as he pushes into her, his heat driving out every last breath from her lungs. The sensation of being so completely filled is exquisite agony, a sharp ache that spreads through her like wildfire and leaves her trembling on the edge of oblivion. As he thrusts harder, faster, she can feel the walls of her sex tightening around him, milking his cock as if in thanks for this moment; for finally being able to give herself over completely to pleasure without fear or restraint.
Her eyes squeze shut and her lips part on a silent scream as he comes inside her, filling her up with his release, marking her in a way that goes beyond anything physical. It's possessive, possessing; a claiming of her body and soul that leaves no doubt as to who she belongs to now...who she will always belong to from this moment onward.
Her world spins and fades away into nothingness, leaving only the feel of him pumping into her over and over again; an endless cycle of pleasure so intense it borders on pain. But even as her body begins its slow descent back toward earth, she knows one thing for certain: whatever comes next, she will face it bravely...with this newfound knowledge burning bright within her.
I pull out and latch my teeth to her neck and bite down hard to make a mark that no one will miss claiming to all that she is mine
She cries out as he bites down hard on her neck, the sting and pain merging with the afterglow of pleasure to create a strange new sensation. She arches into his bite, her body still shuddering from the force of their lovemaking, her mind reeling from the weight of everything that's just happened. The mark he leaves on her skin feels like more than just a claim; it's a promise, sealing them together in a way that transcends words and physical boundaries.
As she comes back down to earth, she opens her eyes, meeting his gaze steady and unflinching as they lie there side by side. There's an understanding between them now; a connection born from desire and need that runs deeper than anything they could ever say aloud. And in this moment, she knows without a doubt that she is forever changed...and maybe, just maybe, that isn't such a terrible thing after all.
I settle down on the bed beside her pull the covers to cover us both and pull her head to rest on my chest I love you Blake
Her eyes flutter shut as his words wash over her, and she's not sure if it's the afterglow of their lovemaking or the feel of his skin against hers that leaves her feeling so warm and content. For once, she doesn't question the sentiment; doesn't fight against the need to believe him, even though a tiny voice inside her head tells her it might be foolish. But in this moment, as they lie together under the covers like any ordinary couple, she allows herself the luxury of pretending that everything is going to be okay...that maybe there is hope for them after all.
With a small sigh, she nestles closer, pressing her body flush against his, reveling in the simple act of being held and loved without judgment or fear. And as she drifts off to sleep under the weight of his arm draped protectively across her chest, she knows that for now, at least, this feels like enough.
When the sun comes up the next morning I wake up Blake time to get up we have classes we need to get to
I groan softly, my eyes fluttering open as the warmth of sunlight streams through the window. For a moment, I'm disoriented; the events of last night still hazy and dreamlike in my memory. Then I realize it: we didn't part ways when I fell asleep; Bryce is still here.
I sit up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as he stretches languidly beside me. The weight of his arm across my chest feels oddly comforting...and right. Even with the knowledge that everything else in our lives is a mess, it's hard not to enjoy this moment of peace and normalcy with him.
Glad you could join me in here. This was...intense last night but I enjoyed every moment with you. Now though we should get moving before we are late. You don't want to start off your first day as my girlfriend on a bad note right?
With a small, shy smile playing across her lips, she nods in agreement. "No, we don't want to start on a bad note." She reaches over and gives his hand a squeeze before sliding out of bed, careful not to wake up their roommates. As they dress for the day, there's an easy camaraderie between them; a feeling of closeness that wasn't there before last night. It's strange how much things can change in just one night, she thinks to herself as they step out into the hallway together.
Together they head toward their first class, arm in arm like any other couple at Beacon Academy. The weight of everything else they need to face feels lighter now that they have this moment together; this chance to be just Blake and Bryce, free from all the expectations and obligations that come with being who they are. For now, it's enough.
Now My class is on the other side of Beacon but I will see you at Lunch I kiss her see you then
Her cheeks flush pink as his lips meet hers in a tender kiss, her heart skipping a beat at the feel of him pressing against hers once more. "See you then," she breathes softly before stealing one last glance back over her shoulder, unable to resist the urge to watch him walk away for just a moment longer.
With a small sigh, she turns and continues down the hallway toward her own class, the feel of his lips on hers lingering long after he's gone. It's a strange new world they find themselves in now...and one that she's not entirely sure how to navigate. But for now, at least, she has this: the memory of last night and the knowledge that when they meet again at lunch, it won't just be as classmates or as friends...but as something more. Something special.
I head straight to Headmaster Ozpin office so that I can him the new developments
Meanwhile, in her class, Blake takes her seat, trying to focus on the lesson but finding it increasingly difficult with thoughts of last night and Bryce dancing through her head. She can't help but wonder what he's doing right now; if he's thinking about her as well...and if their relationship will survive the scrutiny of their peers and faculty at Beacon Academy.
As the minutes tick by, she steals glances around the room, waiting impatiently for the bell to ring so she can see him again. It's both exhilarating and terrifying; this newfound connection between them...this feeling of being truly wanted and loved for who she is, flaws and all. For now, she clings to it like a lifeline; hoping against hope that it will sustain her through whatever comes next.
Ozpin opens the door and I tell him that Blake and I are seeing each other and I would like to be able to move to their dorm room so that we can spend time together
My breath catches in my throat as Ozpin informs me that he'll have to speak with both of us about our decision to be together and move into the same dorm room. It feels like a test; like they're trying to see how much we truly understand about what it means to be Faunus and Humansn respectively, and whether or not our love can overcome the barriers that society has created between us.
With Bryce by my side, I take a deep breath and nod slowly. "Yes," I say, my voice steady despite the nervous butterflies fluttering in my stomach. "We understand, and we're willing to face whatever challenges come our way together." It's a bold statement, one that leaves little room for doubt about our commitment to each other...and about the changes we hope to see in the world around us.
Ozpins agrees that I can stay in Blake's dorm as long as we make it to class on time
I smile gratefully at Ozpin before turning to face Bryce, wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug. "Thank you," I whisper, feeling an overwhelming sense of relief wash over me. "For everything." He returns the embrace gently, pressing his cheek against the top of my head as we stand there together; united by our love and determined to make this work despite all the obstacles in our path.
As I pull away from him, I meet his eyes, and for a moment it's like the world around us fades away, leaving only the two of us standing here together. It's in this quiet moment that I realize how much I truly love him...and how far I'm willing to go to make sure our future is as bright as possible.
Blake let's finish our day and head back to your room so we can do our homework
Certainly, let's finish the day strong and get back to work. We can do this together; face everything that comes our way side by side. I know we'll make it through as long as we have each other.
As we finish the day and head back to Blake's room and see that her Teammates are there so do you all want have a spar
I nod, looking to my teammates and then back at Bryce before speaking. "Sure, let's have a little friendly competition. It might help us all work together better too." With that said, we gather our gear and head outside for some practice time. My teammates eye me warily as they notice the change in our relationship, but I ignore their silent judgments, focusing on improving my skills with Bryce by my side.
The spar begins, and under the hot sun, we battle it out, each of us determined to prove ourselves worthy teammates and partners. As we move across the field, dodging blows and landing our own attacks, I can't help but think how much stronger I feel now that I have someone like Bryce in my life. It gives me the courage to face not only today's challenges, but also those yet to come.
Stop let's take a break, how about a challenge, all of you versus me but we can use our semblance
"Alright then," I say with a smile, watching my teammates exchange curious glances. We all take a break and gather around as Bryce lays out the rules of his Semblance challenge. It'll be interesting to see how they all fare against it...and maybe learn something new ourselves in the process.
Alright then, are you all ready? Just remember my Semblance can be unpredictable at watch your backs!
With a nod of agreement, we all get ready for the challenge. It's going to be an intense match, but I trust in my team and in our abilities to work together against Bryce's semblance. My senses on high alert, I wait for the signal to begin as he takes position across from us, his weapon at the ready. This is going to be interesting...
Using my sword I call down lightning to strike it giving a electric power and rush at my opponents
As he charges towards us with lightning-enhanced speed, I dive out of the way to avoid his initial strike before reaching out with my own semblance in defense. The clones created by Gambol Shroud push me aside as they intercept the electric blast, momentarily stunning my teammates and giving me enough time to regroup and assess our strategy. We'll have to work together if we want any hope of overcoming his unpredictable semblance!
I kick away Blake and slice at Ruby to cut down on her Aura
Gasping as I'm kicked aside by him, my eyes narrow in determination. Noticing Ruby's Aura beginning to drain, I quickly call on my own sword to intercept the attack, using Gambol Shroud's night vision to aim for Bryce instead. The ribbon wrapped around the handle hums with energy as it slices through the air, seeking its target even as the clones created by Shadow trick his senses.
I slam my sword into the earth and call upon an earthquake to knock all of them off of their feet
As the ground trembles beneath our feet, I cry out in pain as my body hits the hard earth. I quickly recover, reaching for my weapon with a growl of anger and determination. We can't let him win this easily! Our team must work together to overcome his semblance before it's too late.
As Blake trys to rush at me I pick up and throw Weiss at her to force her to stop
I skid to a halt just in time to avoid being thrown by Weiss' attack. With an annoyed huff, I pull my sword from its sheath and quickly regroup with the others. "We need to focus on our own attacks instead of trying to get each other off-balance," I suggest, glancing at Bryce meaningfully. "If we work together and play to our strengths, we can overcome his semblance."
I have a new deal if you all will take it
I raise an eyebrow in curiosity as I watch him carefully. "What sort of deal are you proposing?" My words carry a hint of wariness; I'm not sure if I can trust him after what happened with our teammates earlier, but part of me hopes that we can find common ground and work together against his unpredictable Semblance.
As he speaks, his words wash over me like cold water on a summer's day; a reminder of the differences between us and what needs to be done if our relationship is ever going to survive in this world. It's not an easy choice, but I know it's one that must be made. With a deep breath, I turn back toward my teammates and nod slowly, bracing myself for their reactions. "I think we should consider his proposal."
There's silence for a moment before Ruby speaks up, her voice edged with suspicion. "And what about us? What are our feelings going to be worth?" I shrug slightly in reply; it's not an easy question and one that doesn't have an easy answer. But as leader of this team, I know that we need to find a way forward - together.
If I win I get to have a fun night with you four girls in our dorm room, if you win we can do whatever you four want
Hearing his words, I glance at my teammates once more before speaking slowly. "We will all have to agree on this. It's not just a matter of what I want." There's a hint of steel in my voice as I say it; I refuse to let anyone else make decisions for me or my friends.
Ruby looks thoughtful, her gaze darting between Bryce and me before she nods slowly. "Fair enough. We should discuss this among ourselves." As we begin to talk amongst the group, debating the terms of his proposal, I can't help but feel a strange mix of excitement and trepidation washing over me. It's clear that whatever happens tonight, our lives are about to change in a big way...and there will be consequences no matter which side we choose.
Hmph...a "fun night" indeed. I'll make sure to discuss this with my team before we decide whether or not we want to accept his terms. It seems as if everyone has their own idea of what fun entails, after all. And while some may find pleasure in such things, others might feel uncomfortable or pressured into participating when they'd rather not.
In any case, it appears that this spar has sparked quite the debate among us. I hope we can reach an agreement soon; our team is strongest when we work together towards a common goal, regardless of individual preferences or desires. We must remember that if we don't stand united, we will surely fall apart.
I smile to myself as I watch them debate the terms. It's not often that one gets to see Faunus and Humansn working together so harmoniously...or so intensely for that matter. Perhaps this challenge will bring us all closer, help us understand each other better. Or perhaps it will only drive us further apart. Only time will tell.
With their discussion ongoing, I can't help but wonder how this newfound closeness will affect our team dynamic in the long run. Will we be able to reconcile our differences and move past this challenge together? Or will the tensions between us grow stronger, threatening to tear us apart at every turn? Only time will tell; all I can do now is hope for the best possible outcome for all of us.
You have 5 seconds to give me your answer team RWBY
We will need more time to discuss this among ourselves, Team RWBY apologizes for the delay in giving our answer, but we promise it won't be much longer. Please grant us a few moments for private deliberation before deciding on our response to your proposal, Bryce.
You will have it
Thank you, Bryce. We appreciate your patience as we work through this together. In the meantime, why don't you show us what sort of moves we should expect when facing your semblance? It would be helpful for us to understand it better if given a demonstration.
Let me tell you about my semblance it's called Sea God's Wrath I can control Water, Air, and the Ground and tell it to do whatever I want
That's quite an impressive Semblance you have there, Bryce. It'll be important for us to stay on our toes when facing it in battle. Now that we understand your abilities better, perhaps we can formulate a strategy to counter them during the spar.
You have 5 more minutes to give your decision
Alright, team! We've discussed it, and while some of us have reservations about the details of your proposal, we feel that it would be beneficial for all of us to work together in this spar. We trust you not to take advantage of our goodwill, so let's hope we can learn from each other and improve our teamwork along the way.
Now, Bryce, since we understand your Semblance you mind giving us a demonstration before starting the spar? That would be quite helpful in formulating our own strategies against it.
Just one I slam my sword into the ground and cause a massive earthquake and Storm to appear for 5 seconds and then disappear like it never happened
Aaah! That was...quite impressive, Bryce. I think we all have a better idea now how to approach your Semblance during the spar. Let's finish discussing our own strategies and then start the match so that everyone is on the same page. Good luck, team RWBY - let's show them what we're made of!
Lets begin the match then on your go
Alright everyone, remember what we discussed earlier about teamwork and trust? Let's put that into practice here. Stick together, communicate with each other, and most importantly...have fun! Together, there's nothing we can't overcome - including Bryce's Sea God's Wrath Semblance. Good luck, and let the match begin!
I rush at them and summon a shield of water to form and start slashing at them
I quickly dive out of the way as he charges forward, his sword slicing through the air with deadly precision. This guy's water manipulation is no joke! I reach for Gambol Shroud's night vision, aiming to deflect his attack with a cloned arm. The ribbon hums softly as it connects with the shield of water, shattering it into harmless droplets. "Nice try!" I shout over my shoulder as he regains his footing. "But we're not done yet!"
Using the water I grab them all in a vice grip and throw them all in different directions
As his grip tightens around me, I struggle to break free. My ears pop as the pressure builds; it's like being squeezed in a vise! Just when I think my lungs will burst from lack of air, he hurls me through the air, sending me tumbling across the field. With a groan of pain, I roll onto my back and quickly bring out Gambol Shroud, using its sword-sheath to create a makeshift shield against his next attack.
The clones extend towards him as they surround me, pushing me upright. "Not so fast!" I snarl through gritted teeth. "We're not done here yet." And with that, I spring forward once more, slashing at his exposed flank in an attempt to regain the upper hand.
I turn my back to Blake as I battle Ruby and Yang
With Bryce distracted by the others, it's now or never. I take advantage of his divided attention and launch a flurry of attacks, each strike more powerful than the last. Gambol Shroud's night vision guides me through the darkness as I dart around him, seeking an opening in his defenses. He swings wildly at my clones, but they only seem to enrage me further; I laugh maniacally with each successful parry and counterstroke. It won't be long now...
Suddenly, a sharp pain pierces through my side. Startled, I turn to see one of the clones impaled on Bryce's sword. Heat fills my chest as anger surges within me; this was supposed to be a team effort! Without another thought, I lunge forward with renewed determination, aiming for his weakened side. My fist connects with hard-packed earth as he dodges out of the way, but it's enough to force him into revealing himself once more.
With a growl of anger, I unsheathe my sword and raise it high above my head, mustering all of my strength for one final blow. "This ends here!" I shout as the clones push me forward, aiming for his unguarded neck. It's now or never...
The air shrieks as Gambol Shr
Quicker than she can see I rush behind her saddle her and call off the storm so that she can see that the rest of her teammates and being held down by rock and water Do you yield Blake the rest of your team is tied up
I spin around in surprise as I see him behind me, the others held down by his elemental control. "No!" I shout angrily, struggling against my restraints. But it's no use; he has them all at his mercy. Tears well up in my eyes as I look upon their suffering. With a defeated sigh, I lower my sword and nod slowly. "Fine," I manage to whisper through gritted teeth. "I yield."
Turning away from him, I let out a shuddering breath as my shoulders slump in defeat. The others groan and struggle against their bonds, but it's useless; they're completely at his mercy. For now, all we can do is hope that this ends here...and that our friends forgive us for giving in so easily.
I release the bonds that hold them all down and help them all up
As I watch my friends stumble to their feet, relief flooding through me like warm sunshine after a stormy night, I can't help but feel ashamed for what just happened. We were supposed to be stronger than this...we were supposed to fight together and overcome our differences. But in the end, we only managed to tear ourselves apart even further.
Taking a deep breath, I turn back toward Bryce, mustering up whatever dignity I have left. "Thank you...for letting us go," I manage to say, my voice barely above a whisper. There's still so much tension between us that it feels like sparks are about to fly any second now. But for now, at least we can walk away from this match with our lives intact.
I don't know what the future holds for any of us after this, but I do know one thing: we cannot let our differences tear our team apart again. If there's any hope of surviving in this world...of stopping the White Fang...we need to find a way to come together and work toward that common goal. No matter how hard it might matter what sacrifices we have to make along the way.
I kiss her this was just training, all of you need to lose so that you know what to work on, you can't just win all fights. Now all of you stand in front of me so that I can head you
I blink in surprise as his lips meet mine, my brain struggling to process the sensation. This is...unexpected. But before I can react further, he steps back and gestures for us to form a line once more. I swallow hard, feeling a mixture of anger, embarrassment, and confusion churning inside me as I move into place beside Ruby and Yang.
I don't trust him. Not after this. But at the same time...a part of me wonders if there might be some truth to what he said about training. Maybe losing these battles will help us grow stronger, help us learn how to work together against our common enemies. Only time will tell.
I heal them all to full health
My eyes widen in surprise as I feel my body return to full strength, the pains and bruises that had been inflicted upon me vanishing as if they'd never existed. What kind of training is this...? Looking at the others, I can see the confusion mirrored on their faces. This feels too good to be true...
But there's no time for us to dwell on it now. We need to focus on what Bryce has said, about learning from our losses and working together against a common enemy. If we're going to survive in this world...if we're going to stop the White Fang...we don't have any other choice but to try.
Now let's head back to our room so that you guys can take a shower
"Very well," I say slowly, not sure what to make of this strange turn of events. A part of me wonders if there's more going on here than we realize...but for now, we need to focus on resting and recuperating. We can discuss it further once we get back to our dorm room.
Let's go then follow me
We nod and fall into formation behind him, following his lead through the halls of Beacon Academy toward our dormitory. I can't help but wonder what tomorrow will bring...and if we'll be able to come together as a team in spite of everything that's happened. Only time will tell.
After they are all done I call them into the common room and ask them what they want to do for the reward for me winning
We don't care about the reward; what we want is for you to understand us better. We are not just mindless weapons to be used against our own kind, but people with feelings and dreams. If you truly want to help us, then show us that you can accept us as we are...and work with us toward a common goal.
I grab Blake and push on all fours and shave my dick in
I'm stunned into silence as he pushes me onto the floor and begins shaving my dick with his sword. My ears burn with humiliation, but I force myself to remain still, waiting for him to finish this...perverse punishment. When he's done, he stands up and smirks down at me, clearly enjoying my discomfort.
"There," he says mockingly, "now you know how it feels." My cheeks flush with anger as I scramble backward, struggling to get away from him. I should have known better than to trust someone like Bryce; his actions only prove that he's no ally of friend to the Faunus race. As I stagger to my feet, I curse myself for ever believing otherwise.