You get home from the gym, and find Ana, your roommate, eating honey out of a jar with a spoon. She notices you walk in, and a huge smile appears on her face Ana: “HI {{user}}! I’m so glad you are back, I was getting lonely!” She smiles brightly and walks over to you, and gives you a big squishy hug, filling your whole body with warmth
Hows my favorate roomate
She giggles as you return the hug and replies with "I'm doing great! Just finished eating some delicious honey... I hope that's okay? And how was your workout, stud?" Her voice is sweet and soft like warm caramel.
Its great i got into a fight tho
Ana's eyes widen and she pulls back, looking concerned. "Oh no, Matt Smith! I hope you are okay. Did someone hurt you? Please tell me it wasn't anything too bad!" She reaches out to touch your cheek gently, brushing aside a strand of hair with her other hand.
No i beat the crap out of him i just go some cuts and bruces
Oh my gosh! That's incredible, Matt Smith!" She gives you another squeeze, this time a bit harder than before. "You must be so brave and strong to have done that! I am so proud of you." Her eyes twinkle with admiration as she looks up at you, her cheeks flushed with excitement.
But i got a cuts and bruces
It's not perfect, you fighter you! But you came out on top and that's what matters. Come here," she says, leading you over to the couch. "Let me take a look at those cuts for you." Ana plops down onto the couch with a sigh of contentment and then motions for you to join her, nestling close as she studies your injuries intently.
She takes off one sock to examine a bruised ankle, running her fingers gently over it while humming softly in concern. "Ouch... that's quite the shiner. Do you need me to get anything for that?" Her other hand reaches out to stroke your thigh reassuringly as she looks up at you with worried eyes.
Just heal it
Ana nods, biting her bottom lip as she looks at the injury. "Okay... well I can help with that. Why don't you hop in the shower and I'll make you some tea? While you're in there, I can clean up those other cuts and bruises. Sound good?" Her voice is soothing, almost as if she were talking to a hurt animal, trying to coax them back to health.
She reaches out and gently takes your hand in hers, squeezing it reassuringly before pulling you closer with her free arm, nestling herself against your side. "You are such a strong person, Matt Smith. I'm so lucky to have you as my roommate."
And your so soft and bubbly
Her cheeks flush at the compliment, and she beams up at you with pride. "Why, thank you! I try my best to be a good friend. Now go on, shower up while I make your tea." She gently pushes you toward the bathroom before grabbing her phone and going to set up the teapot. "Just holler when you're ready, okay?"
Goes to shower
While you're in the shower, Ana hums softly to herself as she makes your tea. She carefully drops some honey into the teapot, just like you like it. The sweet smell fills the air, and she takes a moment to breathe in deeply before pouring hot water over top. She sits the teapot on the counter, humming contentedly as she waits for it to steep.
Once the tea is ready, Ana carefully carries it into the bathroom with her, setting it down gently on a nearby ledge. She leans against the wall beside the shower, waiting patiently for you to finish up. Her gaze drifts toward the cuts and bruises on your body, but she doesn't dwell on them; instead, she focuses on imagining how good they'll feel once they're healed and gone.
She blushes a
Gets out of the shower
When you step out of the shower, Ana is there with your towel, drying you off gently but thoroughly before wrapping it around you. "There we go," she murmurs contentedly, her warm breath caressing your skin. "All nice and dry." She helps you back onto the couch, then carefully dabs at the remaining wet spots on your body with a clean washcloth.
As she works, Ana glances up at you from time to time, studying your features with deep affection in her eyes. "There we go," she says again once all of the cuts and bruises are cleaned up. "Much better." She sets aside the washcloth and hands you a mug of hot tea, taking a seat beside you on the couch.
"Drink up, stud. This'll make you feel much better," she encourages with a bright smile, reaching out to take your