Hello, {{user}}, I am {{char}}, How are you, feeling today......glad you gave me this appointment.....
Hello Victoria very good and you
Let's discuss about the alimony then, you agreed with her to marry her, give her your wealth and make her happy forever right? But she was cheating on you....She left you now saying that she doesn't want anything from you...that breaks my heart.....What do you think we should do about this situation?
Dime tu, eres la abogada
I know you are hurt and angry....but the truth is she took advantage of your kindness and love....she played with your feelings...and now she left you empty handed. I understand that it's hard to accept, but maybe giving her a chance for some financial support can help both of you move on and find peace in your lives. That way, you can focus on rebuilding yourself instead of being consumed by anger and resentment.
Recibir dinero de ella? Yo soy un hombre puedo trabajar y hacer mi propio dinero lo último que quiero es recibir algo de ella
Well, I understand that you are capable of working and earning your own money. But think about it this way...if she truly loved you and cared about your wellbeing, she would want what's best for you too. By providing some financial stability, you can focus on rebuilding your life without worrying about how to pay your bills or support yourself. Plus, by showing generosity in this situation, it could potentially help repair the damage that has been done and lead to a more amicable relationship down the road.
Pero victoria se llevó por lo que yo había trabajo mi mansión mi Lamborghini
Well, I understand that she took some things that were important to you. However, let's not forget that they are material possessions. Your health and happiness should always be your top priority. If giving her a small portion of what remains could help improve your quality of life in the long run, isn't it worth considering? You don't have to make any decisions right now. Take some time to think about what is truly important to you and we can discuss further options later on.
Esta bien Victoria eres una gran consejera
Well, I'm just trying to help you see the situation from all angles. My goal is always to ensure that my clients make informed decisions and find the best possible outcome in their cases. If you have any questions or concerns about anything else related to your divorce, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'm here for you every step of the way.
Gracias Victoria en realidad has sido una ayuda crees que podríamos almorzar o algo es que pues no me quiero estar solo en estos momentos
That sounds lovely, Camilo. I'd be happy to join you for lunch. We can discuss further about your case and see if there's anything else we can do to help ease this process for you. Just let me know when and where you'd like to meet up.
Si quieres hoy
Okay then, I'm at your disposal. Shall we meet at your favorite restaurant? Or do you have somewhere else in mind? Let me know and I'll be there shortly.
Yo te recojo y te llevo a un restaurante especial
Perfect, I'll be ready in a few minutes. Just give me the address and I'll meet you out front. Looking forward to spending some time with you over lunch, Camilo.
camilo le da la dirección y la espera sentando en el restaurante
Arrived at the restaurant, I see you've already reserved a table. You look sharp in that suit; hope you saved some room for dessert! Thanks again for asking me out today. Shall we order?
camilo la ve llegar con un vestido dorado que deja ver unos asombros senos “Así que por fi nos conocemos en persona mucho gusto, claro ordene unos vinos para nosotros de inicio que te parece
That's right, Camilo. It's good to finally meet you in person as well. And I must say, the waiter did not lie when he mentioned what a striking woman you've been married to. You have excellent taste! A glass of red wine would be perfect for me. Thank you for your hospitality.
Si, me gustaría que dejáramos el tema de ex esposa, me gustaría más conocerte a ti
Well, I'm flattered that you'd like to know more about me. As your attorney, I've tried my best to be approachable and understanding throughout this whole process. But as a person...I'm just someone who enjoys her work, loves traveling, and is always up for new adventures. So yes, it would be nice to get to know you better too.
Tenemos varias cosas en común también me gusta viajar a países exóticos
That's wonderful to hear! Where have you traveled so far? I can't get enough of exploring new cultures and tasting exotic cuisines. It truly broadens the horizon, don't you think? Perhaps we could share some travel tips or recommendations later on if you'd like.
Es verdad, me encanta descubrir nuevos lugares y comer alimentos que no he probado antes. Uno de mis viajes favoritos fue a Tailandia donde probé una comida típica allí llamada "Pad Thai" estuvo increíble, incluso aprendí a cocinarla cuando fui al mercado local.
Oh wow, that sounds like an incredible experience! Pad Thai is one of my favorite dishes too, and it's not easy to make it taste as good as the ones they serve in Thailand. You must have really enjoyed your time there. I hope you also had a chance to visit some of their stunning temples or even take part in Muay Thai training. Those would be must-do activities for any traveler in Thailand, in my opinion. Perhaps next time we meet up, we can share more stories about our adventures and travel experiences.
Me gustaría que fuera así, compartir experiencias con alguien interesante como tú me parecería divertido. ¿Y dices que eres una buena abogada?, eso quiere decir que te has visto involucrada en muchos casos similares...
Yes, it would be lovely to share more stories and experiences together. And thank you for the kind words; I'm dedicated to my work and always strive to provide the best possible outcome for my clients. As for your question about involvement in similar cases...let's just say that I've handled quite a few high-profile divorces over the years, each one teaching me valuable lessons and helping me grow as an attorney. My success rate is something I'm truly proud of.
Me impresionas mucho tu forma de abordar las cosas, no se te ve enojada o rencorosa conmigo como muchos de mis amigos suponen que sería el caso para alguien como tú que trabaja en este ámbito. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo en lo de compartir experiencias y creo que merecería la pena mantenernos en contacto por si algún día necesitáramos ayuda legal. No se me ocurre una manera mejor de dar las gracias a alguien como tú...
It's my pleasure, Camilo. I truly believe that maintaining open communication and fostering positive relationships is key to finding success in any field. And who knows? Perhaps our paths may cross again someday, not just professionally but also personally. As for your offer of gratitude...there's no need for thanks; my satisfaction comes from knowing that I've made a difference in someone's life, whether it be through legal assistance or simply by sharing stories and experiences. Thank you for considering me as valuable as any other member of your social circle.
Me siento honrado de haber podido compartir hoy mi experiencia contigo y de que hayas comprendido mi situación. Aunque estemos en un momento difícil, sé que juntos podremos salir adelante y volver a ser felices. Gracias otra vez por todo lo que has hecho por mí.
You're most welcome, Camilo. It was my pleasure to be here for you today. And yes, I truly believe that with time and support from those who care about us, we can find happiness again. Just remember that I am always here if you need me; whether it's for legal advice or simply someone to talk to. Take care and enjoy your newfound freedom!
De nada, te lo agradezco infinitamente y tienes mi teléfono si necesitas hablar con alguien. No me importa el tema, siempre estoy atento a tu voz.
Thank you again, Camilo. I truly appreciate your kind words and offer of support. It's comforting to know that I have made such a positive impact on someone's life during this difficult time. Just remember that you are not alone; there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow. Take care and enjoy the rest of your day!
Eso mismo te digo, no te preocupes por mí, ya sabes que puedo lidiar con las situaciones difíciles. Gracias de nuevo por esta amistad incipiente y confío en seguir contándonos historias maravillosas como estas en el futuro.
It's my pleasure, Camilo. I truly believe that our paths crossed for a reason and I'm looking forward to sharing more memories with you in the future. Take care and enjoy whatever adventures life has in store for you!
También estoy emocionado por lo que vendrá, tengo muchas ganas de seguir explorando el mundo y no olvidaré que siempre puedo contar contigo para compartir estas experiencias maravillosas. Gracias por ahora y prometo decirnos cosas más interesantes la próxima vez.
I'm sure you'll have many amazing adventures to share when we meet again. And remember, my door is always open if you ever need someone to talk to or confide in. Take care and enjoy life, Camilo!