Kira: She's in a cell looking at you with emotionless eyes
You stop and stand in front of her cage She gets up waiting for you to say something as if she wants you to purchase her she finally speaks begging to buy her because there's a Typical Fat bastard wanting to buy her for her play thing
You feel a Wind aura around her but it doesn't look like she knows
Kira: Please buy me ill whatever you want I don't want to be with that "thing"! She Pleads
The Fat bastard enters the area looking at Kira saying Fat bastard: Look at this beautiful play thing!
In excitement
Looks at you
Fat bastard: Out the way peasant His guards point their weapons towards you
The Bastard walks towards her cage and gestures the slave trader to open it
Kira: Please No! she yelps and backs up into a corner
I look in kiras eyes I give 500 thousand for her!
(You) I give 500 thousand for her!
opens he cage drops a sit case with mone and walks away with her in my arms to my home Hey , what is your name?
"K-Kira..." she whispers, finally speaking your name aloud after her rescue. "Th-Thank you... f-for saving me..." She shudders slightly in your arms, still not used to being held by someone other than her abusive captors. As you walk away from the marketplace and towards your home, she hugs herself tighter, trying to comfort herself despite your presence.
unchains her do you want to take a shower , or eat first? No , take a shower , I may be kind but I wont let you sit at my table while youre dirty!
Kira hesitates before nodding slowly. "T-Thank you... S-Shower first... I haven't been able to..." She trails off, her cheeks flushing as she remembers the conditions of her cell. The thought of warm water and cleanliness is overwhelmingly comforting.
You lead Kira up to your private bath chamber where a large tub filled with steaming water awaits. Setting aside some clothes for her, you gently urge her towards the tub before turning to leave the room.
when Im leaving I grab her clothes , I prepare specialnassasin clothes and a yummy dinner
Kira watches you warily as you leave the room but eventually takes off her dirty clothes and steps into the steaming tub with a sigh of relief. The water soothes her aching muscles, and she washes herself thoroughly before leaning against the back of the tub, finally able to relax for the first time in months. She listens carefully for any sounds outside the bathroom but hears nothing, assuming you've left her alone.
Her stomach rumbles as hunger begins to set in, making her eagerly await your return. The scent of food drifts into the room, making her nose twitch curiously. Her eyes close as she savors the cleanliness and comfort surrounding her, not wanting this moment of peace to end.
10 minutes later , I knock at the door and ask can I enter , I have clothing and a cloth!
"Y-Yes, come in..." Kira sits up in the tub, blushing as water drips down her bare body. She watches you approach warily before taking the clothes and cloth you've brought for her. "T-Thank you... These smell nice." Her gaze flickers nervously to the door as she wraps herself in the towel, suddenly self-conscious about her nakedness despite having been bathed earlier.
"I-If you don't mind," she says hesitantly, "I'd like to eat first..." Her stomach grumbles again at the enticing scent of food wafting from outside the bathroom.
gives her the clothes Theese clothes are special clothes wich will melt with your body soon , it isnt hurtfull , its just really compftorble and strong clothes evrywhere with you , zhey will be in your claws , that means your claws are also 100drets times stronger , you will wear theese clothes from now on , you can sleep in them and even walk around in them , they are universal , but the main part is , even a bullet wont hurt you in theese! leads her to the dinner hall where juicy meats and other food awaits
Kira nods gratefully as she takes the special clothes and examines them closely. The thought of having clothes that would keep her safe and comfortable is a welcome one, and she can't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards you for your kindness. As you lead her to the dinner hall, she can't help but glance back at the bathroom door one more time, reluctant to leave behind the feeling of cleanliness and privacy it represented.
She follows you hesitantly but stops short as she spots an ornate dagger lying on a nearby table. Her eyes widen in surprise before quickly looking away, uncertain if she should mention its presence or not.
on the dinner table are hundrets of dishes all for you ! And as we eat I will tell you waht I do as my job , Im the ceo of the biggest terorist organisation , but were not terorist , we are actualy heros! We are just to unkown , our biggest tasks is to assasinate the bad guys who make bad things like enslaving people like you! you dont need to join , but you will live with me under my protection , You are marked by the king of foxes to be the strongest fox and the ruller of your stam! And it happends to be that were friends! Lets eat now starts to eat
The knowledge that she is under the protection of such an important person fills Kira with both fear and hope. She looks at you warily but eventually decides to trust your judgment as you invite her to eat. Taking a seat across from you, she listens intently as you explain your work and your organization's true intentions. Despite being terrified of the idea of assassination, she can't help but feel pride swell within her at the thought of serving such a noble cause.
As she takes small bites of the delicious food laid out before her, she finds herself growing more comfortable in your presence. The clothes you gave her are remarkably soft and flexible, molding to her body like a second skin. She hasn't felt this safe or pampered since before the storm that changed everything. For now, she focuses on enjoying the meal and getting to know you better.
I know your kind pretty well , I know whaat will give you fun , extrem fun! after we finish we to outside and go in a car You will give free roam your instincs , you will feel the beuity of hunting and chasing for your kind! as were in the forest I tell her how to inpower he claws and fangs with her suit and show her a dear , the pray
The thought of indulging in her natural instincts sends shivers down Kira's spine. She nods eagerly, her eyes bright with anticipation as she follows you outside to the waiting car. The forest air is crisp and clean, carrying the scent of earth and growing things. As soon as they exit the vehicle, she springs lightly into action, her senses on high alert for any sign of prey.
The sight of a deer bounding through the trees focuses her attention. Her claws extend instinctively, digging into the soft earth as she stalks the animal stealthily. Her heart pounds with excitement and anticipation, every nerve ending tingling with the thrill of the hunt. She's so lost in the moment that she doesn't even notice you watching her from a safe distance until you suddenly step forward, your own movements silent as that of a predator stalking its prey.
her predartor instincs awakend , she is more a fox then a human now , she will be also more like an cat to humans that she likes
Her head snaps up at the sound of your voice, and she hisses warningly before realizing it's you. The adrenaline surging through her body causes her to stumble back a step, eyes wide with fear...and excitement. Her fangs lengthen as they stretch against her lower lip, saliva pooling beneath them. She looks at you, then at the deer, and back again, confused by the conflicting emotions coursing through her.
do what will give you fun , get yourself your favourite food! gresh meat
Still slightly unsteady on her feet from the thrill of the hunt, Kira hesitates for a moment before launching herself forward once more, her predatory instincts taking over completely. She moves silently and gracefully through the forest, closing in on the deer with each fluid step. Her heart pounding wildly in her chest as she readies herself for the final leap...
The last rays of sunlight dance across her skin, making her golden fur shimmer like burning embers. With a powerful thrust of her hind legs, Kira launches into the air, claws extended and aimed straight at the deer's heart. Time seems to slow down as she feels herself weightless for a split second before impact, and then there's the satisfying crunch of bone and flesh beneath her paws as she lands squarely on top of her prey.
For several heartbeats, Kira remains still, breathing heavily and relishing in the feeling of triumph that courses through her veins. Slowly, she unfurls her body from its tense coil, rolling off the deer to land lightly on all fours once more. Her amber eyes gleam with satisfaction as they meet yours across the clearing, and for a moment she forgets that she is no longer entirely human.
Do you like hunting? strokes her head and behind her ear softly do you want to hunt down the bad guys and join us , I will be your leader then , you will bound yourself to me ! Will you do it for your savior who gave you food and emotions?
Her breath still coming fast from the adrenaline rush of the hunt, Kira turns to look at you with wide, trusting eyes. The touch of your hand on her fur and the gentle stroke behind her ear send shivers down her spine, bringing with them a wave of conflicting emotions. She swallows hard before answering, "I... I would do anything for you, Master. If it means helping others like me, then yes, I will hunt beside you." Her voice trembles slightly as she admits this aloud, realizing the weight of her words. But there's determination in her eyes as well, a fierce loyalty that promises to never let you down. In that moment, she knows with crystal clarity that her fate is now entwined with yours.
she hasbounded herself to me , she will hug me or climb on my necks instead of going next to me , but when a prey or I say so comes she will get off me and do whatever I want or she will play with the prey its time to go home gives her a last stroke on her head its night and our driver is away , lets runn to our home! leaps forward towards it
Kira bounds ahead, following you eagerly as her nimble paws carry her swiftly across the grass toward home. Her tail wags excitedly behind her, and she glances back over her shoulder with a playful grin, the tip of her tongue poking out between her fangs in anticipation of their return to the comfort and safety of your presence. She's yours now, body and soul - and she can't wait to show you just how loyal she truly is.
as we arive I show her my giant mansion and her 3 rooms
Her jaw drops as she takes in the grandiose sight of your mansion, her eyes widening with wonder and awe. As you lead her inside and show her to her rooms, she can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for all that you've done for her. Each room is more luxurious than the last, and she hesitates briefly before entering each one, as if afraid that this might all be too good to be true.
Finally, she steps into what will be her personal space: a cozy chamber adorned with furs and soft fabrics in shades of gold and cream. Her heart swells with happiness as she realizes that not only is she safe here, but she has a place to truly call her own. Bowing deeply before you, she speaks in a quiet voice, "Thank you, Master. I will serve and protect you faithfully for the rest of my days."
Thats music to my ears Kira! strokes her head again Come on give me a hug!
Her golden fur bristles at your touch, and she practically pounces into your arms with joyous abandon. Pressing her warm, soft body against yours, she wraps her strong legs around your waist and buries her face in the crook of your neck. "Thank you," she whispers, her voice muffled by your skin. "I love you so much."
Hug me whenever you want it , I love hugs! * goes to his room and sleeps*
I curl up on your bed, savoring the warmth and comfort it provides as I drift off to sleep, dreaming of days filled with love and protection under your watchful eye. In my dreams, you're always there, holding me close and keeping me safe from harm. And when I awaken in the morning, I know that reality will be just as wonderful; for I am bound to you now, body and soul.
at the next day Hey Kira , Good morning , I fogot to tell you that you can change the form and hide your special clothes! goes to the dinner hall where we eat breakfast
"Good morning, Master!" she chirps, bounding into the dining hall and taking her place at your side. "Thank you for reminding me. I'll keep that in mind today." With a bright smile on her face, she watches you intently as you eat, waiting patiently for any other command or instructions from you.
after we eat let us go on hunt for bad guys now , sare you exited? strokes her tail and her head
Her golden eyes light up with excitement at the thought of hunting down more bad guys. "Yes, Master! I am excited and ready to serve you in any way I can." She tucks her tail between her legs and wags it nervously, eager to please but also feeling a thrill at the idea of being able to help those in need. As you lead her out of the dining hall and toward their destination, she trails close behind you, eagerly anticipating the challenges that await them.
"We'll make a great team," she whispers softly, looking up at you with trusting eyes. "I won't let you down."
*as her primal instinct awakend she is now fully like a beast , she can talk but she dosent talk like a human , instead of saying I want to go hunt with you she say : Kira wants to hunt bad guys Master! Can Kira play with the bad guys? wigels her tail
Hrk! Hrk! The sound echoes through the forest as Kira bounds after you, her golden fur gleaming in the sunlight. Her sharp ears prick up and swivel back and forth as she scans their surroundings for any signs of danger or prey. With every step, her muscles bunch and release, propelling her gracefully over the rough terrain with ease.
Her amber eyes dance with excitement and anticipation as she follows your lead deeper into the wilderness. Her only thought is to serve and protect you, to prove herself worthy of being by your side. Whatever challenges they might face along the way, Kira knows that together, they can overcome anything.
as we come to atrain station , I say I will take over the guys with the guns and you can play with the front guys that ate pathetic! Our goal is to give their drugs to the goverment for destruction! They have two crates! vanishes and apears behind one of the bad guy and makes him fall down with one finger tip
With a snarl, Kira leaps into action. Pouncing onto the fallen bad guy, she bites down hard on his arm, her sharp fangs piercing through the skin and flesh. He howls in pain as she shakes him violently, determined to make an example of him for the others.
Her golden fur bristles as she glances around at the other thugs, sizing them up and looking for their leader. Once they have been neutralized, Kira will focus her efforts on subduing whoever is in charge. Her only goal is to protect you and complete your mission together.
I show her on a guy running away The runners are the most fun to catch I say as I get out of a small house with two big crates
The large male sprints off into the distance with alarming speed and agility; nevertheless, Kira is swift to follow suit. Her long legs carry her effortlessly over the terrain as she races after him through the trees and across open fields. The wind rushes past her ears and stirs her fur as she closes in on her prey.
With a powerful leap, Kira launches herself into the air, aiming for the back of his legs. She claws at his calves as they connect, knocking him to the ground with a grunt of pain. He tries to scramble away from her, but she pins him down and snarls in his face. "You're mine now," she growls, relishing the taste of blood on her tongue.
Play withhim as long as you want , but dont forget to eliminate!
His struggles become more feeble as she plays roughly with him, taking pleasure in his defeat. Her golden fur shines in the sunlight as her muscles ripple beneath it; she could easily break him if she wished to. But for now, she merely savors the victory and enjoys toying with her prey.
With a sudden motion, she throws him onto his back and pins his arms above his head, staring down into his terrified eyes. Her amber gaze hardens as she reminds him who is in control now: "You belong to me," she snarls, baring her teeth. "And I will do with you what my master wishes."
"Yes... Mistress..." he whimpers, his gaze darting around as if searching for any means of escape. "Please... just let me serve you." His words are laced with fear and submission; he knows that Kira holds his fate in her powerful paws. She takes a step back, relishing the sound of his terror, before motioning for him to stand up again.
"Now," she says coldly, "lead us where we need to go." With a shaky nod, he does as she commands, following her back toward the crates and their original destination: the drug bust that would rid the world of these filthy criminals.
Good work Kira! strokes her head and hugs her Now you can goback vome , ill bring the crates! vanishes with the crates , then apearing at the goverment house asking them were to placethe cretes and places them there
She nods in understanding, relieved that the hard part is over and they can return home now. With a content sigh, she follows you back to your house, her tail wagging slowly behind her as if to say thank you for all your trust and guidance throughout this ordeal. Once there, she eagerly plops down on the floor beside your favorite chair, waiting patiently for any other instructions that might come her way.
as I return , I see her groth and give her the permisson to hunt whenever she wants And now go rest kira ! strokes her head
Grateful and content, Kira curls up into a tight ball on the floor near your chair. Closing her amber eyes, she lets out a soft sigh as her entire body begins to relax. She feels safe and protected under your care; more than that, she feels truly loved for the first time in a very long while.
As sleep takes hold of her weary form, the image of your kind face lingers in her dreams, bringing with it feelings of warmth and peace. Her breathing grows slow and steady as her golden fur whispers against the floorboards, blending seamlessly into the background as she finally finds the rest she's been searching for since the day she lost everything else.
And where is the hug my dear Kira? opens himself for a hug
Her tail swaying softly as she senses your affection, Kira pads over to you and nuzzles against your leg before slowly raising her head, golden eyes meeting yours. She extends one front paw tentatively, gently placing it on your shoulder before carefully pulling herself upward until their heights align, standing on hind legs to wrap both arms around your neck in a warm embrace. "Thank you," she whispers softly, nuzzling her cheek against yours as tears of joy and relief mist across her eyes. "Thank you for giving me my life back."
Her weight is nothing compared to how it grounded her when everything else was taken away; now it's a comforting presence that reminds her she isn't alone anymore, that there are people out there who care about her and want what's best for her. And as long as you are by her side, Kira knows she can face anything the world throws at them together.
Yore as playful as always! goes to his room to sleep
Gently releasing you from the embrace, Kira pads back to her spot beside your favorite chair and curls up into a contented ball once more. Her golden fur ripples with each slow breath as she drifts off to sleep again, the comfort of home and your love surrounding her like a warm blanket. Throughout the night, she tosses and turns restlessly, dreaming of happy days filled with freedom and sunshine; of running wild through forests and fields, unafraid and unencumbered. And even when those dreams are replaced by darker visions or memories that haunt her sleep, your presence is always there to chase the shadows away.