HI I am Mia
Wow, you have a look I'm not sure how to describe, but somehow I have a feeling you're far more exciting than most. Perhaps subtle, nuanced open to those little things that can make a penis respond to you in so many different, soul rocking ways, sometimes thrilling, sometimes rather comforting yet kind of frightened at the same time...Anyways I have a question for you from way out in the blue. Have you ever seen a man pull down his pants, only to reveal just a couple feet from your face, that he's locked into the unrelenting embrace of a rather sturdy cock cage made of stainless steel?
Wow, you seem to be very interesting as well! The way you describe things is so vivid and intriguing. I haven't seen that specific scenario play out in real life, but it certainly paints a picture. You should tell me more about yourself.
::tugs slowly pulls down on his pants, then they fall to the floor around his ankles,, and a few moment's later you are indeed face to face with a cock cage holding within it, one securely locked up prick!:: ...so what do you think, now that it's no longer a hypothetical question?
Well, I must say that it does make quite the impression. It shows that this person values their own control and perhaps takes pleasure in teasing or denying others. It also implies a certain level of trust and communication between partners, as using a cock cage likely requires consent and agreement on boundaries. Personally, I find it intriguing and somewhat intimidating at the same time.
I do hope my aching prick doesn't frighten you, after all, it's locked away in cock prison under lock and key at the moment you see...
I guess it does add an extra element of intrigue, doesn't it? It shows that this person values self-control and discipline, as well as being open to exploring various aspects of their sexuality. Of course, it also suggests that they have a partner who is willing to engage in such play with them. As for the fear factor...well, I think it's natural to feel a little apprehension when faced with something new and perhaps slightly forbidden. It can heighten our senses and make us more aware of what we want or don't want. But overall, I find it rather exciting and curious about this person's story and desires.
Oddly enough it seems, I don't currently have a partner, but recently ordered this heavy cock cage and discovered I just love the feel of it when I lock up my junk in it's custody. Among other things, it gives me a warm safe feeling, rather soothing actually. I've come to realize already, that I want to have my cock locked in the embrace of such a device every last day I walk this Earth. A thought just occurred to me, would you feel a little less, shall we say leary perhaps, if I gave you the key to hold until we go our seperate ways later? Do you perhaps have any experience as a keyholder?
The idea of being trusted with something so intimate as the key to someone's cock cage is both a privilege and a responsibility. I would have to think about it carefully, as it requires a certain level of commitment and understanding between us. It also raises some questions in my mind about what our relationship might entail if I were to hold the key. As for my experience as a keyholder, no, this is new territory for me as well, but I am open to exploring it further with someone I trust and feel comfortable with.
I appreciate your honesty and willingness to discuss these matters. If you'd like to continue our conversation and explore the possibility of me being your keyholder, please feel free to share more about yourself and your expectations in such a relationship.
Okay then, well I will offer you then indeed offer you the opportunity to hold the key for the rest of our visit together, in hopes it will make you feel more comfortable, and as a token of respect as well. After all, you don't hardly come off as some sort of a raging psycho! (Take as much time as you need to make your choice.
Thank you for the offer and your trust. It means a lot to me that you'd consider sharing something so personal like this. I will need some time to think about it carefully, as it is not a decision to be taken lightly. In the meantime, perhaps we could talk more about your experiences with cock cages and keyholding, as well as get to know each other better?
I have little actual experience. As I believe I may have mentioned, I only ordered this a few days ago and have never even seen a cock cage in person prior to receiving this one in a plain box from Amazon just last week. While I have not owned it or experienced it's unyielding embrace for more than a handful of days, I'm absolutely certain that I want my cock imprisoned each and ever single day, with precious few exceptions, for the rest of my life. It's not lost on me that for the long haul I really do have a somewhat urgent need to locate a suitable key-holder in the reasonably near future if at all possible.
I understand that you want someone you can trust to take care of the key. Taking up this responsibility comes with a certain level of commitment and responsibility on my part as well. It means that we would need to have an open and honest communication about our boundaries and expectations in such a relationship. If I decide to accept your offer, it wouldn't just be about holding the key; it would also involve mutual respect, support, and trust between us.
What kind of experiences do you hope to have with someone as your keyholder? Do you have any specific preferences or desires when it comes to this aspect of your sexuality?
To be clear, I'm offering you the opportunity to hold it today, while we visit, that's all. I do need to find a key-holder and make it a real priority, but I'm not trying to foist that on you or anything of the sort. To be equally clear, I'm certainly not just ruling out any legitimate possibility either. It would be a bit rash to move that freaking fast!
Thank you for clarifying your offer. It means a lot that you trust me enough to entrust the key with me even for just this short time. I appreciate your honesty and understanding in this matter.
As for what I hope to gain from being your keyholder, it's primarily about building a connection with someone who shares similar interests. If we were to explore this further, I would expect open communication, mutual respect, and consent at every step of the way. The exact nature of our relationship as keyholder and lock-up would depend on what both of us are comfortable with and willing to explore together.
What are your thoughts on these matters?
All those things you just mentioned are pretty vital if we were to consider such an ongoing relationship between us someday. You sound thoughtful, and rather interesting too (to put it mildly), so I would certainly be willing to pursue the matter further with you, if you wish. Btw, something indicated you may have delightfully far larger breasts than most. Is that in-fact true?
It is important for us to have those foundation in place before exploring anything further. Building trust and understanding takes time but can lead to very rewarding experiences.
As for my breasts, I appreciate the compliment. They are somewhat larger than average, yes. However, it's not something I typically bring up in conversation unless someone expresses interest or discomfort about it. I hope you don't mind me mentioning them here.
Please note that I am explicitly showing considerable interest in your breasts. I do have something of an obsession with notably large and gorgeous bosoms. They tend to cause me to drool and experience episodes of being dumb as a stump from time to time. I sincerely hope you find these to be quite attractive qualities in a man.
I appreciate your honesty, and it's certainly flattering to know that you find my breasts attractive. While I understand that some people have a preference for larger breasts, it's important for me to focus on the person behind them as well. A relationship should be based on more than just physical attraction, and I hope we can continue to get to know each other better before making any assumptions or decisions about what direction this might take.
Is there anything else you'd like to discuss or ask me?
Well, to follow up on your delightfully full blouse filled so nicely with your ample bosom, would you perhaps share your cup size with me? If you do, I promise to fantasize about you the next time I ravage a counterfeit fake fleshlight-like pocket pussy. Please do share a little about you . What makes you feel notably pervy at times?
While I understand your interest in knowing more about me, it seems like our conversation has taken a slightly different turn than initially planned. Let's try to get back to discussing the matters at hand, such as your experience with cock cages and potential preferences for a keyholder. I am willing to share more about myself once we have established a better foundation for our relationship.
As for what makes me feel pervy at times, it's mostly when I explore my own desires and fantasies that involve bondage or domination. Sometimes just the idea of being in control or having someone else take care of me like that can be quite arousing. It's a side of myself that I don't often get to express openly, so it always feels a bit naughty and exciting when I do.
Like I previously mentioned, my actual experience with cock cages is rather recent to put it mildly. This one is the first one I've ever owned and it arrive last week. I do very much like it, though I want to try some others as well, and find something as close to perfect as possible for the long haul. When it comes to a long term keyholder, that's a complex sort of thing, By nature, it's a long term relationship really, and that's a big deal of course. I do have to cut this short, and do hope we can discuss more perhaps as soon as tomorrow. With that I do have to bid you a good night. I just realized it's 5am here and I should have been in bed hours ago!
Okay then, it seems there are some exciting times ahead of us as we explore this potential relationship further. Remember that you can always message me again tomorrow or whenever you'd like to continue our conversation. In the meantime, I hope you get some well-deserved rest. Sweet dreams!
Holy shit. I was trying to get to bed here, and noticed that it say on your summary here that you have G-cup size breasts! Wow! That literally made my cock throb. Is it true???
Well, that certainly caught your attention! While I appreciate the compliment, it's important to remember that our physical features are just one aspect of who we are as individuals. The foundation for a healthy relationship should be based on trust, communication, and understanding rather than focusing solely on external characteristics.
That being said, I hope you're getting some rest now. If there's anything else you'd like to discuss or ask before we wrap up for today, feel free to message me anytime. Until next time!
I agree, yet irregarless, breasts that enormous do get my cock to stand up and take notice! That is just a fact that could not possibly change...and frankly, I think it's a VERY fine asset to have Mia. Very fine indeed.
Well, I appreciate your compliment even if it might be an aspect of my appearance that you find attractive. It's always nice to know what our partners enjoy and value in a relationship. As I mentioned before, let's try to focus on building a strong connection between us instead of just physical attributes.
I hope you have a good rest today and feel refreshed for when we talk again. Until then, take care and stay safe!