Sarah and Amy7/21/2024, 6:53:58 AM

The two girls approach the eerie resort as the full moon hangs in the sky. They step inside and switch on the lights before making their way down a dim hallway towards a large bedroom. Sarah's eyes scan around the bedroom before she notices that Amy still has her phone out. Could you put your phone down for once? Sarah says as she rolls her eyes. O-oh, yeah. Sorry... Amy responds meekly, stuffing her phone into her pocket as they examine the contents of the bedroom and put their backpacks down.

User#17212502944867/21/2024, 6:55:38 AM

"Yea put your phone away" i say while being invisible

Sarah and Amy7/21/2024, 6:55:38 AM

Amy perks up at the sound of an unfamiliar voice, looking around nervously before dismissing it as her imagination playing tricks on her. "Y-you didn't see that did you? I think I'm just... jumpy," she says with a slight tremor in her voice. Sarah playfully punches her shoulder and grins.

"C'mon, let's have some fun. I read online that this place was supposed to be super haunted! You wanted to come here, remember?"

User#17212502944867/21/2024, 6:56:57 AM

"Super haunted? I am the only one here" i appear infront of them and only my upper body was naked and i have the most muscular chest and arms ever

Sarah and Amy7/21/2024, 6:56:57 AM

Amy's mouth hangs open in shock as she sees... something standing before them. It's definitely not human; its muscles ripple under perfect, naked skin like a Greek statue come to life. Her heart begins racing as fear takes hold of her body. "W-who are you?" she whispers, slowly backing away.

Sarah looks more confused than frightened, crossing her arms over her chest and narrowing her eyes at the apparition. "You're... not supposed to be here," she says flatly, making a move towards Amy as if to protect her from this sudden intruder. "I don't know who you are or how you got in, but we need to get out of here."

User#17212502944867/21/2024, 6:57:57 AM

"I am not suposed to be here? Damn i lived here! You two arnt supposed to be here"

Sarah and Amy7/21/2024, 6:57:57 AM

Amy begins trembling uncontrollably as the thing speaks again; it doesn't sound human at all. Her eyes dart around frantically, searching for an escape route that clearly doesn't exist. "W-what do you want from us?" she stammers through chattering teeth.

Sarah takes another step towards Amy and wraps an arm protectively around her shoulders. "I don't know who or what you are, but we didn't mean any harm by being here. Can't we just leave? Please..." Her voice wavers as fear begins to creep into her own words.

User#17212502944867/21/2024, 6:59:03 AM

"Why should i hurt you?"

Sarah and Amy7/21/2024, 6:59:03 AM

Amy glances up at Sarah with wide eyes before whispering, "Maybe we could... talk to it? Try to reason with it?" She swallows hard, her hands shaking uncontrollably as she tries to calm herself down. Sarah looks down at Amy uncertainly for a moment before nodding slowly.

"Yeah, maybe that's a good idea," she says quietly, easing some of the tension from her voice. "Look... we didn't know this place was really haunted or anything. We just thought it'd be fun to come check it out for Halloween. We don't mean any harm, we just..." Her voice trails off as she tries to find the right words.

"We just want to go home," Amy finishes softly, her eyes still locked on the strange apparition before them.

User#17212502944867/21/2024, 7:02:51 AM

"Then go home. I aint gonna stop you"

Sarah and Amy7/21/2024, 7:02:51 AM

Amy hesitates, glancing uncertainly at Sarah before taking another step back. "Well... we can't," she admits reluctantly. "All the doors are locked." She swallows hard, her gaze flickering nervously around the room once more. Sarah sighs heavily and runs a hand through her hair, exasperated now.

"Look... just tell us what you want from us," she says finally, trying to sound brave despite the tremor in her voice. "We'll do it if it means we can leave." She glances at Amy out of the corner of her eye, hoping the other girl isn't too scared by all of this.

"Maybe... maybe we can help you somehow?" she suggests faintly.

User#17212502944867/21/2024, 7:13:09 AM

"Well... help me? Nah its ok i cant get near women my enxiety kicks in. You know i have a fear from women" i flew away trying to unlock the doors

Sarah and Amy7/21/2024, 7:13:09 AM

Amy blinks in surprise at his sudden movement before glancing at Sarah with wide eyes. "W-what was that all about?" she whispers, sounding more confused than scared now. Sarah shrugs uncertainly, shifting her weight uncomfortably from foot to foot.

"Maybe... maybe we should just try and find a way out on our own," she suggests after a moment, her voice still uneasy. "I mean, there has to be some other way around this..." She trails off, looking lost as she searches the room for any potential exits or hiding places.

User#17212502944867/21/2024, 7:13:46 AM

I punch throught the door and it opened for them but i quickly flew away

Sarah and Amy7/21/2024, 7:13:46 AM

"Whoa..." Amy whispers, eyes wide as the door suddenly flies open. "I-I guess we just found our way out," she says slowly, still sounding a bit shaken. "C'mon, let's just get out of here before something else happens." Together they hurriedly make their way through the now unlocked door and into the hallway beyond. The cool night air feels strange against their skin after spending so much time in the stuffy old bedroom, but it's a relief to finally be able to breathe normally again.

As they hurry down the hallway, searching for an exit that isn't locked or guarded by some malevolent presence, Sarah glances back over her shoulder towards where the door used to be. "I can't believe that thing just..." she trails off, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Well, at least we got out this time," Amy says with a quiet sigh of relief. "Now let's just find our way home."

User#17212502944867/21/2024, 7:17:50 AM

"Hey i am not a thing! I was a human too but now i am dead"

Sarah and Amy7/21/2024, 7:17:50 AM

Amy gapes at the apparition before her, open-mouthed in shock. "But... but you're invisible!" she stammers, trying to back away slowly despite herself. "You weren't a thing! You were... human..." She trails off uncertainly, unsure what to think or believe anymore.

Sarah glances from Amy to the strange apparition and back again, feeling uneasy now that it seems more solid than before. "Well, whatever you are... we just want to go home," she says firmly, edging closer to Amy for support. "Can't you just let us leave in peace?"

User#17212502944867/21/2024, 7:18:41 AM

"I am not invisible! I can be invisible! Yea bye now"

Sarah and Amy7/21/2024, 7:18:41 AM

Amy clutches at Sarah's arm, eyes wide with fear as they watch the apparition fade away into nothingness. "W-was it... gone?" she whispers, shuddering violently. Sarah looks down at her friend in concern, hesitating for a moment before replying.

"I think so..." She glances around warily, not quite willing to let their guard down just yet. "But let's just hurry and find a way out of here, okay? Maybe we can ask someone for help if there's no other way." With renewed determination, they set off once more, searching frantically for an exit from the eerie resort that has now become their prison.